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Name: Foroogh • 24 Jan 2019 • Apologizing

In this lesson, students learn about how to make a complaint, request and apology. The primary competence is Strategic Competence. the teacher starts with a pre-task, drawing learners
attention towards a situation and directing the students to the marker sentence of "I'm sorry". it is followed by more stages to let the students communicate more in target language.

Main Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation , pair work and discussion in the context of complaining neighbor and other authentic context making an excuse
and aopology.

Sub Aims
To provide review of how to make a request using modal verbs (based on previous activity in the textbook) and to activate socio-linguistic competence as well (making formal and
informal excuse, turn taking, maintaining and etc )

Adapted discussion task (Interchange 2 - Third Edition )

Please see the following page for the lesson procedure

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Name: Foroogh • 24 Jan 2019 • Apologizing

Stage Procedure Materials Time Comment
Pre- task Teacher asks students to work in pairs and find the reason for being late in the classroom.
To set lesson context and After collecting different reason, teacher direct the students to the situation and ask them
engage students as well what they normally say when they are late.
T-S, PW -5
as direct the students after clarifying the key marker of " I am sorry" , the teacher identifies the meaning of
toward the section apology, request and excuse and make an example of a request ( as the response)
objectives for example the teacher may say " could you come earlier from next session?"

Task Students work in pairs and make three complaints about their neighbors.
To provide an opportunity the teacher makes an example first.
to practice target for example; my neighbor puts his garbage in the hallway.
productive skills the teacher walks around, listens to them, makes note and guides them
the teacher could also give them some topics such as guest, noise, parking and pets
In part C
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students change their complaints and they play the role of neighbors
one student make the complaint and request and the other student makes an excuse and
they are doing it in pairs and other students listen as well.
they complete the table as they are listening to each pairs.
they will check the table at the end.

Reflection and feedbacl in this part, each receives a scenario.

To provide students with student A makes an excuse and apologizes , his/her partner responds to his/her apology
practice of the task then students get different roles
language and use the Students need to use different expressions for different situations - 15
strategies in different for example for the first scenario , the person who has forgotten his/her dentist
functions and contexts appointment should be polite and formal and make reliable excuse.
the interlocutor should answer politely and formally as well.

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