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Riskiest Assumption Canvas DESIGNED BY: IOANNIS NOUSIS

Customers Problem Solution MVP

Who are your customers? What do they do for a Have you identified a pain point for your target Will your solution solve your customers’ problem? What is the Minimum Viable Product for which
living? Where can you find groups of them? How customers? Are they currently doing something Can they get their core job done? your customers will pay for?
many of them are there? to try and solve it?
Assumption 1: Assumption 1:
Assumption 1: Assumption 1: Having a messaging/commenting functionality Providing sharing info via email first will be good
My target user is a proffesional worker rather than Problem is that they want to share information will help them collaborate and share info enough for our customers
the Managing Director with each other regularly
Probability of wrong assumption: Probability of wrong assumption:
Probability of wrong assumption: Probability of wrong assumption: (1-5) (1-5)
(1-5) (1-5) Level of Impact if you are wrong: Level of Impact if you are wrong:
Level of Impact if you are wrong: Level of Impact if you are wrong: (1-10) (1-10)
(1-10) (1-10) Total Risk Level Total Risk Level
Total Risk Level Total Risk Level probability*impact probability*impact
probability*impact probability*impact

Assumption 2 Assumption 2
Assumption 2 Assumption 2
Assumption 3 Assumption 3
Assumption 3 Assumption 3
Assumption 4 Assumption 4
Assumption 4 Assumption 4

Competition Sales channels

Who else is providing this solution? What is your competitive advantage? How will you sell your product/service? Online? Inside sales? Outside sales? Distribution?

Assumption 1: Assumption 1:
Our back end technology is more advanced compared to the competition We need each sales rep to sign up 20 new accounts per month
Probability of wrong assumption: Probability of wrong assumption:
(1-5) (1-5)
Level of Impact if you are wrong: Level of Impact if you are wrong:
(1-10) (1-10)
Total Risk Level Total Risk Level
probability*impact probability*impact

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