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Cash reserve ratio that the Overseas Banking Units

Question No 1 :
(OBU) have to maintain_______:
Correct Answer : No requirement
Your Answer :

Domestic deposits with OBUs situated in SEZ are not

Question No 2 : covered by deposit insurance scheme unlike those in
domestic branches:
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

A person who holds a UK passport & is of Indian origin

Question No 3 :
is called Person of Indian origin
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

The foreign born spouse of a NRI/ PIO will be given the

Question No 4 :
status of a ----------- as per FEMA.
Correct Answer : A PIO
Your Answer :

A PSU imports machinery under the Capital goods

Question No 5 : scheme often. This is an example of a Current account
transaction in balance of payment summary.
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

If USD is being quoted at a discount for one month

Question No 6 :
future transactions, Importers are likely to benefit.
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Discount is _______ the spot rate and the premium is

Question No 7 :
________ the spot rate to arrive at forward rates.
Correct Answer : Deducted from, added to
Your Answer :

When a counter party to a transaction, fails to meet the

Question No 8 : obligation which results in open position leads to
Correct Answer : Credit/Counterparty Risk
Your Answer :

Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) lock in a specific

Question No 9 :
interest rate:
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

A Resident Indian, can carry Indian rupees in cash up to

Question No 10 :
INR ________ to countries other than Nepal or Bhutan:
Correct Answer : 5000
Your Answer :

A Resident Indian can retain up to ----------- out of the

Question No 11 : foreign exchange acquired by him in an approved
Correct Answer : $ 2000
Your Answer :

ALC an export customer is received. It provides for

Question No 12 : extending pre-shipment finance up to 60% of the LC
value. Such a LC is a Red clause letter of credit:
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Under UCPDC, if quantity is mentioned as app 10 MT, a

Question No 13 :
tolerance level of ___ is allowed.
Correct Answer : 5%
Your Answer :

Article of UCPDC states that in letter of credit operations

Correct Answer : 4
Your Answer :

If market quotes are USD / INR 45.20 /25, your bank

Question No 15 :
will be able buy dollars, at _______:
Correct Answer : 45.25
Your Answer :

Scientific Management approach by Frederick Taylor

Question No 16 : states that people would do any work if they are paid for
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Hawthorne studies ofc1924-33 point out to several

Question No 17 : dimensions of human behaviour that were considered
insignificant in the earlier Scientific Approach method.
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Hawthorne studies ofc1924-33 point out to several

Question No 18 : dimensions of human behaviour that were considered
insignificant in the earlier Scientific Approach method.
Correct Answer : TISCO
Your Answer :

Question No 19 : Line managers can be called as ---- of HRM:

Correct Answer : Delivery points
Your Answer :

What Railroads were to 19th, Assembly lines

Question No 20 : (manufacturing) to the 20th, Knowledge industry is to the
21st century?
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Knowledge workers are called Creators, Users, Handlers,

Question No 21 :
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

The Model normally used to teach children is known as

Question No 22 : Pedagogy and the model normally used for adult teaching
adults is Androgagy:
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Decision Support System is not an important types of

Question No 23 :
Information system:
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Question No 24 : SDLC is Systems development life cycle

Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Production & distribution are separated from

Question No 25 :
consumption in physical goods:
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Production and consumption occur simultaneously in

Question No 26 :
Servuction process:
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

The Ps amongst marketing tools through which

Question No 27 :
marketers reach potential customer are Place & People.
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

Question No 28 : Segregating Dealing, Accounting (Back-up) and Control

(Audit) and establishing separate Front, Middle and back
offices is a good measure of mitigating___________ in
Foreign exchange transactions.
Correct Answer : Operational risks
Your Answer :

The derivatives do not have independent existence

Question No 29 :
without ______ and market
Correct Answer : Underlying product/Security
Your Answer :

Question No 30 : ___________is the primary function of derivatives.

Correct Answer : Risk Management
Your Answer :

Derivatives are financial contracts which derive their

Question No 31 : value off a spot price time-series, which is called the
underlying._________ is a type of Derivative.
Correct Answer : All of the above
Your Answer :

In India, the most favored derivative for managing the

Question No 32 :
Foreign exchange risk is ______
Correct Answer : Forward contract
Your Answer :

An Exporter who wishes to enter in to Forward Contract

Question No 33 :
with his bank would enter in to a ____
Correct Answer : Forward purchase contract
Your Answer :

Importers & Constituents who have to make payments

Question No 34 : under foreign currency loans and so on would enter in to
Forward ______ contracts with their banks.
Correct Answer : Forward Sale Contract
Your Answer :

Question No 35 : ___________contract is defined as a “commitment to buy

or sell at a specified future settlement date and a
designated amount of commodity or a financial asset. It is
a legally binding contract by two parties to make / take
delivery of commodity at certain point of time in the
Correct Answer : Futures
Your Answer :

Question No 36 : Main features of futures contracts:

Correct Answer : All of the above
Your Answer :

Exchange of predetermined streams of payments in

Question No 37 : different currencies on pre-determined dates, at pre-
determined exchange rates is called a ______.
Correct Answer : Currency Swap
Your Answer :

Corporates should be permitted to hedge upon

declarations of the underlying exposures and Banks may
Question No 38 : be permitted to initiate overseas cross currency positions
were two of the major recommendations of _______
Correct Answer : O.P.Sodhani
Your Answer :

If a bank adds its confirmation to a letter of credit, it

Question No 39 :
undertakes a liability similar to that of --------:
Correct Answer : B and C
Your Answer :

Indian Progressive Bank has received a Letter of credit

favouring Omni Exports Ltd. The issuing bank has
Question No 40 : requested for adding confirmation. The LC also provides
for extending Pre shipment finance up to 25% of the LC
value. The LC is a -----------letter of Credit.
Correct Answer : Red clause letter of credit
Your Answer : SKIPPED
In a bill of lading the specified goods have been
Question No 41 :
consigned to the named person. This is a ------------:
Correct Answer : Straight bill of lading
Your Answer :

If market quotes USD/INR as 45.61/63, at what rate can

Question No 42 :
you buy USD at the given quote:
Correct Answer : 45.63
Your Answer :

In the Mid term Policy announced by RBI on 31/October

Question No 43 : 2006,The limit under LRS scheme for Resident
individuals is ______
Correct Answer : Increased to USD 50,000
Your Answer :

As per the Mid term Policy announced by RBI on

Question No 44 : 31/October 2006, prepayment of ECBs up to ____
allowed without RBI approval.
Correct Answer : USD 300 million
Your Answer :

------------ was the first private organizations to introduce

Question No 45 :
the eight hour working day:
Correct Answer : TISCO
Your Answer :

If we study the role functions of Line managers and HR

Question No 46 : managers that are generally accepted now, we find the
accent is on the -------------- in HR roles.
Correct Answer : Policy
Your Answer :

Question No 47 : Researchers like Chris Argyris, Abraham Maslow

Douglas Mcgregor etc highlighted the dimensions
of-------------- that are rooted in the growth needs of the
Correct Answer : Motivation
Your Answer :

Union formations were seen in the --------- phase of

Question No 48 :
development of HRM:
Correct Answer : First phase
Your Answer :

As per Shepherd (1977) a typical old breed of personnel

Question No 49 :
specialist is around ------------&----------.
Correct Answer : 50 years of age, Ex-army
Your Answer :

The use of information technology can improve ---------

Question No 50 :
& ------------- of the organization.
Correct Answer : Efficiency and effectiveness
Your Answer :

The process of capturing the tacit knowledge of people in

Question No 51 :
a systematic manner for future use is called-----------:
Correct Answer : Knowledge management
Your Answer :

Number of training programs to be conducted, level (of

Question No 52 : employees), subjects, allocation of resources (funds),
arrangements etc are a part of the --------:
Correct Answer : Training plan
Your Answer :

Schein gave another framework for career concepts. They

Question No 53 : are three-dimensional concepts. They are called Radial,
Circumferential and ------------concepts.
Correct Answer : Horizontal
Your Answer :

The Concept of career path relates to ----------- of

Question No 54 :
Correct Answer : Sequence, time period
Your Answer :

An individual’s belief about what control’s the events of

Question No 55 : life is very important for his self efficacy. This can be
explained by the concept of:
Correct Answer : Locus of control
Your Answer :

ERIC BERNE has stated that there are three main ego
states in every individual. They are called PARENT,
Question No 56 :
ADULT & CHILD. The PARENT ego state is further
classified as:
Correct Answer : Critical parent & Nurturing parent
Your Answer :

ECGC of India Ltd is a corporation set up by the

Government of India to encourage exporters & help the
Question No 57 : Exporting community and the financing bankers to
mitigate the risks involved in their business of Exporting.
The corporation does so by issue of
Correct Answer : All
Your Answer :

Your bank has issued International Credit Cards to an

Question No 58 :
NRIs. He can pay the bills from _______:
Correct Answer : All as above
Your Answer :

If no export takes place within the stipulated / extended

Question No 59 : period, PCFC outstanding are to be converted in to rupee
liability at _______:
Correct Answer : TT selling rate
Your Answer :

Question No 60 : Diamond dollar a/c (DDA) scheme is available for

companies dealing in purchase & sale of rough /cut
diamond if they have a good track record of at least 3
years in diamond business with Annual turnover of at
least _____ & above in preceding 3 licensing years, and
should have been the bank’s customer for at least 3 years.
Correct Answer : Rs 5 crores
Your Answer :

From EEFC a/cs, payment towards all current account

transactions such as travel, medical, studies abroad,
permissible imports, commission, customs duty, etc are
Question No 61 :
permitted. However, remittances towards gifts and
donations exceeding _______per remitter/donor per
annum are not permissible.
Correct Answer : USD 5000
Your Answer :

Question No 62 : Cheque book facility is available in the _____ account.

Correct Answer : EEFC
Your Answer :

ICC has published UCPDC 1993 and has made certain

changes in the earlier set of customs and practices. As
Question No 63 : per UCPDC 1993, if a Letter of Credit does not
specifically mention whether it is Revocable or
Irrevocable, it is to be treated as a/an------ letter of Credit.
Correct Answer : Irrevocable
Your Answer :

SBI has added its confirmation to a letter of credit issued

by Bank of Oman, which is in US dollars & has
Question No 64 : mentioned Bank of New York as the reimbursing bank.
This means, SBI undertakes a liability similar to that of
Correct Answer : Bank of Oman – issuing bank
Your Answer :

Question No 65 : Pre-shipment credit to exporters is normally provided on

lodgement of L/Cs or firm export orders. However, RBI
has authorized banks to extend Pre-shipment Credit
‘Running Account’ facility in respect of any commodity,
without insisting on prior lodgement of letters of
credit/firm export orders, depending on the bank’s
judgment regarding the need to extend such a facility,
subject to the condition that :
Correct Answer : All of the above
Your Answer :

Running Account facility under pre-shipment credit

Question No 66 :
should not be extended to _____
Correct Answer : Sub-suppliers
Your Answer :

In Usance Export bills credit can be granted for a

Question No 67 :
maximum duration of _____ days from date of shipment.
Correct Answer : 180 days inclusive of NTP and grace period
Your Answer :

In case a bank and the ECGC get in to an agreement, the

procedures of extending ECGC Guarantee can be
simplified and the premium on the guarantee negotiated.
Under these circumstances, the bank has to notify limits
Question No 68 :
sanctioned to all its customers post facto but seek the
approval of the Corporation prior to sanction of the limits
if the limits exceed an “agreed upon value”. This limit is
Correct Answer : Discretionary limit
Your Answer :

A person resident in India may enter into a forward

contract with an in India __________to hedge an
Question No 69 : exposure to exchange risk in respect of a transaction for
which sale and/or purchase of foreign exchange is
permitted under FEMA.
Correct Answer : Authorised Dealer Category-I (AD) bank
Your Answer :

Question No 70 : Credit risk in a Foreign exchange transaction comes from

Correct Answer : Counter-party failure
Your Answer : SKIPPED
Export credit at the pre shipment stage can be extended
Question No 71 :
to exporters in ________:
In INR/ Currency of Order or any other traded currency
Correct Answer :
as per Exporter’s request
Your Answer :

Question No 72 : A NRI book a forward contract for____

Correct Answer : A & B only
Your Answer :

Shruthi Jayaram lives in Singapore. She is a research

Question No 73 : student at NUS. What is the maximum amount that could
be remitted by her father for her maintenance abroad?
Correct Answer : US $ 100000
Your Answer :

Question No 74 : __________ accounts is called ‘our account with you’:

Correct Answer : Nostro account
Your Answer :

Cash reserve ratio is calculated on the Overseas Banking

Question No 75 : Units have to maintain while opening the branch in
Correct Answer : No requirement
Your Answer :

Question No 76 : Import of goods in to the country is evidenced by ___

Correct Answer : Bill of entry
Your Answer :

Question No 77 : External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) refers to

commercial loans [in the form of bank loans, buyers’
credit, suppliers’ credit, securitized instruments (e.g.
floating rate notes and fixed rate bonds)] availed from
non-resident lenders with minimum average maturity of
3 years.
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

A "foreign equity holder" to be eligible as “recognized

lender” under the automatic route for ECB would require
Question No 78 :
minimum holding of ___ equity in the borrower company
for ECB up to USD 5 million.
Correct Answer : 25% direct holding
Your Answer :

NGOs engaged in micro finance activities can raise ECB

up to USD 5 million during a financial year. Designated
Question No 79 :
AD bank has to ensure that at the time of drawdown the
forex exposure of the borrower is hedged.
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

The maximum amount of ECB, which can be raised by a

corporate, is USD 500 million or equivalent during a
financial year under the automatic route. Further ECB up
Question No 80 : to 20 million (within the overall ceiling) should have
average maturity of three years and ECB above 20
million and up to USD 500 million should have average
maturity of 5 years.
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

The authorised dealers were allowed to extend the time

limit for realization of export proceeds beyond the
prescribed period of six months up to an invoice value of
Question No 81 : $ 100000. As a measure of liberalization, the Monetary
Policy 2006-07 has proposed that ADs could grant
extension of time to realize export proceeds up to US$
_____ beyond the prescribed period.
Correct Answer : 1 million
Your Answer :

Question No 82 : It is possible to generate SWIFT messages at …….. using

SFMS and relay the same to SWIFT Gateway (CBI) of
bank for onward transmission:
Correct Answer : Local branch
Your Answer :

In SFMS, the ……… switches all the inter bank

messages received from the sending Branch server to the
Question No 83 :
receiving branch server and forwards all Inter bank
messages addressed to other banks.
Correct Answer : Bank Gateway
Your Answer :

The ______ Operating system can be a choice for the

Question No 84 :
SFMS use.
Correct Answer : All of these
Your Answer :

Data that has been structured, filtered, compressed,

Question No 85 : reported on, and is generally in a form that is readily
useful is called________.
Correct Answer : Information
Your Answer :

The IT Bill 2000 is aimed bringing in ________for On-

Question No 86 :
line transactions.
Correct Answer : All as above
Your Answer :

RBI has announced its Mid-term policy review on

31/Oct/2006.Which one of the following measures
Question No 87 :
announced amounts to moving towards – Fuller
Convertibility on Capital account?
Correct Answer : Both A & B
Your Answer :

RBI has increased the limit for ECB prepayment up to

Question No 88 : USD____ million without RBI prior approval in the Mid-
term Policy in October 2006?
Correct Answer : USD 300 Million
Your Answer :

A NRI or PIO,(other than citizens of specified countries

like Srilanka, Pakistan and so on) can repatriate funds
held in their NRO accounts representing sale of
immoveable property. The maximum amount permitted
Question No 89 :
was USD 1 million with the condition of a 10-year lock-
in period if the property was purchased as a resident or
out of local rupee funds. In the mid-term review by RBI,
this condition was modified as follows.
Correct Answer : Lock-in period removed
Your Answer :

Question No 90 : ) In SFMS Online Terminals are also known as:

Correct Answer : Thin clients
Your Answer :

In SFMS message are with receiving nodes public key to

Question No 91 :
protect confidentially of the message while in transit.
Correct Answer : Encrypted
Your Answer :

In the context of digital certificates, what is the full form

Question No 92 :
of TTPs?
Correct Answer : Trusted third parties
Your Answer :

Question No 93 : Line managers can be called as -------------- of HRM:

Correct Answer : Delivery points
Your Answer :

The main draw back of the scientific Management theory

Question No 94 :
was that it gave no importance to -----------------:
Correct Answer : Human behavior
Your Answer : SKIPPED
Question No 95 : Knowledge capital refers to human resources capital:
Correct Answer : True
Your Answer :

The model normally used to teach children is known as

Question No 96 : ___________ and the model normally used for teaching
adults is ________:
Correct Answer : None of the above
Your Answer :

Question No 97 : Job Analysis technique involves :

Correct Answer : All of the above
Your Answer :

Climate Management—is possible by using HRIT.

Question No 98 :
Climate information is gathered using:
Correct Answer : Job satisfaction surveys
Your Answer :

You have received a SWIFT message that an overdue

export bill already crystallized by you is paid now and
Question No 99 :
the amount is credited in your Nostro account. What is
the rate to be applied now?
Correct Answer : TT buying rate
Your Answer :

Under UCPDC 500 for Documentary Credit, if quantity

is not specified to be exceeded or reduced, tolerance of
Question No 100 :
___is permitted as per UCPDC 500 article no. 39 unless
the quantity is stated in terms of ______.
Correct Answer : 10%, Quintals
Your Answer :

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