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There are 7 pronouns in English. Each pronoun functions differently.

subject pronoun: I, you, they, we, she, he, it

object pronoun: me, you, them, our, him, her, it
possessive pronoun: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours, its

you need to remember which subject pronoun and which subject pronoun.

You probably have seen the word my, your, his, her, their, our, its. These words are
called possessive adjective, they act as adjective that describe a noun. For example,
my book, our freedom.

Note that possessive adjectives cannot act as subject or object. But they must be
followed by a noun to be a subject or an object. For example, my son is taller than your

Pronoun adalah kata ganti. Kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat 7.
I, you, they, we, she, he, it adalah kata ganti yang digunakan sebagai subjek pada

Me, you, them, us, her, him, it adalah kata ganti yang digunakan sebagai objek pada

Jadi, kita tidak menggunakan me atau them pada awal kalimat.

She likes me (bukan) she likes I

Possessive pronoun digunakan untuk mengatakan kepunyaan. Tidak seperti

possessive adjectives, possessive pronoun tidak membutuhkan kata benda lagi.

 That book is mine

 That is my book

 Salah
 Mine book

Hope you enjoyed it!

Maula Nikma
As we all remember form the previous email that there are seven subject pronouns in
English, I, you, they, we, she, he, it. Each of these subject pronoun must be followed by
a verb. For example;

 She likes learning English with mr. Rijal.

 We work for mr. Rijal.

Think of examples for the other subject pronouns!

Note that subject pronouns are not used with the same be verb. Look at the list below

You are / you’reshe is / she’s

They are / they’re he is / he’s

We are / we’reit is / it’s

I am / I’m

Cara menggunakan kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris.

I, you, they, we, she, he, it selalu membutuhkan kata kerja (verb), karena mereka
semua adalah subjek kalimat. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

 She likes learning English with mr. Rijal.

 We work for mr. Rijal.
Subjek kata kerja like ditambah s karena subjek nya adalah she. (she, he, it selalu
menggunakan s(es) pada akhir kalimat). Namun, kata kerja work tidak
membutuhkan s karena subjek we adalah subjek plural.

Perhatikan kata ganti subjek berikut jika digunakan dengan kata kerja be:

You are / you’reshe is / she’s

They are / they’re he is / he’s

We are / we’reit is / it’s

I am / I’m

Selalu perhatikan subjek dan be nya, mereka tidak bisa diganti dengan be yang lain.

Hope you enjoyed it!


Maula Nikma

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