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Project Detail

Sr No# Project Name Sr NO #
1 IT solution of Pakistan Mint 1
2 Inventory Control & Mangement System 2
3 Press Intermational 3
4 E Health Care Torum of Doctors in swl 4
5 Optmus prince Desktop app 5
6 one stop food spot 6
7 online photo ghraphy shop 7
8 Learn Management system 8
9 Bussnies leasning manager 9
10 Turism in Pakistan 10
11 Auto vihicle Plate form 11
12 Life Saver Pro 12
13 learning Mangment system 13
14 search engin for female medrasas 14
15 Job Portal 15
16 Judicialsuit establismnet for section cort 16
17 Railvay reservation system 17
18 smart services finder Android app 18
19 Admition prediction 19
20 20
21 UOS sport live score bord 21
22 online buss ticket reservation 22
23 23
24 shpeing deck 24
25 petiont appointment system 25
26 notice bord 26
27 Uni of Sahiwal Perchansing system 27
28 Personal Bussnies website 28
29 Railvay reservation system 29
30 30
31 student carried counsel 31
32 HR and employ orrientation 32
33 markeet shop 33
34 E Payment 34
35 UOS student Hub 35
36 Time table Genrator system 36
37 Grousry store management system 37
38 smart Tech 38
39 Hostel booking BZU 39
40 40
41 online auction system 41
42 kids toys markeet place 42
43 Ta Tech CRM system 43
44 Salah alarm applicaton 44
45 Drug control system 45
46 self dignostic system 46
47 jabar casting lemited 47
48 Exames paper repostivly system 48
49 Auto Droid Android automation 49
50 University examination system with smart profile 50
51 Online Quiz system 51
52 ST Assistant 52
53 School system Profile 53
54 comunititi builder sotioal network 54
55 Facil_E_Quran 55
56 Online Parking system 56
57 easy Azan Hights 57
58 steping security system 58
59 bliss event Organization 59
60 saloon services 60
61 cal recorder 61
62 Edict Atire 62
63 Seat Hub 63
64 Housing socity orgnazer 64
65 Car Care center 65
66 vertiul Opration theater 66
67 HB Real estate 67
68 Helping hand CNGO Gardiane system 68
69 pesticide stock management systmej 69
70 insurance management system 70
71 Tech to spech recognization 71
72 Khari dar .pk 72
73 Android buss tracking system 73
74 online oil lubricant sale system 74
75 online apartment mangment system 75
76 Baby Adoption onlline site 76
77 online vedio tetorials 77
78 Air line booking system 78
79 Madi care Desktop app 79
80 online Grosery system 80
81 point of sale evnentory 81
82 Restorant panel system 82
83 online ferneture shop 83
84 Green Grosery system 84
85 blood bank and donation management system 85
86 online rental car system 86
87 food calories 87
88 PGSS Android POS 88
89 click to clear Android app 89
90 Esaarfoundation Android app 90
91 sniphir java search engin 91
92 the Inteligent Tetorial system 92
93 complaint Mangement system 93
94 Smart Pay Role 94
95 Umar shping and logistics system 95
96 Online Reporting system 96
97 Online Leave manement system 97
98 Horifi construction Company 98
99 life Stock management system 99
100 100
101 Donate Now 101
102 Universty Notes Galarry 102
t Detail

Projects Name
Gym Management system
Password and authentication
school management system
Online advertisement system
scientific calculator
Railway time scheduling system
online grossery store
patient record management system
online property management system
Java desktop app post office management system
online book store
online leave management system
sport week event management system
Medic-care system
payroll management system
online crime reporting system
electric billing system
online university teachers time scheduling system
online school evaluation system
online botiaque management system
human resource management system
library mangement system
trip management system
manipulating the temprature of the week
eclectronic voting system
job portal system
event management system
cgpa and grade calculator
student database system
online resturent order taking
online employee scheduling system
car showroom mangement system
student database system
webbase home maintennce system
real estate rental and sale system
desktop app employee salary calculator
azan alarm
bank management system
hostal database managemen system
online cosmatic store
online career councling
g map tour systm
uni-lever point sale system
online loundary system
onine bussiness and IT consaltant
online car rental system
water resources board system
online computer zone
use land record management system
Alumini sysstem for students
online event photography system
airline reservation and fight scheduling
hotal management system
prison management system
Loan managements system
A new technique to hide info within image
educational desk
complaint management system
android app maath junior
address book
universty web control through admin panel
knowledge hub
shop alotment system
state life insurance system
travel and tourism system
state life insurance system
online health care
examination management system
bypassing antivirus detection with encryption
student registration app
money exchange calculation
train ticket reservation system
online pharmacy
courier management system
track and trace system
vehicle isurance management system
marriage hall system
my browser desktop app
online interior design web
event scheduler
online hire a cab system
housing society system
attendence management system
oniline matrimmonil system
student fee calculator
online jewlery system
online university management system
online ebook store system
employee database management system
flight managemet system
onilne student portal
tailor master management system
talent emplyement zone
online social society
the musci world
out patient bill calculation system
insurance managemnt system
metro bus ticket reservation system
university security system
uni lever point sale system
car rental system
book payemtent order app
training and placement system
bank location indicator
student education help desk
online furninture showroom
canteen mangement system
online blood donation
electronic sale purchase system
ptcl billing calculation system
automated recute suggestion for ltc
online qiuz system
school management system
store inventory system
product database

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