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OCTOBER A newsletter by Riverside Secondary School

2010 3 Woodlands Street 81 Singapore 738524 • Tel: 6269 9631 • Fax: 6368 3677


Riverside achieves the PARTNERS (Merit) Award 2010

This award, presented by COMPASS (Community Our deepest appreciation to our School Advisory
and Parents in Support of Schools) affirms Committee (SAC), Parent Support Group (PSG),
Riverside’s continued efforts to promote and Alumni, all our Partners-in-Education and staff
strengthen collaborative partnership with our for their support and contributions.
stakeholders in a meaningful manner to impact
the holistic development of our students.

Parent Support Group EXCO School Advisory Committee Alumni EXCO


Teh Sook Hui has done the school
proud by winning the Lee Kuan
Yew Award for All-Round Excellence
for 2010. She is the third student
from Riverside to have achieved this
prestigious award. This award, given
out for the first time in 2005, is a
national award for achievement in
education. The award recognizes This achievement is a testimony of our continual effort in
well-rounded students who have fostering good physical, social and mental health for our
excelled in both academic and non- school community.
academic areas, and who exemplify
the qualities articulated in our desired Kudos to everyone who have contributed to this achievement!
outcomes of education.
page 2 October 2010 Issue 2

Our UG Achievements


National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC)
Unit Overall Proficiency Award (UOPA)
Gold Award

NCC (Sea)
St. John Ambulance Brigade Best Unit Competition (BUC)
Corp Achievement Award (Gold) Gold Award

Boys’ Brigade
Girls’ Brigade Company Award (Silver)
JM Fraser Award for Excellence (Silver)
page 3 October 2010 Issue 2


The 23rd Riverside Secondary School Speech Day was held on 24
April 2010. The Guest-of-Honour was the new Superintendent
of North 5 Cluster Schools, Mr Tony Tan.

The school paid tribute to our alumni, coaches, instructors and

staff, some who have served us for many years. The Parent
Support Group and the School Advisory Committee members
were also acknowledged for their continuous support.

After the presentation of awards, which celebrated the academic

success of our students, the audience was treated to a series
of dazzling performances by our Indian, Malay, Chinese and
Modern Dancers, the Choir and the Symphonic Band.

Mr Tony Tan (Supt N5),

GOH giving his speech
C members singing
y Tan (Supt N5) and SA
School Leaders, Mr Ton the school song
GOH giving out
Riversidian Award
2009 to Koh Tong Jun

GOH giving out Outstanding

Student Leader Award 2009 to
Tim Wei Loke

A token of
appreciation for
our GOH

Mrs Tan Mee Seng receiving her 20 Our Modern dancers

years long service award from SAC
member, Mr Rodney Soh

RS danc
ers show
ing their

Blow your he action

art out! The choir in
page 4 October 2010 Issue 2

Internationalisation @ RS JAPAN EXCHANGE

From 1 to 8 June 2010, Riverside
Secondary embarked on the
Japan Exchange Programme with
22 students together with our
Principal, Mrs Sng Siew Hong, Mdm
Doris Soh (Team Leader), Miss Lim
Guihao and Mr Tsung Kkok Cheng.
The programme was organised
in collaboration with the Miyazaki
Singapore Friendship Exchange Council
(MISFEC). The objective of this programme Visit to Aso Junior High School Hotspring at Beppo
was to deepen our understanding of the
fastening of every piece of paraphernalia Delighting in
Japanese culture. cross-cultura
l dressing!
were all worth it when we noticed a total
transformation of our appearance!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had
to reschedule our plan to visit Fukuoda
Another enlightening experience
instead of Miyazaki. The home stay was
we had was in the different types of
abandoned but we had the opportunity to
accommodation we were in. We first
visit Asokita Junior High School in Fukuoda
stayed in a hostel, then in the city municipal
Prefecture. The visit was an eye-opener
centre and finally in a hotel where toilet
to the students and teachers as we saw
bowls came with exceptional cleaning
character building and teamwork in action.
Students took turns to carry and distribute
school destroyed by lava. We experienced
the school lunch, which consisted mainly
The trip would not be complete without the simulative effects of an earthquake
of rice, vegetables with meat, miso soup
the excursions to places of educational and a typhoon at the Fukuoda City
and milk, to their classmates. They also
interest. While Mt Aso offered us our first Disaster Prevention Centre.
had to clean their classrooms after lunch.
direct contact with a real volcano, Beppu
excited us with a volcanic landscape of The eight-day trip to Fukuoda, Japan,
The highlight of the trip would definitely
geysers, hot mud pools and hot springs. was indeed an enriching experience for
be the experience of putting on a kimono
At Fugenndake, we witnessed the all us. Such experiences could never be
and serving tea in the traditional Japanese
devastation caused by the eruption of Mt expunged from our memories.
way. The time-consuming process of
Aso – remnants of houses and a primary
putting on the kimono and the fastidious

Singapore-Suzhou Reflection by students:

Exchange Programme “I enjoyed this trip
very much. I learnt
This year marked the 6th Singapore-Suzhou Exchange a lot about the
Chinese culture and
Programme for Riverside Secondary School and Nan I have made many
Huan Middle School. A group of students, led by Vice- friends in Suzhou.
Most importantly,
Principal and 2 teachers, visited our sister school from
I realized that I
5 June to 11 June 2010. The staff and students of Nan have improved my
Huan Middle School extended their warm welcome by Chinese!”
Koh Boon Jian, 4/8
inviting us to join their school activities, which involved
lessons observations and a basketball friendly match.
The Chinese culture was integrated seamlessly into
their Art, Geography and Chinese lessons during our
lesson observations with our buddies.
“I benefited a lot
The various cultural visits (Tiger Hill in Suzhou, West from this trip. I look
forward to a further
Lake in Hangzhou) were an eye-opener to us, as it exploration of
widened our horizons, enriched our knowledge and Chinese culture in
fostered friendship with our buddies. We look forward future trips, if I get
the chance to go
to return the hosting of our Suzhou friends in August again!”
this year! Kee Ming Feng, 1/7
New Zealand Trip
page 5 October 2010 Issue 2

Internationalisation @ RS
Rubbing noses between 2 humans? This was the welcome that 22 students and 3 teachers received for their first time in their lives
during their New Zealand school exchange programme from 10 to 17 June 2010. That was also a happy reunion between Riverside
and the 2 New Zealand schools - Waikowhai and Auckland Normal Intermediate since the last trip in 2008. It was as if old friends had
met again as we continued the friendship forged 2 years ago. Students not only visited and tasted life in New Zealand’s
schools, but they were also given home stays with their buddies. They were touched by
their host families’ hospitality and love for them. Most Riversidians were in tears when
it was time to part with their host families. Students also enjoyed themselves in Rotura
by experiencing the rich culture of the Maori people and the picturesque scenery of
the land. They even had the chance to milk lambs and take thrilling luge rides. We are
really looking forward to host for our New Zealand friends in October 2010.

Reflection by Students
“Each of us stayed with our buddies for four days. We spent a “The 22 of us spent the next four days with our host families. It is
memorable time with our host families. They brought us to places through the home-stay with our buddies and their families that we
of interests in Auckland such as Mt. Eden, One Tree Hill and the Sky experienced the typical days of New Zealanders. Our host families
Tower. It was an eye-opener for us as we learnt the Maori culture treated us as part of their families and it made us feel at home. It felt
and the way of life of the New Zealanders. The New Zealanders have like we gained a second family overseas. It has also helped us look at
strong family values and they spent most of their time sharing their New Zealand from a whole new perspective.”
experiences with us.” Foo Jay Ying, 4/5
A R Joanna Nazarene Ranee, 4/4
page 6 October 2010 Issue 2

Hosting of Overseas Visitors

UK Delegation Visit
Riverside Secondary School was identified by MOE to host a visit
for 15 UK educators from Surrey on 14 April 2010. These primary
and secondary Humanities teachers were undergoing the UK
Teachers International Professional Development Programme. The focus of their visit
was to learn about Singapore’s approaches to the teaching and learning of Humanities
subjects and National Education.

After an informative presentation and discussion about how we teach the Humanities
in Singapore by our department teachers, the UK educators visited 2 classroom lessons
to see our Riverside students in action. A History lesson was held in the computer
laboratory to show how technology (glogs) was used to enhance teaching and learning
in Humanities. The visitors observed a creative Geography lesson where students were
given plasticine to create landforms. A tour of the NE Room, NE Staircase and Displays
was also arranged – our UK guests even got a chance to play some traditional games!

9th Singapore-Hong Kong Exchange Programme 2010

The 9th Singapore-Hong Kong Exchange Programme involved Singapore students also visited places of interests together such as
14 schools from Singapore and Hong Kong. The aims of this Night Safari, National Museum, Singapore River, Joo Chiat Place,
exchange programme are to promote cultural exchange between Hindu Temple and Al-Ansar Mosque. Through this programme,
participating schools, to provide opportunities for students to the Hong Kong students experienced the hospitalities of their host
broaden their perspectives, learn social and language skills, and families and achieved a better understanding of both countries’
to cultivate respect for differences in cultures. school cultures and teaching systems. Our students also fostered
strong friendships with the Hong Kong students.
The Hong Kong teachers and students visited Singapore from
11 to 25 July 2010. During their stay in Singapore, the Hong The Singapore-Hong Kong Exchange Programme was a great
Kong students stayed with the Singapore students and their host success. Both the schools and students involved had benefited
families. They also participated in lessons and school activities such tremendously from this programme.
as school functions and CCA activities. Both the Hong Kong and

Suzhou Exchange Programme NHMS

A group of 9 students, led by 3 teachers from Nan Huan Middle School enjoyed
(NHMS) of Suzhou, China visited our school from 5 August to 7 August playing ou
trad it io n al
2010. Our guests had the opportunities to learn about the traditions and games
cultures of the different ethnics group through the various interesting
immersion cultural activities organized for them. We are also very happy to
have our visitors joining us in the witnessing of the National Day
Observance Ceremony and the celebration of our nation’s
45th birthday.

Through the home stay and classroom experiences, the

pupils from Suzhou interacted freely and comfortably
with our fellow Riversidians regardless of race, language
or religion. This internationalization programme has also
developed our pupils and teachers to be culturally savvy and
deepen their commitment and rootedness of Singapore.

A group photo taken with teachers and

students of both schools
page 7 October 2010 Issue 2

Creative Invention and Innovation Award in D&T
Amirah Liyana (5/2) and Hosea Loke (5/1) received the Creative Invention and Hosea and Amirah
with their award
Creative Innovation award respectively in the D&T Awards 2010. Their designs wining designs
were short-listed from 639 entries from 60 schools. They qualified for the pitching
session at Victoria School on 15 May and emerged as two of the 35 winners.
Congratulations to the winners!

Racial Harmony Day Free Media Design 2010

In June 2010, five of our Art Club members
(Chanel Oh, Amanda Wee, Koh Xin Na,
Zesna Aw, Cecilia Wong) did us proud by
coming in 2nd in the Racial Harmony Day
Free Media Design competition. Their
winning piece is a sculpture inspired by
a chapter in Chemistry. The artwork is a
representation of the strong bonds that
Singaporeans have with one another
in a harmonious multi-racial society, in
line with the theme Embracing Diversity,
Building Community.


It was a night like no other for our
Symphonic Band when they were
awarded Gold in the Singapore
International Band Festival on 22 July

The band members had practised

long and hard for many months for
the two pieces: the Variations on a
Korean Folk song and the March Blue
Sky. They even went back to school
during the June holidays to iron out
little imperfections in their pieces.

They were very nervous when it was time for them to perform in front of the judges, but they wowed the audience with their
impeccable precision and talent. When the emcee announced the results of the competition, our Band was stunned to hear that they
had achieved Gold and only three bands achieved this award in the Division II category!

This Gold award is a proud achievement for our Symphonic Band. Congratulations!

9th Scrabble Championships 2010

Mohamad Siraj, Jarren Lim, Benjamin Chay (all from 4/7) , Jelyn Lee and Farlyanna
(both from 4/6) managed to beat opponents from other secondary schools in
the 9th Inter School Scrabble Championships held in May. They qualified for the
finals held at Downtown East and emerged 2nd in the Bowl Category.
page 8 October 2010 Issue 2

North Zone NE Carnival

The North Zone NE Carnival got off to an invigorating start on
21 July 2010. We have Mr Teo Ser Luck, Senior Parliamentary
Secretary for Ministry of Development, Youth & Sports,
Ministry of Transport & Mayor of North East District as the
Guest- Of-Honour (GOH) for the opening ceremony.

The theme for this year’s carnival is “Unity in Diversity

– A Celebration of Stories, Dance and Sports”. A host of
activities in line with this year’s theme kicked off the carnival,
transforming the usually quiet afternoon into a fiesta of fun
and merrymaking.
Movement of grace and precision
The carnival also saw the launching of this year’s “Treasures
from the Nest 4: A collection of Singapore NE Stories from our
hearts” by Mr Teo, GOH and Mrs Yu, Deputy Director, Schools
North. Over 40 primary and secondary schools contributed
stories for this publication.

Students from various primary and secondary schools had the

time of their life when they participated in activities which
included the Storytelling Competition, Dance Competition
and sports events such as netball, captain-ball and Frisbee. Six A spectacular finale to the Dance Competition Mr Teo Ser
giant floats were also available to thrill the students.

The NE Talk gave former school recipients of the Lee Kuan Yew
Award the opportunity to share with other schools their best
NE practices. Following the talk, the educators were brought
on a tour of our NE Corner.

While a total of 10 primary and 10 secondary schools competed

in the Dance Competition, a total of 20 secondary schools
participated in the Storytelling Competition where students
were given ten minutes and four random pictures to create a RS Dancers Lighting the way Building unity through s
story based on the theme “Unity in Diversity”.
Kids having fun on the Bungee Run

According to Mr Teo Ser Luck, the North Zone NE Carnival

was “fantastic”. Apart from complimenting Riverside for
its organizational effectiveness, he was also happy to see
community leaders and schools within the zone coming
together to celebrate the carnival because “it angurs well for
the entire community as a whole.” The carnival could
not be a success without the
effort and team
Having a great time at t
camaraderie of
our staff and Riverside’s storytellers h
students as well
as the support
given by the
Schools Division
(North) and North
Zone schools and
junior colleges. ortsmansh
y of sp
ate displa
A passion
Riverside’s Symphonic Band
providing music for the carnival

Iron Man! Community bonding through sports Guests doing the YOG Cheer

Integrating dance steps into Sports, Dance and NE

r Luck playing with the students Riversidians performing at the ISH sports movement integration at work

Sports movement with

sports Dazzling drill put up by our Uniform Groups music and dance

NZ NE Carnival 2010 - ISH (Performance - Fancy Drill) NE Talk for Educators

the carnival!

hard at work! Launching of Nest 4

page 10 October 2010 Issue 2

Student Leadership

Primary School Prefect Training

Primary school prefects arrived at Riverside Secondary School for the Primary School
Prefect Training @ Riverside on the morning of 4 June 2010. This is a meaningful
platform for Riverside student leaders to connect and serve
their community. Dedication, creativity, and the learn-and-
serve spirit of Riverside student leaders are demonstrated as
they planned, organised and conducted the training session
by themselves.

The programme started with ice-breakers as the students from

various primary schools interacted with their group leaders.
Through various games, movies and presentations, primary
school students were equipped with interaction skills and critical thinking skills which could be applied in their schools and in their
lives. The event ended with a prize presentation and reflections. It was indeed a memorable and valuable learning experience for all.

Outreach Week
This year’s Student Leaders’ Investiture also heralded the first Student Leaders’ Outreach
Week (12 to 16 July 2010). Newly-appointed and existing student leaders approached
teachers, school’s staff and students to offer a service or a helping hand. They practised
the true spirit of servant leadership and demonstrated that humility is a key aspect of
good leadership. They also served as role models for other students in showing that it is
important as a leader to be proactive in helping people.

A butterfly is chosen to be an iconic representation of Riverside student leaders. A

caterpillar that is encapsulated in a cocoon undergoes metamorphosis and would eventually emerge as a beautiful butterfly
cloaked in glorious colours, soaring in the brilliant sun. Similarly, the 4 to 5 years where Riversidians are developed as leaders, is
a process of metamorphosis. In time to come, hopefully all the student leaders will soar to greater heights in their achievement,
surmount life challenges and demonstrate perseverance, foresight and courage to lead and be led.

Riversidians score in North 16th Student Leaders

West CDC Outstanding All- Convention 2010
Round Student Award (OARS) The 16 Student Leaders

Convention was held at

Under Riverside’s Student
Hwa Chong Institution
Leadership Development from 1 to 4 June 2010.
Programme, our students Student leaders from
continue to excel and 58 other schools were
receive recognition for their also invited to attend
leadership achievements. the Convention. The main objective of the
This year, another three Student Leaders Convention is to increase awareness on how
Riverside student leaders social media can influence the society.
were nominated by the
school for the North West CDC We were given two days to work on an action paper. In the paper,
OARS Awards. Ang Rui Xia (4/5) achieved the OARS at CDD Level, we were asked to identify the most pressing issue related to social
Lee Xin Ying Rayna (4/4) and Teh Sook Hui (4/2) clinched the media and the targeted audience. In addition, the solution, work
OARS at School Level. These three students excel in their studies plan, limitations and budget allocation were also required to be
and hold multiple leadership responsibilities in school and their presented in the action paper.
co-curricular activities. They also took personal time to guide
weaker peers and volunteer at welfare organizations to give There were many other enriching activities carried out over the four
back to society. Notably, Sook Hui was the Top Normal Technical days and goodie bags were given to all participants. The Student
Student in Singapore and was subsequently promoted laterally Leaders Convention created a platform for us to execute projects
to the Normal Academic Stream. She went on later in the year to that will benefit the community. It also gives us an opportunity to
win the Lee Kuan Yew Award 2010 for her all round excellence learn from other Student Leaders from various schools.
performance. Dorothy Mok, 3/6
page 11 October 2010 Issue 2


National Education

Students (3/9) workin

for the g alongside Alumni for
Father and son working together the
newspaper collection collection
On 22 May 2010, Riverside Secondary School conducted its annual newspaper collection ebrief with
en co n d u cting the d co lle ct ion
CIP, Riverside Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (R3 Day). The whole school, including the teachers Mr Ch ter th e
students af
and office staff, goes out together to collect newspapers which we later sell to SembWaste
Pte Ltd to raise funds for the school Needy Student Fund. Keep it up, Riverside!

Racial Harmony Day 2010

The school celebrated Racial Harmony Day on 21 July. The students are encouraged to wear their ethnic costumes to school to
participate in the Most-Ethnic Dressed Class competition. Even the teachers and office staff wore ethnic costumes as well to participate
in the Most-Ethnic Dressed Department competition. In the hall, the students enjoyed an interesting drama performance followed
by a dance item performed by the student participants of the Japan Overseas Exchange Programme. The celebration ended with the
announcement of the winners of the RHD video competition. The school was amazed by the high quality videos presented by the
winning classes.

Looking pretty and handsome in their ethnic costumes Drama in action Students enjoying the RHD concert

National Day 2010

Riverside Secondary School commemorated this year’s National showcased student performances and the choir led the school in
Day with a dignified parade that was led by 5 uniformed groups singing various National Day songs.
and the Parade Commander, 2nd Sergeant Raja Arshad, from
NCC (Sea). These songs, which span across our growing years as a nation,
brought back memories for the students as they understood that
After reading of the National Day message, the emcees then led Singapore has come a long way. As Singaporeans “Live their
the school in reciting the recollections in one unison voice. The Dreams” and “Fly the Flag”, we cherish what we have now and
celebration continued in the classrooms as students penned their look forward in playing our part in nation building.
well wishes to Singapore. The National Day concert in the hall
page 12 October 2010 Issue 2

Enrichment and Field Trips

Learning Journey for Sec 2 NT Pupils to LTA
Kranji War Memorial Gallery
On 19 May 2010, our Sec 2 Normal Technical classes visited the Pupils from two Secondary 2
Kranji War Memorial for their Social Studies field trip.The students Normal Technical stream classes
were given a tour of the war memorial, visited the graves of our first had the opportunity to visit the
two Presidents (Yusof bin Ishak and Benjamin Sheares) and were told Land Transport Authority (LTA)
stories of World War II and the Japanese Occupation. The short one Galley for a Learning Journey on
hour plus visit was capped by a laying of wreaths ceremony with 18 May 2010. The objective of
representatives from both classes paying their respect to those who the Learning Journey was to allow
fought for our freedom. pupils to link their learning of
Pupils learning from Computer Applications concepts
Students participating in the ‘Last Bugle’ Ceremony at the end of the guide about LTA
the Field Trip to commemorate our fallen World War II heroes
to real life situations. Our pupils
Transportation Policies
experienced a fun and interactive
guided tour showcasing the developments undertaken by LTA
over the decades. They also learned about the innovations and
improvements made to our transportation system as well as the
development of various land transport systems in major cities of
other countries.

One hightlight of the visit was the visit to the “Challenge

Theatre”. Pupils had the opportunity to play the role of Singapore’s
transport planners in an interactive multi-player game where they
listened in decided how best to plan for an efficient transport system. The
admiration to visit had benefited our pupils who gained a better understanding
the guide with
of the philosophy behind LTA transportation planning, giving a
her recollection
of Leftenan practical perspective to some of the knowledge learnt form their
Adnan and the Computer Applications lessons.
Malay Battallion
last stand at
Bukit Chandu

Pupils learning from playing with the

Learning Journey to Science Center Interactive Displays in the Gallery

To further stimulate the interests

of our students in Science and to KIDSREAD PROGRAMME
promote the spirit of innovation,
a Learning Journey to the KidsREAD is a programme targeted for children from low-income families.
Singapore Science Center was Often, these children do not get to read at home. Therefore, KidsREAD is
organised during the mid year launched by National Library Board to promote the love of reading and
Seeing is belie
ving post exam programme on 18 cultivate good reading habits among these children. In Woodlands, the
May 2010. We were fortunate programme is held on every Saturday, conducted in three one-hourly
as our visit took place when there were special exhibits sessions. The target children are the Kindergarten 1 and 2 children from
showcasing Global Warming. PCF centres.

All of our Secondary One students also managed to watch Some of the Secondary 2 and 3 students from Riverside Secondary served
a 3D movie “Under the Sea” and to learn more about the as volunteers in KidsREAD. During the programme, we read aloud stories
mysterious and stunning creatures of the sea. For many to the children to help them discover the joy of reading. We also engaged
of our students, it was their first experience watching a them in doing some activities related to the story we have read to them.
3 dimensional movie, which was an eye opener as the These include singing, role-playing, art and craft and even creating their
images literally leapt off the screen and floated around own books about the story. At the end of each session, the children can
in the theatre. The movie had definitely increased our borrow a book or two to read at home.
awareness of the need to protect our environment. Trixie Kek Hui Xin, 2/6
Science Alive! Look how happy she
is after finishing her

A Riverside volunteer
helps the primary children Sharing session after
understand the story better finishing their ‘project’
page 13 October 2010 Issue 2

Enrichment and Field Trips

Humanities Camp Vietnam Trip
In early June On 6 August 2010,
2010, selected 22 students together
Sec two students with 4 staff, Ms Cheoh
took part in Pin, Mrs Angie Tan, Ms
a Humanities Fasha and Mdm Lailee,
Camp organized embarked on a 5D4N
by MOE. Themed Education Trip to Ho Chi
‘Exploring Our with Mdm Haslinda Minh City, Vietnam.
The campers together
World’, the camp
gave students Through this trip, we
the opportunity to engage had the opportunity
in different outdoor activities to experience a different
at various locations such as living environment and
Labrador Nature Reserve, learn about the history of
Wallace Education Centre at Vietnam through Historical
Dairy Farm and Vivocity. These Campers engaged in field- Buildings, Museums and
fieldwork allowed students to sketching at Labrador Park. War Sites visits. We rode
find more meaning in their on ferries and speedboats
learning and experience and even walked through
teamwork. a mangrove swamp once
infested by crocodiles.
Overall, we enjoyed the
camp as we saw that All in all, this trip was
Humanities is all around an unforgettable and
us and not a mere subject enriching experience.
learnt in class. We also learning
Showcasing their
made many new friends! Tian Yu Harn, 2/6
Goh Jia Jing, 2/7
Tian Yu Harn, Emily Ho, 2/6

PCF Kindergarten CIP

It took my two teammates and I, nearly 2 months to complete this
PCF project. After our project was chosen on 11 February 2010, we
explained to our class about the project and the need to be creative
in the ways we engaged the students. At first, my class was not
very sure of what had to be done and that worried me.

When we first visited the PCF centre (Block 853), my class was
excited to see and interact with the little kids. On our first visit, we
had ice-breakers by playing some games.

It was amusing to see my dearest classmates having trouble

communicating with the children, and they tried many ways talking
to them! My classmates really bonded together and they enjoyed
themselves even though the children were rather mischievous. All so excited and my class quickly helped to put on costumes and set
of us were looking forward for more visits. up props for the kids. I could not wait to see my classmates and the
kids performing. I took many photos of them and I am glad that
On subsequent visits, we started brainstorming on innovative ideas the performance was a successful one. Overall, all of us enjoyed
in teaching the children to perform for a performance on 29 April ourselves and we will definitely miss the kids.
2010 in front of VIPs. My class worked very hard and we realised
that it was not easy trying to control the children. Some of the It is a wonderful experience and I like to thank my classmates for
problems included children not being able to sit still. Thankfully, being committed and working together as a class.
the teachers at PCF guided us.
Innovation leader: Nur Haszirah, 3/1
During the performance at Woodlands Community Club, we were Team members: Raja Arshad, Nur Hafiza, 3/1
page 14 October 2010 Issue 2


Official Opening of Indoor Sports Hall at Riverside

Secondary School
Riverside Secondary School’s Indoor Sports Hall (ISH) was
officially opened on 21 July 2010 by Mr Teo Ser Luck,
Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Community
Development, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Transport and
Mayor, North-East District. The official opening of the ISH
was part of the programme for the North Zone National
Education Carnival 2010 and Mr Teo was our Guest-of-

Riverside’s YOG journey

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is
not winning but taking part” - Pierre de Coubertin,
founder of the Modern Olympics

This statement could not more accurately represent the

students’ feelings after the inaugural Youth Olympic
Games 2010.

Riverside was twinned with Finland for the Youth Olympic Games. Our principal attended
the Olympic Walk on 13 Aug and met with the Finnish National Olympic Committee
(NOC) for the Tree Dedication Ceremony.

Our school put up information on Finland and displayed various artifacts at a booth at the World
Culture Village at the National Institute of Education (NIE) from 14 to 18 Aug 2010. Mr Masagos
Zulkifli, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Home Affairs, visited our
Finland booth on 15 Aug and was all smiles.

Riverside’s Singapore Friendship Fabric was displayed at Suntec City Convention Centre from 15 to 18
Aug. This piece was a collaboration between our school and one of our twinned schools, Vaaksyn Lukio NOC
Our Finland
Istikulou, and consisted of individual interpretations of students about what the YOG meant e
to them. The NOC also visited our booth at the World Culture Village where we presented
them with a memento which was a miniature of the Singapore Friendship Fabric.

Hazel Lim (3/5) and Md Nabil (3/6), represented the school and carried the torch for part
of the Woodlands leg in the Journey of the Youth Olympic Flame. Our school also sent
student spectators to view the various competitions, such as Badminton, Basketball,
Boxing and Rowing.

Overall, the YOG experience will be in our students’ memories for a lifetime.

Mr Masagos visiting our YOG Booth

page 15 October 2010 Issue 2

School Activities
On 7 April 2010, Mrs Yu Sing Tong, Deputy Director
Schools North (DDSN) visited
Riverside Secondary School
as part of her regular visits to
schools/JCs in the North Zone.
Mrs Yu also spend time interacting
with the staff and students which
gave her a deeper understanding
of the school’s holistic direction in
meeting the Desired Outcomes of
Education. Our staff and students had also benefited from Mrs
Yu’s interaction. The dialogue session for our key personnel and teachers with DDSN provided much insights for the school’s continuing
excellence journey.

Teachers’ Day Dinner

The staff of Riverside celebrated Teachers’ Day with
aplomb on the evening of 31 August with the unique
theme of ‘YOG Rock!’ In accordance to the theme of
the dinner, the staff came in their sports attire and
posed for pictures at the photo booth with various
sports equipment. The function room where the dinner
was held was decorated with colourful flags, banners
and pictures depicting the various sports played during
the YOG itself. Entertainment for the dinner included
games and table performances put up by the staff. The
evening ended with the prize presentation ceremony
for the winners of the games as well as for the best
performance for the night. It was certainly a night to
page 16 October 2010 Issue 2

Staff News
Welcome to the Family

We also welcome
Back row (From left) : Ms Malini d/o Sowrieragoo
Mr Alvin Cai Gaoyong, Mr Muhammad Idham B Abdul Rahman (CCPE), Sitaram as the Allied
Mr Mohammad Rizal Bin Abdul Rashid, Mr Albert Teo Gui Xiong, Mr Daniel Woon Poh Chuan, Educator (Counselling).
Mr Thomas Chen Tuck Hon Ms Malini will take over
Front row (From left): the counseling duties from
Mdm Tan Hui Yu, Ms Ong Siew Hwee, Ms Natalie Lam Lai Fong, Ms Teo Si Hui, Mr Raja (re-designated as
Ms Noor Ashikin Binte Mohamad Noor, Mdm Suliyati Binte Berori HOD/NT).


On 25 June 2010, both teachers and
administration staff went on a Learning
Journey to the LTA to learn about past,
present & future of Singapore’s land
transport development and also to
learn how LTA innovates to meet the
growing demands and challenges faced
by Singapore. It was truly an informative
morning and the day ended with a pizza
lunch cum bonding session.

N5 Cluster EAS Learning Journey - Cruise to the

Southern Islands
On 5 July 2010, our non-teaching staff or EAS
participated in the N5 Cluster EAS Learning Journey.
We went on an educational cruise to the Southern
Islands with a stopover at Kusu Island.

The trip began with an interesting presentation on

the development of the Southern Islands which
provided details on waste management and
environmental preservation related to the Semakau

At Kusu Island, they toured the Tua Pek Kong

Temple, the Malay shrine, a wishing well and a
tortoise sanctuary. They also enjoyed the cool sea
breeze and peacefulness of the island, which was
a relaxing break from the hustle and bustle of the
city. It was an exciting day of learning and bonding
among the EAS from the N5 Cluster schools.

Advisor :Mrs Sng Siew Hong (Principal)

Editorial Team Editors :Mrs Lee Yen Ping, Ms Teo Wei Na & Mdm Jo-Anne Mathews

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