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Called To Excel by Rex Resurreccion

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Original Title: Called To Excel

ISBN: 9717178364
Autor: Rex Resurreccion
Rating: 4.6 of 5 stars (2815) counts
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Download Format: PDF, FB2, DJVU, iBook.
Published: by Crossover Books

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Dec 20, 2012
Rated it: really liked it
A timely read for starting the New Year
A practical book that can be daily practice, actually it encourages excellence to be a part of our
habit.I received my copy when I was still in college, it was a gift along with a certificate from one of
my college organization and I did not finished reading it before.
Filipino can easily adopt the ways written in this book, as this is dedicated to Filipinos. I tackles our
habits that must be break. It is not only for employees or boss, as this book
A timely read for starting the New Year
A practical book that can be daily practice, actually it encourages excellence to be a part of our
habit.I received my copy when I was still in college, it was a gift along with a certificate from one of
my college organization and I did not finished reading it before.
Filipino can easily adopt the ways written in this book, as this is dedicated to Filipinos. I tackles our
habits that must be break. It is not only for employees or boss, as this book also encourages
Filipinos to enter entrepreneurship to generate more income and jobs for our fellow Filipinos.
First the book defines excellence, and mediocrity. According to this book, mediocrity is a virus that
infects everyone and would eventually plague us, that SHOULD be treated. It also tackles the
rewards of being an excellent professional.
There is an assessment quiz in the book, that would help us determine if we are excellent or the
average unprofessional. Very useful I can say.
through out the book, raising our standard is constantly repeated. Excellence starts with yourself,
on your house. From time to time The author tell of stories that would later be explained, I find it
amusing and help not to bore the reader.
It also gives a hint on excellent upbringing of children, as our excellence can also help our future
children as well.
It does not only focus on the superficial level to help us raise from poverty. Well, reading this book
those not guarantee success overnight but teaches us to persevere.

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