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Practice Answer Paper -1

Q.1) Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence:

1) Brazil is seen as one of the world’s major markets and contributor
to economic growth of the world.
2) Siwaliks is the southernmost range of the Himalayas
3) In areas which receive less than 500 mm of rainfall, Thorny and
bushy forests are found
4) As the Latitudinal extent of Brazil is more, there is a variety in
climatic conditions.
Q.2) Arrange the following in correct order and complete the chain.
1) The Himalayas - The Northern Plains - the Vindhyas - The Satpuras
-Deccan Plateau
2) Guyana Highlands – Amazon Plains- Brazilian Highlands- The Great
3) Himachal Pradesh – Madhya Pradesh - Andhra Pradesh – Uttar Pradesh
4) Roraima - Amazonas – Rio Grande do Sul - Pernambuco

Q.3) State whether the following statements are true or false and correct the
false statements.
1) False:
During a field visit, change in vegetation indicates the change in
2) False: Brazil was under Portuguese rule for more than three
3) False: To the eastern side of the Aravalis, lie the Ganga Plains.
4) True
5) False : Huge anacondas are found in the swampy areas of Pantanal.

Practice Answer Paper 1 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 1

Q.4 A) Fill the following in the given outline map and also prepare an

Q.4 B) Read the following map and answer the given questions.
i) Arunachal Pradesh
ii) more than 500 persons per
iii) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal (Any Two)
iv) Jammu and Kashmir
v) West Bengal/Tamilnadu (Any one)
vi) Rajasthan

Practice Answer Paper 1 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 2

Q.5) Give geographical reasons. (important points)
1) Points - Waste should not be thrown out of the window while
- following discipline is very important -
- should not dirty or spoil the place we are visiting
2) Points - Equable/hospitable climate, fertile soil, ample availability
- centre of coffee production, agricultural and industrial
- storehouse of minerals and good power supply
3) Points - location of India – between the tropics - seasonal rainfall
- seasons are different – high rate of evaporation during
- trees shed leaves when water is scarce.
4) Points - Historically, railways have been used for long distance
transportation, availability of plain region.
- it is cheaper than the roadways
- good connectivity by railways.
- almost all parts of the country is connected by railways
Average Life of India and Brazil (Year)

Average Life

50 India
30 Brazil
1990 2000 2010 2016

Q.6 A) Prepare a multiple bar graph and write the answers.

i) Answer - 67 years
ii) Answer - 1990-2000
iii) Points - Brazil’s life expectancy has been more than India in all the
- It is increasing in both the countries due to improved medical
facilities and standard of living.

Practice Answer Paper 1 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 3

Q. 6 B) Read the following graph and answer the questions.
i) Answer - Maximum - 35
Minimum - 15
ii) Answer - Brazil – November to April
India – May to October
iii) Answer - August
iv) Answer - August
v) Answer - January
vi) Answer - January
Q.7) Answer the following in detail. (Important Points)
1) Points - Visit to different places having different location, climate,
and landforms
- interacting with local people, cultures, food and clothes
- comparison of two regions
- making questionnaire with specific thing in mind
2) Points - location of Brazil- latitudinal extent high – variation found
in climate
- north- near equatior – equable climate throughout the year
- coastal areas equable
- south is comparatively cooler and the northern part near
Guyana highland experience high temperature.
3) Points - Population increases when birthrate is more than death rate.
- growth rate is decresing because the difference in birth rate
and death rate is not as high as it was earlier.
4) Points - Conservation of Wildlife
- restricting wild life trading and hunting
- declaring more national parks and sanctuaries
- giving more importance to endangered animals
- Forest conservation
- controlling felling of trees
- afforestation and social forestry programmes to be implemented

Practice Answer Paper 1 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 4

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