DSP-One Training Booklet S COLAS June15 PDF

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PERENCO training Booklet,

S. COLAS June 2015


DSP-One modules:

1. Well planning (DAY1)

2. Directional Drilling
3. Anti-Collision
4. Well Outline (DAY2)
5. Drill String Analysis
6. Casing Design
7. Casing Operations (DAY3)
8. Cementing
9. Well Control

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1. Well Planning module

ACTION Points to understand

Open DSP-One • Understand the modules
• Perenco licenses management

Create a new well Create a well • Different options choice for new well
• Choice is definitive

“Well planning > Well Input elevation data • Elevation data

Data” • Yellow, blue and white cells
• ST well definition
• Wells database management
Customize units system Create and save your own
“Well planning > Create a platform • DETPHS REFERENCES
Platform/Cluster” Modify a platform • Geodetic conversion tool
• Grid / True north
“Well planning > Well Slot” Create the well slot or the
slots pattern and select one
“Well planning > Grid Enter the targets • Enter manually or from Excel copy/paste
Target” • Target tolerance

“Well planning > Drilling Create a new rig • Ways to import data from DSP-One library
Rig” (drilling rig set-up for instance)

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Well Planning / how to create a new well

• Chose a name:
• Use a reference to clearly identify a well design option, a
date of revision, a trajectory reference in case of
multiple changes with G&G etc (it will appear on well
plots and excel surveys  easy to communicate)
• To change the well name you can use “save as” to save
as a new well (delete the old one then), also usefull to
change specific parameters to make sensitivities
(different well design etc)

• Chose the options between:

• sidetrack well (and eventually parent well)
• actual / planned
• onshore (ref ground level OR MSL) / offshore (ref MSL)
• vertical / deviated
 These choices are definitive you cannot change it

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Well Planning

You have to fill-up all the yellow cells. White cells are optional only. Blue are blocked.
“Operator” data allow to sort your wells data base as appropriate (left display).

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“Reference datum” = MSL

= subsea depth

The word “Reference” for DSP-One is always the one chosen at the well creation i.e. either
ground level or MSL but never Rotary Table. Always be sure of the depth ref.

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Well Planning / units

Units system can be fully customized and saved in your own units system.

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Well Planning / platform

It is not mandatory to create platform and slots for one single

well. Wellhead coordinates can be used as a platform center
with no slots.
If you save a platform however you can not remove it
later the choice is definitive.

To create a new platform you need:

1. to create a well first and save the platform within this well.
2. to create all slots in this platform (there are 2 methods).
Do this still within first well and select a slot for this well.
To create new wells on the platform then you need for each:
1. to import the platform, and not create it with same
name/coord, otherwise it will save multiple platforms in
the library with same one and only one will get your slots.
2. import the slot for your well.

Once all the actual and/or planned wells are created within
the platform, you can move wells on slots at any time (after
AC studies for example).

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Well Planning / create a new platform

Enter a name and Grid Northing/Easting and Save to create the new platform.
Platform name can be changed with the button if there is only one well.

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Well Planning / new wells on a platform

Platforms library

When creating new actual or planned wells on an existing platform, don’t enter any
new data but use “import” button to import the existing platform/slots from the library.
If there was mistakes you can find several platform with same name.

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Well Planning

Platform name can also be changed later if there is several wells, go thru “Utilities”.

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Well Planning

Take care when modifying platform for several wells. When changing platform
coordinates, check impact on targets coordinates (should be input in Grid not local).

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Well Planning > slots creation

You can use slots only inside a platform.

1. Slots can be either constructed from a

regular pattern with north/east spacings,
lines and rows, as it would be on an offshore

1. Or slots can be created with their absolute

coordinates only with no pattern.

Once the slots are created you can display the

pattern and generate a table of slots
coordinates, display the spider of the wells etc.

The slots and the wells are definitely linked to

the platform but it is possible to move the wells
on the slots at any time.

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Well Planning > create a slots pattern

N 10
7 12
4 N
1 W
2 E
3 S CC

Local North (N/S)


Local East (E/W)


CC = Cluster centre

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Well Planning > create a slots pattern

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Well Planning > create a slots pattern

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Well Planning > create absolute slots

You have to do this within one well of the platform. Go to slots creation screen:
- click “New” to zero all yellow fields, enter a slot name and Grid North/East
- “save” AND “save as” in the slots library
- click “New” to zero again and repeat to create all slots
- check regularly by clicking “Import” to check that slots are created

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Well Planning > how to delete slots

Exit current module and go to Utilities > Drilling references > Slots:
- select the platform where you want to delete the slots in the drop down menu
- import the slot to be deleted
- click on “Delete” button
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Well Planning > how to delete a platform

Exit current module and go to Utilities > Drilling references > Platform:
- import the platfrom to be deleted. It will delete all associated wells.
- click on “Delete” button

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Well Planning > Grid target

"Grid Targets" are targets for which the locations are defined in terms of grid co-ordinates as
opposed to local co-ordinates.

• A platform and a slot are required to

get this screen.
• Grid Target TVD's must be input as
depths below the reference datum
level ie GL or MSL - not as depths
below RTE/RKB level (it is always
mentioned in red)
• Target name max 20 characters
• Use “save as / import” to quickly
import targets
• Can paste from EXCEL !

This is the most convenient way to enter targets with easy “save as”/”import” functions. But it
is also possible to enter targets directly in the Directional Drilling screen. Import will not
be possible but note that the reference there will be RT/RKB.

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Import / export

Can import/export specific wells or full platform with “Zip Export”. Or save full data base
with “Export Backup”. Usefull to exchange files.
Send Zip file to support@Techdrill.com when you need support.
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DSP-One « common data »

Throughout DSP-One there are several screens that permit the user to save the input data to a
common file so that it may subsequently be imported for use by other wells. The common data files
are stored in various sub-directories of the Common directory of DSP-One.

The common file types that may exist, and the screens that create them, are as follows:

o Bottom hole assembly files - created by the "Drill String" screen.

o Casing / liner files - created by the "Next Casing" screen.
o Casing programme files - created by the "Casing Programme" screen in the Outline module.
o Cementing fluid files - created by the "Cementing Fluids" screen in the Cementing module.
o Mud files - created by the "Mud" screen.
o Pump files - created by the "Pump / SCR" screen in the Well Control module.
o Rig files - created by the "Drilling Rig" screen in the Well Planning module.
o Grid target files - created by the "Grid Target" screen.
o Formation top files - created by the "Top Of Formation" screen in the Outline module.
o Units configuration files - created by the "Units" set-up screen.

Whilst many different screens create common files, the Common File Maintenance option on the Utilities
drop down menu is the only function within DSP-One that permits these files to be deleted when they
are no longer required.

This is applicable to Grid targets but not to delete platform / slots.

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DSP-One « common data »

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DSP-One « common data » how to delete

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2. Directional Drilling module

ACTION To understand
“Directional Drilling > Input surface and target data • Understand references
Directional data”

“Directional Drilling > Build a directional profile, play • Understand all different methods
Direct planning” with all the methods • Understand survey report

Trajectory plots Generate 2D / 3D plots and • How to customize and use plots
export it

“Directional Drilling > Optimize surface location to • Graphical interface

Reverse planning” reach the targets

“Directional Drilling > Use the graphical interface to • Graphical interface

Utilities > Uncertainty” plan the directional profile

Tortuosity How to add tortuosity and why

Create an actual well and a

ST well

Perform Anti-Collision • Understand different models of error and

study separations, Perenco Policy

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Empty page for notes

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Directional Drilling

If a Grid Target has been defined for the well in the Well Planning module then the details will be
displayed (though they can still be edited). Note that the displayed TVD in this case will be the Grid
Target TVD below reference datum level (MSL or Ground Level) plus the RTE entered on the Well Data
screen in the Well Planning module.
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Directional Drilling > step by step design

Red informations in the table are specified by user and black are
calculated. The step by step design methods below will be enabled or
disabled depending on the number of informations the user has specified
(the more constraints the less possible methods). You have to manually
delete each cell to enable another method. See SLIDE 39.

Step by step calculation methods

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Directional Drilling > Methods

 Hold = Tangent
 Progressive build
 Build & Turn
 Tool Face
 Constant Dogleg
 Automatic


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Directional Drilling


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Directional Drilling


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Directional Drilling


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Directional Drilling


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Directional Drilling

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Directional Drilling > Methods

/!\ This table is extremely helpful to know which parameter should be filled or not to allow
the use of the method you would like to use in the step by step table.

If you want to activate either the hold method, build & turn etc, you have to fill and delete
the information in the cells as per above table.

For example if you paste target data with all TVD, N/E, Incl/Az, the software will compute an S-
type with the final incl/Az specified. If you delete the Incl/Az you give him flexibility to calculate
Incl/Az and make a constant Dog Leg J-type for example.

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Directional Drilling > Hold

• Entry Data: Depth or TVD

KOP or Hold
Vertical Inclination

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Directional Drilling > Progressive Build
• Depth : Initial and Final build rate is required. The
turn rate is optional. 0.5º
Contact forces minimization
• Good if you want to plan for an increasing BUR
between 2 points, low at KOP then more
• Usefull to reduce contact forces compared to 3.5º
constant dog leg

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Directional Drilling > Build and Turn

• Depth or TVD : B&T is required

• Inc or Az : B&T is required
• Depth or TVD and Inc & Az : B&T are calculated

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Directional Drilling > Tool Face

0° TF is build high side

180° TF is drop low side build

90° TF is turn right

270° TF is turn left drop

240 120

120° is drop to the right

300° is build to the left 180

left right

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Directional Drilling > Tool Face

• Depth: Dogleg and Tool Face are required

• It is a way to say I want to turn and drop with that DLS on my


• Useful option for sidetracks

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Directional Drilling > Constant Dog Leg

• TVD, North & Easting : Dog Leg is required

• To be able to use the constant DLS method you V
need to choose the target first and then manually
delete incl and azimuth Curve

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Directional Drilling > Automatic

• TVD, Northing, Easting, Inc & Az required. Build rates are required

• It builds curve + tangent + curve + « line up length » before to reach the target

• Nice for S wells or 2 curves wells or S modified or J modified

C1 = DLS1 (+)

V T1

Curve - Tangent - Curve - Tangent: C2 = DLS2 (-)

T2 = Line Up

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Directional Drilling > Plots

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Directional Drilling > Plots

Can display mapping of the DLS - Scan of the survey stations

Shift + clic on mouse is same as clic but slower

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Directional Drilling > Plots

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Directional Drilling > Plots

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Directional Drilling > Plots

Camera button
Same as the mouse

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Directional Drilling > Plots

Can add other platforms as well (see top right hand)

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Directional Drilling > Plots

Save as bitmap

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Directional Drilling > Plots

Save as study to open it again later « as is ». If not you will have to reconfigure again everything.

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Directional Drilling > Reverse planning

Useful when you want to select the best rig location for your wells. Surface position will be
computed after graphical optimization and survey will be generated (click « compute now »).

It’s possible for one well per platform only. You need another software after.

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Directional Drilling > Reverse planning

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Directional Drilling > Graphical interface

How to use the graphical interface to create the directional profile:

1. Delete current directionnal data if any in the « direct planning » sheet

2. Go to « Utilities » sheet and clic the Uncertainty module to plan
3. Use the arrow down to select the KOP and Enter
4. Right clic to switch to Horizontal plot view
5. Click into both targets after selecting « Bull eye’s » to select center of the
target, Enter
6. Select Dog Legs to achieve the profile to the targets

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Directional Drilling > Graphical interface

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Directional Drilling > Graphical interface

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Directional Drilling > Graphical interface

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Directional Drilling > Survey Reports

It is also possible to export the survey to excel. Copy/paste from Excel can be used as
well to import an existing survey to a planned or actual well.

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Directional Drilling > Projection for actual well

Can do real time comparison with the

planned well while drilling.

For the actual well use the option

« way to target » to extrapolate to TD or
readjust the plan.

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Directional Drilling > Uncertainty cone

It is mandatory to add a survey tool if you want to run the AC.

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Directional Drilling > Uncertainty cone

You can plot the uncertainty cone of the well on the vertical or horizontal plot.

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Directional Drilling > Uncertainty cone

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Directional Drilling > Error models of DD tool
Each survey tool is specific and has an associated error model based on its accuracy.

Uncertainty Cone: Supposes that the error is the same in all directions. The uncertainty is a circle
perpendicular to the well, increasing its diameter with depth (accumulative effect). That’s why is known
as “Cone model”.

The uncertainty radius is a function of:

• Directional tool quality ( in mts / 1000 m )
• Well Inclination

Ellipsoid: Recognizes that the error is different in the axis X, Y and Z. The uncertainty generated is an
ellipse, that increases its size with depth.

Wolff & de Wardt Error Systematic Model was used in the past (and still used by DSP-One).

The International Steering Committee on Wellbore Surveying Accuracy (ISCWSA) has defined
some specific error models for each tool with a probabilistic approach. Those models are more
sophisticated and accurate than Wolff and de Wardt ones.

The ellipsoid of Uncertainty (EOU), for a point specified by its coordinates, is the volume encompassed
by the point’s position uncertainty, defined at a specified number of standard deviations or confidence
level. The confidence level is a probability notion using the Gaussian distribution, expressed by a
percentage. The size of the EOU depends on the tools used and the confidence level that we consider.

REFER TO PERENCO “Well survey reporting procedure”

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Directional Drilling > Tortuosity

Tortuosity can help to simulate an actual well from a planned well. It induces
variations on DLS etc like in a real well.

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Directional Drilling > Tortuosity

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Directional Drilling > Well separation

 Horizontal

 Traveling cylinder

 Minimum Separation

Separation model choice depends of Company policy.

Most companies use min separation. It is the projection from the planned well on
the nearest point of the offset well. It is perpendicular to the offset well.

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Directional Drilling > Anti-Collision

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Directional Drilling > Anti-Collision

See also : Guideline on Jetting operation to mitigate anti-collision issue in top hole section (Cameroon April 2015)

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Directional Drilling > Anti-Collision
Generic steps for AC study in DSP-One:
1. Create a new planned well on the platform and specify the survey tool planned to be used
2. You can add the check wells from a list or from the graphic interface
3. You can play with the AC main screen to simulate the below cases:
• No uncertainty model selected  it will tell you the distance to another well
• No checked well selected  it will tell you your cone and ellipsoid dimensions along the well
profile and at TD with different survey tools if required
4. Run the AC simulation with a big spacing first to perform the first check with the uncertainty model
and separation model selected.
• You can run first the cone and horizontal separation
• You can run then the ellipsoid with minimum separation to confirm
5. You will identify the major risks. Notepad gives the full report. Separation factor plot is same on a
graphic with arrow navigation. Spider plot, radar plot, 3D plot etc can help to visualize the risk
6. You can rerun the AC study with smaller interval to fine-tune.
7. To correct your well plan, modify it in the Direct Planning screen and update the AC study at each

Note that it is good in a first approximation only as it does not use ISCWSA error
model and uses a different separation factor than PERENCO policy (we take
into account the hole and casing radius and DSP-One has 1 as lower SF limit).
Just use it as a very first approximation. Study should be performed by Directional
Drilling Contractor to be sure that design is fully compliant to Perenco Policy.

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Directional Drilling > Anti-Collision

Can set up the factors limit (utilities)

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3. Well Outline module

ACTION To understand
“Well Outline > Top Of Input formation tops and • Use “save as” and “import” functions
Formation” display lithology / fluids • Graphical interface of tops / fluids

“Well Outline > Pore and • Input data manually or from

Frac Gradient” csv file or copy/paste
• Generate graphics psi/depth
and sg/depth
Casing point screen Position a shoe and check • Well full of Gas or limited kick tolerance
casing point

“Well Outline > Casing Build the casing/liner • Use “save as” and “import” functions
programme” programme • Generate plots
• Keep in mind clear TD criterias for depths
Select phase module Activate phase module and
select a drilling phase

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Empty page for notes

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Well Outline > Formation tops

This is for a planned well. In an actual well you can add « events » as well.

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Well Outline > Pore and Frac gradients

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Well Outline > Pore and Frac gradients

Casing shoes can be defined graphically in this screen, same as you would enter it in the
table. It is also possible to design the shoes for Well full of gas and Limited kick scenario.

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Well Outline > Pore and Frac gradients

With right clic any your depth of interest you can « check » the casing point and design it
either for Well full of gas or Limited kick scenario.

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Well Outline > Pore and Frac gradients

You can specify the mud overbalance and the safety to Frac gradient to plot your mud
window screen.

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Well Outline > Casing programme

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Well Outline > Casing programme

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Well plot

Use page up/down to develop the lithology as required…

This screen is from Directional drilling > utilities > well plot.

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4. Drill String Analysis module

ACTION To understand
“Drill String Select the right tool for analysis: hydraulics, D&T, • Understand software organization
Analysis > Data” etc

“Drill String Add temperature data

Analysis > Data” Create wellbore
Create / Import Drill string • See the catalog to add BHA
Create / Import Mud data elements
Hydraulics 1. Run hydraulics simulation • Pump design, HIS, hole cleaning,
module 2. Optimize flow and TFA cuttings accumulation,
3. ECD analysis screen • ECD, swab and surge
Drag and Torque 1. Run drag and torque simulation for Drilling • Display report, export to Excel
module 2. Run same with tortuosity
3. Optimize screen: max WOB before buckling? • Localize neutral point
4. Optimize BHA for higher WOB
5. Run drag and torque simulation for Sliding
6. Run same for Trip Pumps On / Off
7. Run stuck point simulation
Trip Drag Chart 1. Run trip drag simulation and visualize overpull • Play with different DP (E, X, G, S)
module margin and max weight down
2. Perform sensitivity analysis on friction factor
Swab and Surge Run swab and surge and estimate maximum
module running / pulling speeds

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Drill String Analysis

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Drill String Analysis

Wellbore can be generated automatically based on casing programme. But linear weight has to be entered
manually in this “wellbore” table. Double-check the wellbore data is ok before each new study.

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Drill String Analysis > Catalog

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Drill String Analysis > Drill String

“1 m” is understood by the software as DP to surface

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Drill String Analysis > Drill String

You can change the element name with a clic, but just on the view, same for the connection.
You can drag and drop elements to change their position and it will update the table.

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Drill String Analysis

At any time you can press F2 to get these two windows and reposition it as appropriate on the screen
where it is more convenient.

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Drill String Analysis

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Drill String Analysis > Hydraulics

Optimize screen – you can change all brown values with a clic and up/down arrows. Right clic on Annulus
velocity chart to plot the Corrected Cuttings Concentration chart and again for Transport Index chart.

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Drill String Analysis > Hydraulics

Press F3 from Optimize screen to get this screen and play with parameters. You can play to know what is
the maximum allowable choke pressure (surface restriction? MPD?).

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Drill String Analysis > Hydraulics

Another ECD screen with swab / surge from the main data screen (ECD button).

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Drill String Analysis > Hydraulics

Temperature, right clic from previous screen.

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Drill String Analysis > Hydraulics

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

Add tortuosity.

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

Drag and Torque Drilling optimize screen.

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

Drag and Torque Sliding optimize screen. “String Safety Factor” is a DSP-One factor.

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

You can export Drag and Torque data to Excel.

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

You can put 23 Tf before to buckle while RIH and pull up to 77 Tf when POOH if there is a restriction at
that depth. The maximum pull is not constant on the above as different DP sections were used.

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

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Drill String Analysis > Drag and Torque

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Drill String Analysis > Swab and surge

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5. Casing Design module

ACTION To understand
“Casing Design> Input Design Factors as per Perenco Policy • Perenco Policy

Casing/Tubing Input new pipes in the DSP-One casing / tubing

catalog catalog

“Casing Design> Run the “Landing module” corresponding to the

Landing” initial landing conditions for the casing to be
designed (casing cemented, wet cement)
“Casing Design>Load Define and run each of the load cases to be • Burst / Collapse load cases
Cases” considered

“Casing 1. Select the different casings to study

Design>Data” 2. Select a string or mixed string on burst and
3. Check the selected string in tension
4. Perform iterations as necessary until a • Buckling check, P/U force to
satisfactory string is found prevent buckling

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Casing Design

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Casing Design

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Casing Design

The design factor is the minimum factor to be applied to the

maximum expected load for pipe selection.

The safety factor is the ratio of the actual pipe strength to

the maximum expected load.

In any case the safety factor must be larger or equal to the

design factor.

Perenco Casing and Tubing Design Policies for design

factors is:
 Collapse 1.10
 Burst 1.10
 Axial 1.30
 Triaxial 1.25

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Casing Design > Casing catalog

You can search the pipes library with performance criterias.

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Casing Design > Casing catalog

You can create new pipes / connections.

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Casing Design > Options

You can add casing wear on a section (after KOP for example).
You can copy / paste PPFG data if not done or call it from Well outline module.
You can include a trapped fluid in the annulus and a yield reduction for geothermal wells.
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Casing Design > Landing conditions

“Landing” is the load case corresponding to the end of the cement job with wet cement outside.
“Plug holding” option is confusing. When the floats are holding, check the box with zero holding pressure.
After first design iteration you can get from DSP-One the pick-up force value to prevent any buckling.

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Casing Design > Landing conditions

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Casing Design > Load cases

There are 7 default load cases. 3 more can be customized. Refer to the Perenco Casing and
Tubing design manual for the load cases to consider for each type of casing.

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Casing Design > Load cases

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Casing Design > Load cases

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Casing Design > Casing selection

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Casing Design

Clic “Select String” once the load cases are defined and run, and once the possible casings are selected.

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Casing Design

Choose the casing from bottom to top of the well. Clic to TD first and drag mouse to top of section.
Use the right / left arrows and enter to select one of the pipes to satisfy burst and collapse.

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Casing Design

Once casing is selected you can run the tension check.

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Casing Design

The normalized SF is the calculated SF divided by the design SF ie it should be >1 in any case.

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Casing Design

In case of buckling you can get the initial pick-up force value to apply to prevent it.
Add this value to the landing conditions screen and re-run the simulation.

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Casing Design

Red envelope is the total Yield. Green is the 87.5% shift with tri-axial. Blue is the API.

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Casing Design

Clic on “Next Casing” at the end to take this casing to the next module and update outline etc.

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Casing Design

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Casing Design

It is possible to import calliper data and display it with “import” in the Well Bore section anywhere.

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6. Casing Operations module

ACTION To understand
“Casing Operations> 1. Input a casing string in “Next casing” in case
Data” you did not run the Casing Design module
2. Input “Common data” and run first hydraulics
3. Run optimize screen to play with flow rate
4. Run ECD screen to play with flow, swab &
5. Run the Drag & Torque module
6. Run the Trip Drag Chart module
Centralisation module Perform centralization study (2 different ways to
do it)

Swab & Surge Perform swab & surge study


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Casing Operations

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Casing Operations / Swab and surge

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Casing Operations

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Casing Operations

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Casing Operations > Centralisers

Input centralisers from bottom to top. You can add 3 types of centralisers.
Go to “Centralisation” module then.

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Casing Operations > Centralisers

This is to get 75% stand-off and it will tell the necessary spacing.

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Casing Operations > Centralisers

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Casing Operations > Centralisers

Not very usefull way of display.

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Casing Operations > Centralisers

Second way to do it with “use centralizers” you impose a centralisers spacing and it tells you the
corresponding stand-off.

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Casing Operations > Swab & Surge

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7. Cementing module

ACTION To understand
“Cementing Operations” Define:
- Next casing (the one to be cemented)
- Wellbore
- Mud data
“Cementing Operations > Add all the fluids in the order of pumping
Cementing fluids”

“Cementing Operations > Perform volume calculation.


“Cementing Operations > Perform free fall analysis: • free falls combines ECD and
Data” - Without backpressure drop of cement
- With backpressure

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Details of fluids to be pumped must be input in the table in the order in which they are to be pumped.
There is no need to include the mud already in the well before the cement job, but the mud used to
displace the cement must be included as one of the fluids.

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Take 2 displacement fluids even if it is the same, if you want to displace the last one

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You can get hole volume if caliper data is entered.

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Remember this is just a volume calculation so far.

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Free fall analysis. Static chart.

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Free fall analysis. Dynamic chart (after right clic from previous screen).

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The ECD value is supposed to combine the pumping rate and the free fall effect.

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7. Well control module

ACTION To understand
“Well control” Define: temperature, wellbore, mud data, drill
string, wellbore

“full of gas” 1. Enter LOT data • Re-run it each time to update

module 2. Check the well full of gas • Include safety margin as per policy
3. Sensitivities: max kick pressure for the given
LOT? Min LOT for the given pore pressure?
“kick margin” 1. Enter LOT data or re-run it
module 2. Enter gas gradient and depth
3. Perform iterations between pore pressure and • Perenco kick tolerance guideline
mud weight to define kick tolerance volume in and policies i.e. volume limits,
this scenario with X psi safety margin “exploration / development” and
4. Perform sensitivities to evaluate the limits of “design / while drilling” respective
your well design if you are at the limit hypothesis
(exploration / appraisal): max pore pressure for
50 bbl and the given LOT? Min LOT for the
given pore pressure and LOT?
5. Double-check main results with an excel
“kick control” 1. Add pumps and slow pump rates for each
module 2. Update kick data and run the kick, circulate it
with the control method you want

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Well control > Well full of gas

0.55 sg is pure methan. You can use this screen to calculate the equivalent gas gradient for the kick
margin screen (although you can consider 0.1 psi/ft as a default value)

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Well control > Well full of gas

« Full of gas » check report. Usefull to check BOP rating, casing pressure test etc.
Z is from PV=ZnRT

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Well control > Kick margin

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Well control > Kick margin

Rerun the LOT calculation each time you perform a new simulation to make sure that the shoe
strength value considered in the calculation is the good one (calculate it by hand). It can be a wrong
one even if you see the right LOT value displayed.

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Well control > Kick margin

You cannot specify the safety margin you want in DSP-One (you can do it in BP excel simulator).
Perform iterations in order to get 150 psi safety margin displayed (onshore wells).
ALWAYS double-check results and compare with an excel simulator.

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Well control > Kick control

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Well control > Kick control

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Well control > Kick control

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DSP-One usefull shortcuts

The keyboard special function keys used throughout DSP-One are

described below:
F1 - Help
F2 - Casing Status window (if a Casing Program file exists)
F3 - Top of Formation window (if a Top of Formations file exists)
F4 - Current well outline (if the top formation, casing program and drilling
performance tabs in the outline module have been inputted)
F5 - Current BHA Graphic
F6 - Current Well Bore Graphic
F7 - Current Casing Liner Graphic
F8 - Current well profile Uncertainty Graphic
F9 - Current Mud window graphic
F10 - Current well's Quick Status window
Esc – To close current module

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