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Kill team Custom Campaign Rules

Using the resources from the core rulebook

Material, Intelligence, Morale and Territory

The Lore

The Planet of Degadus Quintus the only habitable planet in the Degadus System and formerly
thriving Imperial Mining colony, now on the far side of the Cicatrix Maledictum, and protected only
by few imperial guard regiments and a single detachment of Ultramarines, trapped on the planet
without support or access to reinforcements.

The planet is predominantly under the control of the native population without access to military
grade weapons. The 2 biggest mines , the largest city and one spaceport are controlled by the
Imperial Guard remnant on the planet, which is quickly degenerating to the level a PMC.

The other spaceport is controlled by the space marines of the Ultramarine Chapter

The planet was relatively peaceful until an Oak infested space hulk appeared out of the Cicatrix
and crash landed on the planet creating a new orc nation on Degadus Quintus.

Hordes of Orks and Humans battle for dominance on the planet but have locked into a bitter
stalemate but small teams of elite operatives from both sides clash in the shadows trying to create
tactical and strategic advantages for their side.

The Strategic Turn

Each player takes turns being the attacker on their Strategic turn

In a strategic turn a Customer can

1.Roll a d20 and consult the Tides of War Table

2. Spend Territory or Material
3. Choose a a mission from the basic missions or one made available by an event
4. Play the battle
5. Consequences of battle

After both player have take a Strategic turn and resolved their battles the next turn begins and the
player with a higher Total assest score goes first.

The Tides of War

1 Disaster, your base is vulnerable to attack , your next mission is sweep and clear with you as the
defender , if you win your apuoonent also loses 2 morale (Use the Base Assault special riules)
2 The Front has collapsed and its unto you to pick up the slack. Lose 1 territory

3 You have been ambushed by the opposing kill team! Your next mission bust be Ambush, with
yourself as the defender

4 Your side has lost critical intel to the enemy, your next mission must be retrieve intel, if you lose,
you lose and your opponents gains 1 extra intel

5 The Troops provided bad Intel, lose one Intel

6 The enemy has siezed a supply cache , lose 1 Material

7 Resistance is heaver than expected , your Opponent gains 10 points on your next mission

8 The command has ordered you engage hard targets only, may not take terror tactics as your
next mission

9 The Front may not being moving, but your side is taking abhorrent casualties , lose 1 morale

10 All Quiet on the Front, The front line boys seem to be taking a vacation, time to pick uptake
slack. You may take sweep and clear as your next mission if you pay one 1 material, the enemy
gains +10 Points for the mission
11 There is a risky opportunity available to you, you may take Take Prisoners as your next mission
but the Opponent gets +10 Points, if you win also gain 2 Intel
12 A huge enemy supply Convoy is underway, If you take Disrupt supply lines as your next mission
you gain +20 points and your opponent +30 . For every supply marker you destroy the opponent
loses one material, if you lose also lose 2 morale.
13 The Theatre commander needs you to provide a distraction, your next mission must be Feint or
Terror Tactics, if you win also gain 1 Morale
14 The Troops seize a supply Cache, take your share: roll a d6 on a 5+ gain one Material

15 An enemy VIP is vulnerable, you have an opportunity to take them Prisoner you may take Take
Prisoners as your next mission, if you win gain 2 points of intel.

16 The Troops sieze a supply cache, with beer! , gain one morale on a 4+ also gain one Material

17 An Opportunity presents itself to make an airdrop on a vulnerable enemy asset. You may chose
Aerial Strike as your next mission. If you Win the opponent losses 1 point each of 2 assets of
your choice ,and you gain 1 intel or one Material , if you lose lose 1 material

18 The Enemy Kill team is on the way and you know when and where, you may choose ambush on
your next mission and the opponent is -2 on all Casualty rolls after the battle

19 A Break through for your side exploit the breach in the enemy lines! You may choose Sweep
and Clear as your Next mission and gain 1 territory if you win

20 A derisive break through for your side, exploit the breach in the enemy lines! Choose either gain
1 territory and the opponent loses 1 territitoy (minimum 1) or You may choose to play Sweep
and Clear but if you win the Opponent loses 2 territory and you gain 2 and if you lose the
opponent still loses 1 territory.

The 4 Resources

Territory can be spent to add a slot to the Roster , all kill teams begin with a roster with 12 slots

Material can be spent to Hire new Kill Team members at the rate of 1 material for 10 points or to
get 10 extra points to take on a mission

Morale can be spent to auto pass a break test in game, this costs 1 point before the role or 2 points
if a test has been failed

Intelligence can be spent to gain a scout action in game, Intelligence can be spent to see the
apposing players list and adjust 10 points in ones list per point spent
(points must be spent before seeing the opposing list)

If any of these is reduced to 0 the player loses

The Basic Missions

Disrupt Supply Lines- if successful roll a d6 on a 4+ gain 1 material

Recover Intelligence -if successful roll a d6 on a 4+ gain 1 Intel

Terror Tactics

If you win both missions in a strategic turn, gain 1 morale.

Special Missions

Base Assault

If a Faction is down to one territory the opposing faction must take sweep and clear, with the base
assault special rules

The Defender fields their entire roster of uninjured units. The attacker can take 150 points and
spend up-to 5 material to take more points

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