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Discretization of camberline

o Used 11 points to describe profile line

o The last point can vary its vertical position (parameter=angle of
o Trailing edge deformable part = 10% of chord
o Cubic spline function used

Relation between T.E. deflection and angle of zero lift shift

The following table applies to a flap deformation of 10% of the chord and 11
points defining the camberline coordinates.

T.E deflection Angle of Zero Lift Ratio

angle [º]
-5 7.43 1.49
-4 5.95 1.49
-3 4.47 1.49
-2 2.99 1.49
-1 1.49 1.49
0 0 -
1 -1.49 1.49
2 -2.99 1.49
3 -4.47 1.49

An angle of deflection of 1º shifts the lift curve 1.49º to the left.

The number of points that define the geometry of the camberline has a big
influence on the results, because the spline that is being created depends
strongly on that number.

Relation between angle of attack and deflection angle to obtain same lift

angle of attack T.E. deflection

[º ] [º]
-5 -10.06
-4 8.04
-3 -6.03
-2 4.02
-1 2.01
0 0
1 2.01
2 4.02
3 6.03
4 8.04
5 10.06
6 12.07
7 14.09
8 16.12
9 18.14
10 20.16

In solid >> flat plate at 3º with TE deflection=0º >> Cl=0.3288 , Cm=0.0

In dashed >> flat plate at 0º with TE def=6.03º >>Cl=0.3290 , Cm=-0.0757

Testing of steady code
The following tests were made in order to validate the steady code.

1. Test of NACA23012 airfoil with fixed geometry

The analytic solution (not exact) given by Anderson, pag 279, has been
compared to the results obtained with the code.

Panel Code Anderson

Cl at 4º 0.5569 0.559
Cmc/4 -0.0134 -0.0127

2. Test of flat plate with trailing edge deflection (Katz & Plotkin, pag. 133)

Analytical solution , using small disturbance approximation of the boundary

condition, were analysed against the code. The results show agreement
between both.

Flap length 10% of chord

Camber line is straight from the L.E. until the hinge point, and then has a
constant slope until the T.E. 101 points have been used to define the profile.

Camber line for the flap analysis

Deflection of the T.E. Cl Cm

[º] with respect to leading edge
Panel Code Analytical Panel Code Analytical
Solution Solution
1 0.0424 0.0434 -0.0199 -0.0203
5 0.2124 0.2170 -0.0995 -0.1014
10 0.4266 0.4341 -0.1999 -0.2028
15 0.6443 0.6511 -0.3020 -0.3041

The differences seen might be attributable to the small disturbances

assumptions used in the analytical method.

Unsteady Analysis

For a sinusoidal variation of deflection angle δ = δ amp ⋅ sin (δ freq * t )

For a step change in deflection angle of δ step = 15º

The steady Cl is 0.8145 at this deflection angle. And the unsteady looks like
the figure below, having an initial value after the step of 0.4264.

The moment coefficient with respect to the leading edge has the following
behaviour in time.

but the steady value for the moment is –0.3911.

The following figure shows the Cl, Cm and the deflection angle as function of
time in seconds.

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