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AI Magazine Volume 16 Number 3 (1995) (© AAAI)


Monster Analogies
Robert R. Hoffman

■ Analogy has a rich history in Western civiliza- larize the processes of inference and memory
tion. Over the centuries, it has become reified in access that are sometimes left underspecified
that analogical reasoning has sometimes been in cognitive theories (Hall 1988).
regarded as a fundamental cognitive process. In The purpose of this article is to first
addition, it has become identified with a particu-
describe, then deconstruct, and then recon-
lar expressive format. The limitations of the mod-
struct the concept of analogy as it is con-
ern view are illustrated by monster analogies,
which show that analogy need not be regarded as ceived in the allied fields of AI and cognitive
something having a single form, format, or science. Analysis of the forms and semantics
semantics. Analogy clearly does depend on the of analogy suggests that the concept can be
human ability to create and use well-defined or broadened beyond the common conception.
analytic formats for laying out propositions that In turn, this suggests ways in which computa-
express or imply meanings and perceptions. tional approaches might be enhanced, espe-
Beyond this dependence, research in cognitive cially by combining the insights from a num-
science suggests that analogy relies on a number ber of the existing models.
of genuinely fundamental cognitive capabilities,
including semantic flexibility, the perception of
resemblances and of distinctions, imagination, The Focus of This Article
and metaphor. Extant symbolic models of ana-
logical reasoning have various sorts of limitation, My focus is on verbal-conceptual analogy
yet each model presents some important insights rather than geometric or pictorial analogies
and plausible mechanisms. I argue that future such as those in figure 1. Interesting work has
efforts could be aimed at integration. This aim been conducted on geometric analogy and
would include the incorporation of contextual theorem proving by analogy (for example,
information, the construction of semantic bases O’Hara [1992], Kling [1971], and Evans
that are dynamic and knowledge rich, and the [1968]). Verbal-conceptual analogies are also
incorporation of multiple approaches to the distinguished from letter-string analogies
problems of inference constraint. such as
abc : abd :: iijjkk : iijjll .

“There is no word which is used more Chalmers, French, and Hofstadter (1992)
loosely, or in a greater variety of described an interesting system for solving
senses, than Analogy.” such analogies in which the process of repre-
—John Stuart Mill, 1882, p. 393 sentation building (perception) proceeds partly
in parallel with the process of analogy con-
struction. I focus on verbal-conceptual analo-

nalogical reasoning is a nexus for many gy because I suspect it is where AI will find
issues in AI—how to acquire knowl- much of the beef.
edge, how to represent meaning, how
to support creativity and “going beyond the
information given,” and so on. In many
The Scope of This Article
ways, the problem of analogy sets a stage for The many AI systems for analogy use a con-
potential advances in computational logic siderable variety of mechanisms (Hall 1988).
and machine learning. Existing AI models of Some systems begin with elaborate memory
analogy are all explicitly based on empirical representations; others begin impoverished.
observations of cognitive phenomena. Thus, Some operate on individual analogies; some
the problem of analogy also sets the stage for construct elaborate domain-domain map-
machine simulation, forcing one to particu- pings based on experience with multiple

Copyright © 1995, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-1995 / $2.00 FALL 1995 11

connectionism” (Holyoak and Barnden 1994b,

: :: : p. 23). Arguably, semantic networks and con-

ceptual graphs are themselves connectionist in
spirit. Conversely, some connectionist systems
can be regarded as symbolic if they include a
mechanism for (1) dynamic binding, (2) sym-
bol passing, or (3) the labeling of links. Per-
haps more fundamentally, the connectionist
approach might be suited to a certain aspect of
analogical reasoning—associative retrieval and
mapping based on efficient memory indexing
by spreading activation.
From a different perspective, connectionist
: : : systems seem to short circuit the problem of
specifying a mechanism for conceptual
: change. That is, they can be models of the
results of analogical processing, not the pro-
cessing itself. Furthermore, some systems do
Figure 1. A Simple Geometric Analogy and a Simple Pictorial Analogy. seem blind to the semantics of propositions.
(For a discussion of such conundrums, see
analogies. Some involve parallel or cyclical Barnden and Holyoak [1994]; Holyoak and
processing, and some are more sequential. Barnden [1994a]; Gentner and Markman
Most systems use some form of both top- [1993]; and the Open Commentar y, pp.
down and bottom-up reasoning, but they do 467–902, accompanying Thagard [1989]).
so in different ways. Some models seem pas- Symbolic-logical systems for analogy, as
sive; that is, they generate all possible map- defined here, are those that operate by (1)
pings or pairings of elements and then evalu- algorithms and heuristics that are dependent
ate the mappings for coherence. Others some on the syntax or semantics of propositions
seem more active or selective, say, by restrict- (as well as numeric data) and (2) inference
ing mappings to those that satisfy given a pri- axioms (rules, procedures) that are expressed
ori goals. Some systems place analogical infer- in terms of propositions and the semantics of
ence into a traditional deductive paradigm; their constituent entities, predications, and
some place it into a traditional production- parameters. (For details, see Hoffman and
rule system. Some systems painfully remem- Gentner [1995], Steinhart [1994], Indurkhya
ber all their past failures; other systems [1992], Martin [1990], Hall [1988], Prieditis
attempt to derive generalizable rules. Some [1988], Eliot [1986], Russell [1986], Stelzer
check for the adequacy of a solution by solic- [1983], or Bergmann [1979]).
iting information from the user; some do not. Like most AI systems, many systems for
Some systems have been backed up by empir- analogy are in a continual process of
ical investigation, and so on. refinement. Every researcher would acknowl-
Detailed analysis of the many AI models edge the gaps between what the systems can
(ACME, ANA, ARCS, ARGUS, ARIES, ANALOGY, ASTRA, do and what humans do. All researchers
BORIS, CARE, CARL, ECHO, GRAPES, JULIP, MEDIATOR, would acknowledge that their system does
PUPS, ZORBA, NLAG, STAR, and so on) is beyond not reflect, in all its particulars, the grand
the reach of any article.1 However, despite theoretical model they hold dear. Neverthe-
details and differences, AI models seem to less, at some point, one must examine what
share a common spirit, which is my level of programs actually do. The goal in surveying
analysis and the particular topic that will tie an area is to suggest some possible next steps
things together in the concluding sections of and open a dialogue. Why really care about
this article. this thing called analogy?
Related to the focus of this article on verbal-
conceptual analogy is a focus on symbolic The Importance of
computation. A number of projects have
involved connectionist and hybrid architec-
Verbal-Conceptual Analogy
tures for analogy processing (for reviews, see A great deal of cognitive research has been
Barnden and Holyoak [1994] and Holyoak and conducted on analogy. (For reviews, see Hoff-
Barnden [1994a]). One motivation for this man [1995], Holyoak and Thagard [1995],
new work is that analogical reasoning might and Gibbs [1994].) Analogy is generally
“bridge the gap between traditional AI and assumed to be a basic process in learning and


Analogy-Metaphor Key Figure(s)

Physical Science
Sound moves in waves, like water. Vitruvius
The Earth is a magnet. Gilbert
The Earth is like a sailing ship. Galileo
Light is like sound (that is, waves). Huygens, Frensel
A planet is a projectile. Newton
Lightning is a type of electricity. Franklin
Heat is a fluid, like water. Carnot
Chemical elements can be arranged according to their Mendeleeff
properties like the suits in a deck of cards (periodic table).
Gasses are like a container of billiard balls (kinetic theory). Boyle1
Electromagnetic forces can be conceived in mechanical terms. Maxwell
Molecules can have shapes, like that of a snake. Kekule
Atoms are like planetary systems. Bohr, Rutherford
Division of atomic nucleus is like cell fission. Frisch, Meitner
The atomic nucleus is like a droplet of fluid. Bohr
Biological Science
The heart is a pump. Harvey2
Nerves are tubes for conducting animating powers. Descartes
The eye is a camera. Keppler, Descartes
Respiration is a type of combustion. Lavoisier
Species evolution has causes like those governing the growth of Darwin
human populations.
Natural evolution is caused by a process parallel to Darwin
artificial selection (animal breeding).
Society is like an organism. le Bon1
Organisms are like a society (cell theory). Virchow2
Chromosomes are like beads on a string. Morgan
The body-brain is a machine. Descartes, de Condillac
Cognitive Science
The brain is like a telegraph-telephone switchboard. Helmholtz, Wundt1,2
The brain is like a network. Golgi, y Cajal, Lashley, Hebb
The mind-brain is a control mechanism. de la Mettrie, Wiener
The mind-brain is a connection-making machine. Locke, James Mill, Hartley
The rational mind-brain is a logical machine. Pierce, Boole, McCarthy
The rational mind-brain is a computational machine. von Neumann, Turing
The rational mind-brain is an information processing and Wiener, Shannon
communication system.
The rational mind-brain is a symbolic machine. Newell, Simon, Feigenbaum, Minsky
A computer can be like a neural network. McCulloch, Pitts, Rosenblatt,
Selfridge, Rumelhart

Table 1. Some of the Many Salient Analogies in the History of Some Sciences.

FALL 1995 13

cognitive development and, hence, useful in critically reliant on analogy in particular (Tha-
education (Schumacher and Gentner 1988; gard 1989; Darden and Rada 1988; Lea-
Pirolli and Anderson 1985; Brown et al. 1983; therdale 1974; and Hesse 1966). Polya (1954),
Mayer 1980; Ortony 1975; Petrie 1979). For for example, saw analogical thinking as an
example, it is possible to deliberately design absolute necessity for mathematical creativity
interfaces by taking careful advantage of (see also Newell [1983]). As far as I can tell,
analogies in the training process (Carroll and no modern philosopher or psychologist of
Mack 1985). science has argued that analogies are not
Likewise, analogy is generally assumed to essential to science or not a necessary compo-
be critical in problem solving (Mitchell 1993; nent in the explanation of scientific creativity
Chalmers, French, and Hofstadter 1992; Gent- (or failure).3
ner and Gentner 1983; Carbonell 1982; Hofs- Analogy seems rampant in all domains of
tadter 1981; Verbrugge and McCarrell 1977). human affairs—political and international
Although it can be tricky to induce the spon- affairs, psychotherapy, religious writings, legal
taneous noticing of analogy in the psycho- argument, and so on (see, for instance,
logical laboratory (for example, Ross [1987]; Holyoak and Thagard [1995], Hoffman [1992],
Reed, Dempster, and Ettinger [1985]; Gick Klein [1987], Paprotte and Dirven [1987],
and Holyoak [1980]; and Hayes and Simon Honeck and Hoffman [1980], MacCormac
[1977]), a number of experiments have suc- [1976], and Pollio et al. [1977]). The impor-
cessfully investigated the ways in which anal- tance of analogy is also highlighted by recent
ogy serves or disserves reasoning for such research in the paradigm of naturalistic deci-
things as algebra problems, prose comprehen- sion making. Expert reasoning sometimes
sion, and the acquisition of computer pro- depends on analogies to past cases, so-called
gramming skill (for example, Ross [1989], case-based reasoning (Hoffman et al. 1995;
Spiro et al. [1989], Holyoak and Koh [1987], Veloso and Carbonell 1993; Kolodner 1983).
and Schustack and Anderson [1979]). Klein and Weitzenfeld (1982), for example,
The importance of analogy to mature rea- studied avionics engineers who were analyz-
soning and expertise is underscored by ing components for new aircraft; their proce-
numerous studies of creative and scientific dure relied explicitly on analogies to function-
problem solving (for example, Clement ally similar components of older aircraft.
[1982], Boyd [1979], and Oppenheimer All this and more serves to justify continu-
[1956]). “The role of analogy in science can ing research by the cognitive scientists; con-
scarcely be overestimated” (Sternberg 1977a, tinuing efforts in AI; and continuing collabo-
p. 99). It is possible to analyze scientists’ ration in which cognitive research suggests
entire careers in terms of the analogies in models for AI, and AI models are empirically
series of projects (see Knorr-Cetina [1981]). compared with human performance.
Indeed, it is possible to analyze the broad his- To launch this exploration, what exactly is
tory of science in terms of the major analo- this thing we now call analogy?
gies or models.2 Leatherdale (1974) and Tha-
gard (1993) listed some important analogies Forms of Analogy in Modern
in the histories of biological and physical sci- Psychology and AI
ence. Their lists appear in table 1, with a few
examples added. The concept of analogy has a long and rich
Although some philosophers of science see history (see sidebar). Perhaps the most com-
analogy as a manifestation of a more general mon modern form is the three-term, multi-
process of induction or generalization, other ple-choice, verbal analogy, for example,
scholars have seen it the other way around Robin : Bird :: Mustang : ? .
(Indurkhya 1992). In sum, theories of analo- Such problems are an important task in many
gy seem to be theories of induction (Mill standardized intelligence tests, and the ability
1882). “The recognition of similarity” is often to solve them correlates fairly well with over-
regarded as the basic principle underlying all scores on intelligence tests (Sternberg
inductive arguments of all types (see, for 1977a, 1977b; Thurstone 1938; Spearman
instance, Corbett [1971] and Hesse [1966]). 1923), the correlations ranging from approxi-
According to this view, analogy might be mately 0.45 to 0.82.
regarded as merely one source of grist for the Such problems have been used in the effort
inductive mill (Hall 1988). However, some to disclose cognitive processes. For example,
historians and philosophers of science have reaction times and error probabilities in the
regarded hypothesis formation, explanation, solving of geometric analogies are a function
and the definition of abstract concepts as of the number of transformation operations


A (Very) Brief History of Analogy

nalogies of various forms can be of Logic, John Stuart Mill (1882, p. 393) tions) (Thumb and Marbe 1901). This view
found throughout the history of echoed Aristotle when he defined analogy (in conjunction with Francis Galton’s pio-
Western thought. To give just two as “the resemblance of relations. “To the neering experiments on association) stimu-
examples that rely on the comparison of Enlightenment’s prophet of automaton lated some of the earliest research, using
understanding with vision, Plato (The theory Etienne de Condillac (1971, orig. reaction-time methods in the classification
Republic, Book VI, Section XIX) relied on 1746), analogy is any relation of similarity. of word-association responses into superor-
an analogy comparing knowing and see- A second path in the history of analogy dinate, subordinate, and other categorical
ing to explain the origins of the idea of was that taken by rhetoric and linguistics. and semantic relations.
the “Good” (see Shorey [1946], pp. Throughout the Middle Ages, rhetoricians To be sure, from the time of the ancient
101–107), and Dante (The Monarchy, Book generally regarded analogy as being on par Greeks through the nineteenth century,
III, Section XVI) used a similar analogy with syllogism—as one of the major forms the broad use of analogy to explain lan-
(“enlightenment”) in his justification of of proper argumentation. Then, the con- guage was not left unquestioned (see, for
imperial authority in terms of its divine cept of analogy was broadened, applied by
instance, Brugmann [1876], pp. 317–320).
origins (see Hardie [1954], pp. 91–94). The grammarians as an explanation of histori-
However, in the mechanistic-behavioristic
word analogy comes from the Greek term cal change of word forms and inflections
linguistic theory of Leonard Bloomfield
for geometric or numeric proportions, (similar meanings should be represented
(1933), for example, analogy still played a
ratios, or symmetries. That is, it referred to by similar forms). In addition to such pro-
pivotal role in explaining language change.
the arrangement of two sets of numbers or cesses as lexical borrowing, analogy as a
In Breal’s (1964) semantics, analogy is “a
geometric forms, such that the numbers or basic process in language change “was for
a thousand years the preoccupation of the primordial condition of all language” (p.
forms within each set are related by the
same mathematical operator, transforma- clearest heads in Greece and Rome” (Ler- 77), and to Charles Hockett (1958), the
tion, or scale (ana logos = “same logic” or sch [1838], translated in Esper [1973], p. process of analogy can also explain the for-
“according to a ratio”). Examples would be 2). In contrast to the focus of the ancients mation of new idioms (that is, languages
the geometric analogy presented in figure on rhetoric (that is, analogies should be favor certain patterns in their idioms).
1, numeric analogies such as correct) and the focus of Renaissance Both Jackendoff (1983) and Rumelhart and
1 : 2 :: 2 : 4 scholars on the separation of logic from Norman (1981) sought to explain similari-
and verbal-geometric analogies such as rhetoric, when nineteenth-century lin- ty in word meaning (especially classes of
Circle : Sphere :: Triangle : Cone . guists launched what they regarded as a verbs) in terms of analogical family resem-
Aristotle, among others, extended the scientific approach to language (for exam- blances. It appears that Chomskyian lin-
analogy concept to include two additional ple, Muller [1862]), the analogy concept guistics is the only paradigm that has been
types of expression: (1) taxonomic rela- became central to explaining language intent on not using the concept of analo-
tions and (2) perceived resemblances, change and the relations of form to func- gy, let alone regarding it as a basic concept
especially similarities of function. Thus, tion (for example, tense inflections). Anal- to explain language structure, change, or
along with the proportional form, A is to ogy was regarded as a basic aspect of all evolution (Esper 1973).
B as C is to D, Aristotle included the func- language, including phonetic and syntac- As an analytic tool, as opposed to a
tional form, A is in B as C is in D, where is tic change. Thus, one could refer to purely rhetorical or pedagogical device,
in could refer to categorization, perceived oratorem : orator :: honorem : honor the analogy concept has been expanded
resemblance, or function. as a proportion (de Saussure 1959, p. 161). greatly over the centuries since the con-
After Aristotle, at least two meaningful As another example, of the five noun cept was introduced in Western civiliza-
paths can be plucked from the history of declensions in Old English, only the mas- tion. Indeed, John Stuart Mill’s defini-
analogy. One is the path of the Renais- culine strong declension involved using s tion—the resemblance of relations—is
sance and Enlightenment scholars who for pluralization, but by the Middle
echoed today by many philosophers, com-
relied on analogy in describing this new English period, all the declensions had
puter scientists, and cognitive scientists.
thing called science and who debated the adopted (by the hypothetical process of
However, despite the expansions of the
place of analogy in rationality. The Aris- analogy) the s pluralization. At the word
concept of analogy and the high praise for
totelian conception of analogy was used level, the change of verbs from strong to
its utility in scientific discovery, analogy
explicitly and productively throughout the weak and even the creation of new words
remains one of the poor boys of
Renaissance, for example in Galileo’s (kingdom and duke gave rise to dukedom)
(1953, orig. 1630) explanation of his were also described as change by analogy. logic—analogy is conjectural, or non-
observations of the motions of the planets To grammarian Nicholas Beauzee (1767), monotonic, as opposed to deductive. Anal-
and their moons, Keppler’s (early 1600s) theoretical psychologist Wilhelm von Hum- ogy has the status of such modes as induc-
astronomical and mathematical investiga- boldt (1960, orig. 1836), and linguist Ben- tive reasoning, dialectic reasoning, and
tions, and Boyle’s (late 1600s) chemical jamin Wheeler (1887), analogy governs all rhetorical reasoning.
research. At least because analogical infer- human language at the level of syntax and Overall, the historical legacy has played
ence was actually used in science, formula- case relations. Following von Humboldt an important role in determining the
tors of the concept of scientific method, and the rise of empiricism-associationism, shape of modern psychological research
such as Francis Bacon (1994, orig. 1620), linguistic analogy was regarded as a mani- and modern computational approaches by
regarded analogy as a respected member of festation of the basic psychological process delimiting the forms of expression that are
the family of rational modes. In his System of association (of forms with their significa- to be labeled as analogy.

FALL 1995 15

involved (for example, Pellegrino and Glaser than with tests of pictorial or geometric anal-
[1981] and Mulholland, Pellegrino, and ogy reasoning (Sternberg 1977a, 1977b), sug-
Glaser [1980]). For verbal analogies, the gesting that to some extent, the MAT does
implicit ground or relation is fairly con- tap into esoteric knowledge of word mean-
strained. If the terms in such analogies are ings and facility with semantic relations.
rearranged from the expected order, as in Of all these possibilities—from superficial
Deep : Costly :: Shallow : ? or literal features to esoteric knowledge—the
relations that most commonly underlie the
verbal analogies in intelligence tests are simi-
Humans : Gills :: Fish : Lungs ,
larity, oppositeness, word features (number of
the reordering forces the comprehender to letters, sound, spelling), category member-
mentally reorder the terms, and the reaction ship, shared changes of state, functional sig-
time and error rates increase (Sternberg nificance, and quantity (Sternberg 1977a).
1977a) (see also Barnes and Whitely [1981] Some of the many varieties of analogy are
and Ace and Dawis [1973]). presented in table 2. These examples are tak-
Much of the psychological research on en from textbook discussions of intelligence
analogy has involved preformulated problems tests, cognitive research, and books on prob-
that are well structured, semantically limited, lem solving (for example, Whimbey and
and largely context free (for example, geomet- Lockhead [1979]).
ric or letter-string analogies such as those Having illustrated the modern concept of
already illustrated). Many of the research analogy, I can begin deconstruction.
findings seem straightforward: It is harder for
people to complete three-term analogies than
to find a correct alternative in a multiple-
The Reification of Analogy
choice format (Johnson 1962), people per- The concept of analogy has become ingrained
form better if they are given explicit instruc- in Western civilization. Indeed, until fairly
tion and feedback (Sternberg 1977a; Inzer recently, it has been possible to merely assert
1972); and people do better on verbal analo- without comment that analogizing is a basic
gies if the correct solutions are high-frequency cognitive process, much as the rules of logic
associates of the given terms (Wilner 1964). have been regarded as the rules of thought
Lying perhaps at the other extreme of con- and not merely rules for proper rhetoric or
ceptual difficulty are the analogies of the debate (for example, Halford [1982] and Mill
Miller Analogies Test (MAT) (Psychological [1882]). This reification has been fairly
Corporation 1993). The MAT is intended to widespread, as suggested in table 3.
assess scholastic aptitude at the graduate lev- No one is at fault. The reification of analo-
el. It is said to emphasize the recognition of gy has been made all too easy. Reification is
verbal-conceptual semantic relations and fine also not necessarily a bad thing—certainly
shades of relational meaning, for example, not if the reified notion and its conceptual
Annoy : Enrage :: Enlarge : (a. increase, armamentarium afford useful analytic tools
b. exaggerate, c. augment, d. reduce) . or serve a heuristic function. Reification
If one assumes that the first two terms might even lead to analysis or empirical work
express synonymity, the dilemma is that both suggesting that the concept is in need of dis-
a and c would work as answers. The correct memberment. An example might be the psy-
solution is b, expressing the relation of to do chological concept of schizophrenia; recent
X but to a greater degree. Here are two more etiological research suggests that there might
examples: indeed be more than one underlying disease
(a. brown, b. pink, c. orange, d. yellow) : Red ::
Green : Blue .
Despite the potential heuristic value,
reification can lead to confusion between
The answer is orange (mix of yellow and red, description and explanation. For example,
just as green is a mix of yellow and blue). Halford (1992), among many others, asserts
Induction : (a. confirmation, b. graduation, that “much of human inference is basically
c. ordination, d. resistance) :: Soldier : Priest. analogical…. Analogy comes naturally to both
The answer is ordination. children and adults” (pp. 193, 211). However,
Scores on the MAT are correlated with the analogy gets defined in such a way that it can
vocabulary subtests in general intelligence embrace diverse forms of inference. This
tests (Guilford 1967; Meer, Stein, and Geerts- reification is laid out in clearest detail in Sack-
ma 1955) and are correlated more highly steder’s (1979) reverie on the question of
with other tests of verbal analogy reasoning whether logic justifies analogy or vice versa.


Examples Expressive Function

Parallelogram : Rhomboid :: Square : Cube Components
ABC : ABCD :: PQR : PQRS Sequencing
Pharmacy : Drugs :: Grocery : Food Containment or location
Steward : Airplane :: Waiter : Restaurant Location of function
Robin : Bird :: Thoroughbred : Horse Set-subset-superset
Gills : Fish :: Lungs : Humans Functions of organic systems
Surgeon : Scalpel :: Writer : Pen Tools used for jobs
Menu : Restaurant :: Guidebook : City Navigational tools
Deep : Shallow :: Expensive : Inexpensive Dimensional polarity
Seed : Tree :: Egg : Bird Growth transformation
Electron : Nucleus :: Planet : Sun Shared relation
Loving : Hating :: Admiring : Despising Oppositional emotions
Thermometer : Temperature :: Clock : Time Devices and measures
Student : Truant :: Soldier : AWOL Illegal absence
Dog : Bark :: Cat : Meow Animal noises
Dam : Flood :: Vaccination : Disease Prevention
Tennis : Racket :: Baseball : Bat Equipment used in sports
Kitchen : Eat :: Bedroom : Sleep Location of household activities
Static : Dynamic :: Structure : Function Shared relation
Umbrella : Rain :: Galoshes : Puddles Function in weather apparel
Umbrella : Tree Canopy :: House : Cave Manufactured versus natural shelter

Table 2. Some of the Countless Relational and Transformational Functions for Analogy.

He began by defining analogy as the postu- the systematic laying out of possible features
lation of a perceived similarity rather than (relations, and so on) that a comparison
something justified by logic alone. His second entails and the rational or empirical explo-
premise was that analogy entails certain ration of the relations. However, analogy is
inferences based on the similarity of qualities, not a thing that exists “out there” in either
the similarity of relations, or the similarity of the Platonic realm of mathematics and truth
structures. The next premise was that the or in the noumenal realm of neurons or in
similarities define transformation rules that the phenomenal realm of mental representa-
make arguments valid or plausible. One could tions and processes.
conclude from these premises that analogy It is granted that so-called analogical rea-
underlies logic—because all logic (that is, all soning can explicitly or consciously occur in
hypothetical forms for deductive, inductive, cognition (especially in the cognition of peo-
or abductive inference) can be said to rely on ple who think a lot about the concept of
structured inference. analogy). It is granted that explicit analogical
To paraphrase Sacksteder (1979), analogy is reasoning often plays a role in science. It is
something we have created by formulating certainly granted that learning often involves
logic such that arrangements are both formed the transfer of old knowledge to support the
and ruled by the concept. This point deserves generation of new knowledge (Brewer 1989).
emphasis: Given that analogy has become Nevertheless, scientific and creative analogies
ingrained in Western civilization, it is now are usually post hoc; that is, the scientist-rea-
possible to claim that analogy is necessary for soner thinks in terms of metaphors and
problem solving precisely because the con- images. (Note that most scientific analogies,
cept of analogy and the analogy format were such as those in table 1, are usually presented
invented to label and describe exactly the as similes or metaphors.) Only after consider-
sorts of phenomena that problem solving able analysis might the implied relations be
involves! fleshed out in an explicit format or realized in
Saying that analogy is basic to logic or a physical model (Hoffman 1995, 1985;
cognition is just like saying that “this man Knorr-Cetina 1981; Black 1962).
behaves crazy because he is schizophrenic.” This perspective suggests that the scope of
This statement is a description, not an the modern concept of analogy could be
explanation. broadened. The next section presents a guid-
Analogy seems to be something useful— ing premise for the reconstruction of analogy.

FALL 1995 17

Premise Author(s)
Men reason by analogy long before they have learned to reason
by abstract characters. James (1890, Vol. 2, p. 363)
All expressions for mental phenomena are borrowed from
analogous material in experience. Hoffding (1904, p. 153)
Analogy is a primordial condition of all language. Breal (1964, p. 77)
Analogy may be equated with stimulus generalization, isomorphism,
metaphor, abstraction, transfer, and the scientific model. Haskell (1978, p. 161)
Learning is a process of analogy-based transfer which necessitates the
creation of new schemas and the “tuning” of old ones. Rumelhart and Norman (1981, p. 357)
Analogy is ubiquitous in human thinking. Thagard et al. (1990, p. 259)
A faculty for analogical reasoning is an innate part of human cognition.
The concept of an inferentially sound analogy is a universal. Gentner and Jeziorski (1993, p. 447)
The ability to perceive similarities and analogies is one of the most
fundamental aspects of human cognition. Vosniadou and Ortony (1989, p. 1)
The basic constraints of analogy—similarity, structure, and purpose—
are already present in the chimpanzee.… Preschool children, without any
formal training, have a natural capacity to reason by analogy.…
Analogical thinking is the product of evolutionary changes in the way
animals represent knowledge of relations. Holyoak and Thagard (1995, pp. 4, 67, 72)

For economy of exposition, some entries are partially paraphrased and some are quotations that have been abbreviated without ellipsis.

Table 3. Passages Illustrating the Tendency to Reify Analogy.

The Semantic Flexibility the mapping of literal or superficial features

Hypothesis (Gentner 1983; Gentner and Gentner 1983).
For example, in an analogy comparing atoms
Hofstadter (1981) argued that analogies arise to solar systems, the sun is more massive
in unconscious processes in which boundless than a planet; the orbiting relation of a plan-
similarities and resemblances can be per- et with the sun would map to the orbiting
ceived. Gentner and Markman (1995) and relation involving electrons and nuclei. In
Vosniadou and Ortony (1989) have made a the analogy comparing electric circuits to
similar argument, to the effect that the phe- fluid flow, voltage across a resistor maps onto
nomenon called analogy seems to rely on a pressure across a constriction.
focal idea in cognitive psychology—similari- Furthermore, analogy is not just the laying
ty. There can be little doubt that the percep- out of similarities; distinctions and differ-
tion of resemblances is critical to learning ences can also be important. In fact, in
and language (Verbrugge and McCarrell 1977; ancient Greek thought, analogy was regarded
Spearman 1923). Research on similarity judg- as only one basic style of rhetoric or argu-
ment has converged on the notion that simi- mentation. It was mated with polarity, the
larity is rarely just a property of things but is perception of differences or opposites,
a manifestation of an underlying, context- expressed in the same format as analogy
dependent comparison process (Medin, Gold- (Lloyd 1966).
stone, and Gentner 1993). The pertinence of semantic flexibility to
Furthermore, the research shows that anal- analogy is highlighted by the academic
ogy is not just the laying out of similarities quandary regarding the relation of analogy to
based on shared features; for some analogies, metaphor (Gentner 1982). It is by no means
what is critical is relations and even higher- clear that metaphor is an aspect of language
order relations. In physics, the analogical and that analogy is a type of reasoning. The
mapping of relations (predicates taking two metaphor-analogy relation is actually a
terms), such as dynamics, changes of state, difficult chicken-egg problem (Hoffman 1995;
and functions, can be more important than Holyoak and Thagard 1995). It is sometimes


assumed that analogy is a special case of Nightingale : Nursing :: Fox : Anthropology .

metaphor in which the elements within two Robin Fox happens to be the name of a noted
domains are explicitly placed in anthropologist.
correspondence (Hall 1988). Conversely, some For many analogies, there is clearly more
scholars have defined metaphor as a type of than one valid interpretation. An easy exam-
analogy (for example, Beck [1978]; for reviews, ple would be the numeric analogy
see Hoffman [1995] and Steinhart [1994]). For
10 : 1 :: 20 : ? ,
example, in his first presentation of an AI sys-
tem for processing verbal metaphor, Indur- which could be completed by 2 if one
khya (1985) asserted that analogy underlies all assumes a divide-by-ten relationship or a first-
metaphors and models, and then later, he digit relationship. However, it could be com-
(Indurkhya 1988) asserted that analogies and pleted by any number less than 20 if one
models are special cases of metaphor. assumes a less-than relationship. The analogy
This conundrum reinforces the notion that Washington : Lincoln :: 1 : ?
one really important phenomenon at hand is could be completed by 15 (first and fifteenth
semantic flexibility: People can relate any- presidents) or 5 (portraits on U.S. currency).
thing to anything on the basis of anything. The analogy
Relating can take the form of comparison—the
Steward : Airplane :: Waiter : Restaurant
perception of resemblances. It can take the
form of contrast—the perception of distinc- could be based on the places where the jobs
tions. It can take the form of dependency—the are performed or the partial functional simi-
perception of invariants or relativities. Fur- larity of the jobs themselves. The analogy
thermore, the resemblances, the distinctions, Warm : Cold :: Approach : Withdraw
or the invariants can be based on anything could be interpreted as dealing with human
(dimensions, attributes, relations, and so on). emotion or doppler shifting.
Hoffman and Honeck (1976) referred to For the MAT items, the possibility of multi-
semantic flexibility as the semantic infinity ple completions can never be ignored safely.
hypothesis, and it is not only pertinent to lin- Look out—Napoleon is a person and a type of
guistic generativity (as in Katz and Fodor’s brandy…and a type of pastry! Then, an anal-
[1966] notion of syntactic infinity) but also to ogy might seem completable based on some
reasoning in general and analogy in particu- semantic gymnastics, when in fact the best
lar: “To propose an analogy—or simply to (correct) completion is based on the part of
understand one—requires taking a kind of speech (nouns versus verbs), the number of
mental leap. An idea from the source analog letters in the terms, or something equally
is carried over to the target. The two might unobvious. An example from a short course
initially seem unrelated but the act of making in analytic reasoning (Whimbey and Lock-
an analogy creates new connections” head 1979) is
(Holyoak and Thagard 1995, p. 7). The fol-
Polluted : Pure :: Tainted : ?
lowing examples of semantic flexibility set
the stage for the presentation of the monster Should one look for a completion beginning
analogies, which push flexibility to its limit. with the letter t or a completion that means
Once I accomplish the reconstruction, the something like undefiled? Analogies that
goal of the last sections is to explore some involve multiple completions can take the
implications for AI. comprehender down a garden path, depend-
ing on the comprehender’s ability to psych
out the person who concocted the analogy.
Examples of Semantic Flexibility
Semantic flexibility in analogy takes a num- Violations of Proportionality
ber of forms. One general form for four-term analogy is
expressed in the following equation:
Multiple Completions <A, R1, B> • <C, R2, D> ⊃ <R1, R3, R2> .
For some analogies, it is easy to assume a sin- Here, analogy is described in terms of ordered
gle relation, especially if it is a common one. sets and relations, with implication used in a
For example, for nonmaterial and nontautologous sense. If the
Nightingale : ? : : Fox : ? , A, B, C, and D terms refer to word concepts,
it seems reasonable to infer a type-of relation then they are represented as sets of semantic
and complete the analogy with bird family qualities (features, slot values, and so on); if
and canine family. However, an acceptable the terms are conceptual entities or systems
completion would also be (for example, atoms, solar systems), then they

FALL 1995 19

are represented as sets of sets, that is, compo- both R1 and R2. However, both the prototypi-
nents of superset categories or domains. Tak- cal crow and the South American leopard
en together, the A and B terms imply the con- have black coverings; so, R3 involves a poten-
ceptual sets to which they could belong and tial flourish. As another example,
the relation of these sets. Inferred set and Falcon : Mustang :: Eagle : Colt
superset membership is coimplicational with
could be interpreted as involving predatory
candidate relations for the A and B terms and
birds and ruminant mammals but also as
the C and D terms.
involving types of Ford and Chrysler automo-
Typically, it is assumed that the relation R1
biles named after animals.
is identical to the relation R2 and that the
Given that For many intelligence tests, all but one of
relations are nondirectional. By common
the potential R3 flourishes are supposed to be
analogy has definition, a simple or proportional analogy
ignored, thus allowing one to assert that an
is highly symmetric (see, for instance,
become Indurkhya [1992]). That is, A and B can be
analogy has a best or correct answer or, con-
versely, to quibble about whether an answer
ingrained in switched with C and D, and there will be no
is correct, for example,
alteration of meaning, as in
Western Gills : Fish :: Lungs : Humans →
Garden : Fence :: Car: (Bumper) .
civilization, it Lungs : Humans :: Gills : Fish . Although fences can protect gardens, and
bumpers can protect cars, bumpers cannot
is now Similarly, it is believed possible to switch B
keep trespassers out of cars. Another example
and C without changing the meaning:
possible to Gills: Lungs :: Fish : Humans .
is the analogy
claim that However, this switch clearly can involve a
Refrigerator : Food :: Wallet : (Money) .
According to my reading, there is more here
analogy is change in meaning—surely, R3 should now
than the simple relation of containment—
make some explicit reference to phylogenetic
necessary for relations in addition to the functional (respi- wallets do not preserve money in any strong
problem ratory organs) relation. sense. Hence, to me, the correct answer is not
The identification of R1 with R2 is a limit- thoroughly correct (nor is the analogy an
solving ing case, primarily because it gives short especially good one unless I rely on the cold-
precisely shrift to the thinker. For example, cash idiom).

because the Pine : Wood :: Iron : Metal Anomalous Analogies

concept of could be interpreted according to a simple Johnson (1975) (see also Deese [1974–1975])
type-of relation. In this interpretation, R1 is had people attempt to solve analogies that
analogy and related to R2 in that they are identical, and R3 were intentionally anomalous, as in
the analogy is interpreted simply as and or as. However,
River : Story :: Milk : ? .
one can note that iron occurs in semimetallic
format were form in living organisms. In this interpreta- If given enough semantic rope, people could
invented to tion, R3 asserts that R1 and R3 are similar, yet come up with solutions and could rationalize
different. This flourish added by R 3 would the solutions. Independent judges showed
label and mean that the analogy would perhaps not high rates of agreement in rating the vast
describe best be completed with iron. Similarly, the majority of the solutions as justifiable, even
analogy based on a shared functional relation, though people yielded different solutions.
exactly the Johnson and Henley (1992) recently extend-
Cheeks : Squirrels :: Shopping Bags : Humans ,
sorts of might not be quite right because cheeks are
ed this finding to multiple-choice anomalous
analogies, such as
phenomena both living matter and part of the squirrel. As
Horse : Time :: Stone :
that problem a third example, in the analogy
(a). king, (b). book, (c). girl, (d). train .
Umbrella : Mop :: Shell : Watermelon ,
solving For such analogies, one is effectively blocked
R3 can be taken to express the identity of R1 from determining any shared literal proper-
involves! and R2 (things that resist versus absorb mois- ties that might suggest a successful comple-
ture), but R3 adds its own flourish—manmade tion; relations are about all that are left. In
versus organic things. Johnson’s experiments, relational solutions
The flourishes added by R3 point to the dis- were the most frequent, and the indepen-
tinctions between the A/B relation and the dent judges again showed near-perfect agree-
C/D relation. The flourishes can often safely ment in categorizing solutions into relation-
be ignored, but they are always there. For al subtypes.
example, in the analogy Analogies can be made difficult by creating
Crow : Bird :: Leopard : Cat , the appearance of anomaly. For example,
a simple type-of relation can be assumed for Drag : Pull :: Travel : Plow


throws the interpreter a curve ball. To drag is Should one opt for a word that rhymes with
to pull something behind you, but how does jail? The analogy could be completed by the
this term fit with the second two terms? To word sell, the trick being common two-word
travel is not to plow something behind you phrases where the second word is substitut-
unless this is a reference to plowing the ed with a heterographic homophone (Dye
ocean. However, there is a meaning here: and Cell). The next step would be analogies
Drag is a type of contest involving cars, a pull such as
is a type of contest involving tractors, travel is Beef : Stake :: Hand : Break .
an ordinary function of cars, and plow is an The relations R1 and R2 would both be com-
ordinary function of tractors. mon two-word phrases with B and D substi-
Some of the MAT practice items rely on tuted with heterographic homophones, but
apparent anomaly, such as in R 3 would have to specify that there is a
Speed : Weight :: Knot : Carat rhyming relation between B and D as well. In
and theory, for any three-term analogy having
Horse : Dolphin :: Camel : Walrus .
more than one solution, it is possible to con-
coct an R3 such that all the multiple solutions
Sometimes, apparently anomalous analogies are embraced in the single higher-order rela-
are anything but anomalous as far as their tion. The analogy
communicative intent. Recall the following
Helicopter : Hummingbird :: Submarine : ?
popular bumper sticker: “A woman without a
man is like a fish without a bicycle.” can be interpreted in at least two ways: (1)
To embrace the diverse examples that are man-made versus organic things that fly ver-
available, the ontology expressed in column 2 sus things that swim or (2) things capable of
of table 2 is broad enough to include just station keeping. For both interpretations, the God set down
single term seahorse would be a satisfactory
about anything, even ontological, logical, and
no “Eleventh
linguistic concepts themselves. “The problems
with explicating analogical reasoning are Although some existing AI systems for Command-
analogy can generate multiple solutions or
legion because virtually anything (from one
mappings, the next processing step is usually
standpoint or another) can be analogous (on
one count or another) to virtually anything
to evaluate and select rather than attempt to concerning
generate a higher-order relation or integra- the form,
else.… There is no such thing as analogy sim-
tion of the multiple mappings.
pliciter” (McCauley 1989, p. 482). The stage format, or
has been set for presentation of the monsters. Monsters That Necessitate Escape
from the Semantic Base
content of
Monster Analogies One can easily concoct analogies such as analogy.
As far as I know, God did not set down an l : ell :: x : eks .
Eleventh Commandment concerning the Because the fourth term is not exx, this mon-
form, format, or content of analogy. A mon- ster would be anomalous to systems for pro-
ster analogy has the following characteristics: cessing letter-string analogies (for example,
(1) creating a monster analogy can drive the Chalmers, French, and Hofstadter [1992]).
creator insane, (2) no existing computer sys- The reason is that the semantic base consists
tem can accept a monster analogy as input initially of information that specifies the par-
without relying on redescription based on tial ordering of characters (for example, it can
some ad hoc criteria, or (3) no existing algo- derive the fact that d comes before p). This
rithm can process a monster analogy. Howev- monster relies on the fact that letters of the
er, monster analogies are not necessarily alphabet partially map onto phonemes.
difficult for humans to understand. Hence, in a notation that uses letters rather
than bracketed phonetic symbols, the letter l
Complex Completions is pronounced ell, and the letter x is pro-
For many of the analogies on the MAT, there nounced eks. One can also rely on the fact
is more than one completion. Based on the that letters of the alphabet contain ortho-
proportional theory of analogy, the multiple graphic information. For this monster—
completions of an analogy are generally ijk : ijl :: mno : mnv —
believed to be somehow separate from one one might assume that the completion
another. There seems to be little reason why should be mnp because p follows o in the
we should be constrained to think of it this alphabet. However, the rule might require the
way. Start with the garden-path analogy: third letter to follow the second letter but not
Tie : Die :: Jail : ? . necessarily immediately—it might have to be

FALL 1995 21

a letter that consists solely of straight lines. In duplex analogy is not just to find the under-
this case, the correct completion would be lying R1, R2, R3 solution to the given complete
mnv. Such orthographic information is not analogy but also to find the reordering of the
contained in AI systems for processing letter- A, B, C, and D terms that yields a different
string analogies. and coherent R1, R2, R3 solution.
In general, the AI systems for analogy can- The terms in analogy provide context for
not escape their own semantics. A type of each other, which can shift subtly or drasti-
verbal monster demonstrates this fact. cally as a function of the ordering of the
terms. To paraphrase Holland et al. (1986, p.
A monster Monsters That Seem to Violate 302), the relational status of propositions is
Proportionality not defined independently of their participa-
analogy has As explained previously, it is traditionally tion in an analogy.
the following assumed that the relation of the A and B
terms is identical to the relation of the C and Monsters That Violate the A : B :: C :
characteris- D terms—R1 is identical to R2. However, this D Format
tics: assumption is purely by convention. One can It is easy to construct analogies that have four
(1) creating a concoct analogies for which the ordering of explicit terms but only three content words.
the terms is critical in determining the rela- With polysemous nouns (homographic
monster tion of the A-B and C-D relations. homophones),
analogy can A minimal case involves synonymity, as in Toast : Food :: Toast : Honorific
Naive : Innocent :: Sophisticated : Worldly ,
drive the means that toast is a type of food, and toast is
versus antonymity, as in a type of honorific;
creator Naive: Sophisticated : Innocent : Worldly . Snow : Video :: Snow : Traffic
insane, However, many other types of contrast are means that snow is a type of signal disruption,
(2) no possible. For example, and snow can be a disruption to traffic; and
existing Circle : Sphere :: Triangle : Cone Belt : Swallow :: Belt : Strike
relates each of two terms according to a rota-
computer tional transformation, but the reordering
is again a reference to a type-of relation. It is
possible to construct one or more such analo-
system can Circle : Triangle :: Sphere : Cone gy for every polysemous noun to explicate
accept a relates the terms differently (that is, two- the ambiguity.
dimensional versus three-dimensional forms). Similarly, it is easy to find analogies with
monster In the case of verbal-semantic analogies, only two or three explicit terms; it can be said
analogy as the interpretation of a term is constrained by that this is the format of many similes and
the term with which it is paired. For example, metaphors. For example, the statement Bill-
input without boards are warts on the landscape leaves out the
Field : Mouse :: Prairie : Dog
relying on B term (faces). The statement Night’s candles
involves the relation of common two-word
redescription are burnt out leaves out the B and D terms
terms for types of rodent, but the reordered
(stars and something like indoor lighting).
based on analogy—
Analogies can also have more than four
Dog : Mouse :: Field : Prairie —
some ad hoc explicit terms. In using the analogy format to
involves the relation of domesticated versus explain language change, linguists of the
criteria, or (3) undomesticated (dogs are domesticated mam- eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were
no existing mals; a prairie is an expanse of undomesticat- limited only by the number of languages or
ed plants). the number of inflections being compared,
algorithm can Semantic monsters such as this are not making analogy the expression of any pattern
process a easy to concoct, even when starting with lists (Bloomfield 1933), as in
of polysemous words (homophones or homo-
monster graphs), but to make the point, here’s anoth-
Scream : Screams : Screaming : Screamer :
Screamed :: Dream : Dreams : Dreaming :
analogy. er example: Dreamer : ? .
Mount : Horse :: Board : Plane . This format is alien to AI and cognitive sci-
One mounts a horse, and one boards a plane. ence and might perhaps be regarded as mere-
However, in the example ly an expression of inflectional patterns.
Mount : Board :: Horse : Plane , However, remember, there is no Eleventh
Commandment. Thus, for example, one
mounts and boards are tools used in advertis-
could take an analogy such as
ing, and planes and horses are tools used in
carpentry. Monsters of this type could be Bird : Sparrow :: Mammal : ?
called duplex analogies. The goal in solving a and complete it as


Bird : Sparrow :: Mammal : Dog : Pig : Rabbit : diction or paradox, for example,
Platypus , This analogy : Ill-formed syntax :: Anomalous
expressing the fact that there are a great sentences : Ill-formed semantics : Horse .
number of acceptable solutions for a given R3. This analogy is self-referential and is ill
Format violation can occur in another way; formed (Why is Horse added at the end?), but
there is no rule that says that each slot in an because it is correct in asserting its own ill
analogy has to be occupied by a single word: formedness, does it really have an anomalous
Copernicus, Brahe, and Galileo : Astronomy :: semantics? On the same theme is
Bohr, Heisenberg, and de Broglie :
“This analogy refers to itself” : Self-
Quantum mechanics
reference :: “This analogy does not refer to
or itself” : Contradiction .
Gun, bullets, retriever : Hunting :: Reel, rod, Note that the C term satisfies the R1 and R2
line, hook : Fishing relation (type of) only by virtue of the pres-
Even sentences can appear as components, as ence of the A term. As a final example of
in monster analogies, analogies can be embed-
“The odorless child inspired a chocolate ded within other analogies, as in
audience” : Semantic anomaly :: “Boy book (Feather : Birds :: Hair : Mammals) : Simple ::
read the” : Syntactic anomaly . This analogy : Confusing .
Thus, although the general form for analogy Only in theory could extant models of
can be given as A : B :: C : D, each of the com- analogy include analogy as a concept-term or
ponents can consist of more than one term, as an ontological category in the semantic
and as many as two of the components can base. Actually dealing with the semantics of
be left implicit. Existing AI models for analo- such seemingly paradoxical monsters would
gy would have monstrous difficulty with pol- fall well beyond the capabilities of any exist-
ysemy, ambiguity, and other types of format ing AI system.
Monsters That Deny Distinctions of
Self-Referential Monsters Format Type
Why not concoct an analogy that has its own It is by no means obvious at the outset that a
explanation in the second two terms: system for computing analogies must, should,
Dog : Hound :: Bother : Type . or even could deal with analogies in all their
That is, to dog someone is to hound (bother) various forms, functional contexts, and mon-
them, with hound also being a type of dog. strous convolutions. However, modelers often
This example also illustrates another way in claim that their systems are general. And yet,
which analogies can depend on higher-order the claim is invariably based on the analysis
relations—the second set of two terms of a single type of analogy that happens to be
express relations that hold between the first especially conducive to the kinds of structural
two terms. analysis that are engaged (Chalmers, French,
One can create analogies that include refer- and Hofstadter 1992; Russell 1992).
ences to other analogies, as in For example, in both AI and cognitive sci-
Plato’s analogies : Philosophy :: Maxwell’s ence, verbal analogies are distinguished from
analogies : Physics . geometric or pictorial analogies, but surely
In this example, R3 is something like seminal this is not just a special but a limiting case.
for. Self-referential monsters can involve ref- No one would expect that a system for com-
erence to the concept of analogy itself, as in puting verbal analogies or one for computing
pictorial analogies would be able to accept as
This expression : Analogy :: “This sentence is
input monsters such as those in figure 2.
false” : Contradiction .
Humans, of course, can deal with such analo-
Here’s another such monster: gies and fairly easily.
This Analogy : Tautology :: “Tautology” :
““Tautology”” .
Implications for AI
The analogy is tautologous in the sense that
it includes a repetition, it is tautologous in You are invited to create other monsters. For
that it asserts that it itself is repetitive, and some of the examples, I might be accused of
the word tautology is tautologous in this anal- stretching things, but this is the point.
ogy because it is itself repeated. Semantic flexibility confronts both cognitive
The most extreme case I can imagine is science and AI with (at least) one significant
analogies that involve potential self-contra- problem:

FALL 1995 23

beyond the reified notion of analogy. A num-

ber of scholars and scientists have argued that

both metaphor and analogy are manifesta-
C U T : ERA SE :: CU T : ERA S tions of (truly?) basic cognitive processes,

such as frame transformation and the percep-
tion of similarity (for example, Gentner and

Jeziorski [1993], Way [1991], Vosniadou and
M ELT : B U RN :: M E IT : B U R N Ortony [1989], Holland et al. [1986], and
Knorr-Cetina [1981]).
All the major models are explicitly based
on the claim of psychological plausibility or
fidelity; that is, models are based on empiri-
cal observations of cognitive phenomena or
: Porcupine : Sponge the results of psychological research. Hence,
:: core concepts from cognitive theories have
played a major guiding role in system devel-
opment efforts. Some of the major concepts
K P from cognitive theories of analogy are pre-
HOP :: S I :H P sented in table 4.
A major commonality consists in the pro-
posed stages for processing (Hall 1988). Near-
Figure 2. Some Mixed-Format Monsters. ly all systems involve some sort of incremen-
tal or cyclical learning. That is, results from
[As] with the interpretation of analogy, the problem-solving episodes can be retained in
ability to produce or interpret a metaphor is the form of new stored procedures or rules or
limited only by the individual mind’s knowl- changes in the memory representation (for
edge and the accessibility of that knowledge to example, Carbonell [1986, 1983], McDermott
search (italics added) (Deese 1974–1975, p.
[1979], and Winston [1978]). Within the
problem-solving episode itself, the stages in
This problem has been discussed in AI in most models are also shared. All models seem
terms of the concept of wanton inference:
to be a variation on the following theme: (1)
[C]reative solutions to problems are often meaning analysis (of input problem, of ele-
generated by ignoring boundaries between
ments within the target); (2) recognition or
domains of knowledge and making new con-
nections. The major consequence...is that the generation (of candidate bases); (3) mapping,
size of search spaces is greatly increased. matching, construction, or transfer; and (4)
Hence, the wanton inference strategy is fun- elaboration, evaluation, or justification.
damentally at odds with the received view in The stages in the earliest models for analo-
AI that the essence of intelligent problem gy (for example, Winston [1978]) and also the
solving is limiting the search for solutions most recent models (for example, Holyoak
(Dietrich and Fields 1992, p. 92).
and Thagard [1995] and Falkenhainer, Forbus,
How has AI dealt with the phenomena of and Gentner [1990]) mirror the four-stage
analogy? One approach to this question theme, echoing psychological theories stem-
would be to launch into an exhaustive analy- ming from research on analogy comprehen-
sis of the features of various extant systems sion and problem solving (for example,
and then search for validation and evalua-
Clement [1982]; Klein and Weitzenfeld
tion. An alternative approach begins with rec-
[1982], Grudin [1980], Sternberg [1977a,
ognizing the fact that most extant models for
1977b], and Winston [1979]).
analogy seem to share a common spirit. One
Given that there is a common spirit to AI
way to accommodate monsters might be to
combine some of the features and mecha- models, there seems to be no reason why the
nisms of extant models. advantages and insights of various models
could not be combined (Hoffman and Gent-
The Common Spirit of AI Models ner 1995). In terms of their specifics, each of
Despite the variety in approaches, goals, and the extant models points in the direction of
mechanisms, extant systems share many one or more potentially important, possibly
important notions. For example, the theoriz- necessary, or certainly useful system feature,
ing and modeling efforts of a number of outlined in table 5. This is the theme of the
modern researchers have begun to evolve remainder of this article.


Cognitive Theory Focus Key Ideas

Holland et al. 1986; Clement 1982; Processing models There are stages of encoding, inference, generation, and
Klein and Weitzenfeld 1982; justification.
Sternberg 1977a, 1977b

Katz 1989; Klein and Weitzenfeld 1982; Feature-set theory Set overlap specifies shared and distinctive features.
Johnson and Malgady 1980; Nagel 1961 of the semantic base

Katz 1989; Medin and Ortony 1989; Similarity metrics Feature-set overlap yields similarity metrics;
Holland et al. 1986; Tourangeau analogies and metaphors involve salience imbalance;
and Sternberg 1981, 1982; similarity can be between domains as well as concepts.
Johnson and Malgady 1980;
Ortony 1979a, 1979b

Verbrugge and McCarrell 1977; Interaction and Analogy comprehension is not a process of comparison
Johnson 1975 transformation based on similarity but the interaction of target and base.
The base serves as a filter or framework for restructuring
the target in novel yet constrained ways. Meaning is
represented in terms of relations (invariants) and context.

Holyoak and Thagard 1989; Holyoak 1984 Schemas Analogy comprehension is the construction of new

Gentner and Gentner 1983; Halford 1982 Structure mapping Mapping involves the establishment of isomorphisms or
quasimorphisms between two structures. Mapping of
relations is emphasized over attributes or features;
mapping of higher-order relations (predicates that take
other relations as their arguments) is regarded as
especially important. Metrics of mapping structure (that
is, clarity, richness, systematicity, and abstractness) can
be used to predict comprehension difficulty and recall

Gentner and Markman 1995; Fundamental mental Analogy is one of a number of manifestations of
Holyoak and Thagard 1995; Holyoak 1984 operations more fundamental or basic operations of attention and
memory, including the perception of resemblances
(features, relations, and high-order relations), the
perception of distinctions, and the construction of
mental models.

Holyoak 1984; Carbonell 1981 Pragmatics Analogical reasoning is ill defined in that the initial
specification of the target is incomplete. One’s purposes
and goals help delimit the search space for inductive

Holyoak 1984; Gentner 1983 Evaluation Analogy-based hypotheses must be verified or validated
through the recognition of structure violations. Metrics
of mapping structure (that is, clarity, systematicity,
richness, and abstraction) can be used to determine the
aptness of an analogy.

Table 4. Some of the Major Concepts from Cognitive Theories of Analogy, with Seminal or Representative Citations.

Problems of Representation there is usually some motivation for represen-

tational choice, either ontological, cognitive,
Extant systems for computing analogy involve or pragmatic. There are problems across all
a number of representational schemes— levels of justification. For example, “Many
frames with slots, conceptual graphs, proposi- concepts, psychologically, seem to float back
tional networks, ordered hierarchies, and so and forth between being objects and
on (Halford 1992). Although formal equiva- attributes” (Chalmers, French, and Hofstadter
lence is often possible (for example, hierar- 1992, p. 197). Formal justification runs up
chies can be tangled, graphs can be latticed), against practical problems (for example,

FALL 1995 25

Model Innovative or Important Ideas

Burstein 1986 Problem solving includes the use of multiple analogies (base domains). Ana-
logical reasoning is seen as a long-term process of elaboration and repair.
Carbonell 1986, 1983, 1981 Inference relies on an ontological hierarchy of goals, plans, and causal rela-
tions. The system can retain information about previous successes and fail-
ures to generate both domain- or subgoal-specific search heuristics and gen-
eral-purpose inductive rules. Analogical mapping is regarded as creating a
plan for solving a problem based on transformations of some known proce-
Martin 1990; Greiner 1988;Carbonell 1983, 1981, 1980; The semantic base includes presupplied information in the form of
Hobbs 1983 common or conventional metaphors, metaphor themes, or schemas. Pre-
supplied information can cover the domains of both the target and base
concepts in an analogy.
Chalmers, French, and Hofstadter 1992 After an initial representation is constructed, the processes of representation
building and structure mapping proceed in parallel (or as a cycle), with each
constraining the other; the semantic base is mutable and dynamic.
Falkenhainer, Forbus, and Gentner 1990 Processing relies on structure mapping, with emphasis on relations. Map-
pings are assessed in terms of coherence and consistency. Inference can rely
on context and goals. Constraint can come after inference as well as before
it. The system can be used as a tool kit for testing algorithms. Mapping is
constrained by goal relevance.
Hobbs 1983 Hobbs’s recognition of the problem of inference constraint is seminal. Fea-
tures within schemas are conceived of as inferences and restrictions on pos-
sible inferences. Inference constraint can come from contextual informa-
Holyoak and Thagard 1989;Holland et al. 1986 The model relies on the construction of morphisms or structure mappings.
Processing is the construction of new schemas. Schemas can include
specification of the exceptions to rules. Nonmappable features generate
masks that select trees or subtrees.
Indurkhya, 1992, 1991, 1987, 1985 His model began with a focus on metaphor but emphasized the problem of
inference constraint and the coherence of structural mappings. Predictive
analogy is said to involve explicit justification and the prediction of new
similarities. Poetic metaphor does not entail justification and involves only
the noticing of similarities and is called interpretive analogy. Emphasis is on
comprehension as a creative process. The system involves two stages of
mapping: (1) transfer of conventional features followed by (2) slot filling to
construct new tokens or features. The system also includes a mechanism for
changing the ontology on which a semantic base relies.
Kedar-Cabelli 1988 The system focuses on explaining why a selected base forms a satisfactory
analogy to the target in terms of the problem’s goals and purposes, includ-
ing the satisfaction of preconditions and the achievement of the functional
Russell 1986, 1976 The model relies on conceptual dependency theory of relational primitives
(after Schank [1975]). Comprehension can induce the generation of new
semantic features. Analogies or metaphors can be given multiple interpreta-
tions. The system can be used as a tool kit for testing algorithms.
Way 1991 Representation is in terms of conceptual graphs (after Sowa [1984])
arranged in an ontological hierarchy. Semantic features are scaled for
salience. New nodes and supertypes can be constructed. Features that do
not map induce the creation of masks that select trees and subtrees.
Winston 1979, 1978 Winston’s recognition of the problem of inference constraint is seminal.
Application of the concept of a frame (after Minsky [1975]) was also semi-
nal. In addition, the information within a frame can be indexed according
to such features as salience and typicality. In analogy processing, informa-
tion is not just mapped, it is transferred. That is, the semantic base can be
altered—new frames and slots can be created. Candidate interpretations are
assessed in a frame-justification stage.

Table 5. Some of the Major Computer Models for Analogy.


expressing relations as attributes is possible canned-in conventional metaphors, as in the

but cumbersome). models of Carbonell (1981, 1980) and Martin
(1990). A system can certainly contain
The Ontology of Representations numerous canned-in meaning primitives, as
The consensus seems to be that representa- in Russell’s (1976, 1986) model. Canned-in
tions cannot define analogy solely on the memory can also take the form of a corpus of
basis of computations of degrees of similarity past cases, as in Kolodner and Simpson’s
or conceptual closeness (that is, the length of (1989) system for mediating economic and
paths that connect concepts)—the model of political disputes.
analogy cannot be a mere “counting theory” The trade-off here is that “if appropriate
(as in Rumelhart and Abrahamson [1973]) representations come presupplied, the hard
(Hall 1988; Carroll and Mack 1985). There part of the analogy-making task has already
also seems to be a concensus that representa- been accomplished” (Chalmers, French, and
tions cannot rely solely on featural similarity; Hofstadter, p. 196).
distinctive features are also necessary. Fur-
thermore, relational meaning is just as—or The Semantic Base Must Be Extensible
even more—critical to analogy creation and Analogies often occur in creative discovery
comprehension than (so-called) literal contexts in which all one really has at the
attributes or superficial features. start is the topic concept. The challenge of
In the models of Burstein (1986) and explanation involves missing data and ill-
Falkenhainer, Forbus, and Gentner (1990), defined goals (Klein 1987). Overreliance on
relational meaning is absolutely essential in preordained meanings might not allow the
the semantic base of concepts, and it is priori- comprehension task to be accomplished at
tized, as well as essential, in the construction all. For example, a stored conceptual graph
of mappings. Relational information is also for solar system might work for analysis of the
important in other systems (see, for instance, atom–solar system analogy but might fail
Chalmers, French, and Hofstadter [1992]). In miserably when confronted with Shake-
Russell’s (1986, 1976) system, metaphor is speare’s metaphor Juliet is the sun. “The causal
said to involve the comparison of semantic network about the sun which was supplied
features that cross ontological levels. Such lev- for the previous analogy is no longer rele-
el crossing permits nonliteral comparisons of vant” (Kedar-Cabelli 1988, p. 93). It is clear
meanings in terms of the primitives of con- that analogy and metaphor comprehension
ceptual dependency theory. In this scheme, are constructive processes—for novel
relational information is present, although it metaphors and analogies, the semantic base
is not explicitly represented as such. must be extensible (Deane 1993; Martin
Whatever one’s representational choices or 1990; Katz 1989; Indurkhya 1988; Camac and
ontological commitments, formal schemes Glucksberg 1984; Rumelhart and Norman
for the computational analysis of analogy will 1981; Ortony, Reynolds, and Arter 1978).
be limited (at least) by the depth, breadth, Few AI systems for analogy have been ori-
flexibility, and dynamics of the world knowl- ented to the problem of creating elaborate
edge that they can represent (Martin 1990; causal representations for domains about
Hall 1988; Burstein 1986). which little is initially known (but see Burstein
[1986]). However, many AI systems for analo-
Canned-in Meaning gy are minimal learning systems in that some
One approach is to create systems in which information about concepts can be trans-
the needed information comes presupplied formed as a result of analogical extension
(Gentner 1983). For example, Greiner’s (1988) (Holyoak and Barnden 1994c; Hall 1988).
NLAG system solves problems in hydraulics In the models of Holland et al. (1986),
based on a presupplied analogy—links Holyoak (1984), and Winston (1979), new
between domain concepts and principles in schemas (frames and slots) can be construct-
hydraulics and domain concepts and princi- ed. The model of Chalmers, French, and Hof-
ples in electronics. McDermott’s (1979) sys- stadter (1992) has a special “radical restruc-
tem for manipulating objects in a simulated turing” process. In the conceptual graph
environment begins with production rules models of Indurkhya (1992) and Way (1991),
that define objects and goals and with a start- new nodes, tokens, and supertypes can be
up set of actions in an action hierarchy. constructed—the semantic base is extendible
For successful application to natural lan- in both its particulars and its overall struc-
guage, a system for processing analogy will ture. In the revised structure mapping engine
probably have to contain a great many (SME) of Forbus, Ferguson, and Gentner

FALL 1995 27

(1994), mappings can be changed as new constraint comes not only before and during
information is added to the knowledge base. inference but also when processes of evalua-
Damnably intertwined with questions of tion and selection are brought to bear after a
representation is the equally ominous prob- mapping operation. A number of systems for
lem of how and when to constrain the pro- processing analogies include criteria for when
cesses of inference (Hall 1988). to reject candidate analogies. Mechanisms
include the structure violation process in the
theory of Holyoak (1984); the radical restruc-
The Mystery of Inference
turing mechanism in the system of Chalmers,
Constraint French, and Hofstadter (1992); and the coher-
How can one determine which rules are revis- ence evaluation processes in the systems of
able? How should one limit a search space? Indurkhya (1992), Falkenhainer, Forbus, and
How can one determine which information Gentner (1990), Thagard (1989), Carbonell
to transfer or transform? Apart from the par- (1983), and Winston (1979).
ticulars of one’s answers, many modern anal- A variety of post hoc structural criteria can
ogy researchers would argue that inference be used to assess the goodness or validity of
constraint cannot be blind. Any workable completed analogical mappings (for example,
scheme for constructing analogical mappings complexity, coherence, interconnectedness)
cannot operate solely on the basis of a differ- (Clement and Gentner 1991). Furthermore,
ence-reduction operation (for example, the Way (1991) reminds us that psychological cri-
masking of features or subtrees that do not teria can be used to determine the status of
happen to neatly match, as in the models of elements in a semantic base; for example, in a
Way [1991], Holland et al. [1986], and Car- dynamic semantic hierarchy, frequency of
bonell [1983]). Most analogy researchers node access could be taken as an index of
would probably agree that inference con- meaning relevance and could be used to deter-
straint should not be overly impulsive. Like mine the lifetime or accessibility of a node.
the model of Fass and Wilks (1983), an analo-
gy system can embrace the possibility of The Constraint Flexibility Trade-Off
explicitly representing ambiguity and conflict Processes that constrain inference must be
and not merely take the occurrence of ambi- coordinated appropriately with processes that
guity or conflict as a command for immediate support semantic flexibility and wanton
resolution. inference (Dietrich and Fields 1992). On the
In analogical reasoning, inference con- side of semantic flexibility, one can rely on
straint comes in a number of forms serving operations such as the insertion of new
different functions, both directly and indirect- frames, nodes, slots, operators, parameters, or
ly. One manifestation of constraint is the values; the deletion of operators, parameters,
specification of the scope of a group of infer- or values; the shifting of levels, subproblems,
ences, that is, the generation of acceptable or procedures; and the substitution of opera-
candidate base concepts or domains on which tors or parameters. On the side of constraint,
a detailed mapping operation might be per- mechanisms take a variety of forms, includ-
formed (Thagard et al. 1990). This function is ing the prioritizing of operations, the dis-
often supported largely by the method used to abling of transfer for nonmatching features,
index memory. A second manifestation of the use of slot values that explicitly indicate
inference constraint is the specification of the featural salience or importance, the explicit
conditions under which particular inferences incorporation of information about excep-
are permissible. For example, in Carbonell’s tions to rules, and the numeric analysis of
(1981) model, inferencing is constrained in candidate interpretations.
terms of possible sequences or priorities deter-
mined by an ontological hierarchy. Contextual Constraint
Case studies in the history of science, such An undercurrent in comparative analyses of
as the Chalmers, French, and Hofstadter analogy models has been the question of
(1992) study of Keppler’s reasoning and Gent- whether certain kinds of constraint are arbi-
ner and Jeziorski’s (1993) and Vickers’s (1984) trary. To some system developers, constraints
studies of alchemy, show that creative analog- that come from problem-solving goals are
ical thinking relies on the generation of mul- external to the analogy; hence, such pragmat-
tiple alternative representational schemes and ic accounts are said to rely on arbitrary infer-
analogies, which are then pondered and encing (Falkenhainer, Forbus, and Gentner
sometimes rejected (and sometimes mistaken- 1990). Some researchers have preferred that
ly preserved). In such cases, it is clear that constraints on the mapping process come pri-


marily or even exclusively from the syntax Analogical thinking clearly depends on the
and semantics that are internal to an analogy, human ability to lay out propositions that
although allowing pragmatic factors to express conceptual relations. However, analo-
influence processes that occur before and gy should not be equated with a single form,
after mapping (Gentner 1989). format, or ontology. Limitations of approach-
The question of whether pragmatic con- es to analogy are illustrated by monster
straint is arbitrary seems to be becoming a analogies, analogies that no existing comput-
nonissue. Useful sources of constraint include er system could accept as input, let alone suc-
context. Why ignore potentially useful infor- cessfully process. Expanding the concept of
mation? Creative metaphors and similes, analogy could broaden the AI approach and
even apparently anomalous ones, often enrich cognitive research. That is, the insights
depend on context. For example, the appar- from a number of existing models could be
ently anomalous simile—a banana is like a combined. Until the scope of systems is
clock—is made sensible given the story of the broadened, AI might not be able to effectively
elderly man who quipped about his health by deal with the fundamental mysteries of per-
saying that he still bought green bananas at ception and cognition, mysteries that not Until the
the grocery. Psychological research has shown only seem to be the real underpinnings of so- scope of
that analogies are not comprehended or ana- called analogical reasoning but that are also
lyzed as context-free or isolated expressions. linchpins in strong definitions of AI. systems is
Even when they are presented as such, people
create their own contexts, communal or
idiosyncratic. To me, the correct solution to I want to thank The Psychological Corpora-
until AI
ABC : ABD :: MNO : ? tion (1993) for providing a copy of the Can- swallows
didate Information Booklet for the Miller Analo-
is the string MNQ because Q is the first letter
gies Test and permitting me to include some
some of the
after O that Pat Hayes’s granddaddy was real-
ly fond of. of the example items from the booklet. I monsters—it
Fundamentally, there seems little would like to thank Eric Dietrich, Ken Ford, may not be
justification for building separate systems for Pat Hayes, Art Markman, and Dan Wheeler
processing naked analogies and for processing for their critical, encouraging, and helpful able to effec-
analogies in context (Gentner 1989). Emerg- comments on the first draft. tively deal
The final version of this article was prepared
ing concensus seems to be that analogical
while I was supported by a Fulbright Award with the
reasoning can profitably be integrated into
the problem-solving process or planning con- from the Council for the International fundamental
Exchange of Scholars; a contract from Epis-
text (Holyoak and Thagard 1989; Burstein
temics, Ltd.; and institutional grants from the
mysteries of
1986; Carbonell 1986). In the systems of
Kedar-Cabelli (1988) and, to a somewhat less- Office of the President and the Office of the perception
er extent, the model of Carbonell (1981), Provost at Adelphi University. I would also like and cognition
context in the form of purpose and goal to acknowledge the assistance and support of
directs the selection of relevant information Professor Shadbolt and the computer support that are the
to be represented. In the system of Chalmers, staff of the AI Group in the Department of linchpins in
French, and Hofstadter (1992), context biases Psychology at the University of Nottingham.
both representation and mapping processes.
Table Notes definitions
In the recent revision of the SME, Forbus, Fer-
1. It is not clear who should get credit for first
guson, and Gentner (1994) allow for prag-
using the analogy in the context of discovery and of AI.
matic marking of substructures to operate as a
filter during inference. Apart from the
2. Some historical evidence suggests the analogy
specifics of the mechanisms, in all these mod-
might actually have been used primarily in the
els and those of Hobbs (1983) and Winston
context of justification or pedagogy rather than in
(1979) as well, goal-related information is the initial discovery context.
used to guide or constrain inferencing.
Conclusion 1. Space also does not permit analysis of the many
models aimed at the processing of metaphor (for
Cognitive theories and AI models tend to reviews, see Barnden and Holyoak [1994],
focus on certain kinds of analogy for certain Indurkhya [1992], Russell [1992], Way [1991], and
purposes (for example, multiple-choice–for- Martin [1990]).
mat geometric analogies for use in intelli- 2. One would have to digress at length to explore
gence tests, incomplete scientific analogies the meanings of model, let alone the relation of
for research on comprehension processes). model to metaphor and analogy. See King (1991),

FALL 1995 29

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Robert R. Hoffman
received his graduate
training in experi-
mental psychology
and psycholinguistics
at the University of
Cincinnati and post-
doctoral training at
the Center for
Research on Human
Learning at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota.
In his graduate work,
he helped pioneer the experimental study of
metaphor comprehension. In recent years, his work
has focused on applied cognitive science and AI,
involving experiments on knowledge-elicitation
methodology, studies of expertise in satellite image
interpretation, and research in the design of com-
puter graphics displays for environmental science
applications of AI technology. Currently, he serves
as series editor for Expertise: Research and Applica-
tions (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum) and as
associate editor for the journal Metaphor and Sym-
bolic Activity. Hoffman is associate professor of
experimental psychology at Adelphi University, an
honorary fellow of the British Library, and a Ful-
bright scholar.

FALL 1995 35

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