Notes On Electricity For Grade 6

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I. Answer the following questions:

1. Define the following terms:

a. Electric current – The movement of negative electrical charges (electrons) through a
conductor is called an electric current.
(Note: Structure of an atom is given below for the reference:)

b. Electric circuit – An electric circuit is the closed path in which electric current flows.
c. Circuit diagram – A circuit diagram depicts an electric circuit using circuit symbols.
d. Complete or Closed circuit – An electric circuit in which there is no gap in the connections
between the terminals of the cell, wires and bulb, etc., is called a complete or a closed
e. Open or Incomplete circuit –An electric circuit in which there is a gap in the connections
between the terminals of the cell, wires and bulb, etc., is called an incomplete or an open

2. Differentiate between Conductors and Insulators.

Conductors Insulators

The materials which allows electric current to flow The materials which do not allow
through them are called conductors. electric current to flow through them
are called insulators.

Examples: metals like silver, copper, aluminium, iron, Examples: Generally non-metals,
metal alloys like steel, brass, bronze, non-metal like plastics, rubber, wood, glass, air, etc.
graphite is also a conductor.
3. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a dry cell.

4. Describe the structure of an electric bulb with a neat labelled diagram.

● An electric bulb consist of a transparent glass covering that encloses a thin, coiled
metal wire called filament.
● The filament is made of tungsten supported by two thick wires.
● The lower end of one of the thick wires is connected to the metal tip at the bottom of the
● The lower end of the other thick wire is connected to the metal case of the bulb.
● The metal tip and the metal case are the two terminal of the bulb.
● The glass chamber is filled with an inert gas (argon).
5. Explain the working of a torch.
(Diagram is given for the reference :)

● A torch is a portable electric lamp which uses two (or more) cells to light a small bulb.
● The two cells in a torch have to be joined in such a way that the positive terminal of one cell is
always kept in contact with the negative terminal of the other cell.
● The positive terminal of the first cell is in contact with the base of the bulb and the positive
terminal of the second cell is in contact with the negative terminal of the first cell.
● The cells are connected to the bulb through a sliding switch, when we close the sliding switch
by pushing it forward, the circuit is complete and the bulb lights up.
● When we open the sliding switch by pushing it backwards, the circuit breaks and the bulb is
turned off.
● A curved mirror is situated behind the bulb which reflects the light of the
bulb in the form of a beam.

6. Draw a simple circuit diagram with a battery, a switch, conducting wire and a bulb.

Closed circuit Open circuit

7. Explain the role of a switch in an electric circuit.

The bulb can be turned on or off using a switch. If the switch is open, no current flows, so bulb does not glow.
If the switch is closed, current flows, so the bulb glows.

8. Mention any three precautions that are advised while handling electrical devices.

a. Never touch any electrical device with wet hands, as water conducts electricity and we can get an electric

b. While using electrical devices, always wear rubber – soled footwear as rubber is a bad conductor of

c. In case of an electric fire, switch off the mains and use a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. Never use
water to do so.

II. HOT Questions

1. Harry made a circuit by using an electric cell, a switch, a torch bulb (fitted in the bulb holder) and copper
connecting wires. When he ‘turned on ‘the switch, the torch bulb did not glow at all. He checked the circuit
and found that all connections were right.

a. What could be the possible reason for the torch bulb not glowing even when the circuit was complete?

Ans: This could happen if the bulb got fused. This happens when the filament breaks.

b. What could have caused the above condition to happen?

Ans: The bulb could fuse due to normal wear and tear of the filament or when too much electricity is passed
through suddenly.

2. Kettles and toasters have a wooden or plastic handle. (Give reason)

Ans: Kettles and toasters have a wooden or plastic handles, since these being insulators, prevent injuries
due to heat and electric shocks.

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