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< Optional Software >

Template Creation Tool (ICB Tool) for
Express Variety Print Software (MS21)

Basic Software (MS01) Ver.3.1 or later

First Edition
Ref.No. PP3-B1377E

Thank you for choosing the Express Variety Print Software (MS21).
This Instruction Manual contains installation and operating instructions for the template creation tool (ICB tool) for the
Express Variety Print Software (MS21).

• To ensure proper use and optimum performance of the software, read this manual thoroughly.
• This manual should be kept in a fixed place near the machine so that it can be referred to at any time a point needs
to be clarified.

1. Copying or reprinting of a part of entire manual without permission is strictly prohibited.

2. The contents of this manual may be revised without notice.

1 What is ICB tool?............................................................................................................................. 4

2 Installation Instructions .................................................................................................................... 5

3 Uninstallation Instructions ............................................................................................................... 8

4 User Interface Details...................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 Application Window .........................................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Print size setting Window / Add print size Dialog Box.................................................................................................11
4.3 About ICB tool Dialog Box.............................................................................................................................................12

5 Creating Templates........................................................................................................................13

6 Basic Operations ...........................................................................................................................14

6.1 Starting the ICB Tool.......................................................................................................................................................14
6.2 Closing the ICB Tool.......................................................................................................................................................15
6.3 Adding Print Sizes..........................................................................................................................................................16
6.4 Deleting Print Sizes........................................................................................................................................................17
6.5 Creating Templates........................................................................................................................................................18

7 ICB Print sizes, Image sizes, and MS01 Product's Paper sizes ...................................................................20
7.1 Default ICB’s Print sizes versus Image sizes and MS01 Product’s Paper sizes...................................................................................20
7.2 Converting from ICB’s Print sizes to Image sizes / MS01 Paper sizes. And vice versa .........................................21

8 Messages and Actions..................................................................................................................23

1 What is ICB tool?

The ICB tool enables you to convert your customers digital files into template files in the format that can be used in the
Express Variety Print Software (EVP).
Supported input file formats include:
1) BMP format images*
2) PNG format images*

*These files are limited to a 200-color index format.

2 Installation Instructions

1 Insert the Express Variety Print Software (MS21)

Installation CD into the MS01 Server’s CD-ROM

2 Navigate to the CD-ROM drive’s ICBtool directory,

and double-click the directory.

The ICBtool directory opens.

3 Double-click the file named Setup.exe.

The ICB tool installer launches.

4 Click the Next> button.

The Choose Install Location screen opens.

5 Click the Install button.

* The Destination Folder can be changed, if

necessary, by using the Browse button.

Installation begins and finishes.

When installation has completed, the Completing

the ICB tool screen opens.

• Leave the Run ICB tool 1.0 check box selected if
you want it to automatically launch once
installation completes.


• Clear the check box if you do not want the

software to launch.

7 Click the Finish button to close the installer.

3 Uninstallation Instructions

1 From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs

> ICB tool > Uninstall.

A confirmation dialog opens.

2 Click the Yes button.

An additional dialog box opens after uninstallation

has completed.

3 Click the OK button.

Uninstallation is complete.

4 User Interface Details

4.1 Application Window

(1) (2)


(3) (4)


(7) (10)
(8) (11)
(9) (12)

(13) (14)

No. Item Description
(1) File(F) menu The following options are available:
Displays the Print size setting window.
Closes the ICB tool.
(2) Help(H) menu The option to open the About ICB tool window can be selected.

(3) Image display area The selected images are displayed by either of the following:
(4) Specifying the files via the Browse button
Dragging and dropping the files
(5) Unit selection radio buttons One of the following units can be specified: 0.1mm/pixel/inch
(6) Print size display area Name of the print size corresponding to the selected image(s) is displayed.
(7) Image information Name, width, and height of the selected image(s) are displayed.
(8) Browse buttons The image(s) with which you want to create templates can be displayed and
(11) selected.
(9) Clear buttons Clears the selected image(s).
(13) Output folder path The created template is output to the folder path specified in this field.
(14) Template name Name of the created template is displayed.
(15) Convert button Converts the image(s) into a template(s).
(16) Close button Closes the ICB tool.

4.2 Print size setting Window / Add print size Dialog Box


(1) (1)
(5) (6) (4) (5)

Print size setting

No. Item Description
(1) Print size list List of the registered print sizes is displayed.
(2) Add button Displays the Add print size window.
(3) Delete button Deletes the selected print size.
(4) Unit selection radio buttons One of the following units can be specified:
(5) Cancel button Closes the window without saving the changes.
(6) OK button Saves the changes and closes the window.

Add print size

No. Item Description
(1) Print size name Name of the print size to be added is entered in this field.
(2) Width (0.1mm) Width of the print size to be added is entered in 0.1mm units in this field.
(3) Height (0.1mm) Height of the print size to be added is entered in 0.1mm units in this field.
(4) Cancel button Closes the window without saving the entries.
(5) OK Saves the entries and closes the window.

4.3 About ICB tool Dialog Box

5 Creating Templates

With the ICB tool, templates for the EVP (MS21) can be created from your customers’ image files.

Converting one image file Converting two image files

(1) (1)

A directory having the same name as that Two directories having the same name as
of the file selected in the Image 1 pane is that of the files selected in the Image 1 and
created in the directory specified in the Image 2 panes, respectively, are created in
Output folder path field (labeled 1 above). the folder specified in the Output folder
The template converted from the image file path field (labeled 1 above). The templates
converted from the image files are stored in
is stored in this directory.
these two folders, respectively.
* A landscape- or portrait-oriented template
* A landscape- or portrait-oriented template
that pairs up with the selected image is also
that pairs up with the selected image is also

6 Basic Operations

6.1 Starting the ICB Tool

1 From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs

> ICB tool > ICB tool.

The ICB tool application window opens.

6.2 Closing the ICB Tool

1 On the application window, the ICB tool can be

closed by:

1) Select File > Close from the menu bar.

2) Click the Close box button [X].

A warning dialog box opens.

• Click the Yes button to close the tool.


• If you don’t want to close the tool, click the No


6.3 Adding Print Sizes

1 From the application window, select File > Print size


The Print size setting dialog box opens.

2 Click the Add button.

The Add print size dialog box opens.

3 Enter the following values:

Print size name: 10 or less characters
Width: in 0.1 mm units
Height: in 0.1 mm units

4 Then, click the OK button.

The Print size setting dialog returns to focus with

the added print size being included in the list.

5 Click the OK button.

The added print size is saved and the dialog box


6.4 Deleting Print Sizes

1 From the application window, select File > Print size


The Print size setting dialog box opens.

2 From the list box, select the print size you want to

3 Click the Delete button.

A Warning dialog box opens asking if you are sure

that you want to delete the print size.

4 Click Yes.

The selected print size is deleted.

5 Click the OK button.

The dialog box closes, and focus returns to the ICB

tool window.

6.5 Creating Templates

Templates cannot be created if no print size is registered in the Print size settings dialog box that matches the size of the
image to be converted into template. Therefore, prior to starting the template creation process, register the print size in
accordance with the instructions provided in the section “6.3 Adding Print Sizes”.

1 On the application window, select an image you

want to convert into a template.
You can do this by clicking the Browse button.

The Select the image file dialog box opens.

2 Select an image, and click the Open button.

The selected image is displayed on the application

window along with its file information (File name, (1) (2)
Width, Height) in the Image 1 group box.

Note: Even if only one image is used, another

landscape- or portrait-oriented template
that pairs up with the image is also created.

In the Image 2 group box, if there is an image that

pairs up with the selected image, select it as well.

3 To convert the image into a template, click the
Convert button.

When the conversion is successfully completed, an

Information dialog box appears.

4 Click OK.

NOTE: If no print size that matches the image to

be converted has been registered, an Error
dialog box opens.
Click the OK button to return to the
application window, and register an
additional print size that matches the

7 ICB Print sizes, Image sizes, and MS01 Product's Paper sizes

7.1 Default ICB’s Print sizes versus Image sizes and MS01 Product’s Paper sizes

The following table shows the list of pre-registered ICB templates, the corresponding image sizes to be processed, and
the corresponding pre-registered MS01 products. Each line shows their suitable relation.

In case of using a pre-registered ICB template on the MS01 system, a paper size of MS01 product, a print size of
pre-registered ICB template, and an image size to be processed should fit together (*).

MS01 Product ICB Tool Image to be processed

Paper Size Print size setting Horizontal Vertical

Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height

Name Name
(mm) (mm) (in 0.1 mm units) (in 0.1 mm units) (pixel) (pixel) (pixel) (pixel)

89C 89.0 127.0 3R 1270 890 1500 1051 1051 1500

102C 102.0 152.0 4R 1520 1020 1795 1205 1205 1795
5x7 127.0 178.0 5R 1780 1270 2102 1500 1500 2102
8x10 203.0 254.0 8R 2540 2030 3000 2398 2398 3000
* For an image to be processed, a margin section of 5 pixels is prepared. For each image shown on the table, from “width value

- 5 pixels” to “width value + 5 pixels” can be accommodated to the system. Similarly, from “height – 5 pixels” to “height + 5

pixels” can be accommodated to the system.

Example) For the ICB template of 3R, as a horizontal image, the width ranges from 1495 to 1505 pixels, and the height
ranges from 1046 to 1056 pixels can be accommodated to the system.

7.2 Converting from ICB’s Print sizes to Image sizes / MS01
Paper sizes. And vice versa

If you want to process an image of unlisted size on the above table, then you have to convert the image size to a print size,
then you have to register a newly converted print size to ICB.

Following is the calculating formula to convert from an image size to a print size, and oppositely to convert from a print
size to a image size.
Refer to Section “5.3.Adding Print Sizes” in this manual, to know how to register a new print size to ICB.

1) Converting from an Image size to an ICB tool’s Print size setting

For given “X” and “Y”,
“X” is any Width (pixel), and “Y” is any Height (pixel) of an Image size.
For a horizontal image
Print size setting Width (in 0.1 mm units) = X / 300 x 254 (The result is rounded to zero decimal place)
Print size setting Height (in 0.1 mm units) = Y / 300 x 254 (The result is rounded to zero decimal place)
For a vertical image
Print size setting Width (in 0.1 mm units) = Y / 300 x 254 (The result is rounded to zero decimal place)
Print size setting Height (in 0.1 mm units) = X / 300 x 254 (The result is rounded to zero decimal place)
Note) All the images are registered in a horizontal style to the ICB tool’s Print size setting.

2) Converting from an ICB tool’s Print size setting to a Paper size of MS01 Product
For given “X” and “Y”,
“X” is any Width (in 0.1 mm units), and “Y” is any Height (in 0.1 mm units) of ICB tool’s Print size.
To register as a Horizontal MS01 product
Paper Width (mm) = X / 10
Paper Height (mm) = Y / 10
To register as a Vertical MS01 product
Paper Width (mm) = Y / 10
Paper Height (mm) = X / 10

3) Converting from a Paper size of MS01 Product to an ICB tool’s Print size setting
For given “X” and “Y”,
“X” is any Width (mm), and “Y” is a Height (mm) of MS01 Product Paper size.
For a Horizontal Product of MS01 product
Print size Width (in 0.1 mm units) = X * 10
Print size Height (in 0.1 mm units) = Y * 10

For a Vertical Product of MS01
Print Size Width (in 0.1 mm units) = Y * 10
Print Size Height (in 0.1 mm units) = X * 10
Note) All the images are registered in a horizontal style to the ICB tool’s Print size setting.

4) Converting from an ICB tool’s Print size setting to an Image size

For given “X” and “Y”,
“X” is any Width (in 0.1 mm units), and “Y” is a Height (in 0.1 mm units) of ICB tool’s Print Size setting
For a Horizontal image
Width (pixel) = X * 300 / 254 (The result is rounded to zero decimal place)
Height (pixel) = Y * 300 / 254 (The result is rounded to zero decimal place)
For a Vertical image
Width (pixel) = Y * 300 / 254 (The result is rounded to zero decimal place)
Height (pixel) = X * 300 / 254 (The result is rounded to zero decimal place)

8 Messages and Actions

Errors and warnings generated by this tool are listed in the following table along with the causes and when they are

* I: Information, W: Warning. E: Error

Code Type* Message Generated when
I Process successfully completed. When the processing is completed.
W Change will not be saved. Discard change? When the list on the Print size setting screen is
updated and then the Cancel button is clicked.
W Do you want to close this tool? When Close is selected in the menu or the
Close button is clicked.
W "***" already exists. Do you want to overwrite When the data destination folder (output folder +
it? template name) already exists and the Convert
button is clicked.
1012 E Failed to get information of image file. When failed to get the file information.
1013 E Size of Image1 and Image2 does not match. When images having different print size aspect
Please check if the following conditions are ratios are input.
(Width of Image1) = (Height of Image2)
(Height of Image1) = (Width of Image2)
1014 E Print size matching input image is not When an image having the size that does not
registered. match any of the registered print sizes is input.
1015 E Input image needs to be a bmp file or a png When the format of the input file is other than
file. bmp and png.
1016 E File can not be found. File may have been When a file is deleted while the file selection
deleted. dialog box is opened.
1017, E Error has occurred during image conversion. When an error occurred during image
1020- processing.
1040 E Failed to obtain print size data. When printsizelist.xml does not exist.
"PrintSizeList.xml" not found.
1041 E Exception has occurred during print size data When printsizelist.xml could not be updated.
1042 E Exception has occurred while obtaining print When the information of printsizelist.xml could not
size data. be obtained.
1043 E Input range needs to be set between 0 and 50. When the tool is launched with the <RANGE>
tag value in icbtool.exe.config being set to a value
outside the range of 10-50.

Code Type* Message Generated when
1050 E "***" is not found. Please check folder path. When an invalid path is entered as the output
folder path.
1051 E Width needs to be greater than height. When the value entered as the height is greater
than the value entered as the width in the window
for adding print sizes.
1052 E "" already exist, Please enter another name. When addition of a print size having the same
name as one of the registered print sizes is
1053 E Restricted characters found in template name. When the template name includes restricted
1054 Making output folder was failed. The path may When a folder in a read-only drive is specified as
include a read-only folder. the output destination and the Convert button is

FUJIFILM Corporation
7-3, Akasaka 9-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan

Ref.No.PP3-B1377E 10.11-FP

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