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C16 U10

Israel Oropeza C16 43 1

.Ss will be able to

Always exemplify. HW: Viewpoint pg 2

Course Give course orientation. Have them know exam dates, punctuality and
Orientation homework importance.

Unit Opener Do an ice breaker. Why are you learning English?

& *Direct the conversation to “Fame”, then elicit some famous people
Warm-up they know.
**Hand Ss the name of a famous person. Choose a Ss and hand him a
name, have Ss ask for information like, are you…? Etc. to guess who it
Repeat for 3 Ss, then have them open their books. In mingle have them
ask each other the three questions from page 97.
***Then copy unit objectives.

Voc. Presentation Rise, A lucky break, Tenor, Pub, Spare time, Aria, Standing ovation, On
to something, Release, Upload

Voc. Activity Have ss fill I the questions on screen and then ask and respond the

Setting the scene Have Ss discuss the following question:

What’s the best way to be famous?
*Have some Ss share their answers.

Grammar Ask Ss to read the article on page 98 about Russel Watson’s rise to fame.
Presentation Have them circle the comments that begin with “IF”
Condition result
If he hadn’t won, he might not have had the confidence…

And what would have happened if he had stayed in school?

Would have, could have, might have, should have

*Check for understanding and make sure they understand, use as many
examples as possible.

*Have Ss complete exercise C from page 98

Mechanical Drill Pair check and then as a group.
*Then have Ss complete exercise A from page 99, complete.
Pair check, then check as a group. Clear any doubts.

Meaningful drills Elicit from Ss some actions from the past.

Have Ss complete the hypothetical sentences in the past from the slips.

Communicati. Have Ss give 2 comments and make a hypothetical question about the
Drills following:
If Peña Nieto hadn’t won the presidency…
Voc. Presentation Up-and-coming, In the headlines, Take off, Making headlines, Have
connections, Get discovered, Be in the right place at the right time, Drop
out of sight, Get bad press, Go downhill, Raise, Charity

Voc. Activity Divide the board in 3 (the bottom half) and write the following headings:
Ways to become famous/ When you’re becoming famous/ When things
don’t work out.
*Make two teams, then in competition have Ss take turns running to the
word I say and posting it under the correct heading.

Setting the scene Have Ss open their books to page 100, listen to the audio, *elicit
comprehension of the conversation and have them copy the vocab words.

Grammar Have Ss ask and answer to each other the questions from the slips I give
Presentation them.
*Elicit an affirmative and negative question, write them on the board and
make them notice the way to agree.

*Show intonation. Rising (to check) and falling ( ask fro agreement)

Mechanical Drill Have Ss complete Exercise c from page 100, check and then exercise A
from page 101, pair check and then check as a group.

Meaningful drills Have Ss practice the intonation with the sentence slips I gave them, have
them exchange the slips and ask each other questions around the room.

Communicati. Have Ss take a few minutes to answer the questions from the talk about it
Drills section.
*Ask the first question, elicit an answer, then have Ss pick a side, if they
agree or if they don’t agree with the answer and why? If they want, they
can complement (choose Ss for all of them to participate)
Voc. Presentation Drop out, Feedback, Tough

Voc. Activity Have Ss ask and respond to these questions in pairs.

Do you like to give feedback?
Have you dropped out of a school?
What do you think is toughest thing in life?

Setting the scene Hand Ss a slip of a problem and go around in mingle asking for advice:
What should I do?
Strategy Have Ss listen to 2 people talk about an acting class.
& *Have them pay attention to the way they give suggestions and respond
Strategy Plus to questions.

How’s you acting class going? It’s hard to say.

Well, you could look for another class, couldn’t you?

How can I get her attention? Good question.

It would be good to talk with her, wouldn’t it’

Do you think that If….? That’s a tough one.

You should at least give it a change, shouldn’t you?

Follow Up Have Ss work on exercise D of page 102

Follow Up 2 Have Ss ask and respond to the questions in mingle from the strategy
plus exercise.

Communicati. Divide the group in 2.

Drills Give one team a situation (Have them ask for advice).
And the other team answer and vice-versa

*Situations; You are Peña Nieto right now.

You are famous person getting bad press.
Voc. Presentation Former child actors, achieve stardom, Scrutiny, Stable, Starred in
movies, Wealth, Cope, Achievements, Fulfilling work

Voc. Activity Paste all the vocabulary words on the board, make 2 teams.
Say phrases related to a Word and have Ss run up and touch the correct

Setting the scene Paste around the room, names of actors who have been in public eye
since they were Little.
*In pairs have them ask and share information they know bout them.
*Elicit what they have in common.

Presentation Ask Ss to open their books to page 104 and have them read the article.

Have Ss stand up and put the sentences about the article they think are
Follow Up true on the board. Go over them together.

Have Ss discuss the following question from the Speaking and listening
Follow Up 2 section.
How do you define success? Why?

Communicati. Have Ss Read the Writing section and make them aware of the Topic
Drills sentences and supporting sentences.

Success is enjoying life everyday even though things get difficult. Life
has ups and downs, it’s crazy but you have to enjoy.

*Have them write their idea of success with supporting sentences.

CYBER PLANNING Write on the board:

Warm Up What could have happended…?

If you had gone to sleep early.

If you had said yes to Pedrit@.
If you had studied for your exam.

Follow Up Elicit the past modal verbs: might have, could have, would have. Then pair them and have
them ask and respond.
*Using tag questions as well.

Have Ss complete the Touchstone arcade exercises.

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