Hop Into English 2 - Tests

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T My name is:
1 Test

1 Listen and circle.

1 Hi! My name is Vicky / Nicky.
2 My favourite subject is English / PE.
3 I‘ve got English on Wednesday and Thursday / Wednesday and Friday.
4 I’ve got English at half past nine / nine o’clock.
/ 10
2 Write Vicky’s sentences in order.
1 don’t / I / like / geography

2 ’ve got / ten / I / at / maths / o’clock

3 subject / English / My / is / favourite

4 is / It / five / o’clock

/ 10
3 Answer about you. Use Yes, I have or No, I haven’t.
1 Have you got maths on Friday?
2 Have you got PE every day?
3 Have you got English on Monday?
4 Have you got science on Tuesday?
/ 10
4 Complete your timetable for Monday. Then complete the sentences.

Time Monday



1 I’ve got on Monday at .

2 I’ve got .
3 I’ve got .
/ 10

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
T My name is:
2 Test
1 Look and write.

1 It’s . 3

2 It’s . 4

/ 10
2 Look, listen and number.
a b c d

/ 10
3 Look and complete.
Hi, Hassan! I’m
in the mountains!
Hi! (1) ___________ the
weather ________ today?

(2) ____________ snowing?

(3) ____________

(4) ____________ cold?

(5) ____________
/ 10
4 Read and complete with: summer, cold, jumper and beach.
1 Vicky is on the . It’s hot and sunny. She’s happy. Her favourite season is .
2 Natalie is in the park. It’s windy and cold. She is wearing her new .
3 Hassan is in the mountains. He is wearing a scarf. It is very . It’s winter.

/ 10
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
T My name is:
3 Test

1 Listen and number.

a b c d

/ 10
2 Look at Activity 1 and complete.
1 In picture 1, the pirate is .
2 In picture 2, the pirate is .
3 In picture 3, the pirate isn’t riding a .
He is .
4 In picture 4, the pirate is .
/ 10
3 Bobby and Hassan are talking. Match Bobby’s questions to Hassan’s answers.
1 Where are you? a I’m playing a computer game.
2 Are you watching TV? b Yes, it is!
3 What are you doing? c I’m in my bedroom.
4 Is the game great fun? d No, I’m not.
/ 10
4 Write the words in order. Then look at Activity 3 and write the answers.
1 Is / Hassan / school / at
2 he / watching / TV / Is
3 playing / Is / computer / a / he / game
4 game / Is / good / the

/ 10

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
My name is:
Mid-course Test

1 Listen and complete Tony’s timetable.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday

9.00 music

10.30 science
/ 10

2 Hassan and Tony are talking. Match Hassan’s questions to Tony’s answers.
1 What is your favourite subject, Tony? a No, I’ve got art on Monday.
2 Have you got art on Tuesday? b Yes, here it is.
3 Have you got art at 9 or at 10.30? c It’s art. I love drawing!
4 Have you got your art book? d I’ve got art at 9 o’clock.
/ 10
3 Read Tony’s text. Then read the sentences and put a tick (. ) or a cross (').

This is a picture of me in the mountains.

It’s winter. It’s very cold, but it isn’t snowing.
Look! In this photo, I’m wearing a hat, a
jumper and gloves. I haven’t got my scarf.
I look happy. I’m making a snowman.
Winter isn’t my favourite season. I like sunny
and hot days. My favourite season is summer!

1 Tony is in the mountains.

2 It is snowing.
3 Tony is wearing gloves and a hat.
4 He isn’t happy in the photo.
5 Tony is making a snowman.
6 Autumn is his favourite season.
/ 10

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
My name is:
Mid-course Test

4 Write the words in order. Then answer about you.

1 you / got / Have / on / English / Friday
2 at / PE / got / 10.30 / Have / you / Wednesday / on
3 subject / What’s / favourite / your
4 you / in / your / Are / writing / diary / now
/ 10
5 This is Tony’s favourite computer game. Look and complete.

1 2

This is my favourite game ‘Adventures’.

In picture 1, the boy isn’t (1) a horse. He is (2) a tiger.
In picture 2, the boy (3) a mountain. He (4) in the river.

/ 10
6 Match.
1 write a a mountain
2 tidy b a horse
3 throw c a jacket
4 ride d a rope
5 go e computer games
6 wear g in my diary
7 climb h to the beach
8 play I my room
/ 10

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
T My name is:
4 Test

1 Listen and write V (for Vicky) or N (for Natalie).

1 I have a shower in the morning. 4 I’m scared of monsters.
2 I read a book when it’s time for bed. 5 I like monsters.
3 I don’t watch TV when it’s time for bed.
/ 10
2 Look and write. 1 2
When it’s time for bed,…
1 I .
2 3 4
/ 10
3 Write the words in order. Then answer about you using Yes, I do or No, I don’t.
When it’s time for bed,...
1 your / wash / face / you / Do
2 teeth / Do / you / clean / your
3 watch / TV / Do / you
4 Do / a / book / read / you
/ 10
4 Complete and match. Then answer about you.

ba__s 1 2 3 4

What are you scared of?

/ 10
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
T My name is:
5 Test

1 Listen and tick (.) the places in Alan’s new town.

supermarket pet shop baker’s sports shop

bookshop museum cinema school

/ 10
2 Alan is talking with Natalie about his new town. Complete the questions.
Then look at Activity 1 and write Alan’s answers.

Natalie: Hi Alan! Is (1) a bookshop in your town?

Alan: (2) . It’s big and very good.
Natalie: (3) a cinema in your town?
Alan: (4)
Natalie: (5) a museum?
Alan: (6) ! It’s really interesting.
/ 10
3 Where are they? Read and write.
1 Kate is buying some bread. She’s at the .
2 Bobby is buying some burgers. He’s .
3 Vicky is buying a new T-shirt.
4 Hassan is buying some sweets.
/ 10
4 Look and write about Tony’s town.
. . '

. . '

In Tony’s town there is a and a . There isn’t a

/ 10

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
T My name is:
6 Test

1 Listen and tick (.).

/ 10
2 What do they want to do. Look at Activity 1 and write sentences.
1 Natalie wants to .
2 Vicky .
3 Hassan .
4 Bobby .
/ 10
3 Bobby and Vicky are talking about the activities at the camp. Complete the
dialogue with the words from the box.

want doesn’t swim does boring fun don’t dangerous sail do

Bobby: Do you want to hike in the mountains?

Vicky: No, I (1) . It’s (2) . I’m scared of snakes!
Bobby: Does Hassan want to (3) in the river?
Vicky: Yes, he (4) . He says it’s great fun!
Bobby: Does he want to (5) on the lake?
Vicky: No, he (6) . He says it is (7) .
Bobby: Do you (8) to play games in the camp?
Vicky: Yes, I (9) . It is (10) !
/ 10

4 Write the words in order. Then look at Activity 3 and write the answers.
1 Vicky / want / to / Does / in / hike / the / mountains
2 Hassan / river / in / the / Does / want / swim / to
3 play / Vicky / games / want / Does / to
/ 10
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
My name is:
End-of-course Test

1 What is there in Magic Adventure Camp? Listen and tick (. ) or cross (').

Magic baker’s cinema clothes shop

Magic sports shop bookshop supermarket
/ 10
2 Look at Activity 1 and write about Magic Adventure Camp.
1 In Magic Adventure Camp there is a .
2 There isn’t .
3 There .
/ 10
3 Complete Bobby’s diary with the words from the box.

scared happy cakes watch o’clock mountains clean swim play read

It’s seven (1) in the evening. I’m at Magic Adventure

Camp with my friends. We are all very (2) because we
can do many activities!

In the morning, we (3) in the river and hike in the

(4) . In the afternoon, we (5)
games and eat delicious (6) from The Super

At night, we have a shower and (7) our teeth. Bobby

and I (8) TV and the girls (9)
a book.

There are many bats outside. Vicky and I are (10)

of bats. We don’t like them at all!

/ 10

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish
My name is:
End-of-course Test

4 Look at Activity 3 and write the answers.

1 What do the children do at the camp in the morning?

2 Do they play games at night?

3 When do they have a shower?

4 Does Bobby like bats?

/ 10
5 The children are doing different things at the camp. Read, circle and complete
the sentences.

1 Where is Hassan? He’s in the forest / at the cinema. He’s a film.

2 Where is Vicky? She’s in the kitchen / bathroom. She’s a shower.
3 Where is Bobby? He’s in the river / mountains. He’s a horse.
4 Where is Natalie? She’s in the tent / supermarket. She’s a book.
/ 10
6 Bobby and Hassan are at Magic Adventure Camp. Match Hassan’s questions
to Bobby’s answers.

1 Hassan, do you want to climb the mountains? a Yes, good idea! I love swimming.
2 Do you want to swim in the river? b No, she doesn’t.
3 Where is Vicky? c No, I don’t. It is difficult and dangerous!
4 Does she want to swim? d She’s at the sports shop.
/ 10
7 Write the questions in order. Then answer about you.
1 history / you / on / got / Have / Tuesday
2 favourite / What / your / season / is
3 cold / it / today / Is
4 house / butcher’s / there / Is / a / your / near
/ 10
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2018 This test has been downloaded from www.macmillan.com.ar/hopintoenglish

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