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‘OVERNORS ENGINE een GOVERNING Core. SYSTEMS ESD5100 SERIES Stasuiry Roop fbn, {— 1DLe eres m crue = runTOe IT. sarnehy SECD EF SPEED CONTROL UNIT GOVERNORS AMERICA CORP. « 720 Silver St. * Agawam, MA 01001-2907, USA ESD5100 SERIES PTI 1000 PRODUCT TECHNICAL INFORMATION] | JULY 2000 SPEED CONTROL UNIT ; INTRODUCTION “The ESD5100 Series speed contro unitis anal electronic device designed to control engine speed wth fast and precise response to wransiant oad changes. This cosed locp contol, when con- noctes to a proportional electric actuator and suppfed with a magnetic epeed soneor signal, wil conto! a wid votiety of tngines in an isochenous or drocp mode. Its designed for Figh Felaitty and bull ruggadly to wihstanc the engine environment. Simplicity of installation and adjustment was foremost in the esign. Non-interacting performance controls allow near opti- ‘mum response to be easily obtained, ‘Otner features include; adjustable droop and idle operation, Inputs for accessories usec in ruttiengine or special applica tions, protection against reverse battery voltage, transient vol- 12996, accidental shor ciccult ofthe actuator and failsale design inthe ovent of loes o! spoed consor signal or bettary supply. DESCRIPTION Engine speed information for the speed control unit is usually received fron a magnetic speed sensor. Any other signal ganer- aling device may be used provided the generated frequency is proportional to engine speed and maets the voltage input and frequency rango specification. The speed sansor is typicaly mounted in clase proximity to an engine driven ferrous gear, usually the engine ring gear, AS the teeth of he geer pass the tic Sensor, a signal is generated which is porportionsl 10 engine speed. ‘Signal eirongth must be within the range of he input amplifier. An ‘ampituce of 0.5 to 120 volts AMS is required to alow the unt 10 function within iis dasign specifications. The speed signal 's ‘applied 10 Terminals G and D of the speed control unt. Between these terminals thereis an inputimpedance of over 33,000 ohms. ‘Terminal D is internally connected to Terminal E, battery nega- tive, Only one end of the cable shield should be connected. When a speed sensor signal is received by the controler, the signalis aottied and shapec by an internal crcult to provide en. analog speed sanal. tthe speed sensor monitor does ro! detect 1 speed sensor signal, the output circuit f the speed control urit ‘will tum of al currant to the actuator. ‘A summing circuit receives the speed sensor signal along with the speed adjust set point Input. The speed range has a ratio of £:1 and is adjusted with a 25 turn potentiometer. The output tom the summing circuits the input to the dynarric contro secton of the spaed contol unit. The dynamic control circu, of which the {gain and etebilly adjustments aro par, haea control function that wil provide isochronous and stable performance for mostengine types ard fuel systems. “The speedcontro| unit output circuit's influenced by ne gain and stability perlormance adjusiments. The governor system sonsitiviy is increased with clockwise rotation of the g ‘adjustment. The gain adjustment has a range of 33:1, The slabiity adjustment, when advanced clockwise, increases tho time raie of response of the governor system to match the various lime constants of a wide vatlety of engines. The speed control Unit is a P'| D device, the "D”, derivative portion can be varied when required (See instability section). During engine cranking, the actuator becomes fully energized ‘and moves tothe maximum fuel postion, The actuator wil emain in that state during engine cranking and acceleration, white ihe fengine is a! steady load, the actuator will be energized with suficient currert fo mainisin the governcr spead set point The output circuit provides switching current at @ frequency of ‘about 800 Hz ‘odrive the actuetar, Since the switching frequency ‘is well beyond the natural frequency of the actuator, here is no visible rotion of the actuator output shatt. Switching the output transsiors reducas ts intemal power disspaton for efficient [power control. The output circu can provide currant of up 10 10 ‘amps continuous at25°C for 12nd 24 VDCbatery ystems. Tho ‘actuator responds lo the average current to postion the engine fuel conval ever. In standard operation, the speed control unit perlormance is isockronous. Droop govaming can be selected by connecting terminals K and Land the percent cf dioop governing can ba varied withthe croop adjusimentcontrol. The droop range cen be Increased by connecting Terminals G and H. “The speed contol unit has several performance and protection features which erhance the governor system. A speed anticipa- tion circuit minimizes speed overshoot on engine startup or ‘when large increments of load ere applied io the engine. Engine idle speed can te remotely selected and is edlustable. Accessory Inputs to achieve variable speed operation and muli-angne ‘contro! can be accepted by the ESD5100 Series speed control Unit fram GAC load shating modules, automatic syachronizers, ramp generators and other accessory ongino contro! modulos. Protection against reverse batlery voliage and transient voltages Is provided. Tne design is fail-safe in the event of loss of speed ssonsor signal of battery supply. “The ESD5100 Series speed control unit is compatible with GOV- ERNORS AMERICA CORP. proportional eloctic actuators as well as those of cther manufacturers. ‘SPECIFICATIONS PERFORMANCE Isochronous Operation’Steedy State Statilty carr setae 0.28% oF Detar Speed RangotGovernor ..... WORE IIIS 75 He continuous Speed Drit With Temper (Gove = 1% maximum Idle Adjust OW 4... + iin. 1200 Hi. below sot spood Idle Adust COW - , ets in. 4100 H2. below sot epood DDreop Range. SL ceetae 1 6 regulation? Drooo Adj. Max (HG and KL iumpered) os TUT 67 He, & 75 He. per 10 A change Droop Adj. Min. (H-G Open. K-L Jumpered) TININIIIIIIIIIIS 8 Ha, © 6 He. por 1.0 A change Speed Trim Rango sansa seve 200 KZ Flomoto Variable Speed Range «2.0... ssscseree 500 7.5K Hs oF any part thereo! Terminal Sensitvty apsrohpsceseaiccaagceatnss yaa eR 100 Hz, + 15 Hz/ Vol @ 5.0 K impedance Lrsclbertenvenonvabinsurtyenebenstieesprete LOTT 738 Hz), = 60 He / Volt 65 K impedance N see TILL aas ta. 10 Hz Wot @ 1 Meg, impedance Pe + 10VDC Supply 20 ma Mex. ENVIRONMENTAL ‘Ambient Operating Tem a 40" + 180°F (~40"t0 + 85°C) Rolalvo Humidty s...essesscesssevseeseesve Up to 059% Al Surface Finishes. TUITE ILIOIIIIT Fungus prot corrosion resistant INPUT POWER Gio) rouse ss: 120724 YOO Batery Syste (ransot 8 rverae vole rte” Polatty J : ‘Negative ground (case isolated) Power Consurrotion : COS oc $0 caruous pl autor cue Maximum Actuator Gurtoni ai 25°6 (77°F aver : veces: 10 Amps continuous" Spoed Sensor Signel Po sos 0.54120 Volts RMS RELIABILITY Mtn aaeren naires eee 1G @ 20400 Hz Testing... vas “100% Funcionaly tested PHYSICAL Dimensions aaa sesssee+- S00 outing (Diagram 1) Weight ciel ive sdauieeeoreesth - 1.2 Ibs. (545 grams) MOONE | greccatsnhilbeeebeosavcome nrgennaredh ecteneseas ctemnenrstaweny Any position, vorical proterred "Droop is based on a spaedsansar frequency of 4000 He andan actuator currentchange of amp from no load tofullload. Appcations: with higher speed sensor signal wil experience less percentage of droop. Applications with more actuator current change will ‘experience higher percentages of droop. See drocp description for specie detalls on oporation of droop ranges. “Protected against reverse voltage by a series diode, A 15 amp fuse must be installed in the positive battery lead. For 32V eystoms, ordor ESD5202 *Pretected ageins! short crcull to actuator (shuts off current to actuator), unit automatcalty turns back on when shor is removed. ESD 5100 Series (Popuiar Executions) ESD 5119 - Reverse Acting / EFC Actuator ESD 5120 - Forward Aciing / EFC Actuator / ADG 100 Series / ACE 110 Series

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