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Name: Hamed Hashemian • 22 Jan 2019 • Fame, Third conditional sentences

In this lesson, the pupils are going to be taught the 3rd conditional sentences based on a reading which is about lucky break through highlighting the marker sentences. Their meaning plus
form and finally pronunciation will be clarified. The lesson will begin with a couple of thought provoking questions regarding being famous.

Main Aims
To provide clarification of Third conditional in the context of Lucky break(fame)

Sub Aims
To provide practice of Third conditional


Class Profile
Indeed this current lesson will be observed by a bunch of fellow professionals who are going to check every single part of this lesson and comment on it. However, we might contemplate
the vast majority of them as upper-intermediate pupils who are virtually familiar with zero,first,second conditional yet not the third conditional. There might be a crowd of 20 colleagues
who are aging between 23 and 44 (comprising 90 per cent female, 10 per cent male). They all have craving for English language and more importantly they are all enthusiastic about
interacting with not only their peers but also the rest of members.

We assume, having previously worked with the conditional sentences , will have little trouble grammar of 'would have'. We assume that they will be able to figure it out through self-
explanatory questions via the ppp method.

Personal Aims
In this current lesson the first and main priority, which stands out amongst the rest of mine, would be to make the class student-centered plus providing more opportunities for every single
pupil to interact freely. (Less TTT)

Timetable Fit
Due to the fact my counterparts are themselves instructors. They have had ample exposure to a large number of readings and the basic prerequisite of grammatical structures (not quite
sure regarding ppp). (There are two teaching courses regarding natural speaking as well as listening before and right after the TP).

Anticipated Problems & Solutions

Student might encounter difficulties regarding the meaning plus slight differences in form. Problem1= • Students do not recognize 3rd conditional vs 2nd conditional, perhaps
misinterpreting them as the other conditionals: They hear If he had continued his education, he would have done sth entirely different Solution=clarifying the meaning plus form through
explaining more and checking on the board. Problem2= • Students make a conditional sentence and they don't write past participle form.

TOUCHSTONE4 plus teacher made handouts (TOUCHSTONE4)

Please see the following page for the lesson procedure

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Name: Hamed Hashemian • 22 Jan 2019 • Fame, Third conditional sentences

Stage Procedure Materials Time Comment
Warmer/Lead-in The lesson will commence with asking 4 questions regarding being famous very quickly to
To set lesson context and contextualize the effects of being famous or popular. Following that 5 pictures which are
engage students about 5 well-known people will be depicted. Their identity will be elicited to see how much TOUCHSTONE4
T-S , PW
data the students have. Subsequently 3 questions will be asked and they will be put in plus teacher 7-9
, S-S
pairs (two by two) in order to respond those aforementioned questions and share their made handouts
ideas. I hasten to add before this task a couple of words about fame will be taught or
reviewed as long as they are familiar with them.

There is a text which has been excerpted from the book. I will pre-teach two words (lucky TOUCHSTONE4
To provide context for the
break , talent contest) by sowing a short movie. Then a gist (general) question (What was plus teacher 8 - 10
target language through a
his lucky break?) will be asked and they will be given ample time to respond it individually. made handouts
text or situation

Highlighting The pupils will be asked two questions about Robert Willson in the reading section. So the
To draw students' marker sentences will be highlighted and they will be shown via p.p.t. TOUCHSTONE4
attention to the target If he had continued his education, he would have done sth entirely different. plus teacher T-S 3-5
language If he continues his education, he could have gotten formal music training. made handouts
If he hadn’t won, he might not have had the confidence to become a singer.

First and foremost the meaning will be clarified through asking three concept questions TOUCHSTONE4
To clarify the meaning,
subsequently the form will be made clear via sowing the structure via power point. The plus teacher T-S 13 - 15
form and pronunciation of
procedure and every single data has been mentioned via p.p.t. made handouts
the target language

Controlled Practice Page 106. There is a very concise part which is expected to be done on the basis of the
To concept check and reading(lucky break). Then there are two detailed plus amazing controlled practice which TOUCHSTONE4
prepare students for more will clarify and practice the meaning plus form for the second time. The practice will be plus teacher PW , S-S 13 - 16
meaningful practice done in pairs then as a WCFB the responses will be revealed. The paper will be folded. made handouts
Subsequently the other side of the paper will be covered.

Practice 10 sentences will be shown then the pupils will be put in a group each comprises 5 people. TOUCHSTONE4
To concept check further They will be asked to transform those 10 sentences in to 3rd conditional and write them plus teacher PW , S-S 9 - 12
and prepare students for down on A3 paper. Then they will check. made handouts
free practice

Created with English Lesson Planner ©

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