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April - July 2004

Ý The e-face of Jesus Youth

Inside Stuff
The new homepage provides an
X The e-face of JY overview of the Movement - its history
X Heart Talk and milestones, spiritualit y and
charisms, st yle of functioning, and
X JY lifestyle-Radiating Joy
details on its various ministries. It
X Attuned to God’s Heartbeat hosts web pages that are specific to
X JYGPNS each countr y with a Jesus Youth
presence. Information and contact
X An Office with a Difference details on local Jesus Youth are
X The Tree of Life available on their respective pages.
The event finder provides information
X Global Newswatch on local events and activities in each
country. The prayer group browser
furnishes details about
local prayer groups and
World prayer meeting timings.
Youth Day The website is equipped
& with an e-librar y that
Jesus Youth provides youth animation
resource material that is
International downloadable. The links
Gathering page provides hyperlinks
Germany, Cologne
“Check us out on jesusyouth-dot-org!” to Jesus Youth related
sites and various other
Road to Cologne Here’s the lingo that would acquaint
today ’s e-generation with the Jesus Youth sites on Catholic
Are you get ting set to join the Jesus homepage. Jesus Youth was one of the pioneering resources, teachings, etc.
Youth pilgrims preparing for World
Youth Day 2005 in Cologne? Well, Catholic Movements to have a website of its own,
right from the early days of the Internet era. Intercession being the backbone of Jesus Youth,
her e are the t wo phases of the
pilgrimage to get you star ted. the website has an active online intercession
Over the years, as the Movement grew and net work known as Prayernet. Prayer requests
Phase I - World Y outh Day
Youth are received her e daily and inter cessors
11th -14th August expanded internationally, the website to o
under went a major facelif t. Improved features were located in dif ferent par ts of the world raise them
Youth Arise International Festival
Essen, Germany incorporated to enable easy access to information up in prayer. Prayer requests can be sent to
on the Movement to Jesus Youth spread across the
15th-16th August
Jesus Y outh International Gathering
Youth For mutual support and frequent contact with Jesus
Cologne, Germany
The new website was launched on 12 January, Youth in other parts of the world, a loving online

16th-21st August 2004 by one of our veteran e-communit y was formed,

World Y outh Day Celebrations
Youth Jesus Youth leaders - named JOYnet. This virtual
Cologne, Germany canada.jesusyouth.or g
Dr. Edwar d Edezhath. communit y, perhaps the
Phase II - Pilgrimages Af ter launching it, Eddy india.jesusyouth.or g only one of its kind, has an
22nd -25th August navigated the various
Taizé & Lourdes - France
kuwait.jesusyouth.or g ever growing strength of
features of the site. The over one thousand
launch was simultaneously oman.jesusyouth.or g
26th-29th August members. They share
Rome & Assisi - Italy displayed on an LCD singapor e.jesusyouth.or
singapore.jesusyouth.or g personal God encounter
projector for all those
For information on how to be par t present. It was a solemn uae.jesusyouth.or g testimonies and edif ying
of the event, contact us at experiences, and hold function at tended by quite uk.jesusyouth.or g
a few Jesus Youth from discussions on teachings of
w w the Chruch and other issues.
India and abroad.
contd on page 3 X
Af ter the Jesus Youth Middle East gathering in Oman, I was asked, “What
is your dream for Jesus Youth in Asia 10 years from now?” I shared my
dream with them – a dream about an Asia where commit ted Jesus Youth/
Christians serve in key decision making positions in various par ts of
Asia, thus influencing policies and decisions with a Christian perspective,
and sharing the Good News with those around them through an

I believe that one of the greatest privileges I

enjoy is get ting to meet new people who have
evangelistic lifestyle.
If you really want to spread the Good News in the world’s largest
accepted Jesus and found new life in Him continent, the continent on which Jesus was born, the one that holds more
through this Spirit-led platform - Jesus Youth. Over than half the world’s population, and where less than one percent are
the last 3 months I got to travel through 8 countries Catholics (excluding the Philippines), we need to pay a price. We need
and had the oppor tunit y of me eting many lifetime missionaries; we need people who can take a commitment to
youngsters who consider Jesus Youth to be their own family and testified work fulltime for a few years. But more than that, we need people who
to the change that has taken place in their lives. The new beginnings of can commit all of their lives; who, with their professional excellence,
this Movement in Germany, Malaysia and Sri Lanka serve to strengthen missionary zeal and joy ful witness can win many for Christ.
our faith and confirmation that the Spirit is at work, using us to reach out
to many. Let these words of our beloved Holy Father, move us to action
“...missionary activity renews the Church, revitalizes faith and Christian
Here’s an interesting fact I noticed during these trips – most of the Jesus identit y, and of fers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive. Faith is
Youth in these countries are from India, but more than 90% of the strengthened when it is given to others!”
members and leaders experienced God in a personal way only af ter (John Paul II; Redemptoris Missio, 2)
reaching there, through coming into contact with the local Jesus Youth
net work. This shows how ef fectively we’ve been carrying out our core May the victory of our Risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ always shine
mission – evangelisation. I was happy to see that our net work provides a forth in our lives and lead us on to greater heights!
plat form for fellowship for the Jesus Youth who leave India. But it gave
me greater joy to see how God is using it to bring the Good News to
many others in the countries to which Jesus Youth migrate, thereby Manoj Sunny
enabling them to be part of the fellowship. Co-ordinator, Jesus Youth International Team

f o r a l i f e t i m e
Jesus YouthJoy
Radiating lifestyle
Intr oducing a series of rreflections
Introducing eflections on the defining characteristics of Jesus Youth.

Jesus Youth, sometimes referred to as the ‘smiling people,’ radiate An impor tant aspect is constant encouragement that comes from
joy wherever they are. Quite of ten, this is in striking contrast to youth books, fellowship, the Word of God and inspiring lives and from the
caught in the ruthless rat-race of the modern world. And within this understanding that one is not alone even in the midst of struggles.
dishear tening milieu, the tremendous joy, mutual respect and
valuable friendships - a veritable celebration of life - is what sets the Yet another source of joy stems from truly genuine friendships rooted
Jesus Youth apart. Somehow, a contagious joy shines for th even
in values, which is of ten a defining feature in the lives of Jesus Youth.
amidst their daily crosses and suf ferings.
An essential ingredient for a joy ful life is the courage to share. Francis
At times I wonder where this joy, from which flows all the creativit y of of Assisi says, “It is in giving that we receive”. If only we are able to
Jesus Youth, comes from. And the answer is invariably the same. It is live creative lives by helping others carry their burdens, can we be
the fruit of a deep inner discovery of themselves - the discovery of truly joy ful.
their true identit y and the realization that they are God’s children.
Secondly, they find a meaning for their lives. And thirdly, this joy is Today, Jesus Youth as a Movement has discovered the secret of
the fruit of embarking on new adventures in faith everyday until it joy fulness in this storm-tossed world. And the secret is simple. A
becomes a living realit y for them. moment - by - moment resting in the hear t of God. So, if you are a
Jesus Youth, and if you are creative, make this deep experience of
I have heard many people ask, “How do you maintain this joy fulness resting in the Heart of God a habit and you will radiate joy.
in the face of hatred, rejection, malice, misunderstandings and even
an uncer tain future?” Well, the call of Jesus Youth is to respond to
these situations in a positive way. As they see it, these are challenges
that will leave them stronger, bolder and humbler. Dr
Dr.. Edwar
Edwardd Edezhath
One of the founder members of the Jesus Youth
When I look back on my own life, I realize that teenage and youth is a Movement and an animator of the Jesus Youth
time of great tests and trials, and not a time when one can be very International Team, Dr. Edezhath is known for his
joy ful. Changes in body, mind and surroundings can be disturbing. ex tensive understanding of youth trends and
But what brings about this joy fulness in a Jesus Youth? culture. A professor at St. Alber t’s College in
Ernakulam, he lives with his wife Audry and three
First of all there is the quiet time with God. A time of prayer and silence
children in Cochin, India.
before the Creator, when all confusions and challenges are
surrendered into His hands. It is a per fect launch pad for a joy ful life.

being jesus youth
Attuned to God’s heartbeat
conference. Those were my early ever y thing else. Many of my old
days as a Jesus Youth. friends used to chide me saying I
was wasting my life and ruining my
J: What about your involvement in care er. They were making good
music, and later in the RexBand? money by then.
A: Right from my 10th standard I used
to per form in secular music troupes But when I look back on those 10 or
that went around giving shows. But 12 years that I was away from the
af ter becoming a Jesus Youth, my secular music world, I can see that
priorities changed. Secular God was forming my character
programmes took a backseat. With during that period and strengthening
my musical talent, I was already par t my inner self. He was doing
of my local Jesus Youth music something in my life, that otherwise
ministry. Later, I was invited to be would never have been possible.
part of the RexBand. RexBand shows Even though it was tough financially,
were quite popular, and the Lord not to mention the popularit y and
used this team to lay the foundation fame that I was throwing away, I was
for the great things He had in store still very happy and joy ful, because
for me. It was a very joy ful time then, I had found Jesus and could witness
Alphons: Af ter my tenth standard I to His Love.
even though I wasn’t making much
at tended my first Charismatic retreat
money as I had lef t my Western
where I realized that God loves me music band in college, and it gave Through my involvement in the
The RexBand’s lead guitarist and RexBand, God br ought me in
personally and has a plan for my life. me great joy to witness to Jesus
vocalist Alphons Joseph
Joseph, is today contact with many leading musicians
There wer e a few Jesus Youth through music.
one of the most sought af ter and other respected personalities in
upcoming music directors in the helping as volunteers at the retreat,
who introduced themselves and J: Y ou mentioned turning down
You the music field. He gave me an entry
Malayalam film industr y. In an into the Malayalam film industry, as
inter view for this issue, he spoke to befriended me. Later, they invited me secular music pr ogrammes and
leaving your Western band in no other music director has ever
Josun Jose about his journey of faith to a Jesus Youth gathering. Initially I
college, all for Jesus. How is it that had. My first film’s music release was
as a Jesus Youth, which has been felt a bit shy, but their constant done by the great legend A. R.
one of obedience in seeking God’s you have now taken it up again?
follow-up and regular visits to my Rahman. On that awesome
will. Some excerpts: Did you fe el it was a waste?
home gradually made me fe el A: Initially I had an inner conflict as occasion, in the midst of many film
comfor table with the gr oup. those secular programmes used to personalities and celebrities, I
Josun: Y ou have be
You beenen ver y active
“Campus Me et ‘89" in V imala bring in a lot of money and by testified to what God’s love had done
in Jesus Y outh for over t welve
College, Trichur was the first Jesus turning them down I faced a financial in my life.
years. Could you tell us something
about your initial r enewal Youth Confer ence I at tended. I crunch. But af ter praying over it and
helped with the mobilization, making seeking God’s guidance, I made a All this would never have happened
experience and how you became
decision to choose Jesus above had I not responded to that moment
a Jesus Y outh?
Youth? char ts and posters for the
contd on page 6 X

e -face
face of Jesus Youth
“The large exodus of “ The ne ed for a “Today, the Internet is “Designing the new
Jesus Youth in the mid vir tual communit y a vital link bet ween JY website was
90’s brought about the for Jesus Youth was people across the
inde ed a gr eat
need to have a felt for JY’s around world, especially
common plat form for among youngsters. privilege for me. I could
the world to keep in
communication. touch, share their experiences and is an attempt feel the power of the Holy
Thus, in June 1997, we registered to share the message of Jesus with Spirit, the source of all creativit y,
grow in fellowship. Thus JOYnet was I thank God for others through the web. I consider inspiring me as I worked. This ef for t
started in 1998. It gives me great joy
using me to initiate the JY website, it an honour to work with the JY
to see the way God is using this came as a natural response to the
which, apar t from establishing an webteam and I feel it is a par t of
Internet presence for the Movement, plat form for the mutual promptings of the Spirit.”
encouragement and suppor t of JY’s God’s special plan to involve me
is also a meeting place in cyberspace Jacob Jose
Jose- Designer of the new
in His great work. I enjoy being part
for JY’s around the world.” all over the world”. Jesus Youth website. Freelance
of it.”
Manoj Jons David
David- Initiator of JY Mathew Joseph - Initiator and co- web designer based in Bangalore.
Giju Geor ge ge- Current web
website. IT professional based in ordinator of JOYnet. IT professional
administrator. IT pr ofessional
Cochin. based in Hyderabad.
based in Chennai.
contd from page 1 X

Being the e-face of the Movement, Tanzania, apart from the regular Be inspired to carry on your walk Josun Jose - An
the homepage reaches people countries where Jesus Youth is with Jesus undeterred by the ups active Jesus Youth
from varied walks of life across the active. fr om Delhi, this
and downs of life. Send in your budding writer has
globe. The website receives on an prayer requests to Prayernet. Tell be en involved in
average one hundred and twenty So why not stop by to visit our your friends and acquaintances developing the
thousand hits per month, even homepage? And do return of ten about us and get them as content of the
JY Newslet ter as
from countries like Ghana, the for updates on the Movement. well to check us out on editor-in-charge
Bahamas, Seychelles and Come and be a part of JOYnet. ww! from its pilot issue.

mission bound
initiated a new project - Jesus Youth
Youth them with our existing contacts in
Global Positioning and their respective countries and explore

Project - JYGPNS
Net working System (JYGPNS
(JYGPNS). possibilities of coordinated mission

The second area will be to explore job

and career oppor tunities, especially
in Asian countries, for those
The prophetic words of our Holy In India, Jesus Youth has got a wide
professionals who have a missionary
Father, Pope John Paul II, as he net work of prayer groups covering
professional colleges across the zeal, so that along with their secular
ushered in this new Millenium, that a
great har vest of faith will be reaped land from where many commit ted jobs they can continue being heralds
in the land of Asia still rings persons have passed out and of the Gospel in these lands.
powerfully in the hearts of many even continue to carry on the mission of
Professionals with a missionary zeal
today. Jesus wherever they are, using their
profession, talents and every other seeking job opportunities in any Asian
The vast potential of today’s Asian resource at their disposal. This project will have t wo thrust countr y and those wishing to get in
economy pr esents tr emendous areas of functioning. The first will be touch with our contacts in their
oppor tunities hither to unheard of for In order to net work these committed to maintain a database of Jesus respective countries in order to be
qualified pr ofessionals. Global Jesus Youth scat tered in various Youth who migrate to dif ferent par ts par t of a co-ordinated mission ef for t
markets are today concentrating on par ts of the world and to link them of the world and keep them updated may please send a mail to
Asian countries mor e than ever to the mainstream of the Movement, on developments in the movement. with
before. Jesus Youth International has This net work will enable us to link “JYGPNS” in the subject line.

An Office with a Difference

For Gim Killian, the pop singer from In a world where realms of faith and
Germany, it was a new experience. She profession are segregated within
had arrived in India to sing the German water tight compar tments, the
version of the World Youth Day theme questions are obvious. What is a
song entry by the RexBand. As she chapel doing nex t to a motor testing
stepped into the Jesus Youth Of fice lab? How do we reconcile the
and the RexBand studio, she was full competitive business transactions
of questions. “Why a chapel in an
with the atmosphere of prayer?
of fice? Do you pray everyday in the
of fice? Does a priest live here?”
“Give thanks with a grateful hear t...” But looking at it closely, I se e a
manufacturing micro motors. Some pattern emerge. Isn’t this of fice itself Fr. Antony Urulianickal CMI inaugurating the Studio

of the Directors of these organisations a parable of the Jesus Youth at titude have done so without seeking any
are personally involved in Jesus Youth of sanctif ying ever y realm of activit y apparent commercial benefit.
and their generosit y is one of the by the presence of Jesus? Isn’t it a
factors that make it possible for Jesus
refreshing change in a world tr ying The recent inauguration of the of fices
Youth to have an of fice in such a prime
to squeeze spirituality into a personal and the studio and the launch of the
mould? Jesus Youth website itself was a
The beautiful chapel, designed by a testimony to the unique character of
Jesus Youth interior designer is the this of fice. A spectrum of dignitaries
Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal SJ blessing the Of fice centre point of the of fice. And the from the corporate world and the
soundproof RexBand studio with its Jesus Youth Movement came
While trying to explain the of fice and
advanced recording equipment is together on 12th January 2004. And
its purpose to her, it also struck me that
where the music recordings of the the beautiful function, unlike any
the very concept of the Jesus Youth
Jesus Youth take place. other, seamlessly integrated prayer,
of fice was exciting in today’s world. To
explain, I’ll have to take you through a worship and business discussions.
quick tour of our new Jesus Youth In a world tr ying to keep faith away
of fice. from the mainstream culture, the
The first recording in the RexBand Studio
Flanked by of fices of multinational message that this of fice of fers is clear
corporations, the new Jesus Youth Moreover, the functioning of this – Take Jesus to the happening places
Of fice is on the sixth floor of a premium of fice illustrates how our professional of today’s world!
corporate space in Cochin, India. A resources can suppor t the spiritual
cluster of of fices including Jesus Youth needs of many. The directors of the Shelton Pinheir o
A Jesus Youth for over a
International, Jesus Youth National, Ark adjacent of fices who have set aside
decade and the lead
Power Controls Pv t Ltd., Por tescap their resources, the Jesus Youth from singer and song writer of
India and the Rexband studio take up acr oss the world who bear the the RexBand, he
curr ently works as
the entire floor. Ark Power Controls expenses for the of fice equipment, cr eative head in an
deals with Por tescap and Deltaline, and many other professionals who adver tising agency.
both multinational companies The beautiful crucifix in the JY Of fice Chapel
have contributed in countless ways,

dreaming big...
Leaders’ Conference-2003
A memorable event in the
history of Jesus Youth was
the Jesus Youth Leaders’
Confer ence, held in
Thrissur from 19th to 23rd
December, 2003. About
600 Jesus Youth leaders
from 21 zones of Kerala
par ticipated in this
confer ence. The focus

The Tree of Life

“The short film ‘Tree of Life’ is a commendable endeavour by Leo
was on the following
five areas: Jesus Youth
Spiritualit y, Jesus Youth
Lifest yle, Commitment, Role and Functioning of Ser vice Teams and Jesus Youth
Charisms. This leaders’ conference, unlike others, had ver y few lecture sessions
Thaddeus to transform the language of the visual media in the and more of interactive workshops and group sessions. A lot of ef for t went into the
light of positive values”, remarked Josy Joseph a renowned film making of the resource material that was brought out in booklet form. It received
critic on the occasion of the premiere of the film in the presence wide acclaim and is now being used for many Jesus Youth formation programmes.
of a select group of media persons, creative professionals and
businessmen in Cochin, India. The event was inaugurated by the His Grace Bishop Thomas Chakkiath celebrated
the Holy Eucharist on the second day. On the
renowned cartoonist Yesudasan.
last day His Grace Bishop John That tungal was
The slickly produced shor t film revolves around the dilemma of a the main celebrant for the Eucharist. The
modern nuclear family and their 10 year old son Jerry. The fast- conference came to a close with a colour ful
musical ex travaganza by RexBand for which His
paced, stress-ridden lifest yles of the mother who is an advertising grace Archbishop Jacob Thoomkuzhy was the
professional and the father, a gynaecologist, add to the problem. chief guest.


Jesus Youth in Kerala has got t went y one zones. In the year 1997, during the
conference “Jesus Youth 97”, 28 Indian States were adopted by the various Jesus
Youth zones in Kerala. Since then, Jesus Youth from various zones have been
visiting their adopted States and conducting mission outreaches there. Now there
is a vibrant Jesus Youth presence in several of these States.

“JY Leaders’ Conference 2003” witnessed a step for ward along the same lines.
This time 49 Asian countries were adopted by the various Jesus Youth zones in
Kerala. Intercession for these countries by their respective zones has begun.
In God’s time Jesus Youth
missionaries will visit these lands
with the message of God’s love and
be heralds of the Gospel there. You
Renowned car toonist Yesudasan inaugurating the screening of ‘Tree of life’ in Cochin too can be a par t of this move of
the Spirit by interceding for these
Set during the Christmas season, the life of the couple grinds to a countries.
halt as they try to wrestle with conflicting opinions on whether to
abor t their second child or not. The film exposes the selfishness The t went y-one zones of Jesus
and insecurit y that runs beneath the seemingly placid husband- Youth in Kerala and their mission
countries are given below.
wife relationship. It also reveals the impact of this turmoil on their
Zonal representatives with the flags of their mission countries
son. The work raises disturbing questions on relationships, career,
decisions and the value of life itself. z Kothamangalam
z Kasar gode
Kasargode Thalaind, Belarus, Kuwait
“A talented bunch of young upcoming technicians and artistes is Bangladesh, Armenia z Kat tapana
the force behind this pioneering project”, said Leo Thaddeus. He z Kannur Malaysia, Turkmenistan
also added that the inspiration for the film came from a Laos, Azerbaijan z Idukki
conversation he had with a Jesus Youth pro-life volunteer a few z Thalasser y The Phillipines, Uzbekistan
years back. Bhutan, Kazakhstan z Kot tayam
z Mananthavady Nepal, Bahrain
Leo Thaddeus, who earned his Diploma in
Nor th Korea z Pala
Mass Communication with a specialization in
z Calicut Japan, Brunei, Darussalam
film from the Gregorian University, Italy, is a
Pakistan, Georgia, Oman z Kanjirappally
prominent name in the theatre and movie
z Trichur Taiwan, Iran, Turkey
scenario in Kerala. A former Jesus Youth
Myanmar [Burma], Russia, Qatar z Changanasser y
Central Team Member and one of the pioneers z Palakad
of the Jesus Youth Audio Visual Ministry, Leo Indonesia, Cyprus, Yemen
Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan z Cher thala
has already directed various shor t films, ad z Irinjalakkuda
films and documentaries. Mongolia, Iraq
Cambodia, Moldova, z Alappuzha
The film is a JY presentation produced by Mampillil Brothers and Syrian Arab Republic Afghanistan, Lebanon
will be promoted through film symposiums, film festivals, VCD z Angamali z Kollam
distributions, etc. The Jesus Youth International Of fice will promote Singapore, Tajikistan South Korea, Jordan
the film wher ever possible. For more details contact z Ernakulam z Thiruvanathapuram China, Ukraine, U.A.E. Sri Lanka, Israel

Ripples of the Spirit
JY Karnataka
The Holy Spirit is sparking of f Campuses on fir e: The Campus
fire: already been initiated in various
exhaustive and innovative Ministr y in Karnataka is quite nursing scho ols and hospitals
initiatives through the Jesus Youth vibrant in Bangalore, Mangalore across the State. A mega
for diverse groups in the State of and Mysore. Almost 400 campus programme targeting around 800 Bangalore, Jesus Youth Ministry is
Karnataka. youth par ticipated in the recently participants has been planned for also active in 10 other districts of
May 2004. Karnataka.
Jesus Y outh Leaders’ Gathering:
The Jesus Youth Leaders’ Pr ofessionals gear ed up: Enlivening the Chur ch: The
Gathering of Karnataka was truly ‘a The first Pr ofessionals’ Archbishop of Bangalore and the
time of grace’. Br eaking the Discipleship Training Bishop of Belthangady Diocese
Programme was conducted in
barriers of language, distance and have been extremely supportive of
Bangalore, the IT capital of
culture, they came together in India, during the semester the initiatives of Jesus Youth in
Bangalore fr om 19 th to 21 st vacation of the professional Karnataka. His Excellency
February, 2004. The focus of the students. A Professionals’ Lawrence Mukkuzhy has even
conference was on orienting the Conference also took place at mentioned in his Diocesian bulletin
held campus programme –
leaders gathered to reach out to Dharmaram, Bangalore from 16th to that the Jesus Youth presence in
‘Harvest 2004’. The regular prayer
every corner of Karnataka. Around 18th of April 2004. his parishes is a blessing.
me eting in Christ College,
130 leaders from varied cultural Bangalore draws over 60 students
backgrounds, representing 11 Parishes in the for efr
forefr ont: Parish
efront: Power of Prayer: Almost 300
from colleges in the city. activities are picking up in Shimoga
districts of Karnataka were present. Jesus Youth gather together every
The JYIT Co ordinator Manoj with the suppor t and
Nurses alive: The numerous encouragement of the MCBS Saturday for a vibrant Night Vigil
Sunny, JYNT coordinator Joseph nursing schools and hospitals in congregation. In many regions, that is fast becoming a powerhouse
C.C. and JYIT member the State of fer tremendous Jesus Youth programmes are now of prayer. Besides, numerous
Chackochan Njavallil animated the oppor tunities for the Nurses’ being conducted in the local intercessor y initiatives are also
programme. Ministr y. Prayer groups have languages. In addition to sprouting all over the State.

contd from page 3 X

Attuned to God’s heartbeat and always invite Mother Mary to be With regard to talents, I feel that
of grace over a decade ago. I can see always prays before doing any thing, par t of my projects and recordings. ever y human life has a purpose
the fruit of that formation now. Those so whatever he does will be blessed”. I feel her constant intercession for me ordained by God. Our dut y as Jesus
years were never a waste for me. I every moment. Youth should be to identif y through
believe God has brought me into this Another time, a friend in the industr y prayer and seeking God’s will, those
industry for His greater purpose. To asked me where I went early in the I’m very par ticular about fellowship, charisms that God has endowed us
se e His Kingdom come in this morning ever y day. “For Holy Mass,” because it is always strengthening to with.
industry is the cr y of my heart. If ever I replied. At that time he was going be in the company of people who
the Lord prompts me to leave the film thr ough a crisis in his life. He love God. And in a profession like Af ter identif ying your talent or
world, I’ll have no second thoughts accompanied me to Church the nex t mine where people don’t have time charism, keep thanking God for it,
about it. I’ll just obey. Jesus knows day, and we both spent quite some for others and ever yone is busy work hard and practise daily. Then
what is best for my life. time in the presence of the Lord. I minting money, go od Christian strive to fulfill God’s purpose in giving
could share God’s love with him. fellowship is a necessit y, not an you this talent. Jesus Youth is a
J: T ell us mor
Tell more e about how you ar aree Months later, he phoned me up option. My priorities are still the same wonder ful plat form to help you
able to witness Jesus in your saying that that day ’s experience - God first before any thing else. That identif y your talents, and use them
pr ofession.
profession. before the Lord was unforget table. is my lifestyle even today. I arrange for the greater glory of God.
A: From the outside, one can only my recordings in such a way that
se e the fair y tale glamour of this they don’t clash with Jesus Youth
I have had many such experiences. When we give the lit tle we have to
industr y. In realit y the picture is quite programmes. I always tr y to make
People watch us, and more than Jesus, like the lit tle boy who gave his
dif ferent. Ego clashes are frequent myself available for RexBand
any thing we say, it is our life witness five loaves and t wo fish, Jesus
here. Addiction to liquor and loose programmes and Jesus Youth
that influences others. I am glad to multiplies it for His glor y in beautiful
living are the norm for many in this activities. Good Christian fellowship
say I’m not alone; there are many in ways. So give your all to Jesus. I have
industr y. is something I cannot do without.
this industry who stand for Jesus and seen how when I give my time, my
The formation and chiselling of his values. talent, my all to Jesus, he multiplies
J: What would
character I received as a Jesus Youth it and many are blessed.
you like to tell
taught me how to keep my ego under J: T ell us something about your
your Jesus Y outh
control. I’ve learnt how to work with struggles, your prayer life and
br others and sisters
dif ferent t ypes of people and to be fellowship in Jesus Y outh.
ar ound the world with rregar
around egar
flexible and adjustable without losing A: I have all the struggles of a normal
to their talents and their
my identit y. This has been a great human being, but I have the walk with Jesus?
asset for me in winning the hear ts of conviction that I am not alone. Jesus A: I have only one thing to
big guns in the industr y - they like is with me in all that I go through. My tell my fellow Jesus Youth
working with me. greatest strength comes from daily all over the world. “Seek ye
Mass wher e I surr ender all my first the Kingdom of God, and
At a meeting for one of my recent tensions and struggles. Even when I His righteousness, and all
projects, the producer enquired, am busy with hectic schedules, I tr y these things will be added unto
“What would be a good day to star t never to miss Holy Mass. The you.” But we need to be careful
the project?” I replied, “Any day is fine Blessed Virgin has inter vened in my here. Let us never follow Jesus for
with me, Sir,” and one of his life at ver y crucial moments and I am the things that will be added unto
assistants r emarked, “Alphons devoted to her. I of ten pray the rosary us. Follow Him for who He is.
Newswatch The National intercession Day was Mumbai News
celebrated on a grand scale in many A three day retreat “Quovadis” was
regions of India where Jesus Youth organised in Mumbai from 26th to 28th
together. The guest speaker was Dan is active namely, Manipal, Mumbai, December. More than 200 youth
USA Dirkes, of a local Life Te en
programme. The gathering came to
Bangalor e,
Mangalor e,
fr om various par ts of Mumbai
par ticipated in this retreat. During
a close with the par ticipants being Rajasthan and Jagdalpur. the days of the retreat a pro-life
Under the initiative of their Spiritual
Director Fr. Thomas Tharayil, the reminded of their mot to, “Each one, exhibition was held. The retreat was
catch one!” Retr eats in Bongaigaon-Assam
Retreats led by Fr. George Kumblumootil and
Jesus Youth of America have star ted
In Februar y 2004, a team of Jesus
a National Prayer Vigil. Jesus Youth
across the countr y spend half an Oman Youth fulltimers led by Mrs. Annie
John conducted five retreats for the
an anointed team of preachers.

hour for inter cession any time Jesus Y outh Mission Retr eats –
bet ween 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. on the Night V igil in Ruwi
Vigil youth of Bongaigaon Diocese in Nor th East
first night of every month. Volunteers Ar ound 200 youth fr om thr e e In November last year, JYNT
under take prayer through fasting, parishes of Oman gathered in Ruwi received invitations from various
par ticipating in the Eucharist and Church for a night vigil. Manoj Sunny
dioceses in Nor th East India to
spending time in adoration. This was pr esent and spoke of his
personal God experience and also conduct retreats for their youth. A
initiative is to be a regular feature
elaborated on the global vision of Jesus Youth team, including fulltime
throughout the year.
Jesus Youth. Biju Antony, the volunteers visited Orissa, Assam,
Every Friday night, about 70 Jesus
coordinator of Jesus Youth Kuwait Nagaland and Manipur bet we en
Youth of the Chicago region, gather
was also present. November 2003 and Februar y 2004.
for a night vigil with one night of the
month being dedicated to prayer in About 12 retreats and LSS seminars
Oman gets a CorCoree Team
Team were held for the youth of the region.
front of the Blessed Sacrament. A Jesus Youth National Team was Assam. The Bishop of Bongaigaon
formed in Oman. Mr. Bobby Jacob Diocese, Most Rev. Thomas Gujarat News
was elected Co-ordinator. A regional Pulloppillil, invited the Jesus Youth The annual retreat for Gujarat Jesus
coordinating team was also formed Movement to continue following up Youth was held from 24 th to 26 th
for the parishes of Ruwi, Ghala and the youth in his diocese. Januar y 2004 and was at tended by
about 40 participants. Senior Jesus
Middle East Gathering Jesus Y outh Retr
Youth eat in Nagaland
Retreat Youth from Kerala led the retreat.
Jesus Youth from various countries About 200 youngsters from various
of the Middle East gathered in Oman parishes of Kohima Diocese About 60 people other than Jesus
Christe en Retr
Christeen eat
Retreat from Januar y 31st to February 1st for par ticipated in a three-day retreat Youth par ticipated in a night vigil
A great milestone for Jesus Youth in the Middle East Gathering. Present starting from 11th December , 2003. conducted in the Bishop’s House on
the US was the Christeen retreat that and past activities were discussed 6th March, 2004 at the invitation of
took place on March 13th this year. with a thrust to reach out to those His Grace, Bishop Joseph Mukala of the Bishop of Ahmedabad,
Over 200 children of various rites countries where Jesus Youth is still Kohima Diocese was present during
without an active presence. His Excellency Thomas Ignatius
registered from the local Chicago the second day of the retreat. He Macwan. His encouragement and
r egion to par ticipate in this celebrated the Eucharist with them love is a great motivation for Jesus
programme. This is the first time that and invited them to embrace a new Youth. Similar night vigils are in the
Jesus Youth of America have life in Christ. The par ticipants were of fing.
organized a pr ogramme of this grateful to the Lord and to the Jesus
magnitude for children. Music and
skits were well taken care of by the
Youth team for leading them to a
close encounter with Jesus. UK
Jesus Youth te ens and college
students. Five priests assisted in
Rajasthan News
hearing confessions. A lot of During the first quar ter of
On 25th January, 2004, a Jesus Youth
intercession and prayer went in Oman JY Leaders’ T raining Camp
Training 2004, JYUK organized one-day
one day programme was held in the
weeks prior to the programme. The A Leaders’ Training Camp was held programmes in the three zones of
from 2nd to 3rd February, 2004 for the Cathedral Chur ch of Udaipur
final blessing was given by His the United Kingdom (Nor th, Central
Excellency Mar Jacob Angadiath, youth in Oman. Fif t y commit ted Diocese for the first time. The theme
& South). These gatherings helped
Bishop of Chicago Syro-Malabar leaders par ticipated in this first live- of the programme was, “Called to be
in reaching out to the locally based
diocese. in programme organised by the Living Saints”. About 100 youth from
youth. One day programmes were
Oman Jesus Youth. Sessions were 4 parishes par ticipated in the
NE Regional Bi-monthly Gathering conducted on constants, vision and programme. Various dynamics like
The first NE regional gathering of the r ole of JY, prayer gr oups, cell workshops, sessions, panel sharing
groups, etc. and skits were employed to convey
year 2004 was held on Januar y 24th

in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Fr. the message. This was the first time
that youth from various parishes of
the diocese came together on a
JYNT Inter cession Day
Intercession common plat form. His Excellency Rt.
held in Manchester, Birmingham &
29th February 2004 was obser ved as Rev. Joseph Pathalil, Bishop of
Ox ford with Holy Mass, adoration,
National Intercession Day by the Udaipur Diocese was the main
confession, spiritual sessions led by
Jesus Youth National Net work. Celebrant for Holy Mass. So on
priests, group building exercises,
af ter the Mass, His Excellency
Two intentions wer e taken up etc.
inaugurated Sunday Roses and
for inter cession. One was for
consecrated the statue of the
the for thcoming parliamentar y In Februar y this year, Mr. Manoj
Kevin McGoldrick was the guest Blessed Virgin in the presence of
speaker. The second gathering took elections, that the right candidates Sunny visited UK on his way to Rome
the parishioners. This one-day
place on March 24th in New Jersey, may get elected. The second was to impar t training to the Music
programme was a new experience
wher ein about 100 youth came for the re-constitution of JYNT. Ministry members of JYUK.
for all present.
small beginings...
A Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) was
conducted for about 35 youth from
dif ferent par ts of Kuwait.

New National team (JYNT)
A reconstitution was held for JY UAE
and a new team was formed along
with a new co ordinator. Two new
Mr. Manoj Sunny, was in Singapore
animators were also selected for
Jesus Youth UAE. from 20th Februar y to 6th March 2004.
Various training and formation GERMANY
New Ser vice team for each pr ogrammes wer e conducted Jesus Youth is taking its first steps in Germany under the
Emirate. during his visit. Thre e follow up patronage of Rev. Fr. Ignatius Chalissery CMI (Parish Priest of
A one day programme was held in programmes were conducted for the Indian Communit y) and Rev. Fr. Ajy Mooleparambil, a
Jebel Ali where new Ser vice teams nurses, of fice workers and campus former Jesus Youth full time volunteer who is now ser ving in
students on the 21st and 22nd of Germany. Over the last three months, five Jesus Youth
February. Each programme had an gatherings were held in the country. Manoj Sunny and George
average of about 70 par ticipants. Et tiyil assisted at some of these meetings.

Discipleship T raining Pr
Training ogrammes.
DTP programmes for the Campus
and Workers’ Ministr y wer e
were elected for each Emirate. The
sessions were moderated by Mr.
conducted fr om 23rd to 26th of SRI L ANKA
Februar y. The Campus DTP was
Manoj Sunny. Af ter many years of prayer, Jesus Youth activities have
par ticipated by about 15 active
intercession and waiting, a star ted on a small scale in
campus leaders. About 25 active
Tho olika Jesus Youth prayer group has Malaysia, thanks to the
leaders from the Workers’ ministry, taken shape in Colombo, Sri
Some Jesus Youth housewives got initiative and ef forts taken by
to ok par t in the thre e day DTP Lanka. Every Sunday morning
together and formed a literature team Jesus Youth Singapore. On
programme. The Nurses’ DTP was they gather af ter Mass at St.
to initiate a we ekly newslet ter - 7th March Mr. Manoj Sunny
conducted from 1st- 3rd March. The Theresa’s Church for an hour
Thoolika - that would cover Jesus conducted a one day follow-
Youth activities in Dubai. par ticipants of all three DTP’s got the of praise and worship, prayer
up programme for a small
and fellowship. God is
gathering of about 40
Nurses’ Ministr y in Dubai gradually adding numbers to
the group. par ticipants.
Jesus Youth nurses working in
dif ferent hospitals and clinics in
Dubai gathered together for prayer We, the JY Global family, warmly welcome Germany, Malaysia
and sharing. They formed a Nurses’ and Sri Lanka into our fellowship. Let us pray that God raises
Ministry, which includes nurses from many more prophets from these lands to take the Gospel to
JY as well as the Elders’ group. Fr. the ends of the ear th.
Peter fr om Dubai of ficially
inaugurated the Nurses’ Ministr y. conviction that God had called them
Training Programme on Discipleship,

personally for His purpose. One of
Leadership and the use of Gif ts and
the key sessions was on the five
Charisms. A warm welcome was
essential pillars of Jesus Youth. The
given to all the par ticipants by the
Jesus Youth in Kuwait staged a par ticipants were encouraged to
Spiritual Director Fr. Thomas Mathew.
Christmas pr ogramme in the make a de eper commitment to
Various leadership sessions and
Cathedral for the Malayalam personal prayer and other constants.
Commissioning ceremony of the new JYNT workshops were conducted by Mr.
Charismatic Communit y in
Manoj Sunny who also moderated
December 2003. The programme Seminar on ‘Music in Worship’ active Jesus Youth leaders at tended the re-constitution of the Jesus Youth
included a skit on the life of St. Paul. A workshop on the role of music in a t wo and half days’ live-in Leaders Ser vice Team.
The theme for the skit was “The need Praise and Worship was conducted
for saints in the new millennium.” A on the 4th and 5th of March 2004.
choreographic presentation followed About 60 par ticipants of both the
the skit and both wer e well Elders’ group and Jesus Youth took
part in the programme. Manoj Sunny Hail! Mary, conceived without sin.
spoke about the impor tant r ole
music plays in worship and how it We entrust into your loving care
can be ef fectively used to lead Jesus Youth the world over.
people into the presence of God.
Pray for us, that we may always
Various dynamics and st yles were
covered. seek God’s will and remain faithful to
appr eciated. This is the second Leaders’ Training & Re-constitution
your Son, Our Lord and Saviour
occasion where Jesus Youth has of National Team
Team Jesus Christ. Amen.
been invited to minister to the Church
communit y. For the first time in the histor y of
Jesus Youth Singapore, about 60

Printed and Published by Mr. Manoj Sunny on behalf of Jesus Youth International Of fice, 6F Thadikaran Centre, Palarivat tom P.O., Cochin – 682 025, Kerala, INDIA,
Editor-in-char ge : Josun Jose. Layout Design : Sanil C.A. Printed by SR Graphics, Kot tayam Ph : +91 481-2301142

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