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a. C EDEMES7 Qualitaive Research in Education - Reading Qualitative Research Critical review of Thompson, C. (2008). ‘Living’ sacrifice and shame: Phenomenological insights into continuing, ‘distance education student experience. South African Joumal of Higher Education, 23(4), 795-808, In answering the questions, you should try to always indicate the page number where you found the relevant material, especially if itis a quote I's also useful if you paraphrase something to know where the original materials. 1. What was the research question? | (What did the authors want to know?) 2. Where did the research question come from? (How did the author's decide that this would be the focus of the study?) ‘8, What was the data or evidence? 4. Who were the participants? How were they chosen? What explanation were Participants given? ‘5. How was the data collected? EDEME97 Qualitative Research in Education — Reading Qualitative Research data? (What did they do with it during and after data collection?) 7. What were the findings (results, themes)? 8. What were the findings based on? (How were they supported?) 9. Are you convinced? (Why andlor why not?) Group members: Page 2 of 4 EDEM697 Qualitative Research in Education — Reading Qualitative Research 410. What does the author/s say about hhow and why the research was done in ‘order to claim that we should trust the research? 111, What ethical issues are raised? How are these resolved? (none are raised, what is assumed?) 412. Are there any inconsistencies between the sections? How could these be resolved? 13 .Is the study useful? How? To who? Group members: Page 3 of 4

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