Selection Examination For Diploma in Elderly Medicine 2015-1

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1. Claudication distance of a patient with chronic limb ischemia can be increased by,
1. Graded exercise
2. Aspirin treatment
3. Stopping smoking
4. BP control
5. Pressure stockings
2. Presenting features of hypothyroidism,
1. Depression
2. Increased mean corpuscular volume (mcv)
3. Atrial fibrillation
3. Lesions occurring in which of the following sites can cause R/homonymous hemianopia,
1. R/optic nerve
2. R/optic tract
3. L/optic tract
4. Optic chiasm
5. L/occipital cortex
4. 65yr old known patient with HT controlled with Atenolol found to have irregular pulse
by her GP. She is asymptomatic & diagnosed as AF. What are the drugs to be started,
1. Amiodarone
2. Verapamil
3. Digoxin
4. Warfarin
5. flecainide
5. Regarding advance life support,
1. Early defibrillation improves survival
2. Chest compressions to breathing ratio is 15:2
3. Adrenalin known to establish spontaneous circulation
4. No drug is known to improve survival
6. Causes of hypercholesterolemia,
1. Hypothyroidism
2. Primary biliary cirrhosis
3. Hepatocellular jaundice
4. Nephrotic syndrome
7. Non metastatic skin manifestations of malignancy,
1. Dermatomyositis
2. Granuloma annulare
3. Morphoea
4. Erythroderma
5. Tylosis

8. Causes of hematemesis,
1. Salicylate treatment
2. Feeding via NG
3. Oral Iron overdose
4. Hypertrophic gastritis

9. Regarding renal disease,

1. Degree of proteinuria is proportionate to the severity.
2. Orthostatic proteinuria is abnormal.
3. Granular casts are exclusively seen in renal disease.
4. UOP 3000ml/24hrs is normal.
10. Features predisposing to UTI,
1. Urinary tract obstruction
2. Pregnancy
3. Hyperkalemia
4. Prolong use of Tetracycline
11. Which of these drugs are bacteriostatic,
1. Amoxicillin
2. Cephalosporin
3. Tetracycline
4. Erythromycin
12. Causes of PUO,
1. IMN
2. Rheumatoid arthritis
3. Community acquired pneumonia
4. Thyrotoxicosis
13. Optic atrophy caused by,
1. Neurosyphilis
2. Glaucoma
3. Multiple sclerosis
4. Ethambutol treatment
5. Trauma
14. Non motor manifestations of Parkinson’s disease,
1. Constipation
2. Dementia
3. Bradykinesia
4. Delusions
5. Depression
15. Diseases causing rapid renal failure,
1. Leptospirosis
2. Renal TB
3. SLE
16. Purpura is seen in,
1. HSP
2. SLE
3. Chronic liver disease
4. Raynaud’s phenomenon
17. Which of the following manifestations occurring in isolate & recover within 24 hrs
suggest TIA,
1. Diplopia
2. Transient LOC
3. Sensory impairment of one side of the face
4. Dysarthria
18. Adverse effects of corticosteroids,
1. Dementia
2. Depression
3. Pancreatitis
4. Osteoporosis
5. Osteoarthritis
19. Bone density increased in,
1. Osteopetrosis
2. Paget’s disease
3. Renal osteodystrophy
4. Hyperparathyroidism
20. Risk factors for osteoporosis,
1. Late menopause
2. Family history of hip fracture
3. Corticosteroids
21. Causes of metabolic acidosis with high anion gap,
1. Diabetic ketoacidosis
2. Paracetamol poisoning
3. Metformin accumulation
4. Salicylate poisoning
22. T/F regarding postural hypotension,
1. Is not a feature of dehydration.
2. Drop in systolic BP >20mmHg
3. Rise in diastolic BP >10mmHg
4. Is a result of autonomic failure.
5. Tamsulosin causes postural hypotension.
23. Renal parenchymal calcification seen in,
1. Tuberculosis
2. Medullary sponge kidney
3. 2ry hyperparathyroidism
4. Sarcoidosis
24. Paradoxical splitting of second heart sound seen in,
1. Severe AS
2. Complete RBBB
3. PDA
25. Patient with IHD & CHF with a history of smoking for many years presented with
pulmonary oedema. T/F regarding Mx,
1. 100% O2 should be given
2. IV Morphine 2.5 mg
3. IV Frusemide 40mg
4. ISDN titrated to blood pressure
26. Drugs known to improve survival in heart failure,
1. Verapamil
3. Digoxin
4. Spironolactone
5. metapralol
27. T/F regarding Asthma,
1. Spirometry is use to assess reversibility.
2. PEFR is maximal in early morning.
3. ACE inhibitors are safe to use.
4. Use high flow O2 in an acute attack.
28. T/F regarding CURB65 criteria for assessment of pneumonia,
1. Confusion
2. Respiratory rate >40/min
3. WBC >20000
4. Systolic BP <90mmHg
5. Pulse rate >100 bpm
29. Regarding delirium tremens
1. Associates with auditory hallucinations
2. Associates with visual hallucinations
3. Manage with ECT
30. Female presenting with dehydration, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation. Serum
Calcium level 3.5mmol/l. what investigations do you arrange,
1. Serum PTH level
2. Serum vit D level
3. Urinary hydroxyprolin
4. 24hr urine free calcium
5. ACE level
31. T/F regarding Charcot’s joints,
1. Common in females than males.
2. Seen in DM.
3. Treatment is benzyl penicillin if due to neurosyphilis.
4. Kyphosis is a manifestation.
5. Improved with treatment with penicillin.
32. T/F regarding human chromosomes,
1. Number is 46 in a somatic cell.
2. They are identical in all cells in a same phenotype.
3. Mosaism is the presence of cells with different numbers of chromosomes in a single
4. Non disjunction must be followed by translocation.
5. They are use as tumour markers.
33. Central cyanosis seen in,
1. Ventilation perfusion mismatch
2. Heat stroke
3. Severe prolong exercise
4. AV fistula
5. Methamoglobinemia
34. Diplopia occurs in,
1. Myasthenia gravis
2. Grave’s disease
3. Bell’s palsy
4. Phenytoin toxicity
35. Causes of ATN,
1. Corticosteroids
2. Myoglobinuria
36. Beta 2 stimulation causes,
1. Vasodilation in skeletal muscle
2. Detrusor contraction
3. Glycogenesis inhibition
4. Inhibition of antihistamine produced by mast cells
37. One episode of vertigo + LOC with sweating,
1. Hyperglycemia
2. Pheochromocytoma
3. Paroxysmal tachycardia
4. Zollinger Ellison syndrome
38. Causes for cognitive decline are,
1. DM
2. IHD
3. Living alone
4. Family bereavement
39. Conn’s disease,
1. Hyperkalemia
2. Elevated Renin level
3. Usually surgery is needed
40. Pulmonary edema and LHF with EF of 30%. Which of these will improve the survival?
1. Frusemide
2. Captopril
3. Carvedilol

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