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Shock: Life
and death
Michael Place serves Bill, a forklift operator for a local warehouse, isn’t For first responders, it is important to understand four
as a training director for feeling well. He has Type 2 diabetes and his sugar levels are bot- critical factors – (1) the types of shock conditions that exist,
Dakota Supply Group and
toming out. (2) the events that cause shock, (3) how to recognize the
is chairman of the ASA
Safety Committee, which He’s sweating profusely and feels lightheaded. A signs and symptoms, and (4) how to respond.
produces the Eye of Safety coworker comes over to ask Bill a question but the words
column each month. aren’t making sense. Looking confused and disoriented, Bill
unexpectedly lurches forward and falls to the ground at the
feet of his coworker. In moments, he is unconscious and
his breathing becomes erratic. Bill has fallen into a diabetic
Shock is a life-
shock. The coworker has no idea what to do and precious
seconds tick away as he struggles in vain to wake Bill. After threatening condition
losing vital response time, the worker finally grabs a phone
and dials 9-1-1. that requires immediate
Shock is a life-threatening condition that requires
immediate medical treatment. It occurs when the body fails
to provide enough blood flow to vital organs. Lack of blood
medical treatment.
flow causes oxygen and nutrition deficiency in cells and There are six main types of shock – neurogenic shock
organs which can lead to organ failure, and in some cases, (damage to the nervous system), anaphylactic shock (severe
even death. According to the National Institute of Health’s allergic reactions), hypovolemic shock (low blood volume),
MedlinePlus website, as many as 20% of shock victims do cardiogenic shock (heart-related), hypoglycemic shock (low
not survive. blood sugar levels) and septic shock (due to infections).
With all shock situations, the condition can spread quickly
throughout the body. Response time is critical.
As the nomenclature implies, neurogenic shock arises
from damage caused to the nervous system. Injuries to the
brain and/or spinal cord are most likely to cause this type of
shock. Severe concussions, physical damage to brain tissue
and injuries to the cervical or thoracic parts of the spine are
all examples of injuries that can lead to neurogenic shock.
Anaphylactic shock is caused by anaphylaxis, which is
a life-threatening type of allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis
is a whole-body reaction to an allergen such as bee sting
or spider bite venom. Some drugs such as morphine and
aspirin also can cause anaphylactic-type reactions when a
person first is exposed to them.
Hypovolemic shock is caused by blood loss. It occurs
when there isn’t enough blood in the body for the heart to
pump appropriately. This type of shock often leads to heart
problems and can result from internal or external bleeding.

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Cardiogenic shock stems from heart-related If not treated, coma can occur. Diabetes is a septic shock. Fungus, viruses and high toxicity
issues such as heart attack, heart failure and the disorder that is commonly associated with levels also can cause septic conditions to arise.
complications that arise from those conditions. hypoglycemic issues.
It occurs when the heart has been so severely Septic shock is the result of an infection TAKE ACTION
damaged that it cannot supply enough blood to that spreads throughout the body. This type Recognizing the signs and symptoms of shock
organs in the body. of shock condition leads to dangerously low can be difficult because they can differ from
Hypoglycemic shock is a condition arising blood pressure. Septic shock mainly occurs in person to person and can mimic the symptoms
from low blood sugar levels. Victims should the elderly and young children but can happen of other health issues. In general, one of the
raise their blood sugar level quickly because to anyone, especially those with weakened more noticeable symptoms of shock relates
the brain is very susceptible to this condition. immune systems. Any type of bacteria can cause to a person’s skin. A victim typically has cold
and clammy skin. In some cases, it will have a
bluish coloring which is especially noticeable
Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (Requester Publications Only) on the lips and fingernails. Other signs include
Publication Detail
chest pain, anxiety, inability to urinate properly,
1 Publication Number 525630
2 ISSN 395935 shallow and raspy breathing, dizziness, a rapid
3 Filing Date 09/29/2015
Issue Frequency
Number of Issues Published Annually
but weak pulse, profuse sweating, confusion,
6 Annual Subscription Price 123.00
7 Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication 2401 W BIG BEAVER RD STE 700 mumbling and lightheadedness. If you notice
7 TROY, OAKLAND, MI 48084-3333
Contact Person
(248) 786-1631
these symptoms, call 9-1-1. Be prepared to give
8 Complete Mailing Address of Headquarter or General Business Office of Publisher "2401 W. BIG BEAVER RD., STE. 700"
8 TROY, MI 48084-3333 basic life support if needed.
9 Publisher (Name and complete mailing address) ROBERT MIODONSKI
9 "155 N. PFINGSTEN RD., STE. 205" Always check the victim for responsiveness,
9 DEERFIELD, IL 60015-5293
Editor (Name and complete mailing address) MICHAEL MIAZGA
"155 N. PFINGSTEN RD., STE. 205"
irregular breathing patterns and any signs
9 DEERFIELD, IL 60015-5293
9 Managing Editor (Name and complete mailing address) NONE of bleeding or injuries. Look for a bracelet or

necklace that may indicate a specific medical
10 Line Full Name Complete Mailing Address
10 1 BNP MEDIA II, LLC 2401 W. BIG BEAVER RD., STE 700, TROY, MI 48084-3333 condition. If life-threatening conditions are
10 2 TAGGART E. HENDERSON 2401 W. BIG BEAVER RD., STE 700, TROY, MI 48084-3333
2401 W. BIG BEAVER RD., STE 700, TROY, MI 48084-3333
2401 W. BIG BEAVER RD., STE 700, TROY, MI 48084-3333
noticeable, make the 9-1-1 call.
Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, Other Security Holders Critical health issues such as severe bleeding
11 Line Full Name Complete Mailing Address
should be treated first. If there is no evidence
14 Issue Date for Circulation Data Below 09/01/2015
of trauma, the victim should lie down and
Average No. Copies Each No. Copies of Single Issue then raise his or her legs 6 to 12 in. Support
Issue During Preceding 12 Published Nearest to Filing
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the raised legs to ensure they maintain the
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subscriptions including nominal rate subscriptions, employer requests, advertiser's proof copies,
15b1 and exchange copies.)
In-County Paid/Requested Mail Subscriptions stated on PS Form 3541. (Include direct written
19734 19602 or vomiting, turn the person’s head to ensure
request from recipient, telemarketing and Internet requests from recipient, paid subscriptions
including nominal rate subscriptions, employer requests, advertiser's proof copies, and exchange drainage from the mouth. Loosen any tight
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Sales through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Paid or
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clothing and, if necessary, maintain the victim’s
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15c Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation 19774 19613 body temperature by covering him or her with
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drink or smoke. Finally, stay with victim to offer
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These tips can save a person’s life. For
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17 Publication of Statement of Ownership Publication of this statement will be printed in the 11/01/2015 issue of this publication
Dakota Supply Group and is chairman of the ASA
18 Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager, or Owner WAFAA S. KASHAT Safety Committee, which produces the Eye of Safety
18 Title Audience Audit/Postal Specialist
18 Date 09/29/2015 08:50:57 AM column each month.
Version PS Form 3526, September 2007

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