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The Great Gatsby Preview Essay: American Dream

Prior to reading The Great Gatsby, I feel that it is important to be well-acquainted with
the era that it was not only written in, but also represents. As a result, you will spend the
next few days writing a Research Based MLA Essay that explores the American Dream
concept, significantly described in the later chapters and context of the book.

During this portion of the course, we are exploring popular culture and the “American
Dream.” At this point, we will consider how popular culture has represented the
American Dream over time, and how that dream has changed. We will also consider how
the reality of the American Dream differs from the popular culture representation.

Assignment: For this essay, you will use argumentative and cause and effect writing
techniques to respond to the following question(s): What is the modern American Dream?
How has the American Dream changed since the 1920s? What caused this change to
occur? What are the effects of this change?

You will create this essay in 4 parts:

- Introduction: You will use a small story either from your own experiences or
something you’ve observed or read in the news/research pertaining to the
Anticipation Guide and 1920s notes/lecture explored in class.
- Thesis: You will create a cause/effect thesis to guide and structure your essay.
This generally has a statement followed by 2-3 points that back up that
statement using research. Use the following template as an example: X
changed the American Dream from Y to Z. (The rise in reality television
changed the American Dream from an aspiration for a steady job and home to
an unrelenting desire for fame.) Or: Due to the overwhelming desire to profit
monetary gain during the roaring twenties, the American dream has shifted
from an ideal of equality to one that desires wealth, seduction, and greed over
integrity and morals. (*You cannot use these ideas for your paper*)
- Body: You will use the cause and effect thesis to lead your body paragraphs.
For example, in the illustration given above about the overwhelming desire to
profit monetary gain, the three main points are wealth, seduction, and greed.
Relating each of those to the American Dream, the paragraphs after the
introduction would include each of those shown below. Create strong body
paragraphs with clear concise examples and effective transitions.
Introduction Paragraph 1- Containing Thesis with 3 main points
Paragraphs 2-3- Main Point 1 and research to support
Paragraph 4-5- Main Point 2 and research to support
Paragraph 6-7- Main Point 3 and research to support
- Conclusion: You will use a “call to action” technique to create an effective
conclusion that encourages your reader to rethink and act on the destiny of the
American Dream based on your research shown.
- The essay must be 2 - 3 pages in MLA format with a minimum of 3
substantial research documents (such as academic journals, books, magazines,
or online resources). Wikipedia and online websites that are not scholarly
sources will NOT be accepted.
- MLA Format includes all proper headings, font size, spacing, margins, in-text
citations, and references.
- The essay must include a works cited page (this does not count for one of the
2-3 pages page count)
- The essay must follow the guidelines listed above, including a thesis with
sufficient research, answering the prompt, and using the
introduction/body/conclusion instructions listed above.

-Due Dates:
In-Class Work Day: Friday, March 1st
MLA Essay Day 1
In-Class Work Day: Monday, March 4th
MLA Essay Day 2
DUE: Tuesday, March 5th
MLA Essay Due

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