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The Great Gatsby- Chapter 1 Surprise

*Given Verbally for Surprise Quiz

1 of 5
Why doesn’t Nick judge Gatsby harshly?

 Nick is in love with Gatsby.

 Gatsby embodies everything that Nick admires about the human spirit.
 Nick is attracted to Gatsby’s personality.
 Gatsby has dirt on Nick.

2 of 5
Where does Nick live in the summer of 1922?

 Long Island’s West Egg

 Long Island’s East Egg
 Manhattan
 Minneapolis

3 of 5
How does Nick differ from other people living in his neighborhood?

 Nick doesn’t have sophisticated manners or connections.

 Nick doesn’t wear stylish clothing.
 Nick doesn’t come from a wealthy family.
 Nick is well-connected and attended a prestigious school.

4 of 5
Whom does Jordan suggest Tom is talking to on the phone?

 His lover
 His father
 His bookie
 Gatsby

5 of 5
What is Gatsby doing the first time Nick sees him?

 Looking out over the water

 Playing golf
 Hosting a party
 Hitting on Daisy
Answer Key:
1. Nick is attracted to Gatsby’s personality
2. Long Island’s West Egg
3. Nick is well-connected and attended a prestigious school
4. His lover
5. Looking out over the water

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