Succession Syllabus Part 3 PDF

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•Rules in the Institution of Heirs, Identification of Heirs, Art. 840-849
a. Definition – Art. 840
b. Important rules:
(1) Institution does not cover entire estate – Art. 841, 851
(2) Rule on legitimes limit power of testator to dispose of his estate - Art. 842
(3) How to designate heir - Art. 843-845
(4) How much heirs get from will:
i. No designation of shares – Art. 846
ii. If instituted some individually and others collectively-Art. 847
iii. Institution of full blood and half-blood brothers and sisters – Art. 848, 967
ivInstitution of parent and child – Art. 849
(5) Rule on false cause as basis for institution of heir – Art. 850
Case: Austria v. Reyes 31 SCRA 754

Q. When is a cause considered to be false to invalidate a will?

•Rule in Increasing or Decreasing of Shares, Art. 851-853

c. Mixed Succession – Art. 851
d. Rule when testator intended that designated heirs shall inherit the whole estate but
portions allotted to them in the will do not cover entire estate/free portion - Art. 852
e. Shares of designated heirs exceed the whole estate/free portion – Art. 853,

•Preterition vs. Disinheritance, Requisites, Art. 854-855

(1) Preterition – Art. 854
a. Meaning of preterition
b. How to determine if there is preterition
Case: Reyes v. Barreto-Datu, 19 SCRA 85 (1967)
(2) Completion of legitime, not preterition , Art. 855
i. applies when something is left to an heir (from the free portion)
ii. reduce the shares of testamentary heirs
c. Compulsory heirs in the direct line- discuss with Art. 887, 964, 965, 966,
Cases:: Nuguid v. Nuguid17 SCRA 44
Acain v. IAC155 SCRA 100
d. Effects of preterition
(1) on institution of heir
(2) legacies and devises
(3) on the will
Aznar vs. Duncan, 17 SCRA 590
Goff vs. Goff, Supreme Court of Missouri, 1944. 352 Mo. 809, 179 S.W.
2d 707.
Heirs of P. Ureta Sr., et al. vs. Heirs of L. Ureta, et al., G.R. No. 165748.
September 14, 2011.

•Rule on right of representation – Art. 856, Art. 923

(1) Classes of Substitution, Art. 857-862
•Substitution of Heirs – Definition – Art. 857
a. Kinds of substitution – Art, 858, 859, 860, 863
b. Simple substitution
(1) causes/grounds for substitute to inherit in lieu of heir first
instituted – Art. 859
(2) 2 ways of making a simple substitution – Art. 859
(3) Reciprocal substitution – Art. 861
(4) Conditions/charges v. first heir same as those on substitute – Art. 862

•Fideicommissary Substitution, Art. 863-869

c. Fideicommissary substitution – Art. 863
(1) 4 elements of a fideicommissary substitution-
Art. 863, 866
Cases: PCIB v. Escolin, G.R. Nos. L-27860 and L-27896 March 29, 1974
Palacios v. RamirezG.R. No. L-27952 February 15, 1982
(2) Fideicommissary substitution cannot burden legitime – Art. 864
(3) 2 ways of making a fideicommissary substitution – Art. 863, 865
(4) Nature of right of second heir to property – Art 866.
Discuss with Art. 868 (nature of institution of first heir)
(5) Prohibitions on fideicommissary institutions – Art. 867, Art. 869
Cases: Vda. De Mapa vs. Court of Appeals, 154 SCRA 294
Crisologo vs. Singson, 4 SCRA 491
(6) Prohibition v. alienation of inherited property – Art. 870
Rodriguez vs. Court of Appeals, 27 SCRA 546 (How long must I wait?)

•Testamentary Dispositions with a Condition, Term or Mode – Art. 871-885

(a) General Provisions – Art. 871-872
(1) Institution of heir subject to condition, for a certain purpose or cause –
(2) Legitimes cannot be burdened by any charge, condition or
substitution – Art. 872
(b) Condition - Art. 873-877, 879-881, 883 (2), 884
(1) impossible, illegal or contrary to good customs – deemed not written –
Art. 873
(2) condition prohibiting first or subsequent marriage – deemed not
written – Art. 874
(3) condition prohibiting subsequent marriage – when valid – Art. Art. 874
(4)meaning of 2nd paragraph of Art. 874: right of usufruct, an allowance
or personal prestation devised/bequeathed for time that heir is
(5)N.B. imposition of condition to marry a certain person or from a
particular class - valid
(6) prohibition v. exchange of values – Art. 875
(7) rules on suspensive condition – Art. 876- 884
(c) Term – Art. 878, 885
(d) Mode – Art. 882, 883 (1)
Natividad vs. Gabino, 36 Phil 663
U.S. National Bank of Portland v. Snodgrass, Supreme Court of
Oregon, 1954. 202 Or. 530, 275 P2d 860. (What is the extent of the
powers of the testator to impose conditions in a will?)
Rabadilla vs. Court of Appeals, June 29, 2000

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