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Music Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Jacoby Class/Course: General Music Grade Level: K/1st

A. National Music Standards

1. Creating
a. 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
b. 3. Refine and completen artistic work
2. Performing
a. 6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work
3. Responding
a. 7. Perceive and analyze artistic work
b. 8. Interpret meaning and intent in artistic work

B. Optional:​​ ​ List your state standards that are addressed in this lesson

C. Indicate the TI:ME Technology Areas of Competency that are addressed in this lesson
1. Music Instruction Software
4. Productivity Tools, Classroom and Lab Resources

D. Objective(s): ​as a result of this lesson students will know and/or be able to…
1. Define steady beat vs. no beat
2. Perform steady beat while moving and singing

E. Required Prior Knowledge and Skills:

What must the students know or have experienced prior to this lesson?
-Singing voice vs. speaking voice

F. Materials, Repertoire, Equipment needed:

What materials do you need to accomplish this lesson?
- Smartboard and projector
- Sound speakers
- Quaver Music Subscription

G. Modifications/ Accommodations:
(for example: peer partners, visuals, preferential seating, frequent individual check-in)
- Constant visuals on the board
- Review of personal space and room rules ex: arms length away when marching

H. Assignments:
What must the students do after the class in preparation for the next class?
- ​No assignment given

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I. Evaluation
(optional: include a grading rubric​ ​​)
- Student listening assignment worksheet at the end of class to be reviewed togeether:

J. Lesson Sequence

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(indicate the sequence of activities and the estimated time of each; include and screenshots and hyperlinks that you will reference in
the lesson)

Using Quaver K Lesson 3 - ​Steady Beat

1. Play “March of the Ducks” for the students as they enter.

2. Review “The Quaver Five” Be Safe, Be Polite, Be Cooperative, Be Responsible, Be Kind (rules for our
3. Watch and play the “steady beat” song
a. Students will perform and create additional movements to the song

4. Define:​​ Steady Beat - A regular beat that does not change; a regularly occurring pulse.
a. Using “Giant’s vs Gerbils”
b. Explain to students that a steady beat can be fast or slow.
c. Select Largo on the Smartboard and invite students to pretend to be giants walking to the slow
d. Select Presto on the Smartboard and invite students to pretend to be gerbils spinning in a wheel
to the really fast beat.
5. “March of the Ducks”
a. Ensure the mixer is set to CHANT.
b. Chant the words to March of the Ducks for the students, pointing to the graphics on the
Smartboard as teacher chants. Singing will then be introduced.
c. Invite students to march in place to the song (and sing if they can!). Then have students to follow
in a line around the room as you march together, singing the song and following along. Assign
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new leaders and make sure students are marching to the beat.
d. Change the tempo using the metronome on the screen to challenge students to keep the beat slow
or fast.
e. Ask if this song is an example of steady beat. YES.
6. Review objectives from the lesson and define steady beat.
7. Assess using the worksheet and Quaver examples.

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