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Atiqah Nur Binti Nong Chik Ghazali

PDA 18-05-110


MPU 2222 Public Communication Skills

TOPIC: How to Make an Edible Cookie Dough


Attention-getting opener: If you think I will make cookies today, the anwer is no, you are
wrong! I will make the dough instead! But do you know that regular cookie dough is not safe for
you to eat due to the uncooked ingredients and bacteria in the eggs? So, I will show to you guys
how to make an edible cookie dough.

Preview: My speech today will according to 3 main points

i. The ingredients needed

ii. The steps of making the edible cookie dough
iii. Benefit of the edible cookie dough

Transition #1: First, let me show you the ingredients that we need


First main point: The ingredients and the equipment needed

i. Flour
ii. Microwave
iii. Bowl
iv. Spatula
v. Chocolate chips
vi. Salted butter
vii. Brown sugar
viii. Vanilla extract
ix. Milk
Transition #2: After we have all the ingredients and equipments, we are good to go to the next

Second main point: The steps of making an edible cookie dough

i. Heat the flour in the microwave for 50-60 seconds

ii. Combine all the ingredients in the bowl
iii. Mix the mixture with spatula until the dough starts come together

Transition #3: After we finish with our edible cookie dough, let me tell you guys the benefit:

Third main point: The benefits of edible cookie dough

i. Safe to eat
ii. Easy to make
iii. Good for beginner
iv. Kid’s favourite treat

Transition #4: Lastly, we will proceed to summary

Summary: Let’s summarize all what we have learnt today

i. Know all the ingredients and equipments needed

ii. Learn the steps of making the edible cookie dough
iii. Discover the benefits of the edible cookie dough

Concluding remarks: Eating normal baked cookies is so boring, let’s try the edible cookie dough
by yourself!

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