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Reflection Conference

Teacher: _Tyler Alessi ____________________ Date: _2/10/2019_____

Date of Observation: _2/7/2019_______ Time: ___12:40pm_________ Subject/Grade: __Reading/3rd ___

* Please bring this completed form with you for your post conference.

1. Did the students learn what you intended them to learn? How do you know? (3d)

a. Yes, I feel that most of the students did learn what I intended them to. I know that the students learned

what I intended for them to learn because I was able to formatively assess their understanding during

their partner work. I also collected the Type 1 Writings throughout the week to check for understanding.

2. How did you provide feedback to your students during or after the lesson? (3d)

a. During the lesson I provided feedback by observing and listening to the discussions between partners. I

did my best to ensure that students were collaborating and sharing equally in the work. I also tried to

ask guiding questions to students who were struggling with finding answers to help lead them to

answering the questions.

3. As you reflect on this lesson, how were the students cognitively engaged in the work? (3c)

a. The students enjoy the reading from the Wonders book. I also believe that having the students complete

the Type 1 Writing before they have discussions with their partners allow them to be more actively

engaged in their discussions. They are able to organize their thoughts and responses ahead of time,

rather than having to do so during the discussion. The questions in the Wonders Companion books are

rigorous. Most of the students are engaged in answering these questions.

4. How did the instructional strategies you chose support student learning? (3c)

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a. Being that the Wonders lessons in this unit are review of concepts that the

students have already been taught, the cooperative learning strategy used in these lessons are a

great way to support student learning. The students are working in groups with different levels of

ability. I feel that this gives the students an opportunity to teach each other. This is a tool that I feel is

underutilized by teachers in the classroom. Since teachers already understand the concepts they are

teaching, it makes sense that students who are learning the concepts for the first time may be able to

teach it in a way that we did not think about.

5. Did you alter the lesson or adjust the outcomes as you taught the lesson? If so, why and how? If not, why not?


a. I do not feel that I altered the lesson or adjusted the outcomes as I taught. This is a relatively new

routine in my classroom. Due to this, I did not want to make any alterations or adjustments to the lesson

as it could have confused the students.

6. If you had the chance to teach this lesson again, how would you increase the level of rigor? (4a)

a. One thing that I would do to increase the level of rigor for this lesson would be to have additional

activities ready to use during the lesson. I noticed that there were several students that did not have

something to work on while waiting for a partner. While no student was waiting for a prolonged amount

of time, it was a missed opportunity to ensure that there is not a minute wasted where students can be

learning. This also applies to the activities for those students who finish early.

7. Based on what you’ve learned about your practice, throughout this process, what are you taking forward for use

in future planning? (4a)

a. I feel that I could benefit from planning for as many outcomes as possible. This is a goal that has carried

over into each lesson. With the conclusion of each lesson, I have done my best to take note of any

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unforeseen circumstances that arise during my lessons so that I can take time to think of ways to

overcome these types of challenges in the future. While I will never be able to plan for all

obstacles, I am determined to use each days obstacles as a learning experience and better myself

as an educator.

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