Star-Gazing In: Cologne

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S 2005
pec ial I s s ue

“Form communities based on faith!

In recent decades movements
and communities have come to
birth in which the power of the
Gospel is keenly felt. Seek
communion in faith, like fellow
travellers who continue together

Star-gazing in
to follow the path of the great
pilgrimage that the Magi from the
East first pointed out to us. The
spontaneity of new communities

is important, but it is also important
to preserve communion with the
Pope and with the Bishops. It is
they who guarantee that we are
not seeking private paths, but are
living as God’s great family,
founded by the Lord through the
twelve Apostles.”

“I know that you as young people

World Youth Day 2005
have great aspirations; that you
want to pledge yourselves to
build a better world. Let others
see this, let the world see it, since
this is exactly the witness that
the world expects from the
disciples of Jesus Christ; in this
way, and through your love above
all, the world will be able to
discover the star that we follow
as believers. Let us go forward
with Christ and let us live our lives
as true worshippers of God!
Pope Benedict XVI,
Concluding Holy Mass , WYD 2005.

Inside Stuff “We saw his star at its rising, and

we have come.” (Matt 2: 2)
Jesus Youth as more than 600 of its
members from 14 countries
streaming through the parks and
gathering in large numbers at the
gathered alongside those from older festival venues, with the
! Star-gazing in Cologne Cologne took the spotlight as the movements such as Focolare, unmistakable WYD backpacks,
! Heart Talk world saw yet again the young, Neocatechumenal Way and colourful caps and scarves, and their
vibrant face of the Church when an Sant’Egidio, to leave their imprint and respective national flags. There was
! Jesus Youth International
estimated 1 million young pilgrims contribute their share to the success festivity in the air with sounds of
Gathering poured in from all quarters of the of the celebration. Everywhere for laughter and merriment, music and
globe following the footsteps of the over a week, one could see singing, shouting and clapping,
! Youth Arise International
Magi to “discover the star on the roof processions of young people of interspersed with cries of “Giovanni
Gathering of Cologne Cathedral” at the XX different nationalities thronging the Paolo” and “Benedicto”! The spirit
World Youth Day celebrations. It was streets, filling the churches, of prayer and signs of faith were also
! Pilgrimage of Faith
an event of special significance for crowding the buses and trains,
contd. on page 3 !

and helped us find places to stay, and Msgr. Antony Kollamparampil
without whom our pilgrimage to Rome would not have been possible.

Yet another beautiful experience was the series of Rexband concerts prior
to WYD, in UK and in Germany. This tour afforded innumerable instances
of a typical Jesus Youth life style. The members of the Rexband risked
much, laying aside everything and getting a month off from their jobs so
that the Lord could be proclaimed through their music. One of them even
A new chapter of Church history was written when one had to resign his job – a good one too - leaving his future apparently bleak.
million youth of the world’s nations travelled with the And I saw the power of sacrifice, the witness of brotherhood and the efficacy
Church and for the Church, to gather around the Holy of prayer all through the tour, particularly in the way so many hearts were
Father and celebrate the World Youth Day in Cologne touched and transformed. The same can be said of the Jesus Youth of UK.
as a great festival in the honour of God. One can only wonder at the It’s been only a few years since Jesus Youth took root in UK. But what an
innumerable challenges faced and the unimaginable effort taken for an excellent job they did in organizing the concerts! Rexband was virtually
event of such magnitude. A huge team comprising the staff of the WYD unknown in England; nonetheless, they succeeded in gathering big crowds
office, church groups, associations and movements, dioceses and parishes through their commitment and painstaking efforts. Almost all the halls were
and around 20,000 volunteers had been working hard over the last three fully packed and most of the audience departed with an experience of the
years just to make those few days from 11-21 August pleasant and presence of the living God!
memorable! Several times, when neck-deep in work, bogged down by
mails and faced with dead ends, I’ve asked myself, “Is it really worth After following on the heels of the Magi to Cologne, the Jesus Youth
spending so much on a project like this? Will it be worth the while facing all contingent continued their pilgrimage through Taizé, Lourdes, Assisi and
the hurdles that keep emerging right from the moment we apply for the Rome. It was a time of great blessing with unforgettable moments like the
visas and as we move on to finances, tiresome journeys, long stretches of Masses we celebrated in the Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome
walking, unknown languages, alien cultures, unaccustomed weather and and that of St. Francis in Assisi. The highlight of this ‘Pilgrimage of Faith,’
food, etc.?” But when, at the YAI festival and WYD celebration, I experienced and undoubtedly one of the greatest blessings for me was being able to
the awesome beauty of worshipping the King of Kings along with youth attend the funeral service of a saint of our times – Br. Roger of Taizé.
from countries across the world speaking different tongues, when I
witnessed the joy of coming together as a family during the Jesus Youth And now here we are at the end of it all, with a new International team.
International Gathering, and when I jubilantly joined the thousands screaming Frankly speaking, I didn’t relish the idea of carrying on as
‘Benedicto’, at the welcome ceremony, I found myself saying, “Sydney the International coordinator for another term and I had been praying hard
2008, here I come!” to find a way out. However, I accept this responsibility with joy and
humility, knowing well that the coming years will be a really tough time
It was no joke getting things organized in a foreign country from this distant personally, but knowing better still that this is the will of God for me and for
corner of the world. Yet each time, God sent his angels to help us out. And our movement. We will be directing our efforts towards new outreaches,
often when we found the main doors shut in our faces, He caused new with a special focus on Asia and Africa, different leaders’ training
ones to open. The word ‘thanks’ cannot contain the gratitude that wells in programmes including the JY International full-timers training programme,
my heart when I think of people like Fr. John Kallarackal CMI, the Parish etc. Let us joyfully march ahead together deciphering our call and discerning
priest of Dormagen (the venue of our catecheses and accommodation the move of the Spirit!
during the JYIG and WYD), Joy Manikath and all the Malayalee families in
Cologne, Fr. Ignatius CMI and the Indian Parish Council in Cologne, the
Sisters of St. Joseph’s in Lourdes, Maura Cattani from RnS, Italy who visited Manoj Sunny
many parishes seeking permission to accommodate our pilgrims in Rome Jesus Youth International Co-ordinator

“The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not “Each blessing at the World Youth
want.”(Psalm 23) Day has a tremendous impact on
our times. Quite by chance I
These are the words reverberating in my attended the WYD concluding Mass
mind after the Youth Arise Festival, Jesus with Pope John Paul in 1985 in Rome,
Youth International Gathering and the World which was then held within the
Youth Day. From the very inception of these premises of St. Peter’s Basilica. I
programmes I have seen and experienced realized its significance for me only
an unbroken litany of God’s blessings. when I came to know many years
later that 1985 was the year
dedicated to the Youth; the year
I have witnessed and experienced two miracles in which the Almighty
when Jesus Youth got it’s name.
made His presence felt during the preparations for these events. One was
When Manoj Sunny convinced me in
the accident in which Manoj, Henry, George and myself were involved,
2000 to attend WYD again in Rome, Pope John Paul had aged, but the
when we were traveling at a speed of 160 km on a busy highway. My car
youth were younger in age and more in number. When 2 million attended
was almost completely destroyed. However, all of us escaped without
the concluding Mass in 2000, I understood how the Lord had blessed this
even minor injuries. The second was the bright and pleasant weather God generation through the Pope. Throughout the following years and through
prepared for the days of the World Youth Day. The weather forecast, that WYD in Toronto, we as Jesus Youth have continued to understand the
seldom goes wrong, predicted a rainy day; but the day dawned bright and responsibility that the Lord is giving us to reach out with our culture and
clear! faith to the rest of the world.

Now, when I look back I feel that God has been sending apt persons I decided to get fully involved in the WYD project over the past 2 years,
whenever necessary. Without those right people in the right places, things certain that my involvement would come to an end with the WYD. It was a
would not have been so smooth and successful. There were difficult times, shock initially to be asked to join the new iteam as the Assistant Co-ordinator.
of course, but all through the preparation I could see light at the end of the But I soon realised like many others that Jesus Youth needs to be nurtured
tunnel. Truly everything went on well, because of His presence and so that it can be an effective instrument in the service of His Church.For the
first time I saw a possibility that one day many Jesus Youth would actually be
guidance. I bow my head before the Great Planner and CEO.
called ‘History Makers,’ something I’d known earlier only as lyrics of a song we
used to sing.
The recent past has proved that we are just instruments in the hands of
God. However unskilled and fragile we are, He is mighty. With Him everything I would like to thank the Lord for allowing me to assist in the organisation of
is possible! Praise the Lord. this Pilgrimage. We went to Cologne to worship Him. May we continue to do
so forever.”
Fr.Ajy Mooleparambil CMI
Fr.Ajy George Ettiyil
(Member, Jesus Youth International Team; (Asst. Co-ordinator, Jesus Youth International Team; General
General Convener Jesus Youth International Gathering) Co-ordinator, Jesus Youth International Gathering.)

Special Iss

“ The trip started in the heart. My heart people took over. Jesus Youth in disappointed, and had to satisfy truth, the deepest meaning of
was eager to see youth from different parts
of the world, as one among many, as one
particular switched over quickly to themselves listening in on the human existence’ and on the
in Christ. To experience Christ, with a “Guten tag” and “Guten morgen” proceedings, or if they were lucky, second by Most Rev. Blase J.
backpack for a cross on my back that and got by quite successfully, with watching everything on giant TV Cupich, Bishop of Rapid City, USA,
grew heavier with every step. At every
step thoughts of things that hurt most in
a mixture of English, Malayalam, screens. At times like this it appeared on ‘Meeting Christ in the Eucharist.’’
my life came to my mind. Even though smatterings of German and of as though Germany could not hold Each day the Catechesis was
they were small things, like the thorns of a course mime! the thousands that congregated for followed by the celebration of the
rose biting into my skin, it helped me to
look at the suffering of Christ for our
this biggest of Catholic gatherings Holy Eucharist. On one day there
on the globe. However, as one
salvation. Germany was an extraordinary
experience because it felt like Christ was Opening Mass pilgrim who was trying to fight her
was a special form of catechesis by
way of a pilgrimage to Cologne
by my side in everything. During the WYD The WYD activities began in the way through the crowds and make Cathedral and the shrine of the Magi
trip, Christ our Saviour healed the pain in
my shoulder and in my heart.” three German cities of Cologne, it onto a train to the arena said, “It on the theme, ‘Going on pilgrimage
Jeslyn Paulose Ellickal, a teenager, USA Düsseldorf and Bonn with doesn’t even matter whether we get with witnesses to the faith.’
contd. from page 1 !
simultaneous Masses, overflowing on the train in the end. The spirit of
crowds, waving flags and the unity, all of us standing here on the
evident at the catechesis sessions,
in the churches, during the Way of
energy of more than 200,000 young crowded platform, is worth every The Youth Festival
minute of it.” Bridging the World
the Cross, at the inaugural and
concluding Masses, and during the
Night Vigil, where young people in Catechesis
small groups or on their own could
Discovering a Deeper Faith
be seen praying, reciting the
Rosary, reading the Bible, Catecheses were offered on three
meditating, standing in line for days at various venues to guide and
confession, or simply sharing their invite the pilgrims to enter into a more
faith experience. profound relationship with Jesus
Christ. Jesus Youth was invited to
animate one of the Catecheses and
Touchdown people from countries all over the it was an added blessing when it
world. In Cologne, Archbishop One of the strengths of WYD is the
Stanislaw Rylko, President of the experience of new cultures,
Pontifical Council for the Laity countries and people that it offers
opened the proceedings with through music, performance art and
greetings in five languages. “You are other cultural events. Well known
entering on a great adventure, and bands from different nations
the main figure in the adventure is performed, thereby bridging the
you,” he said. Following the arrival world. Picnic concerts were given
of the World Youth Day cross in the on the banks of the Rhine, in city
German hospitality knew no bounds stadium, the service began with the parks, and other inner-city green
as hosts of families and numerous World Youth Day hymn, “We Have areas with a wide range of musical
Bishop Blase J. Cupich, Rapid City, USA performances, from classical to pop
private houses, schools and Come to Worship Him.” More than
government buildings opened wide an hour before the Masses were to happened to be the one attended music. Jesus Youth exulted when
their doors to welcome and gather begin, the entrances to some by its own members. The young people from across the world
the influx of young pilgrims to WYD. venues were closed as they were catecheses for Jesus Youth was led flocked in large numbers to
The barriers of language and culture already filled to overflowing. Many on the first day by His Eminence celebrate Jesus with Rexband as
were broken as the warmth of the pilgrims, including a good number Ivan Cardinal Dias from Mumbai, they performed for the opening
hospitality and the generosity of the of the Jesus Youth, were India, on the theme ‘Searching for concert at Burgplatz in Düsseldorf.

Caught in Action: An animated Cardinal Dias leading the Catechesis

Inspiring Encounters There were many, no doubt, who
wondered how these young people
WYD is a veritable melting pot of would receive the new Pontiff. They
Catholic movements and youth didn’t have to wonder long, for as
initiatives. And Cologne afforded news came in that His Holiness was
approaching, the cheers went up
even louder for “Benedicto”! As
always, the spontaneity, generosity
and adaptability of young hearts
won the day. Most of the Jesus Youth
had found vantage points from
where they got a good view and
close shots of His Holiness as he

Jesus Youth with the enriching

experience of an encounter with the
Sant’Egidio community. Blessed
coincidence when we gathered on
the feast of St. Ursula in the church
dedicated to her name, to be led in
prayer by members of the
community. Following this, we were accompany the Rexband as they pilgrims was there, battling the
refreshed with cakes and cookies led the singing for the 9 km. walk biting cold, having come prepared
and a mutual recounting of from Nievenheim to Knechtsteden, to camp out all night, some of them
experiences and activities. It was where there was a concluding with little children. Miraculously,
amazing to realize that in as much session with an audio visual though, it did not rain, and the sun
passed by. The feeling as the presentation of the icons of the 14 shone bright the next morning as
as there were differences between expectant crowd awaited His
our movements, our cultures and stations prepared specially for this the concluding Mass began. The
Holiness was amazing and the WYD, and also readings and crowds stretched back as far as
activities, we were one in spirit! happiness of the youth infectious. prayers in different languages of the the eye could see, bringing to mind
Even the stiff German officials and world. the exhortation of Pope John Paul II
“It was a great experience for me to be
policemen who did their rounds in his message for this WYD: “Do
part of the World Youth Day in Köln, a trip
which gave a new outlook and dimension could not but succumb to their not hesitate, my dear young
to my Catholic faith. It sparked a fire in charming ways and good natured friends, to respond to Him when He
me to know more about the Catholic
fun and frolic. invites you ‘to the wedding feast of
Church, to practise its sacraments, to
deepen my faith and I can surely say that the Lamb’.” In his homily Pope
a person who experiences the WYD can
never deny how well the Holy Spirit leads “It was a blessing for me to attend the Benedict XVI urged the young
1million youth from all over the world.” World Youth Day. I was very surprised people to hold fast to the core
and inspired to see thousands of youth
-Bobby Paul (UAE)
waiting to see the Pope. What made
values of their faith. “The Eucharist
them do so? One thought that came to my must become the centre of our
mind at that time was that if this old man lives” he said and we must “allow
Papal Welcome could inspire so many youth, as a young
person I should be able to do many things
Awaiting Pope Benedict XVI for the glory of God. My heart filled with
joy when youth from all over the world At Marienfeld
praised the Almighty together. It was
One of the highlights of World Youth beautiful.” - Suja Mathew, Singapore Vigil and Mass with the Pope
Days is undoubtedly the presence Filled with the joy of the week, the
of the Supreme Pontiff. At all the WYD pilgrims continued their
previous WYD gatherings, Pope The Via Dolorosa journey on a pilgrimage path to the
John Paul II who had instituted this concluding celebrations, the Vigil
Unlike that of the previous World
event was able to rally the youth and and Mass, on the Marienfeld. On
Youth Days, the Stations of the Cross
were prayed in the parishes, and this sacred site there once stood a
Cistercian monastery, a famous ourselves, through the celebration
lacked much by way of grandeur,
destination of pilgrimages to Our of the Eucharist, to be drawn into
sublimity and pageantry. However,
Lady for 9 centuries till its that process of transformation that
despite the steady drizzle and
destruction in 1950. Despite the the Lord intends to bring about.”
unusually cold weather, young
He also warned of the dangers of
people turned out in good numbers
secularism and of “religion
to walk the streets of German
constructed on a “do-it-yourself”
villages and towns carrying wooden
basis.” Speaking of the joy of
crosses and chanting hymns as
discovering Christ and of the need
they commemorated the ‘Via
to pass it on he remarked, “Help
Dolorosa’ in this traditional prayer of
people to discover the true star
the Church. Several Jesus Youth
challenge them to a life of which points out the way to us:
braved the weather, wearing plastic
commitment to Jesus and the Jesus Christ!” To all those present
bags as makeshift raincoats, to
Church. The great rapport he weather forecast that predicted contd. on page 16 !
enjoyed with young people and the rain, around 1 million people
genuine feeling they in turn had for gathered here to build “a cathedral “The most powerful expression of faith, the
this champion of youth, was pivotal for a day”, and to turn this site into a universality of the Church and the
in making WYD a celebration of such place of prayer once again. The communion of different nations were seen
during the WYD celebrations. The whole
magnitude. And at this WYD, the first worship of the Blessed Sacrament world had come to Cologne to proclaim the
one without him, he was present in began with a festival of light and a lordship of Christ. Waiting for the Pope along
his very absence. Shouts of procession. More than 12,000 the banks of the Rhine, the pilgrimage to
Marienfield for the night vigil, and coming
“Giovanni Paolo” could be heard candles lighted up the hill and the together with people from different countries
even as the youth lined the streets procession route and the WYD and cultures gave us a real experience of
and the banks of the Rhine awaiting cross and icon were erected. the theme – “We have come to worship Him”.
- Marina Thomas, India
the arrival of Pope Benedict XVI. Almost everyone of the Jesus Youth

The Jesus Youth Inter national 1. What has God
done in your life
Special Iss
Gathering (JYIG) was held on 15th
and 16th August 2005 at St. Andreas through Jesus Youth? (Personal
Church of Kloster Knechtsteden in reflection)
Dormagen, Germany. With more 2. Where is the Spirit leading me
than 600 Jesus Youth participants through the Jesus Youth movement ?
which included teenagers, youth, (Group discussion)
singles, married couples, families
In the evening representatives of
with children, priests and nuns from
different countries made presentations
14 different countries (USA, UK,
A MISSIONARY describing the beginning, current
Australia, Singapore, UAE, Canada, MOVEMENT status, the future plans and dreams
Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Germany, AT THE SERVICE of Jesus Youth in their respective
Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Sri Lanka and OF THE CHURCH
countries. After Australia, India,
India), the JYIG was an enriching
Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka had
occasion that connected people
presented their reports, all the Jesus
from different backgrounds and
Youth from non-Indian origins were
cultures together as one great family.

Jesus Youth
Inauguration of Jesus Youth International
Gathering by Rev. Bishop Valerian D’Souza

The programme began on the

morning of 15 th Aug’05 with a joyful
Gathering Dormagen, Germany
Leaders’ Gathering during JYIG

invited to introduce themselves. It

was surprising to see more than 25
natives from different parts of the
welcome to all the participants by world taking part in the JYIG. Befitting
Manoj Sunny, the Jesus Youth the occasion, the beautiful hymn “All
International Co-ordinator. This was over the World” was sung. The
followed by the formal inauguration presentation then continued with
of the gathering by Rev. Bishop reports by the Jesus Youth in UAE,
Valerian D’Souza, Bishop of Pune Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Canada, USA,
and Episcopal Advisor of the Singapore and UK.
National Catholic Charismatic
Renewal Services, India, and a Mass After dinner the participants
concelebrated by the Bishop and attended a concert by the Rexband
33 priests. for the local parishioners, where
more than 1000 people sang,
The afternoon session began with danced and clapped to the music,
music led by the Jesus Youth of joyfully praising the Lord.
America, followed by the Keynote
Address by Manoj Sunny. He
reminded the participants of their call
Inaugural Mass concelebrated by Rev. Bishop Valerian D’Souza and
33 priests from 8 different countries

“The Jesus Youth International Gathering was a great

time of personal sharing and discussion with new faces
of Jesus Youth from across the globe. As Jesus Youth
of Malayalee origin, born and brought up outside India,
we were delighted to see the number of non-Malayalee, The second day of the
to witness to their faith and g a t h e r i n g
or more so, non-Indian Jesus Youth that completed the
convictions through their conduct, 600 Jesus Youth gathered for the JYIG in Germany. It commenced with a
as they were a new generation for surely reminded us that our mission is to spread the Spirit-filled praise and
the Lord, gathering for the largest Good News to all corners of the world.” worship led by the
youth event of the Catholic Church. Mayrose Pius (Australia) UAE and the US youth
groups. This was followed by a talk
This was followed by a brief synopsis by Rev. Fr. Tom Betz (US), on the
by Dr. Edward Edezhath (India) on oneness Catholics all over the world
the beginning of the Jesus Youth share in the Lord Jesus Christ. He
Movement in the year 1981 and how declared that the International
the Holy Spirit has been leading the Gathering in itself was proof that the
movement through the years. Jose Church was alive and one.
Mathew (UK) then separated the
gathering into groups of 10 where Following this session, Timmy, a
the participants were asked to youth from USA gave his testimony
reflect on and discuss the following on how Jesus had touched his life in
questions: many ways. The gathering was then
“Bind us together Lord, with cords that cannot be broken...” divided for further group discussions,
“ Participating in the JYIG was like being at a big family
get together. It was marvellous meeting many Jesus Youth
in person who till then were known only through e-mail or
over the phone. I got to meet many of my Jesus Youth
friends after several years. The talk by Ivan Cardinal Dias
and the presentations on JY activities in different countries
were inspiring and challenging.” Annie John (India)

Fulltime Volunteers’ Training this year Since this was also the inaugural day
at Emmaus, Kerala (India) - George, of the 20th World Youth Day, Manoj
John, Alphonsa and Mayrose. They Sunny brought the gathering to a
testified that responding to the close in the afternoon by speaking projects in their prayers. Gratitude
as a continuation from the previous Lord’s call had made a big about his dreams for the Jesus was extended to all who worked for
day. This time over, the questions difference in their lives. Santhosh Youth movement :- reaching out to the gathering, especially to Fr. Ajy
for discussion and reflection were Joseph, the pioneer who sparked new areas with a special focus on Mooleparambil (Germany) General
as follows: off the fulltimership project 14 years Africa; canonical recognition by the Convener, Jesus Youth International
1. Where is the Holy Spirit leading ago, spoke about how after his Holy See as an International Gathering and George Ettiyil (India)
me through Jesus Youth in my graduation the Lord had put the Association of the Lay Faithful; its General Co-ordinator.
personal life ? dream in his heart to offer one whole Leaders’ Formation, and the
2. Where is the Holy Spirit leading year to live and experience International Fulltimers’ Training As the Jesus Youth International
Jesus Youth ? missionary life. He urged the young programme planned for July – Gathering 2005 came to a close, a
people at the gathering to deeply August 2006 (either in Sri Lanka or prayer was made for the newly
After the discussion, personal
reflect on giving up one year for the Singapore). He also asked elected International team, as they
testimonies were shared by the four
Lord. everyone to remember these new began their ministry to guide this
young people who attended the
vibrant youth movement to the
Bobby Chacko, Australia
Kingdom of Heaven.
“I am really thankful to the Lord Almighty for the way He
“It was a big event for me as a Jesus Youth to attend the
has blessed the Jesus Youth movement and for the
JYIG. I got a chance to meet many personalities and role
international acceptance it has gained in a short period.
models of Jesus Youth from other countries of whom I
I was privileged to be part of its 2 nd International
had only heard of about earlier.” Julius Antony (UAE
Gathering.” - Vincent Fernandes (UAE)

Fr. James Anaparambil,India The new Jesus Youth International Team Saji Sebastian, USA
Animator , JYIT Software professional,
Dean of Seminarians, Animator of National Co-ordinator,
Professionals’ Ministry, Kerala Sunil Kumar Nadarajan, USA Jesus Youth USA
Engineer, National Team
C. C. Joseph, India Member, Jesus Youth USA
HR Consultant, Former National Raiju Varghese, India
Santhosh Mathew, UAE Co- ordinator, Jesus Youth India Lawyer, National Co- ordinator,
Engineer - Businessman, Jesus Youth, India
National Team member, Jesus
Manoj Sunny, India
Youth UAE
Co-ordinator , JYIT
Santhosh Joseph, Singapore Engineer, International Co-ordinator
CEO of a consulting company, for a second term
initiator of Fulltimers’ project
Fr. Sebastian Arikat, UK
Animator, JYIT
Also Animator, Jesus Youth UK

Fr. Ajy Mooleparambil, Germany

Parish priest, Ludgerus Parish George Ettiyil, India
Schermbeck Asst. Co-ordinator JYIT
Engineer, Station Manager of
an Airline company
Rajesh T. George, Australia
Medical Scientist, Co-ordinator, Fr. Thomas Tharayil, USA
Jesus Youth Melbourne Pastor, JYIT
Also Pastor, Jesus Youth USA
Tony Varghese, Oman
Engineer, National Team
member, Jesus Youth Oman

Princy Varughese, USA,

Jose Mathew UK Pur suing a doc torate in Chemis tr y,
Social worker, National Team National Team member, Jesus Youth USA
member, Jesus Youth UK Dr. Edward Edezhath, India
Animator, JYIT Mayrose Pius, Australia
Lecturer, one of the initiators of Graduate in Human Resources,
the Jesus Youth Movement attended Fulltimers training in 2005

CELEBRATING rexband in europe

THE KING OF KINGS summer 2005

It’s 3.30 pm.

Rexband is Some of them have left important programme, many in the audience One often hears of people
preparing for their first concert in projects behind. Some of them open up, some of them for the first experiencing a feeling of euphoria
UK in the city of Belfast. The concert know they will have problems with time, to the Lordship of Jesus. when they realize they know God.
is slated to begin in just over an their jobs when they get back home. During the concert, I felt that way for
hour. The sound is still being set up. Will all this be really worth it? And that in short is the story of the the first time. I know God as My Lord -
Backstage, amidst the clutter of the entire tour. In Belfast, Liverpool, at last. I never felt that I had a special
equipment bags, the members Birmingham, Chesterfield, London, relationship with Jesus...until last
kneel beside a makeshift altar with Cologne, Schermbeck, Essen, night, when I listened as He spoke to
me. Such an amazing feeling! So I
a small cross. It has been a long Dormagen and Dusseldorf, it was
really wanted to thank you for this - if
journey via Frankfurt and purely the grace of God at work.
I hadn’t come to your concert would I

And when there were trials and still not know Jesus?
frustrations, the band only needed
to lift their hands in prayer for the From an email to Rexband by a 14 year old girl in
the music to make sense. Chesterfield, UK

And yet, the moment the band

looks at the tiny cross, and its
radiance amidst the shining
candles, the fears, like the darkness
around, recede. As the sound of
praise rises in the air, they know
they have been through this before

and that every time the Lord has
Some might say my decision to go on this Rexband mission in Europe
Manchester to this historic Irish city. been faithful. They know that it is
was a costly one, as I had to forfeit my job at a time when my family was
And they are worried about the not music that matters, but the
struggling financially. Yet I realize that the cost is nothing compared to the
insufficient practice sessions. Even Maker. Sure enough, the Lord
joy of knowing that many hearts have received Jesus as their Lord and

as they kneel in prayer, the minds works powerfully during the
of many in the band turn to their concert. And during the prayer
Hector Lewis, Sharjah. Bassist & Vocalist, Rexband
families and kids back home. session midway through the

lives of many. People went from

door to door to mobilize for the
event, to invite people for the

concert and to sell tickets.
“Performance as usual was an Eventually everything culminated in
invigorating experience especially a week of very successful eye-
through the encouraging cheers and popping spiritual extravaganza that
support of the crowds and my many described as – ‘out of
Right through this tour of Europe the band was reassured
friends. And the Lord worked this world’.”
about certain lessons that apply to every initiative of
wonders in every venue by Biju Thomas, Co-ordinator,
evangelization. Here are a few of them.
transforming the hearts of many.” Jesus Youth UK
Princy Varughese, USA.
Dancer & Vocalist, Rexband “I knew in my heart that bringing
Whether it is the 14-year-old from Chesterfield, the middle
Rexband to Liverpool and organizing
aged man from Manchester, the young boy from London or
“It was as if the Lord opened a new a good gathering of people would
the many young people across Germany, the band
chapter for the Rexband altogether. stretch our resources and energy
discovered in all of them an ardent yearning for Jesus.
The number of Indians in all beyond our imagination. Our
A yearning that luxurious lifestyles, access to pleasures and
audiences put together was less targeted crowd was 1200, a number
knowledge could not satisfy.
than other nationalities. Being not supported by any logic or past
brought up in Germany, I expected
people to be shocked by the way
Rexband has consistently used styles of music that are
we introduced Jesus. Instead came
contemporary. But always with its signature style of fusion
many first time Jesus encounters
and in the context of a Rexband programme. Once again,
and transformations. For the
during the tour of Europe the brand grew in its conviction
preparation of WYD I had spoken
that music is a wonderful way to reach out to many young
about Jesus and prayed in the
people who would not have otherwise opened up to the
German language for the first time.
message of Jesus.
During the programmes in
Germany, I spoke words I had never
spoken before in German, and I
Though the band strives to give the Lord its best, this
realised the Holy Spirit’s power. This
was also a time to rediscover that sometimes,
when they are not able to give their best, the
experience! The days of
Lord works even better with the little they
mobilization brought immense joy
can give. Even during some programmes
and increased our faith in God. It
that the band thought had lacked in
helped us to reach out, as a
musical quality, the Lord often moved
ministry, to those individuals and
powerfully and
families otherwise impossible to
touched many hearts.
reach. It helped us to build a rapport
with English speaking parishes and
communities.Now thanks to the
Sometimes when we live in the
Rexband and the mobilization
periphery of our movement,
network we have a lot of new prayer
our life situations and
tour again showed how important groups and contacts in many parts
our ministries, we can
every member is. Each individual of UK.”
feel lost in the hostile world
contribution deeply touches some Jose Mathew, UK
around us. For the band,
other person in the audience. For Member, JY International Team
the time at Youth Arise
some it’s the songs or Stephen’s
International and WYD 2005
keyboard solo, for others the “A magnificent band like Rexband
was a time of meeting
choreography and the skits, and for which is capable of influencing
similar ministries, bands, musicians
yet others the prayer. The young hearts by various means
and movements from around the world with
organizers gave everything they had should be brought to UK at any cost
diverse charisms and specific commitments.
and shared their time and homes – that was our initial dream. We took
A time of sharing, inspiring and being inspired.
with us. May God bless them small steps and God performed
A time of knowing that we are part of a great wave.
abundantly.” great miracles to make this dream
George Ettiyil, Rexband Vocalist & Asst.
Co-ordinator, JY International Team
a reality. Jesus Youth in UK moved
many steps forward after the
Everywhere the band went, they were overwhelmed by
Rexband tour. The tour woke up the
the sacrifices of Jesus Youth who went through many
“The Rexband tour to the United hearts of many English and Asian
trials to use the opportunity of the Rexband concerts to
Kingdom was a remote vision that youth.”
reach out to those around. Many of them, still in the
came true through the prayers and Joseph Dasan,
process of trying to settle down in a new country, set aside
efforts of many, and was a major General Co-ordinator, much of their precious time and resources to ensure that
milestone and turning point in the Rexband tour of UK their friends discover Jesus. And their witness is as
powerful as the Rexband concerts themselves.


In this world, there are definitely many opportunities to
become more popular and more musically recognized. Yet,
for the band members, this was a time of reassurance that
nothing beats the experience and privilege of being at the
Kings service; of seeing hearts being transformed right
before their eyes.

Shelton Pinheiro, Rexband Co-ordinator

‘Roses in Winter’ was the album which established the
signature style of Rexband - a fusion of ethnic Indian and
contemporary pop elements. Rexband has recently
Rexband performing on the WYD stage followed it up with ‘Destination Christ’, the new album

Burgplatz, Dusseldorf that was released in UK in the summer of 2005. Alphons
Joseph and Stephen Devassy are the two virtuoso
EXPRESSIONS musicians of the band who have played a significant role
in evolving, defining and shaping the signature
Thank you very sound of the band, including the tracks in
“’Thank you, Rexband’ we say to the new album. Alphons is today a
much - Danke your great performances in
Schön! On respected music director in films and
Schermbeck and Essen in August has already scored music for four
August 10th, 2005 2005. We – belonging to the grand
around midnight, movies. The JY Newsletter team
parents’ generation caught up with Alphons in the
the members of – were very much
Rexband came to Rexband Studio to quiz him on the
affected by your project.
us to the parish instrumental
of Schermbeck. In the evening your music, your songs,
star arose for us during the concert NT: Is ‘Destination Christ’ in some way a
and your sharings progression from ‘Roses in Winter’?
in the church of St. Ludgerus. The between the different songs. What
spirit of happiness and zest for life, In a way, yes. At the time when we
we admired most was your ability recorded Roses in Winter, the Lord was
the virtuosity of your music and to form all different types of your
your faith in God surprised and just leading us to the ethnic style of
music to an integrated whole. music that has kind of become our
fascinated us. With you we have Gisbert Passmann
seen His star arise and we came signature.
Chairman, Youth Arise Foundation, Germany
with you to worship him. May God We were just
bless your belief, your hopes and finding our
“Why should I, bearings in
your love. gray-haired
Fr. Franz Gerd Stennecken, Pastor, our lives and in
grandfather of our spirituality.
St.Ludgerus Parish Schermbeck more than 65 From ‘We who
years, who like stumbled in darkness
“ Earlier I had only heard of Jesus the music of
Youth & Rexband. Only when I have now found a great
Bach, Handel and light’ (Roses in Winter) we
hosted them in my parish for the Messiaens go to a concert of Rex-
Rexband concert and the Jesus have tried to move ahead; ‘we
Band, a band of rocky poppy are a journey people
Youth International Gathering did I modern young musicians? destination Christ’. And this
theme of ‘journey people’
nicely fits into the theme of WYD
2005 and the journey of the Magi.
And as the current trends in the
world of music are reflected in the
album, the progression is also
definitely musical.

NT: Can you tell us about some of

the tracks in ‘Destination Christ’?
Hmmm…Rexband being an
outreach of Jesus Youth,
many of its songs have
evolved from youth
programmes. Even songs
Rexband leading worship at YAI International Festival, Essen like ‘Destination Christ’,
‘Peace Like a River’ and ‘We
truly experience have Come to Worship Him’ in
“What a surprise, when I entered this album were written and
the vibrancy of St. Ludgerus Church this evening,
youth. It was a composed for specific
the church was as full as I wished programmes. The song
truly enriching Sunday Masses were. Very soon
experience for my ‘I will run to you’ is a personal
not only our eyes and ears were testimony…musically, it fuses jazz
parishioners too activated, but the whole body began
as they were progressions with Indian classical music.
to react to the rhythms sweeping The tracks ‘Rhythm of Praise’ and Wakin’Time
inspired by the through the holy room.’Yes Lord,
joyfulness, prayer and music of show strong Hip Hop/remix/trance influences.
yes Lord, yes, yes Lord .. Amen.’” We were inspired to compose a tribute to John Paul II
Jesus Youth and t h e R e x b a n d . Ekkehard Liesmann,
Fr. John Kallarackal, and thus evolved the song ‘A Courageous Life’.
Deacon, St.Ludgerus Parish,
P a r i s h P r i e s t , Domargen, Germany Vice-Chairman, Youth Arise , Germany
Host of JY International Gathering
IMPRESSIONS “ As we experienced

EXPRESSIONS in Cologne, the

Rexband concerts

are indeed a
“I could see that the participants
powerful way to
enjoyed the music very much. All
witness to the word

of them unanimously said the band
of life. When the
was superb and powerful!!! They
members used their
talents to glorify God, it became a
moving experience. The fusion of
Eastern and Western streams of NT: What about the musicians who have
music and dance was truly a feast collaborated in this project?
for the eyes, ears and the heart. Interestingly, some of the most sought after musicians in
Representing the Indian Catholic India – over a dozen musicians and technicians- have
Church in Cologne, we were gladly collaborated with us on the album. And many of
delighted to host the first Rexband them like Naveen who is one of the leading exponents of
concert in Germany.” wind instruments in the film music industry or Amal Raj, a
Joy Manikath, Germany brilliant musician, are also people of strong faith. For us,
Friend & well-wisher of Jesus Youth the Rexband, it is part of our ministry to also collaborate
with musicians in the secular field and thus reach out to
“Went with our parish priest & the larger community of musicians. Most of them
Anointing prayer before the concert friends to the Liverpool show last gladly join in prayer and request us to pray for
night. Thank you for the gift of your them too. Very often it gives musicians a
said that they could really feel the different experience than working in a highly
power of Holy Spirit during the From a theatrical presentation commercial atmosphere.
programme. What they enjoyed
most was the ‘Silent Cry’ of the NT: Are some of the tracks in Rexband albums
unborn baby and the power of too contemporary for a gospel band?
prayer. The whole performance (Smiles) I work in the film music
lifted the audience up to experience industry and I always try to stay
the outpouring of the Spirit and pray updated on styles and trends in the
from the heart. After the field of music. And we in the Rexband
performance, people came forward believe that as Christian musicians, we
to meet and greet the members of too need to keep pace to stay
the band with great enthusiasm. relevant to the younger generation.
The tour of Rexband put a fire and Besides, though Rexband ministers
deep enthusiasm among Jesus in worship within Christian
Youth of UK. One young man told youth groups, the
me that after travelling with primary ministry of
Rexband he has become a new the band is to
Spirit-filled selves! A wonderful jaw-
person.” reach out to
dropping spine-tingling evening
Fr. Sebastian Arikat, UK young people
brimming with shared JOY! What
Animator, JY International Team who are outside
an ear-opener, eye-opener and
heart-opener! It made me feel that the mainstream
“I am so thankful to all you Rexband of organized
once the link with our dear Father in
members. Your testimonies have groups and
heaven is lived for real, we can be
Preparing to go onstage truly brothers & sisters on this little churches. And we
planet and the scale of things and have found, especially
all our differences are of little during our recent tour,
significance! We can be simply one that when the music
Person! By this music He says, Be relates to their tastes,
Me. Please think of Manchester young people often open up
when you come to England again! to deeper aspects of faith.
Excerpt from an e-mail to Rexband
from Manchester NT: What prompts musicians like you to
set aside time and resources to work on
“I was one of the members of the this album? Any specific struggles during this
inspired many young people here. project?
audience at 7th August 2005, at
Whenever I see the youth and Personally, my talent was shaped and
Southall Community Centre. I was
children in my parish who attended moulded during my early years of music
very suprised by your performance
the Rexband programme, ….they ministry in the Jesus Youth. And only
and I am only 14 yrs old. I think my
start singing, ‘Yes Lord’…….with much later did the Lord make this talent
belief in God and in Jesus is now
the actions...” my profession. So I am always clear in
even greater. Thank you!”
Excerpt from an e-mail to Rexband that my first priority in music is for the
I remember an incident during the work of the Lord. Recently, soon after
from London
Düsseldorf Rexband concert. I saw my wife’s conception I had to leave for
a 24 year old girl – she was raising Chennai for nearly three weeks for the
her hands and praying at the end of arrangement and orchestration of the album.
the concert. Six months back I had Though it was difficult for us, the Lord took
quarelled and debated with her as extra care of her and we were both able to go on
she argued for the cause of the Rexband tour and even
abortion, against the Catholic stay for the night vigil at Marienfeld.
Church and against the Pope. But
at last she was touched and she
prayed. It is truly unforgettable.“
Fr. Ajy Mooleparambil,, Germany
The band in a lighter moment
Asst. Parish Priest, St.Ludgerus Parish.
Member, JY International Team

Diverse movements.
One Destination. A journey through the heart of
Youth Arise International Festival, Essen

“There is only one human being of

whom you can say, ‘We have come to
worship Him’. And that one
incomparable person is Jesus Christ”
Fr. Tom Forrest, YAI Festival 2005, Essen, Germany

Way back in AD 800, Bishop movements and organizations with the power of Christ at work in the Manoj Sunny, the Jesus Youth
Liudger of Munster laid the different charisms and ministries. universal Church. The pilgrims of the International Co-ordinator and an
foundations for a Benedictine Jesus Youth who were predominantly Executive Director of YAI, was one
monastery in the little town of Essen. For Jesus Youth, the largest group from Asia-Oceania, USA, Middle of the Programme Co-ordinators of
Later, this became the site for the after the Italians, this was a unique East and Europe, actively the festival. George Ettiyil, the
Romanesque Basilica of St. opportunity to discover how the participated in the liturgical Assistant International Co-ordinator
Ludgerus around which Essen Spirit works through different celebrations, gave testimonies, led of Jesus Youth was the stage
developed into a sprawling city. movements among different discussions and spent time in manager of the event. Rev. Fr. Ajy
cultures. It was also a platform for sharing about the Lord’s work. Dr. Jacob, an Inter national Team
Jesus Youth to share the beauty and Abraham Mathew, a renowned member of Jesus Youth was in
unique charisms of their movement Jesus Youth leader from the US charge of the liturgy of the festival.
with others. It was a time to inspire presented a different perspective
and be inspired, a time to build new of the WYD theme for the
networks, a time to forge new participants as he led them through
bonds, a time to learn new lessons, the unseen aspects of the journey
a time to reach out far beyond of the Magi.
boundaries, a time to set aside
prejudices, and a time to experience This year, Jesus Youth worked very
Henry Cappello, President, YAI closely with Youth Arise International
in the organization and programme
Almost 1200 years later, in the development of the festival in Essen.
Salvatore Martinez, President, RnS Italy
summer of August 2005, this city
with its rich Christian heritage “Wow! For the first time, I got to see the Rexband. They made me happy to be a JY. Their
became the meeting place of over constant reliance upon God and the way they shared their message - it just flowed ! There
2000 young pilgrims from across 26 was this other group – when they sang ‘Beautiful One’, it blew me away. Salvatore
Martinez’s message was amazing. So was Bishop Valerian D’Souza’s explanation
countries around the world. These
of the Mass. He also plays the guitar- how awesome is that! The manner in which
young pilgrims came together in the they conducted the adoration was so powerful. So many was simply
breathtaking Grugahalle at Essen, amazing. The Praise night was sooooooo much fun! The music was amazing and
representing Spirit-filled Catholic the skits powerful”
Bishop Valerian D’Souza of Pune, India Jaisy Joseph, USA. JY Participant, YAI Festival 2005, Essen

The festival brought together some
of the most inspiring and Spirit filled
leaders and speakers from across
the world. Henry Cappello, the
President of YAI opened the Festival
with his message that pointed
towards the richness and beauty of
coming together from around the
world to worship Christ. Fr. Tom
Forrest, erstwhile President of
Evangelisation 2000 brought the
audience alive with his fist-thumping
proclamation of the incomparable
power of Jesus and the privilege
of worshipping Him. Salvatore
Martinez, through his poetic
imagery and probing thoughts led

“Youth Arise Festival was one of the lively and happening events of the ‘Pilgrimage of Faith
2005.’ The praise and worship sessions were my favorite, which showed how vibrant the
Catholic Church is. Standing amid thousands of Catholics, who were in their 30s or
younger, I saw how big our Church is and how vast God is and that we are really
universal. The guest speakers including Bishops and priests had inspirational
messages for young people. I have never felt closer to God than I did sitting there in
adoration. So many young people came to embrace and welcome our Holy Father into our
Church and into our lives.”
- Milan Chacko, Australia. JY Participant, YAI Festival 2005, Essen.

the group into asking themselves,

“Whom are you seeking?” Bishop “Personally speaking YAI Sing and
Pray Festival was one of “the” most
Valerian D’Souza, the singing spiritually uplifting and socially
bishop from India, enchanted the enriching experiences of all during
crowd with his music and his talk on the Pilgrimage of Faith. We were
the Holy Spirit, and led them through really thrilled to meet people from all over
the world there, and we had all come there
a deep understanding of the Holy for just one reason “We had come to Adore
Mass. Fr. Thomas Rosica, CEO of Jesus”…the exhortations to “never be satisfied
Salt+Light Television prepared the by mediocrity” and “not be afraid”, really hit Presentation of WYD theme song by Rexband and RnS, Italy
entire group for the WYD the right spots in my intellect and heart. I had
many prejudices, which kept me away from
celebrations through his message people who are different from me. But YAI
and moving video presentations on gave me an opportunity to closely interact “The adoration at Youth Arise was
Pope John Paul II and past WYD with people from different nations simply amazing; I saw miracles
and cultures. I got to see the world happening during the singing and
celebrations. The presentation of praising. I cannot express the love
as God sees it.”
‘Project China 2008’ by Catherine -Deepak.J.Nath, India. and power that filled the place!”
Lui and Henry Capello created JY Participant,
Gentry Mathew, USA.
tremendous excitement among the YAI Festival 2005,Essen
JY Participant,
youth. As part of the Bibles for China YAI Festival 2005, Essen
project, the participants freely gave
a Bible each for 2000 Chinese youth.
True to its name, the gathering was
Some of the highlights of the Festival Rexband joins the Mime ministry from Gibralter also a time of great festivity and
were the testimonies of young for the grand finale.
people from around the world, the celebrations. With international
praise and adoration sessions by ministries like Italian RnS, Rexband,
Italian RnS and Rexband, the awe- Cenacolo, Carrick Ministries and
“While in the hall of the YAI festival,
inspiring Eucharistic adoration led by it is difficult to ignore the fact that several theatre and cultural
Salvatore Martinez and the video there is no other place like this ministries, every day was filled with
where youth can come from any music, joy and dancing. The
presentations on Pope John Paul II. Dr. Abraham Mathew, USA corner of the world, wave their
flags, share their hearts and feel ‘Celebrate Jesus’ Festival on the final
One in the Spirit. This is the place where the day brought together all the different
youth of today get together to evangelize the ministries and groups as they led
world of tomorrow.” the audience from one celebration
Joy KP, UAE, JY Participant,
YAI Festival 2005, Essen to another - celebrations springing
from their unity in Christ.
Shelton Pinheiro

Henry Cappello introduces the YAI Council “We adore you Lord Jesus Christ.”

“YAI gave me an opportunity to interact with youth from different countries and
cultures and imparted the strong feeling of oneness in Christ irrespective of
differences in external matters. It also helped us to be more humble as we shared
the common living facilities. It is also to be commented that in spite of inconveniences,
all of us, especially those with small children were extremely joyful in the Lord and
able to express it freely. Also the key role played by Jesus Youth in the programme
made me more aware of our potential in the international scenario.”
C.J. James, Kuwait. JY Participant, YAI Festival 2005, Essen.
Jesus Youth presents Classical and folk dances of India

Special Iss

A Jesus Youth journey of Faith

“This is a precious opportunity for testified. “All through the pilgrimage Proceeding to Lourdes from Taizé,
thinking more deeply about the the song in everybodys heart was, the pilgrims were touched by the
meaning of life as a “pilgrimage,” ‘Behold how good and pleasant it is simplicity and purity of the place
guided by a “star,” in search of the for brothers to dwell together in where the Virgin Mary had
Lord. Together we shall consider the unity’. Each day had it’s store of at appeared to St. Bernadette with the
Magi, who … were among the first to least one touching experience for message of prayer and penance.
recognize the promised Messiah in everyone to treasure and take back The beautiful grotto with its clear
Jesus… Like the Magi, all believers to their mission countries,” says Rijo spring and the chapel at the site of
– and young people in particular – John from UAE. the apparitions stirred in everyone
have been called to set out on the a strong desire to seek the
journey of life in search of truth, The first stop on the pilgrimage was intercession of Our Lady of the
justice and love. The ultimate goal at Taizé, France. After two hectic Immaculate Conception. “I could
Msgr. Antony Kollamparambil guiding pilgrims
of the journey can only be found weeks of listening to talks, singing, experience the love of Mother Mary
through an encounter with Christ, shouting and endless walking in thoughts about the funeral service: in Lourdes, and this prompted me
an encounter which cannot take Cologne, the three days of prayer “One thing that touched me during to pray for a chance to visit the place
place without faith.” and reflection were a welcome relief the funeral of Br. Roger was the way again with my family,” says
and gave the pilgrims time to listen in which the brothers of the Taizé A.R.Antony from Kuwait.
These were the words of Pope to God’s voice in the silence of their community were pleading for the
Benedict XVI to the young pilgrims hearts. It was a privilege to pardon of his murderer. I was From there the pilgrims journeyed
at WYD 2005 during the welcome participate in the solemn funeral of reminded of the words of Christ on to Rome, the city where history
ceremony. As for the Jesus Youth Bro. Roger, the founder of the the cross. Everywhere in Taizé, I permeates every monument,
pilgrims, 450 of them not only community in Taizé. Yesudas Simon could see many signs of peace bringing to mind what the Holy
followed the footsteps of the three from Singapore expresses his even in the midst of violent death.” Father had said at the WYD: “Along
kings, but also journeyed at the
heels of several other saints to
Rome, Taizé, Lourdes and Assisi in
two batches either before or after
the WYD celebration in Cologne.
This prayerfully anticipated
“Pilgrimage of Faith” was a time of
great blessing as many of them have Celebrating Holy Mass at St. Peter’s Bascilica, Rome

Check out
For the information of those who
participated in the Pilgrimage of Faith ’05
and for those who plan to go on a pilgrimage
to Rome, a detailed account of the pilgrim
sites in Rome has been prepared by Msgr.
Antony Kollamparambil and uploaded
to the Jesus Youth website.

this interior journey we can be “Interacting with various youth movements and Next on the pilgrim itinerary was
groups opened my eyes to the universality and As the “Pilgrimage of Faith” came to
guided by the many signs with Assisi, the birthplace of St. Francis
vibrancy of the Catholic Church. As we entered a close, each of the pilgrims was
which a long and rich Christian the chapel at Lourdes reciting the rosary, the and St. Clare. Josena Katathara
tradition has indelibly marked this relevance of Jesus Youth dawned on me more from the US summarized her revived by a time of learning and
land...from great historical
powerfully than ever. I also realised that much
pilgrimage experience at Assisi thus: renewed through a deepening in
more needs to be done to be a true missionary
monuments to countless works of movement at the service of the Church.” “I was dumbfounded at the beautiful faith. Bobby Chacko of Australia
art… from documents preserved in Dr. Kochurani Joseph,
sight of St. Francis Basilica situated aptly sums up the whole experience:
Vice President, Catholic Council of India
libraries to lively popular traditions, on a hilltop. I felt the presence of “The pilgrimage was a turning point
from philosophical inquiry to the “Pilgrimage of Faith was a most singular
St. Francis in the nature around us. for me. It was really the experience
experience in our life. Kneeling down before
theological reflection of many great Peter’s throne at the main altar of St. Peter’s In the museum housing the relics of of a lifetime to be so closely exposed
thinkers, from the spiritual traditions Basilica we thanked our Lord for making us a St. Francis located in the basement to God and His Kingdom and to be
part of Catholic Church. We asked pardon for all
to the mystical experience of a vast the dark spots in the bridal garment of the of the Basilica we saw his tunics, his in His presence everywhere we
array of Saints.” Awe struck by the Catholic Church caused by our sins, and pledged slippers, the stone he used as a went.”
our fervent allegiance to the Church.”
Shimmy and Jeena, India

leading to the top, the extraordinary

‘Pieta’ by Michelangelo, all resonate
with the rich history and tradition of
the Catholic Church. The Jesus
Youth pilgrim group had the great
privilege of celebrating Mass at the
main altar of St. Peter’s. This leg of
the pilgrimage was indeed a time of
magnificence and grandeur around spiritual rejuvenation, for the sacred
them, the pilgrims found the time too sites like the Catacombs, the
short to take in all that places like Coliseum, the various churches and
the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican basilicas spoke of the early Christian
Museum had to offer. As Binu martyrs and saints who had
pillow, and the mat he used to kneel As the Holy Father points out, “By
Abraham from the US puts it, sacrificed their lives for the sake of
and pray on which still retains his inviting us to venerate the mortal
“During our visit to the Vatican the Gospel. Another spiritual high
bloodstains. It challenged me to be remains of the martyrs and saints,
Museum, where there is a profusion point for the pilgrim group was
a true disciple of Christ.” the Church does not forget that, in
of art, words could not express climbing the Holy Steps – the steps
that Christ climbed on his way to the end, these are indeed just
what the eyes had seen. Each and The JY pilgrims were a motley
meet Pilate. human bones, but they are bones
every painting in there was unique. group and included people of that belonged to individuals touched
One of my favorites was a painting diverse ages, vocations and states by the transcendent power of God.
of Saint Anthony of Padua of life. Particularly inspiring was the The relics of the saints are traces of
preaching to the fish. I realized then presence of some elders like the that invisible but real presence
that what gives significance to any sprightly Mr. Jose Joseph from which sheds light upon the shadows
work of art is the question that it USA, who was always seen carrying of the world and reveals the
places in your heart.” is heavy cameras, and clicking Kingdom of Heaven in our midst.
pictures, documenting every They cry out with us and for us:
The welcoming arms of the significant moment. Thanks to him, “Maranatha!” “Come Lord Jesus!””
colonnade at St. Peter’s Basilica, its our newsletter sports some
impressive cupola with 700 steps wonderful pictures. Deepa Sabu & Anu Pinheiro

Source of “Christ Jesus inner Light, enable me to
Special Iss

new life welcome your presence, that I may know joy.

I love you, perhaps not as I would like to, but
I do love you. Love of all loving, you know that
I will give my very life for you and your gospel.”
(Prayer of Br. Roger of Taizé)

Br. Roger, the founder of the Cologne were blessed by the blows where it wills. At Taizé I have Br. Alois, the new Prior of Taizé
renowned ecumenical Christian opportunity to meditate close by Br. always found this to be true,
community of Taizé, France, entered Roger’s body that was placed in the especially of this man of God, so Br. Roger was in Chennai, India, for
the life of eternity on 16th August Church of Reconciliation and to spontaneous, brimming with the intercontinental meeting “The
2005, aged 90. As news of the violent participate in the funeral service held thoughts of God, beautiful plans and Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth” held
death suffered by this beloved friend on 23rd August 2005. The message ideas, with numerous dreams and there in 1988. His time there was
of Pope John Paul II came in, many of peace and forgiveness conveyed visionary projects, and joyful mostly spent in a hut, in a slum. He
Jesus Youth were filled with disbelief during the funeral ceremony was expressions of love and kindness. was most joyful in the company of
and grief. The Jesus Youth true to the spirit of Taizé and its My joy knew no bounds when on hordes of children who clung to him.
movement shares a deep-rooted determination to remain a sign of Maundy Thursday Br. Roger The time there in the company of
relationship with the Taizé reconciliation amidst violence. washed my feet during the Br. Roger is still fresh in my mind. If
community. Every year a few Jesus Passover ceremony. anyone wonders why youth loved
Dr. Edward Edezhath, one of the
Youth leaders visit the community founders of the Jesus Youth him so much, they only need to read
and live there for some months. Br. movement spoke of the ties that bind his letters. For they reveal that he
Roger’s passion for reconciliation him to Taizé and it’s founder : shared and experienced all the
has set many Jesus Youth on fire, doubts and confusion that plague
inspiring them to be missionaries of “My first encounter with this great
youth everywhere, the only
an “inner life and human solidarity” visionary was in the year 1988. The
2 months I spent in the community difference being the strong hope
amidst the challenges of a giving presence of Christ in his life
secularized and fragmented world. was an experience that transformed
me. I shared many a meal with that changed this strange mix of light
Br. Roger and had many opportunities and darkness, transforming it into a
A group of 300 Jesus Youth pilgrims
to speak with the brothers. The Spirit lovely canvas of eternity.”
on their way back from the WYD in Floral tributes on Br. Roger’s grave

Jesus Youth Fulltime Volunteers time, we could speak of this as an

international training programme
“I was touched again by the way in which He laid
down His life for me; I know it is my time now to
glorify His name. My life is in the hands of my Jesus.”
“They are called to be because of the participants from Mayrose Pius
Pius, Australia
disciples and make disciples.” outside India. These youngsters
The Fulltime Volunteers’ were placed in different parts of India “ I believe that this training was totally guided by
Training Programme is a one and abroad for one year to bear fruit the Holy Spirit for it had just the perfect blend of
year formation for a life long for His kingdom. spirituality and personal development which could
transform an ordinary person into an effective
commitment. With the present missionary of Christ.”
14th batch, 785 fulltimers have Ajjo John Rajasthan, India

gone out in all to serve the Lord in His Vineyard. Two training programmes “During my forty days in Emmaus I was blessed
were held this year. One at Emmaus, Kochi, Kerala in English, and the other not only to gain new brothers and sisters, but to
at Don Bosco Training Institute, Okhla, Delhi in Hindi. Altogether there were give my life completely to Christ as well. Once I did
this, the Lord strengthened my faith and deepened
53 boys including 3 seminarians and 32 girls from various parts of India my relationship with Him.”
and 3 from abroad - 1 from Australia and 2 from USA. This year for the first John Joseph
Joseph, USA

Nathente Kude
It was a great occasion for the Jesus O Mary, vessel of
Youth of Abu Dhabi when around singular devotion,
700 youth gathered in St. Joseph’s on seeing the infant
Catholic Church on 9th August to Jesus with you,
celebrate the one day seminar - the Magi fell down
Nathante Kude (With Jesus). During and worshipped Him.
Bishop Paul Hinder of the Vicariate of Arabia Pray for us, that in the
the programme inaugurated by Fr. Mass. His Excellency Bishop Paul
Antony, Pastor, JY Abu Dhabi, Vinod Hinder of the Vicariate of Arabia introduction to Jesus Youth. After a skit sacred Host we may
by the audio-visual ministry and a recognize and adore
John gave a teaching on the Word dropped by unexpectedly during the His presence in our
of God, Joy Babu made a video programme. He shared his insights Eucharistic adoration led by Mathews
midst. Amen.
presentation on Eucharistic miracles. regarding the WYD. Joy K.P., K.G., the programme ended with Mass
Fr. Kuriakose gave a talk on the Holy Coordinator, JY Abu Dhabi gave an at 3 pm in the Church.
“Personally, I never really had a great
connection with the most Holy Sacrament, the “I’m really impressed
Eucharist. I was always told that the Eucharist by the Christian
was Jesus, but I considered it mere conviction and
symbolism. During the adoration led by the commitment that I
Pope in Marienfield, I saw him kneeling in could find in the
front of the Holy Sacrament during the members of Jesus
benediction along with the million youth from Youth, which is
around the world. As I saw this, my attitude nurtured by the spirit
before the Eucharist was changed forever. I and experience of personal prayer. Its
now see the Holy of Holies in the Eucharist orientation and vision as a Catholic Youth
and treat it as the richest treasure on the face movement greatly coincides with my
of the earth. As Catholics we should all cherish understanding of a youth association in the
the Eucharist. It is the greatest gift that we can Catholic Church. As a relatively young
ever receive.” - Abin Kuriakose, USA movement, it is still on the search to define
its identity and mission. In this process, I
feel that Jesus Youth should discover its
Christocentric and ecclesial dimension
and arrive at a clarity about its specific
role and mission, especially in relation to
similar ecclesial and youth movements in
the Catholic Church.”

Msgr Antony G. Kollamparampil

Congregation for Divine Worship and the
Discipline of the Sacrament, Vatican City State

Thousands of tiny photographs of young people form this larger than life
mosaic of Pope John Paul II outside Cologne Cathedral taking with them many personal
impressions “in the baggage of their
contd. from page 4 ! “ ‘I have looked for you. Now you have “One of the most wonderful experiences I hearts.” WYD is undoubtedly a gift
come to me’ Pope John Paul II. This is the had at World Youth Day was staying with
His Holiness recommended two call that still gathers youth from all around a German host family. They were so of God that has afforded
fundamental texts – the Catechism the world in hundreds of thousands, welcoming, warm and generous. Although innumerable youngsters with
crossing the seas and mountains to come they weren’t always praying or talking experiences that have enriched their
of the Catholic Church and the together and sing, shout and praise their about God, they showed us an amazing,
Compendium of the Catechism. His Creator. At Marienfield with nothing for endless love. Now I know what is meant faith and their lives through several
words struck a chord in the hearts shelter but the night sky and being one in by the saying ‘And they’ll know we are encounters – with Christ, with the Holy
the million spending the night in vigil Christians by our love.’ I pray that God Father, with other youth and with
of Jesus Youth when he said, “Form with the Pope was an unforgettable may reward them tenfold for all the good
communities based on faith! experience.” -Yujin Koola, UAE things they did for us.” Nita Abraham, USA people from the host country. May
...continue together to follow the path the many contacts and partnerships
of the great pilgrimage that the Magi formed during WYD endure, and
from the East first pointed out to us.” may this experience of the Universal
Church enable us to be witnesses
of the joy of Christ, the star that we
Auf Wiedersehen follow.
As this ‘festival of faith’ drew to a Beena Manoj

close the pilgrims returned home

Printed and Published by Mr. Manoj Sunny on behalf of Jesus Youth International Office, 6F Thadikaran Centre, Palarivattom P.O., Cochin – 682 025, Kerala, INDIA
Ph: +91 484- 3095859, Fax: +91- 484- 2346084, Email : Website :
Editorial Team: Shelton Pinheiro, Beena Manoj, Josun Jose, Deepa Sabu & Anu Pinheiro, Layout Design:Sanil C.A., Printed by SR Graphics, Kottayam, Ph :+91 481-2301142

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