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Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Technology Livelihood Education

Name: Dullente, Jenmarie H. Date: March 9, 2018

I. Objectives:

At the end of 20 minutes , 100% of Grade 10 students should be able to;

A. Identify different ingredients in preparing buttered shrimp

B. Perform the procedure of in cooking buttered shrimp

C. Appreciate the importance in preparing own buttered shrimp

II. Subject Matter


III. Instructional Materials

Equipment Tools Supplies/Materials Ingredients

* Projector * Frying Pan * Tupperware * Shrimp
* Laptop * Laddle * Paper Plate * Butter
* Speaker * Teaspoon * Plastic Spoon * Garlic
* Electric Stove * Onion
* Salt
* Pepper
* Parsley
IV. Lesson Proper

A. Opening Prayer
( Lead by learner )

B. Checking of Attendance

C. Review of Past Lesson

Techniques in Plating

D. Lesson Proper

Presentation of pictures of the different seafood restaurants.
Asking questions related to the pictures shown.

* Identify the ingredients for buttered shrimp.
* Perform the procedure of making buttered shrimp.
- Video Presentation
- Teachers Demo

* Make two groups
* Follow rubrics in performing buttered shrimp
* Present output to be rated using rubrics

V. Recapitulation

Identify what are the ingredients in performing

buttered shrimp.
VI. Evaluation

Perform buttered shrimp

VII. Assignment

For our next meeting, research about any seafood recipe served in different restaurants. (short bond

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