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Marketing Cloud Consultant

Deep Dive Study Guide

Partner Practice Development
MC Consultant Tips and Hints
What You Need To Know To Ensure Success

Among all the consultant exams, (Service, Sales, Pardot), this one undeniably comes across as being the
toughest one. It is advised to all the future test takers to read each question carefully and then select the
answer(s). If there‟s a slightest speck of doubt, mark it for review and come back to it again.

Please note that as a prerequisite, you need to be a Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email
Specialist in order to take the Marketing Cloud Consultant exam. The exam pattern is similar to other
exams with 60 multiple choice questions, 90 minutes allotted to complete the exam and 68% being the
passing score

The exam is made up of two kinds of question categories:

 Process/Scenario Based: Needs hands-on experience with the Marketing Cloud platform
 Knowledge Based: Being well versed with the Marketing Cloud documentation will suffice

Following are the topics that are most important from an exam perspective:

A Deeper Dive into Each Topic

If you are already immensely comfortable with the above topics and consider yourself to be a Marketing Cloud expert,
you might as well take the exam today since these topics cover the vast majority of the exam content. Otherwise,
spend some good time researching and knowing more about the above and then sit for the exam. Definitely don‟t
rush through the answering process and analyze each question twice before selecting the final answer. You will see a
lot of „Choose 2 answers„ and „Choose 3 answers’ on this exam.

The following is a deeper dive into each topic, providing exact references to revise:

Focus Area I – Discovery (13%)

- Provided with a set of business requirements, determine what additional information is needed to design the
recommended solution.
- Provided with a list of branding and creative strategies, probe for additional information that is needed to
recommend an appropriate solution. 

- Provided a customer environment and goals, determine the viability of external systems that need to be
included in the solution. (POS, CRM, ecommerce, data warehouse, data source inputs) 

- Demonstrate how to gather requirements in order to put together the data and segmentation strategy for the
customer. (Frequency, complexity, volume of sending) 

- Given a scenario that includes customer information about subscriber acquisition, management, and
attrition, utilize this information to select solution components. 

- Given a solution, recommend the appropriate customer skill sets required to utilize the Marketing Cloud

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Focus Area II – Conceptual Design (12%)

- Be able to identify the elements that make an email message effective:

o Create compelling content
 A subject line that captures people‟s attention
 Give readers what you promised them in the subject line
 Tailor your email voice
o Offer readers something of value
 Offer them useful and helpful information about the things they find difficult or inconvenient
– „how tos‟ often work well – or give them new insights into an area of interest. Work
towards making yourself a trusted friend and you should see open rates and sign-ups
o Target your content
 Deliver different types of content to each group according to what is of the most interest to
o At the end of the day, the golden rule of email content is: build trust and credibility and don‟t sell too

- Know what CAN-SPAM mean?

o It means you shouldn't spam. Spam may be legal, but it also allows ISPs to block it, and all
competent ISPs block as much spam as they possibly can. Your mail is not likely to deliver well if
it's spam.
o CAN-SPAM Requires:
 Accurately identify the sender in the header information.
 Use a subject line that accurately represents the content of the email.
 Identify the message as an advertisement, unless you have express consent (opt-in) from
the subscriber.
 Include your physical mailing address.
 Provide a mechanism to opt out. You cannot require a subscriber to log in or visit more
than a single page to unsubscribe.
 Honor opt-out requests promptly. You must process an unsubscribe request within 10
days, and your unsubscribe mechanism must be operational for at least 30 days after the
o CAN-SPAM Cannot:
 Use a false or misleading 'from name'.
 Use a subject line that masks the purpose of the email.
 Harvest email addresses off the Internet.
 Launch dictionary attacks.
 Use open relays to send email.
o What does the new Canadian spam law mean to me?
 "don't spam" is likely to be the right advice. If you send mail only to recipients who ask for
it, I would be surprised if you were not in compliance with the new Canadian law.

- Use the list model when:

o your lists will contain 500,000 subscribers or less long-term
o you prefer simplicity over performance
o you do not require fast import speed
o you plan to use a limited number of subscriber attributes
o you use the XML API

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- Use the data extension model when:
o your lists are going to be greater than 500,000 subscribers
o you support multiple subscriber data sets (with separate definitions)
o you send global messages
o you require fast import speeds
o you implement triggered sends
o you use the SOAP or REST APIs
o you prefer a flexible subscription model

Focus Area III – Marketing Cloud Connect (8%)

- Understand the connected App Authentication (and the permission set that gets created once set up)
- Understand that Marketing Cloud Connect integrates MC with your Sales and Service Cloud instances
- Explain how the Data Stream can be used to maintain the marketing audience in SFMC:
o With new Data Streaming capabilities in the Marketing Cloud Connector, you can easily build digital
marketing campaigns utilizing data from across the entire Salesforce Customer Success Platform.
The continuous data synchronization provides seamless access to all of your Salesforce data,
including the data schema and relationships found in your Salesforce CRM, all available to use
directly inside the Marketing Cloud.
o Select what objects you want to sync to the Marketing Cloud and at what time intervals, and all of
that data becomes available when you need it, including up-to-date personalization and adding
dynamic content to all of your digital marketing channels.
o Data Stream initially includes one screen that translates the data schema of hundreds or even
thousands of Salesforce objects into an easy-to-use, easy-to-manage interface and an Activity Log
to show sync activity. It will also support synchronizing Custom Objects to the Marketing Cloud.

- With the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connect, there are 5 different types of users:
o Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connect API User – This is the Admin user in Salesforce Marketing
Cloud whose credentials are used to set up the integration between your Salesforce Account and
your Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account. These are the user credentials you will use when you
initially configure the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connect after installation. It is recommended that
this be a dedicated system user.
o Salesforce System User – The Salesforce System User's (legacy "Tracking User") credentials
(username and password) in Salesforce are used by Salesforce Marketing Cloud as the primary
mechanism for retrieving data from within Salesforce as well as pushing data back into Salesforce.
This user does not perform sends. The sole purpose of the System User is to create the
“handshake” between Salesforce and the Salesforce Marketing Cloud's email tracking information
using the System User‟s credentials. It is recommended that this be a dedicated system user.

Note: The System User must have the System Administrator profile. This is subject to change.

o Marketing Cloud for AppExchange Admin – The user in Salesforce who can perform sends and
see all views of data. This user can send to any contact, lead, campaign or report.
o Marketing Cloud for AppExchange User – The user in Salesforce who can perform sends in
Salesforce. This user is typically not an administrator. If you are using Scope by User (see below),
this user‟s view is restricted to the records they own. They can only send to the records they own.
o Marketing Cloud User – This is a user in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud that must be mapped to
a Salesforce user who is performing sends out of Salesforce. To map an existing Marketing Cloud

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User, navigate to My Users > Select User > Edit > Status > Integrate > Enter
Salesforce Login Credentials.

- Scope By User:
o The list of Subscribers returned is limited to what the user initiating the send has access to view.

- Non-Scope By User:
o Subscribers are not filtered based on the user running the report.

- Sending & Tracking

o In Salesforce:
 Integration users can perform single sends from within Salesforce. Perform a single send
from within the following object records in Salesforce:
 Leads
 Contacts
 Person Account records

 Integration users can send to a list from within Salesforce. Perform a send to a list from
within the following object records in Salesforce or the Marketing Cloud tab:
 Campaigns
 Salesforce Reports

o In Marketing Cloud
 You can send Classic Email content and Content Builder content to Salesforce reports,
campaigns, Salesforce data extensions, and shared Salesforce data extensions using the
following three methods:
 Salesforce Sends (Marketing Cloud Interactions)
 Guided Send (Marketing Cloud Email)
 Email Send Flow (Marketing Cloud)

- Tracking
o The following types of tracking are available:
 View tracking at the Aggregate Level
 View tracking at the Individual Level
 View Link Level Detail at the Aggregate Level
 View Link Level Detail at the Individual Level
 Tracking can be found in the following areas:

o Single Send Objects: Leads, Contacts and Person Accounts provide tracking information about
individual records.
 Email Sends
 Send Analytics

o Salesforce Data Extensions (SFDEs) are Marketing Cloud Data Extensions that allow marketers to
push tracking data back to their Sales or Service Cloud Orgs. SFDEs can leverage the same
Marketing Cloud segmentation and filtering tools as traditional Data Extensions.
o Any tracking data for emails sent to SFDE audiences using Marketing Cloud Salesforce Sends can
be pushed back to the Salesforce Contact or Lead record in the connected Org.

- Sender Profiles with Marketing Cloud Connect

o A Northern Trail Outfitters marketer wants to create personalized email sends to their customers
using the names of specific customer service representatives. While the content of the send will be

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the same across the email send, the marketer wants the From Name to appear different for each
subscriber. The marketer creates FromName and FromEmail attributes for their subscribers to hold
the From information they want to include in the send. These attributes correspond to fields in their
Salesforce instance.

o The marketer then creates a sender profile that uses AMPscript to pull dynamically pull information
from the subscriber attributes populated by Salesforce information. If no attribute information is
present, the sender profile uses default information.

o Use the procedures below to create the attributes, map the attributes to Salesforce information, and
create the sender profile necessary to use Salesforce information in your From fields for email
 Create FromName and FromEmail attributes for your subscribers.
 Map those attributes to fields in Salesforce.
 Create a sender profile to use for these sends.
 For the From Name of the sender profile, use this AMPscript:
o %%[ifFromName != "" then]%% %%=v(FromName)=%% %%[else]%%

o Replace FromName with your mapped attribute and replace Default with whatever From Name you
want the send to default to if no information is present.

o For the From Email of the sender profile, use this AMPscript: %%[if FromEmail != "" then]%%
%%=v(FromEmail)=%% %%[else]%% Default %%[endif]%%

o Replace FromEmail with your mapped attributes and replace Default withwhatever From Email you
want the send to default to if no information is present.

o When you send an email, override your default sender profile and use the sender profile built with
this information.

Focus Area IV – Account Configuration (10%)

- Ensure you understand MC Roles & Permissions:

o Administrator - This role belongs to the overall manager of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud
application and all of the associated Enterprise 2.0 business units. As such, this role should have
full control over all aspects of the application and be able to create, share, modify, or delete
anything in your company structure.
o Content Creator - This role can access all facets of content creation, but they have no control over
other aspects of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud application (such as subscriber information or
tracking results). The content creator produces the images and words used in the email and lays
out the actual messages, which are then approved and sent by other roles within the Enterprise 2.0
o Data Manager - This role primarily maintains subscriber records and any publication or
suppression lists and handles data imports and exports. The database marketer may have to
create relationships that span multiple business units, but this role usually doesn't create or edit the
content itself.

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o Analyst - This role includes the permissions to read, change, and update all information related to
email sends. However, users with this role are unable to create or make any changes to content
and subscriber lists or administer users.
o Email Marketing Manager - This role retains control over a single business unit. Applicable
permissions include the ability to create, share, modify, or delete anything within that business unit,
as well as the ability to conduct the actual send of an email. However, this role does not include
permissions to change or delete shared content created by the administrator.
o Sales Representative - This role handles sales activities related to a specific territory.
Responsibilities include personalizing templates, inserting content into those templates, and
managing local subscriber lists.
o Copywriter- This role handles the creation of email content for several business units, but there is
no control over actual sends or database management.
o Regional or Local Administrator - This role manages the administrative detail of one or more select
business units. The assigned permissions let them create and manage accounts within their
selected business units, but they can't alter any information outside of their assigned coverage.
o Outside or Agency Content Creator - Assign this role to users from outside your organization that
might create content for your email sends, such as a freelance copywriter or a graphic designer
from an advertising agency. This role can create and upload content to the assigned business unit,
but they have no other permissions.

- Business Units
o A business unit is a hierarchical administration structure that controls access to information and
sharing of information. A business unit allows you to manage user roles for the business unit, view
users who have access to the business unit, and define filter criteria for subscribers.

o Typical use cases for creating new Business Units include:

 Demographic, if you have a global company and teams in each region
 Organizational structure, if you have two different teams that don‟t have anything to do
with each other such as internal/HR and Marketing
 Different brands, if you have many brands that role up into a parent company
 Sandbox/test, if you need a area to play around in, some businesses have strict
processes that require testing environments
 Franchise, if a business uses a franchise model
o What is the impact of assigning a role to a BU rather than a user?

- Reply Mail Manangement

o Reply mail management is a feature that automatically manages replies (including those from auto-
responders) and leave or unsubscribe requests received in response to your emails.
o Know how to troubleshooting RMM i.e. Check configuration in Admin > Reply Mail Management.
o RMM, Send Classifications, Private Domain, Link Branding
o RMM: How does the email unsubscribe feature work
o Can SAPs/Private Domains/Private IPs be used in multiple Bus
 Note that if you configure Reply Mail Management to automatically forward an email
message to an email address, that email address becomes the From address for the
automatic reply. For example, if the email address receives an email
and that message is automatically forwarded to, the automatic reply
to the email sent to appears to have been sent from

- SAP (Sender Authentication Package)

o The Sender Authentication Package provides a collection of products designed to help ensure your
email messages reach the inboxes of the intended recipients:

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 Private Domain - This product assigns a domain used to send email. This domain acts as
the From address for your email sends. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud will authenticate
your email sends using the Sender Policy Framework (SPF), Sender ID, and
DomainKeys/DKIM authentication.
 Account Branding - The Salesforce Marketing Cloud will brand your account with your
chosen authenticated domain. This product modifies link and image wrapping and
removes all references to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud in favor of your authenticated
 Dedicated IP Address - This product assigns a unique IP address to your account. All
email sent from your account via the Salesforce Marketing Cloud will use this IP address.
This IP address represents the majority of your sending reputation.
 Reply Mail Management - This product controls the replies you receive from your
subscribers. You can assign filters for out-of-office messages and manual unsubscribe

o What are steps involved in a customer‟s IP ramp-up plan?

Focus Area V – Reporting (7%)

- Send Logs
o You may want to be able to have subscriber or send-specific attributes returned with tracking data.
You do not want this data to be overwritten by future campaigns, as are subscriber attributes or
data extension fields.

o Our solution is to allow you to log sends, including specified subscriber attributes, data extension
fields, and calculated values, to a data extension. You then can use this data extension in queries,
filters, and extracts.

o To enable send logging, you first define a data extension to hold the log. You do this by creating a
data extension from the Send Logging Data Extension template. That data extension will be used
for logging for all sends. You can create only one data extension from the Send Logging Data
Extension template. You will be able to suppress send logging at a send definition level.

o The following rules are used to auto-populate log field values:

 If the send is to a data extension and that data extension has a field with the same name
as the log field, the data extension field value will be used to populate the log field.
 If there is a subscriber attribute with the same name as the log field, the subscriber
attribute value will be used to populate the log field.
 If there is a variable defined within the email with the same name as the log field (except
for the @ prefix), the variable value will be used.
 Required fields without a value will be set to an appropriate empty default for the data type
(text will default to '', numbers to 0, Booleans to false, and dates to current date). Non-
required fields will receive a null value. A notification will be sent once per job when this
occurs to the notification email address of the owner of the send.
 In the event of data type mismatches, required log fields will be set as described in step 4.
Non-required fields will receive a null value. A notification will be sent once per job when
this occurs to the notification email address of the owner of the send.
 Any errors that occur as a result of send logging should be logged to the error log and
result in a notification email being sent to the owner of the job.

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 The system will log both successful and unsuccessful sends to allow you to retrieve your
metadata around failed sends.
o What is Send Logging, and how to create segments on it?

- Data Views
o Data Views are system tables that store tracking data that can be accessed in query activities. All
these views can be joined with each other and/or other data extensions in the account and then
pushed to data extensions.
 Undeliverable SMS  Job
 Unsubscribe  FTAF
 SurveyResponse  Social Network Tracking
 SubscriberSMS  Social Network Impressions
 Subscribers  EnterpriseAttribute
 Sent  Coupon
 PublicationSubscriber  Complaint
 Open  Click
 ListSubscribers  Bounce

- How does a link alias tag work within the Marketing Cloud, where can you view a report on them?
- Understand that a Single Email Performance by Device report allows you to view email performance on
mobile devices versus desktop devices. Available metrics include number of opens, unique opens, and
clicks by device.
- Be able to describe the reporting functionality and capabilities such as:
o You run a report from the Tracking tab in your user interface.
o You can run reports asynchronously, meaning that you can continue working while the report runs
o Reports that you run asynchronously are delivered to your email inbox or FTP server. For some
reports, you can also choose to run the report inline and have the results appear on your screen.
o You can use the Report Status and History screen to view a list of reports that have been
requested in your account
o If you use the interactions feature, you can run a report as an activity
o When you run a report, you specify the following information:
 Report Parameters
 Report Results Delivery
 Results File Format
 Run the Report
o Report file formats:
 Data File (.csv)
 Excel spreadsheet (.xls)
 TIFF Image (.tif)
 Adobe (.pdf)
 XML (.xml)
 Web Archive (.mht)
o Reports can be delivered to:
 FTP Folder
 Email the Report results
 Display Report Results On Screen
o Relative date ranges are defined as follows:
 The last full Week
 The last full Month
 The last full Quarter

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 The last full Day

Focus Area VI – Data Design (13%)

- Data Extensions
o A data extension is a table within the application database that contains your data.
 Publication Lists
 A publication list helps you manage how subscribers receive several different
categories of emails or SMS messages. For example, you might send
newsletters, advertisements, and alerts. Each of these is a different category, so
you would create a separate publication list for each category. When you send a
newsletter, you associate the send with the newsletter publication list to identify
to the system what kind of content is inside the publication.
 Suppression Lists
 A suppression list is a list of subscribers that you don't want to receive your
communications. Suppression lists filter out email addresses and prevent those
addresses from receiving your messages. Suppression lists serve as a "do not
contact" list for your email sends. Examples of the types of addresses included
on a suppression list are addresses with a history of spam complaints,
unsubscribe lists from previous providers or advertisers, addresses of your
competitors, and canceled customers.
 Suppression lists differ from exclusion lists, although the filtering logic at send
time is the same. Exclusion lists are subscribers who have a status (active,
bounced, held, unsubscribed) and who may want to continue receiving
messages. You select an exclusion list at the time of send. For example, you
send a newsletter to List A but later realize you want to send it to List B. Some of
the subscribers on List A also exist on List B and you don't want to send them the
same email twice. When you send to List B, you select List A as an exclusion list.
 Suppression lists are a different category of lists and have unique properties.
Subscriber records on a suppression list do not have a subscriber status and are
not counted in the All Subscriber count. Suppression lists are available if you use
sendable data extensions.
- Data Types
o Locale, country code used for Mobile
o Decimal
o Phone
o Email
o Boolean
o Number
o Text

Note: know the difference between NUMERIC and DECIMAL

- Data Retention
o By default, the data extension retention policy deletes unused data extensions after 6 months. The
deletion process runs nightly. You must set these options when creating the data extension, and
you cannot modify these settings for an existing data extension.
 Options
 Use Object-Based Retention - Checking this box ensures that the application
deletes all records in the data extension at the same time.

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 Retention Period - Enter the number of days after data extension creation to wait
before deleting data.
 Use Fixed Date - Check this box and specify the date to delete data extension
information after that date.
 Delete at End of Retention Period - Check this box to retain the data extension
but delete the records inside that data extension.
 Reset Retention Period on Import - Check this box to extend the retention date
following a new import to the data extension.

o Understand the basics of a SELECT SQL statement
o How to understand table aliases and JOINs:

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Focus Area VII – Automation (8%)

- Understand that Automation Studio is a Salesforce Marketing Cloud application used to execute marketing
automations on an immediate or scheduled basis.
- The individual steps how to build an encrypted file import in Automation Studio (when is the data put into the
safehouse for decryption)
- Automation Studio is used for the following purposes, and more:
o Design an automation by dragging-and-dropping activities onto the workflow canvas to build simple
or multi-step automations.
o Build complex automations based on previous versions.
o Get a streamlined view of each automation and its status using the Automation Studio dashboard,
which displays when Automation Studio is selected from the Salesforce Marketing Cloud

- Scheduled Automations vs Triggered Automations

Triggered Automations Scheduled Automations

Automation initiates ...a file is dropped into a designated ...prompted by the schedule you
when... Enhanced FTP folder. define.

Notes Changing a filename without Click Run Once to trigger a

changing file content will not trigger scheduled automation to run
an automation. immediately.

Typical Use Case You use other processes that On a daily basis, you want to import
update files in an FTP folder, and and refresh your birthday list, then
you want to create an automation send an email to all contacts whose
that starts when activity occurs in birthday is today.
that folder.

Focus Area VIII – Email Build (6%)

- AMPScript
o The AMPscript scripting language allows for personalized content within HTML emails, text emails,
landing pages, SMS and MMS messages, and push notifications from MobilePush.
o AMPscript can also interact with your data extensions. Use AMPscript to include information from
your data extensions in your messages and to update data extensions with information from your
landing pages.
 Relational Data - Use AMPscript to look up relational data. For example, use a function to
find an airport name from an airport code associated with a subscriber. AMPscript can
return multiple records related to a contact, such as all the rates for flights from a home
city to a city the contact recently searched for.

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 Display Metadata about the Data - Use AMPscript to indicate whether a record exists for
the subscriber. AMPscript can help determine whether a subscriber completed a
transaction in the last month. AMPscript can limit the number of records returned from the
relational data. For example, you can ask to see only the top three fares for flights from a
home city to another city.
 Provide Control Logic - Use AMPscript to provide logic that performs different operations
based on a subscriber value. AMPscript can store subscriber values as variables on which
your program can perform operations.
 Format Values - Use AMPscript to format text, numeric, date, and time values.
 Create and Track Impression Regions - Use AMPscript to create impression regions for
use in tracking the effectiveness and performance of an email message.

o Impression tracking allows you to track the performance of emails that contain content built by
AMPscript or selected by the dynamic content feature.
o When you create an email using AMPscript or dynamic content, you can give each region in the
email a unique identifier. The system can use the unique identifier to track, segment, and report
against data for each region.
o Understand how to retrieve record(s) from Data Extensions using AmpScript

- Impression Tracking
o Four reports are available to show the performance data gathered through impression tracking:
 Impression Tracking by Job - This report shows the performance of an Impression
Region for a single send (or job). The report shows the number of times the content area
was sent as part of a job (i.e., number of impressions) and the link performance for links
found within the impression region. This report also contains the overview tracking
summary for the send.
 Region Performance Over Time - This report shows how a single section of content
performs over a period of time across multiple jobs. The region performance data is
broken out by link found within the region and identified by the JobID for each send found
during the defined time period.
 Impression Tracking for Triggered Sends - This report shows the performance of an
Impression Region for emails that have been triggered by an action of the subscriber.
 Region Performance Over Time Report for Triggered Sends - This report shows how a
single section of content performs over a period of time across multiple jobs in triggered

- Web Analytics Connector

o The Web Analytics Connector is a collection of tools in Email Studio that assists in tagging your
links to enable you to pass information to your web analytics tool (Google, WebTrends, Coremetric,
Omniture) through the links in your emails.
o When your website is displayed in a browser, your web analytics tool collects the URL used to call
the page. By including attributes in the target URL of the links in your email, you can connect
Salesforce Marketing Cloud data to your web analytics data. For example, if you included the
campaign ID in the target URL of your links, you could identify the web traffic generated by that

- There are five levels of data that you can include in your links:
o Account-Level Data
 Salesforce Marketing Cloud account-level data is information that applies to all of the links
in email messages in all campaigns sent from an Salesforce Marketing Cloud account. For
example, you could include a special attribute to identify that the web traffic originated
from an Salesforce Marketing Cloud email as opposed to another marketing channel.

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 You have two options for identifying web traffic as originating from a Salesforce Marketing
Cloud email. You can choose to include a special attribute, for example, src=SMC. The
Salesforce Marketing Cloud can set up your account to include this information
 Alternately, if you give one or more attribute a name that is unique to your Salesforce
Marketing Cloud emails, the fact that those unique attributes exist can indicate that the
web traffic originated from a Salesforce Marketing Cloud email. For example, if your
Salesforce Marketing Cloud account ID attribute is named smc_mid, you know that any
referral that contains the smc_mid attribute must have originated from a Salesforce
Marketing Cloud email. If you use this method, you do not need to set up an extra attribute
to identify your Salesforce Marketing Cloud web traffic.
 For enterprise customers who maintain web analytics data associated with emails from
several different child accounts, you can include an account ID to identify which account
generated the web traffic. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud can set up your accounts to
include this information automatically.
o Email-Level Data
 Email-level data is information that applies to all of the links in email messages in a
campaign. For example, the campaign code is a data element that you would want to
appear in all of the links in an email so that any activity from any of the links in the email
can be associated to the campaign.
 You can include email-level data in the links of an email manually by typing the
information into the target URL when you create the link. You can also automate the
process so that you enter the information once when you create the email and the
Salesforce Marketing Cloud application automatically adds it to every link.
 You can include email-level data when you create a new email message, when you
update the properties of an existing email message, or when you use the send wizard to
send an email message.
o Campaign-Level Data
 By using the same campaign code across multiple email messages, you can associate the
data from those messages into one larger campaign. You can use the same procedures
listed in the Email-Level Data heading, but the information provided provides insight into
the effectiveness of the overall campaign as opposed to a single email message.
 You can also include links from SMS messages and social interactions in your campaigns,
allowing you to track your subscribers' activities over multiple channels and better
understand how they interact with your marketing efforts.
o Subscriber-Level Data
 Subscriber-level data is information about the subscriber. Subscriber-level data applies to
all of the links in each email so that web traffic from the email links can be associated with
the subscriber who received the email. For example, if you include the Subscriber ID in
your links, you web analytics program can identify the subscriber when the subscriber
clicks a link in the email. By storing the subscriber ID in a cookie, the web analytics tool
can continue to track the subscriber's web activity as they progress through your site.
 The Salesforce Marketing Cloud can enable your account to include subscriber attributes
in the target URLs of your email links. See the procedure How to Set Up Your System to
Include Subscriber-Level Data in Email Links.
o Link-Level Data
 Link-level data is specific to a link; this information could be different for each link in your
email. For example, if you identify the quadrant of the page on which the link appears, you
can compare which quadrants are most effective for generating web traffic. Also, if a
particular link is associated with a coupon, you could include the coupon code as link-level
 The ability to include link-level data in your links is already enabled in your Salesforce
Marketing Cloud account. After you set up link-level integration with your web analytics

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provider, you can include the information that you want to be passed to your web analytics
tool in the link target when you create a link.
- Building Emails
o Template Based: Choose this option if you already have a template that you'll be using for this
email. Doesn’t require HTML skills to build email.
o HTML Paste: Choose this option to type or paste HTML code for an email into the editor. Requires
HTML skills to build email.
o If email is a once off i.e. a newsletter the email can be sent using guided send or the other options
listed in the next section. If email is going to be automated now or in the future a User-Initiated
Email can be setup in Email Studio in the Activities tab which can then be used by Automation
o Recommendation for Email Personalization and Dynamic content is to use standard functionality if
possible i.e. personalization strings and dynamic content areas. If that isn‟t sufficient look at the
requirements to see if AMPScript is able to handle the use cases if not then Server-Side
- Sending Emails
o Send Flow - Send Flow replaces Guided Send for Content Builder emails and guides you through
the necessary steps to send your email.
o Guided Send - Guided Send guides you through the necessary steps to send your email.
o Subscriber Preview and Test Send - Subscriber Preview is a rendering of an email as it will be
viewed by a recipient. After the initial subscriber preview, you can proceed through the rest of the
recipients to see previews for each subscriber and send a test.
o Send Preview - Send Preview is a rendering of an email as it will be sent to a recipient. After the
initial preview, you can proceed through the rest of the recipients on the list to see the preview for
o Simple Send - Simple Send is a quick way to send your email with limited sending options.
o Simple Automated Send - Simple Automated Send allows you to setup a simple automation to
send the email once a year or one time.
o User-Initiated Send - User-Initiated Send sends your email as part of a program.
o Triggered Send - Triggered Send sends your email in response to a subscribers action.
o Journey Builder - Email Send is one of the activities available in Journey Builder

Focus Area IX – Contact Builder (14%)

- Populations (Root) Relationships and how they may trigger errors in Journey Builder
- Understand 1:1, 1:Many and Many:Many cardinalities and apply them to a scenario
- Functionality of Contact Builder Attribute Groups and the templates available
- Understand the tools used in Contact Builder:
o Data Designer
 Data Designer is the tool used to define, consolidate, and organize customer data.
 All contact information resides on subscriber lists and data extensions contained in your
Salesforce Marketing Cloud account. Data Designer enables you to manage how data
extensions store that information, as well as how those data extensions relate to each
 In Data Designer, you can:
 Create attribute groups to organize your data
 View and edit your data model by linking data extensions
o Data Relationships
 When you create the relationships between data extensions, you can specify the
cardinality for the relationship:

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 One-to-One Relationship, a one-to-one relationship indicates that the data
extensions relate to each other on a single piece of information called a primary
key, such as a membership ID number or a mobile telephone number.
 One-to-Many Relationship, a one-to-many relationship takes the value of a
primary key attribute on the contact record and relates it to one or more
instances of that value on another data extension.
 Many-to-Many Relationship, a many-to-many relationship can match several
different values between two data extensions.
o Population (Root) Relationships
 A population (root) relationship represents a one-to-one relationship between a contact
record and a data extension that acts as a source for contact information. A root
relationship can only take place between the contact record and a single data extension.
o Data Extensions
 Data Extensions tab lets you access and manage your data extensions just as you would
in the Email application
o Contacts Configuration
 Contacts Configuration tool allows you to:
 Select matching rules that dictate whether you want incoming contact information
to merge with an existing contact, overwrite an existing contact, or create a new
contact record
 Prioritize which address to use, on which channel, when communicating with
o Attribute Groups
 Attribute groups collect several data extensions into a single entity for use in organizing
and interacting with contact information. Each attribute group can contain multiple data
extensions, and each data extension can include multiple attributes. You can link data
extensions to either the contact record or different data extensions, including data
extensions from other attribute groups.

Focus Area X – Journey Builder (11%)

- How can Customers enter the Journey?

o Salesforce object created or updated
o Fire Event using API
o Fire Event using Automation Studio
o Journey scheduled Fire Event
- Troubleshooting Contact Issues
o Troubleshooting Step 1: Reviewing the Channel Address Order (Contact Builder > Contacts
o Troubleshooting Step 2: Ensuring the Correct Use as Root Setting (Contact Builder > Data
o Troubleshooting Step 3: Evaluating the Event Source Data Extension
o Has the Fire Event activity (if using) completed?
 Navigate to Automation Studio to check the activity's progress.
o Was new data added to the data extension?
 If not, the Interaction or Fire Event activity may be running as intended, but not detecting
new rows because they were not added.
 If the Import Type for the data extension's Import Definition is set as Update, Journey
Builder does not recognize that new rows exist.

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 Additionally, if the Import Type is set as Add & Update, Journey Builder does not
recognize that new rows exist if only updates were made.

Notes: High Water Mark is used to ensure only new events are injected into the interaction. It tracks
the highest _CustomObjectKey that has been processed and only records that exist above this value
will processed on the next run of the Fire Event Activity.

- Contrast random split, engagement split and decision split in JB

- Import List vs. DE and the different import methods (Add&Update vs. Overwrite)
- Plan, personalize, and optimize customer journey, targeting each customer at the right time. Design and
build responsive campaigns.
- Understand that the foundation of a campaign in Journey Builder is an Interaction, which is the customer
communication plan a marketer designs. Interactions consist of Activities set by marketers to instruct the
Salesforce Marketing Cloud to communicate to a Contact based on the actions of the customer.
- Marketers use the Journey Builder Canvas to construct the workflow of the Interaction. Marketers design a
campaign by dragging and dropping Activities onto the Canvas to create a chain of Activities plotted over
- After criteria for filtering Contacts into an Interaction are set, Contacts filter into the Interaction automatically.
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud system then continually evaluates these Contacts to determine the next
action to take.
- With these steps complete, Journey Builder runs fully responsive campaigns automatically, allowing
marketing professionals to focus on critical tasks with the knowledge that customer communications are
running according to plan.

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