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II. A Proposed Scope of Work

The proposed Three – Storey Airport Hotel has an estimated vicinity area of 550

square meters including the building and landscapes, 35m x 5.5m parking space. It

will provide a wide and comfortable space for the customers. It is located near the

EBJ Airport at San Fernando, San Jose, Antique.

The site has a bearing capacity of 19 Kpa. The site belongs to the San Jose, Area

with total land area of 48.56 sq. km. and a population density of 1300/sq. km.


Barangay San Fernando is located N 40° 44’ 30.822” and W 73° 59’ 21.508”.

It is one of the 28 barangays of the Municipality of San Jose de Buenavista which is

the capital town of Antique. The barangay is divided into 4 puroks. It is a place by the

sea and it has many knowned beach resorts that is regularly visited by the locals and

even visitors from nearby towns. It is approximately 3.5km from the Municipal Hall

which is a 10-min drive.

The scope of work are as follows:

II. A. 1 Demolition of Existing Structures/Layout

The proposed project will demolish existing concrete structures only. The area for

be lay-out is 550 m2.

II. A. 2 Structural Excavation

There will be an excavation for wall footing, column footing and septic tank only.

II. A. 3 Filling and Compaction.

There will be slab on fill in the main floor, CR, ramp and porch.

II. A. 4 Concrete Works

Concrete work includes column footing, wall footing, column, beam, slab on fill

and parking area.

II. A. 4. A Column Footing

There are 14 units of column footing that has a dimension of 2.5m

x 2.5m x 0.5m and 7 units of combined column footing that has a

dimension of 5.5m x 2.5m x 0.5m.

II. A. 4. B Wall Footing

Wall footing has a dimension of 110.5m x 0.3m x 0.2m.

II. A. 4. C Column

In this project, there are 28 columns on the first floor with a

dimension of 6.3m x 0.3m x 0.3m and 28 columns on the second

and third floor with a dimension of 3.5m x 0.3m x 0.3m.

II. A. 4. D Beam

The system of beams in this project is described below:

Beam 1 (311.54m x 0.25m x 0.35m), Beam 2 (292.08m x 0.30m x 0.40m)

Beam 3 (426.33m x 0.20m x0. 40m) are all the same on the second

floor, third floor and roof deck.

II. A. 4. E Slab on Fill

Slab on fill is composed of the main floor, cr, porch and ramp (1st

and second floor). On the first floor, the main floor has a dimension

of 16m x 24.2625m x 0.3m, CR (4.5m x 6m x 0.3m), porch (1.5m x

38.2m x 0.3m), and ramp (3.6m x 1.5m x 0.3 m). On the second

floor, the main floor has a dimension of 7.5m x 4.5m x0.125m (10

units) and 2.5m x 4.5m x 0.125m (6 units), balcony (1.5m x 4.5m x

0.125m (10 units)). On the third floor, the main floor has a

dimension of 7.5m x 4.5m x0.125m (10 units) and 2.5m x 4.5m x

0.125m (6 units), balcony (1.5m x 4.5m x 0.125m (10 units)). On

the roof deck has a dimension of 16m x 4.5m x 0.125m (2 units) and

17.5m x 4.5m x 0.125m (4 units).

II. A. 4. F Parking area

Parking area has a dimension of 35m x 5.5m x 0.1m.

II. A. 4. G Stairs

Stair has a total width of 1.95 meters. It has 20 steps with a rise of

0.175 m and 0.25 run.

II. A. 5 Rebar Works

II. A. 5. A Column Footing

In this item of work, the main bar to be used is 20mm ᴓ.

II. A. 5. B Wall Footing

In this item of work, the main bar to be used is 12mm ᴓ longitudinal

and 10mm ᴓ transversal.

II. A. 5. C Column

In this item of work, the main bar to be used is 20mm ᴓ and 10mm

ᴓ for the ties.

II. A. 5. D Beam

In this item of work, the main bar to be used is 16mm ᴓ, 25mm ᴓ,

20mm ᴓ and 10mmᴓ for the stirrups.

II. A. 5. E Slab on Fill

In this item of work, the main bar to be used is 12mmᴓ and 12mmᴓ.

II. A. 5. F Parking Area

In this item of work, the main bar to be used is 10mmᴓ and 10mmᴓ.

II. A. 5. G Stairs

In this item of work, the main bar to be used is 12mmᴓ and 10mmᴓ.
II. A. 6 Forms and Scaffolding

The materials to be used are (1/4" X 4' x 8') Marine Plywood, 2" x 3" x 14" Good

Lumber (rough).

II. A. 7 Masonry Works

Materials to be used is 4"x 8"x 16"CHB.

II. A. 8 Cement Plaster

In this item of work, the area to be plastered on all floors is 1,875 m2 and the

thickness of the plaster they used is 16mm.

II. A. 9 Ceramic Tiles.

The total area to be covered by ceramic unglazed (24” x 24”) in first floor is 460.06

m2. The total area to be covered by ceramic unglazed tile (16” x 16”) in rooms and

balconies is 634.88 m2. The total area to be covered by ceramic unglazed tile (20”

x 20”) in second and third floor hallway is 139.35 m2. The total area to be covered

by ceramic unglazed tile (8” x 8”) and (8” x 8”) glazed wall tile in toilet and

bathroom is 61.94 m2 and 108.39 m2 respectively. The total area to be covered by

ceramic unglazed tile (24” x 24”) and (8” x 8”) glazed wall tile in comfort room is

460.06 m2 and 108.39 m2 respectively. The total area to be covered by ceramic

unglazed tile (12” x 12”) in stairs is 211.82 m2.

II. A. 10 Septic Tank

For concreting, the bottom slab is 6.0m x 2.7m x0.15m and top slab is 6.0m x 2.7m

x 0.1m.
II. A. 11 Window

The window to be used is fixed glass window (1.5m x 1.2m- 4 sets) and (1.275m x

0.9m- 4 sets) for the second and third floor.

II. A. 12 Doors

Doors to be used are the following; (2m x 2.1m- 2 sets, D1) glass double door, ;

(1.6m x 2.1m- 3 sets, D2) double door, (.8m x 2.1m- 20 sets, D3) sliding glass door,

(.8m x 2.1m- 26 sets, D4) panel door, (.6m x 2.1m- 24 sets, D5) hollow core flush

door, (.8m x 2.1m- 1 set, D6) half glass panel door, (.6m x 1.8m- 6 sets, D7)

aluminum door.

II. A. 13 Ceiling

In this item of work the total area to be used is 1419.84 m2.

II. A. 14 Plumbing Works

The materials to be used are shown in the detailed estimates of this project proposal.

II. A. 15 Painting Works

Paint is commonly referred to as a “surface coating”.

Paint should be applied on walls and ceiling. The areas to be painted are: 1875 m2

for walls and 1419.84 m2 for ceiling.

II. A. 16 Electrical Works

In this item of work, there are (52 pcs.) Junction box, (50 pcs.) Utility box, (978

pcs.) Electrical Conduit PVC 20 mm, (4 pcs.) Panel Box, Flush Type, 16 Branches,

(2 pcs.) Generator, (152 pcs.) Receptacle/Porcelain, (20 boxes) 3.5 mm THHN Cu

Wire, Stranded, (69 pcs.) Duplex C.O Tampered Proof, (4 pcs.) 3-Gang Switch with

Plate Cover, (12 pcs.) 2- Gang Switch with Plate Cover, (29 pcs.) 1-Gang Switch
with Plate Cover, (70 pcs.) C-Flourescent Lamp, (7 pcs.) Flourescent Lamp, (80

pcs.) Pin Light, (52 sets) Circuit Breaker, 20 AT, 2P, (52 pcs.) Lighting Outlet, (21

pcs.) 1 Hp, Air-Con., (23 sets) Aircon Outlet, (20 rolls) Electrical Tape, Big.
II. B Benefits

The success of the 3 storey hotel will not only be beneficial for travellers,

but also to local people nearby because there will be an increase of visitors that

will result to a need of different business establishments like restaurants,

convenient stores, laundry shops, etc., which will be an opportunity for residents

to earn money. Neighbouring places can also open up resorts because the place is

located near the beach. Improvement on local tourism and small industries can be

expected out of it because it can draw a lot of foreign and domestic visitors. The

proposed 3-storey hotel will provide the guests, tourists, passengers, and the

locals a temporary place to stay, provide food services and cater the personal

needs of guests, tourists, passengers, and the locals.

II. C Constraints

A constraint is a condition, agency or force that impedes progress towards an

objective or goal.

There are a number of different types of constraint that can affect construction


Constraints should be identified, and described in as much detail as possible during

the early stages of a project, so that awareness of them and their potential impact can be

managed. This includes understanding the dynamics of the project and how different

constraints interrelate, as well as being clear about any potential risks and who is

responsible for them.

Expected constraints are mostly perceived before and during construction.

II. C. 1 Before Construction.

II. C. 1. A Design constraints

Design constraints are factors that limit the range of potential design

solutions that can be adopted. In the early stage of a project only

some of these constraints may be known, while others become

apparent as the design progresses.

Design constraints are actually helpful in the development of a

design, as they limit the number of feasible options and point

towards an obvious solution. In the absence of a constraints at all, it

can be difficult to know where to start, or to justify developing one

particular solution in preference to others.

II. C. 1. B Technical constraints

Technical constraints generally refer to the processes involved in

completing construction activities, and are often based on the

practicality of building methods and standards. For example, in

constructing a foundation, the site must be leveled before excavation

can take place; then formwork and reinforcement can be placed

before concrete is poured. Each task must be completed before the

next can begin; therefore each task acts as a constraint on the next


II. C. 1. C Economic constraints

Economic constraints relate to the project budget and the allocation

of resources. If the budget is inadequate, or is allocated

inappropriately, then it can have a negative impact on the success of

the project in terms of quality, safety, functionality and


The economic constraints mainly happen with budget limit and

allocation of the money. Due to the budget limit, the adopted

construction system may not be the best option for achieving the

project goal and quality. It will affect the proceeding of the project.

As for the allocation of money to be used in the project, if the money

is not effectively allocated, it will affect the progress of the project.

The effect on the project is the product quality and performance of

the project. In summary, if economic constraints for the project

could not be managed well, the

product/performance/function/quality of the project will be affected.

II. C. 1. D Management constraints

These can include particular shift patterns, overtime requirements,

and resource allocation between projects, safety procedures,

working practices, environmental and social policies, and

agreements with unions and so on.

Proper management must be observed to prevent further problems

or delays in the project.

II. C. 1. E Legal constraints

Legal constraints refer to the many regulations that the activities and

practices on a construction project must comply with. These most

commonly relate to employment law, safety requirements, planning

and building regulations requirements, environmental requirements,

and so on.

This proposed project is owned by the Government. Proper

procedures like bidding, procurement and implementation must be

transparent and valid.

Complying with legal requirements can be very time consuming and

requires a thorough understanding of complex, often bureaucratic

procedures. However, failure to comply can have a considerable

negative impact on a project, both in terms of delay, financial

penalties, remedial works and even possible criminal proceedings.

II. C. 1. F Time constraints

These include key dates on the project schedule or project

milestones. Conforming to these dates is generally very important

in terms of the overall project completion date, and penalties may

be applied for failure to meet agreed dates.

However, where there are delays that are not the contractor's fault,

they may be granted an extension of time, pushing agreed dates

back, or there must be an alternate solution in case of delays.

II. C. 1. G Environmental constraints

Environmental constraints include limiting factors concerning:

 The use of sustainable or hazardous materials.

 Energy consumption and carbon emissions.

 Noise, vibration, and dust.

 Traffic and transport.

 Preservation of ecology.

 Resilience to climate change.

 Design for deconstruction and disposal.

These can often overlap with legal constraints, but additional

requirements may be set out in client environmental policies.

II. C. 1. H Social constraints

Social constraints include factors that may arise as a result of wider

interest in or opposition to a project. Public concern and media

pressure can often impose greater scrutiny and tighter constraints on

a project, and can sometimes result in major alterations to the

original plans.

To prevent this, proper implementation be observed so that the

community will be aware and informed about the proposed project.

II. C. 2 During Construction.

Inaccurate volume of delivered aggregates which is very common. Delivery truck

should be checked if the volume of aggregates being delivered is exactly as ordered.

Dumping of aggregates on uneven ground surface and grass areas reduces the net

volume of aggregates. To avoid this, dump the aggregates on an even ground

surface like plywood.

Improper measuring of the aggregates during the mixing operation, this is common

practice when the work is on its momentum where laborers fail to observe the right

measuring of aggregates being delivered to the mixer. To lessen this kind of

problem, proper measuring of aggregates should be observed.

The cement and fine aggregates for grouting concrete joints are mostly overlooked

in the estimating process. These should be included in estimating Concrete Works.

Cement waste due to reckless handling and hauling.

The pure cement powder used by mason in plastering operations to prevent the

plaster from sliding downward is not considered in estimating. To address this,

cement powder should be considered in estimating Concrete Works.

Pilferage of materials, this could be avoided with an effective system of

construction management.

Breakage of concrete hollow blocks and other fragile materials such as ceramic

tiles, light bulbs, and jalousie during installation are common on the project

construction. Proper handling of these materials should be observed. Breakage of

these materials must not be overlooked in construction.


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