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Evasion Drills

Side step
- Players are organised into pairs with one ball between 2
- Students positon themselves 7-10m away from each other (facing each other) – cones can
be used if needed
- Both players run forward. As students get close to each other, the student
with the ball holds it out to one side, steps with the outside foot to the same
side, drawing their partner to that side, then pushes off their foot and
changes direction to the other side, running passed the other player
- The ball is passes to the other player to start again
Stage 1
- Increase distances
- Add another player to have a pass after the side step evasion
- Stepping to the side
- Body weight transferred towards stepping leg
- Push off from foot and effective change of direction

Dodge the defender

- Students in pairs with 4 cones set up (5m apart) in square. One ball per pair
- Attacker begins on a corner cone with defender starting on the opposite cone
- 2 opposite lines become score lines
- Attacker aims to score a touchdown on either score line by evading the defender
- If defender touches attacker, they reverse roles and
Stage 1/2
- Increase area
- Include another attacker to incorporate passing
- Competition between pairs to see who scores most
touchdowns in given time
- Effective stepping to side
- Transfer of weight from one foot to the other
- Change of direction away from the defender

- An area 10x5m is created with cones in each corner
- Students are organised into pairs and positioned in the centre of the area (rotate through
pairs on area)
- A ball in placed in the centre of the cones at one end, and the opposite side-line becomes
the touchdown line
- Players begin the centre of the area back-to-back
- At the call, both students run to opposite ends of their area
around the corner cone
- The player facing the ball scoops the ball up and attempts to
score a touchdown, evading the defending player
- Play is completed after a touch or touchdown has occurred
- Players rotate through positions
- Add two more players (another pair) into the activity to
increase difficulty and incorporate more skills of passing and
Stage 2/3
- Manipulate area
- Include roll balls with more than one touch being allowed before change of play
- Change number of players
- Effective change of body position to evade player
- Stepping to side and transfer of body weight in opposite direction
- Awareness of space
- Running at speed

Double defence
- Players are organised into 3 even teams (of 4-8, depending on class size) and positioned on a
20 x 10m area (approximately)
- One team is the attacking team, starting at the half way point, the other two teams are
defending teams positioned on the score-line
- Play starts with the attacking team performing a tap ball and running forward towards one
defending team, aiming to score a touchdown. Students should use evading skills to try and
beat the defenders
- Once the defending team has effected 3 touches on the attacking team, they are to move
back to where they started. The attacking team turns around and performs a roll ball to face
the other defending team
- The attacking team aims to score a touchdown in the given time before roles are rotated
and the activity is repeated
Stage 3/4
- Increase distances
- Change number of students in each team
- Manipulate rules
- Introduce competition for which team can score more
number of touchdowns in given time
- Effective stepping and change of direction to evade players
- Awareness of space and positioning
- Effective team play
- Accurate passes

(Touch football Australia, 2016: NSW Touch football, 2010)

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