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1.1 Background
Leisure has been defined as a quality of experience or as free time. Free time is
time spent away from business, work, job hunting, domestic chores and education. It
also includes time spent on necessary activities such as eating and sleeping. Based on
the Wikipedia leisure is one discretionary time spent in non-compulsory activities, time
spent away from cares and toils. Because leisure time is free from compulsory activities
such as employment, running business, household chores, education and other such as
day-to-day stresses, not including eating and sleeping, it is often referred as”free time’’.
Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that developed
the mind such as reading and doing cross word puzzles. Other feels that it is important
to give one mind a rest in leisure time. As we are human we naturally need to rest on
leisure time to cover the stress of work in everyday life. In fact, every individual need
to do what they want and belong to them. Moreover people are free for what they do
on their leisure time, and nobody can say what it is the best.
Some people want to relax after their day of work these people may prefer relax
by watching movies, reading or getting a massage. People who have physically jobs
such as doctors, teachers and builders may choose these kind of activities. If you are a
doctor, you may feel that you want to let your body rest after working and you don’t
want to do a five kilometers run after working, because you are already physically tired.
On the other hand some people choose to be active on their leisure time because they
do very sitting jobs. For example, these people may spend all day sitting on a chair and
do their work. At the end of the working day, they maybe have a backache and all of
their body become tired so they need to stretch their arms and improve their health by
doing some activities such as going to the gym or swimming.
In this mini research the researcher want to explain about leisure time in
Indonesian comparing with the leisure time in Australian and Chinese. Here the
researcher wants to tell kind activity in their leisure time and compare it, who know the
reader of this research will try one the leisure time activity that explain.

1.2 Research Question

1. How do Indonesian people spend their leisure time?
2. How do Australian people spend their leisure time?
3. How do Chinese people spend their leisure time?
4. The comparison among Indonesian, Australian and Chinese leisure time

1.3 Significant
This mini researcher has several significances for the researcher and the reader.
The first significant is for the researcher. The significant as follow:
1. The researcher add her information about leisure time activities outside
Indonesia especially in Australian and Chinese
2. The researcher able to explain about leisure time to who want to know about
leisure time activity in Australian and Chinese.
The second is significant for the reader. There also several significant for the readers
of this mini research. The significant as follow:
1. The readers get more information about what leisure time is
2. The readers know how do people in Australian and chines spend their
leisure time
3. The readers get new inspiration after reading this mini research about what
kind of activity that they want to do in their leisure time.
4. By reading this mini research the readers know about the leisure time
activity that they do is belong to who, Australian leisure time or Chines
leisure time.

2.1 Indonesian People’s Leisure Time

For some people in Indonesia, especially they who have much money, they like
to spend their time by going to the abroad. They usually spend their leisure time in the
famous country like America, Japan and Korea. There they will visit some famous
places. They also like to buy many kinds of things there. Some people like to spend
their leisure time by coming in to the mall and spend their money there. Others people
prefer go to the mountains to refresh their mind after doing some activities in the city.
They usually visit some places that have cold weather. There are some activities that
they can do there, for example rafting, hiking, camping and many other fun activities.
People who already get married will spend their leisure time with their family. The
most common activities that they do are paly ball in the park, gardening, go to the
beach, and sometimes they just stay at home and have a talk with their couple and also
their children.
Meanwhile people who are not married yet, usually spend their leisure time by
travelling in to their favorite places, hang out with their friends and sometimes they
like to go fishing and even they go to dive. But not all of the people who not married
yet like to do everything with their friend in their leisure time, some of them like to
stay home and prefer to read novel or watch their favorite movie. People who live in
the village have different ways to spend their leisure time. Like what already explained
above, people who live in the city will spend their leisure time by visiting some places
in the abroad, people in the village usually spend their leisure time in the garden by
doing some activities there. For example they will plant some rice or dig the soil.
Based on the information that the researcher got in the, most of people in Indonesia spend their leisure time by
visiting some places like mountain, beach and parks. They usually go picnic for a day,
they go in the morning and back home in the afternoon. In conclusion people in
Indonesia have different ways to spend their leisure time. They who have much money
will go to abroad or come into the mall and spend their money there, people who
already married prefer spend their time with family and for who is not married yet, they
spend leisure time by reading some books or watching movie at home.

2.2 Australian People’s Leisure Time

Same like other people, Australian also have their own ways to spend their
leisure time. Below are several ways of Australian spend their leisure time based on
the data that was found in the economist magazine:
1. Gathered with their neighbor
Australian people like to spend their leisure time by gathering with their
neighbors. They like to make party in their free time by inviting some people who stay
near of their house. They usually gather in front of the house and held small party, for
example barbeque party, or cocktail party. They are very close each other, they almost
know all of their neighbor who stay near of their house. Australian people always have
time for talking each other and listening some stories from others.
2. Drink Coffee
Australian people like to drink coffee. Although Australia isn’t coffee
producers, but people there good at grilling imported coffee so it can make a special
taste. The most special thing is, Australian people prefer to choose local café to drink
coffee than franchise from abroad, even they have special relationship with their favorite
coffee seller. Every café which sell coffee has their own flavor and it can represent their
buyers. They will drink coffee in their favorite coffee shop in their leisure time.
Australian people will do this activities after working and if they have free time for relax
or enjoy their day after all day daily work.
3. Doing outdoor activities
Australian people prefer spend their leisure time by doing outdoor activities
such as jog or play in the park. This activity has a special purpose , they want to enjoy
the weather in their country. Australian people said that in their country there are four
season in a day, why they say like that ? because Australian has unpredictable season,
they has four season in a day, so for Australian people enjoy the weather that is mean
they enjoy their life and good weather is the time for enjoying the day. In Australia,
there are so many parks, Australian people easily find City Park in including with the
playground in it everywhere near their surroundings. Australian people like to picnic or
just gather with their family, friends and relatives there. In the summer, Australian
people always gathered in the City Park, because there will be music festival, grapes
festival and many others fun festival. Besides going to the park, Australian people also
like going to the beach. They like picnic in the beach, surfing, and sometime swimming.

4. Like to do sport
Australian people are also like to do sport. They usually work out or doing their
favorite sport in the Sunday morning or before going to work. They will go out from
their house for cycling or jogging with their relative, family or their friend but also most
of them do sport alone by themselves. Australian people usually do this activity in their
free time before going to the office or before doing their activity. When they don’t want
to go outside home for doing sport, they will do that activity indoor. Sport is very
important for Australian people, because they need to keep healthy especially for
someone who do sitting jobs. So most of Australian people doing sport in their leisure
time to keep them healthy after working all day.

5. Petting animal
Most of Australian people like to pet an animal in their house. In their leisure
time they like to treat their pet, for example bath them, take them in to the vet and take
them go outside. Australian people are famous like to keep animal like dog and cat.
They love their pet as their family, so in their free time most of Australian people go
outside home by taking their pet. They like to take their pet to the beach and they will
walk along the beach with their pet, especially someone who pet dog and cat.

Those are several activities that Australian people do in their leisure time. The
conclusion is, most of Australian people like to do outdoor activity because they like to
gather and like to have a talk with their neighbors. Besides their habit drink coffee in
the café with local taste.

2.3 Chinese People Leisure Time

Based on the in their leisure time, Chinese people like
to shop, sing karaoke and play ping pong or badminton. They also enjoy Mazhang also
spelled Mahjong, a Chinese game played with tiles and talking walks in the parks.
There is a Chinese term used to describe the street crowded with shoppers,
especially during the holidays. There will be so many people come from the village to
city for spend their holiday. That is why in chines there is a term like “people mountain
people sea”. Woman in particular take pleasure in this pass time and consider a day of
trying on multiple outfits and haggling over prices without purchasing anything
productive day.
Karaoke is a common social activity in Chinese. Alcohol is also involved and
skill in singing is not a prerequisite. Most people in Chinese like to spend their leisure
time by visiting some place to do karaoke with their friends or family. They who
usually come to karaoke is the employee who are very busy work at the office all day.
Ping pong and badminton are two of the top sport in Chinese. Numerous parks
have free table tennis set-ups. While ping pong is played casually, badminton is taken
more seriously. Parks also host free badminton courts, the experienced player tends to
avoid this due to the wind. Chinese companies sometimes rent out badminton courts
for their employees to play after working.
Mahjong is a favorite cultural activity in leisure time for many Chinese people,
specifically the elderly. It is played by four people sitting around a square table. Tiles
are use in play f traditional playing cards and goal is to be the first player to get a
complete hands by making four sets of three and pairs.
Based in the information above we can see that Chinese people like to spend
their leisure time outdoors. They like to go to the park, so that is why parks are filled
with people from down until dusk engaging in Chinese chess, Mahjong, kite flying and
public dance.

2.4 The Comparison among Indonesian, Australian and Chinese Leisure Time
All the people in the world where ever they are they must be have their own
way to spend their activity in the leisure time. As what the researcher writes above,
people in Indonesia, Australian and Chines have their own way. There are some
differences among them if we comparing them based on their activity in the leisure
time. The comparison can be seen as follow:
1. Indonesian people like to go to the mall in their leisure time especially they who
have much money, but Australian people prefer go to the park rather than mall
because they like to gathered with their people in their surroundings and people
in Chinese like go to the mall in their leisure time but only people who come
from the village.
2. Australian people like many kind of sport and they like to do sport in their
leisure time especially for the people who do sitting job, and in Chinese, people
also like to do sport but only ping pong and badminton because the government
support them to do this sport and people in Indonesia never doing sport in their
leisure time, because they only doing sport when they need to decrease their
3. Australian people like to do an outdoor activity because of their unpredictable
weather, meanwhile for Chinese people they like to do an outdoor activity
because of their daily need such as they do sport but in Indonesia people prefer
to do indoor activity like shopping in the mall.

Those are several differences among Australian, Indonesian and Chinese

leisure time if we compare them.

3.1 Finding
By seeing the previous chapter that explain about kinds of activity that people
in Australia, Indonesia and Chinese during their leisure time, we find that there are
several differences among them. Finally we know that most people in Indonesia and
Chinese spend their leisure time by going to the mall, but in Chinese people who come
to the mall are the people who live in the village and we finally know that people in
Australia spend their leisure time by doing some outdoors activity. And we also know
about the daily habit elderly people in Chinese spend their leisure time by playing
traditional card that called mahjong. In Indonesia people rarely spend their leisure time
by paling traditional plays like in Chinese. Australian people also like treat their pet at
home in their leisure time, they will take their pet outside home, play in the parks. By
reading the previous chapter we also know that in Australia is very easy to find
beautiful park that complete with playground in it. Indonesian people like going to the
mall but not of them like to do that. Some people in Indonesia prefer stay home in their
leisure time and they will read novel or watch movie at home.
People who have physically jobs such as doctors, teachers and builders may
choose these kind of activities. If you are a doctor, you may feel that you want to let
your body rest after working and you don’t want to do a five kilometers run after
working, because you are already physically tired. On the other hand some people
choose to be active on their leisure time because they do very sitting jobs. For example,
these people may spend all day sitting on a chair and do their work. At the end of the
working day, they maybe have a backache and all of their body become tired so they
need to stretch their arms and improve their health by doing some activities such as
going to the gym or swimming.
Everybody in the word, needs to spend their leisure time, because by spending
leisure time and doing some activities like reading, go to the park or beach, doing sport,
gathered with their family in small party, it can decrease the effect of stress in daily
life. That activity is needed by person who do sitting job, they must be need an activity
in their leisure time like doing sport to keep their healthy.

4.1 Conclusion
We can conclude that different places have different way to spend their leisure
time. It is depend on the people themselves, whether they enjoy or not by doing that
activity. As long that activity makes us fun and we can enjoy it, why not we do it.
People in Indonesia have different ways to spend their leisure time. They who have
much money will go to abroad or come into the mall and spend their money there,
people who already married prefer spend their time with family and for who is not
married yet, they spend leisure time by reading some books or watching movie at home.
People in Australia like to do outdoor activity like doing sport, drink coffee, petting, or
gathered in the park with their family or friends. In china people like to play traditional
card called mahjong especially elderly people in their leisure time.

4.2 Suggestion
I hope after reading this mini research the readers are able to know the
comparison among Australian, Indonesian and Chinese leisure time. After reading this
mini research the readers have to know how they will spend their leisure time by
choosing good activity. The readers can be adopt one of the activity from Australian or
Chinese if they possible do that activity.
REFERENCES 2016. What do Chinese people do in their leisure time
Wikipedia. The meaning of leisure time.
economist magazine. 2011. Australian leisure time

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