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International Newsletter

Built on
the rock


But how can you say there’s one truth? Doesn’t the truth depend on your perspective? How can you be
Christians and discriminate against homosexuals? It’s all the same; every road leads to God. This might
be wrong in your culture and situation, but here, its alright. You are talking of a Stone Age morality in
this space age world!
These remarks, to an extent, reveal the dilemma that Christians face in today’s world. The dividing line between
right and wrong is blurred to the point of almost not being there. Suddenly, there are issues ranging from new
developments in science like stem cell research, to issues on sexuality that make it difficult for the Christian
to find his ground. And whether we like it or not, these attitudes are seeping into the most basic realities of
our everyday existence. They intrude into our families, careers, faith, friendships, society and politics. In fact,
they revolve around the denial of an absolute truth and the establishment of a pragmatic, self-centered world
view. A viewpoint from where morality or faith depends on one’s preferences and conveniences. This viewpoint,
Dear young friends
of Jesus, Often while visiting various countries for the re-constitution of their Jesus Youth
National team, I have noticed a very relaxed ambience as I sit with the outgoing team.
It is a great joy Their faces reveal their thoughts: ”Thank God. It will soon be over’. Each time I witness
for me to scribble this, I am reminded of TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday) - a famous food chain in the US.
a few lines for the People work hard Monday through Friday, and wait for Friday to get a break. However,
Jesus Youth International Newsletter. I I believe Christian leadership is very different and it has two aspects.
have great interest in reading this 1. God calls you and anoints you as a leader to build His Kingdom here.
news bulletin as it gives an overall 2. People recognize that call and choose you specially to lead them in a special
picture of what is happening in this way with a particular responsibility for a specific time.
movement, which is so dear to me. Even when we finish the term of responsibility, the first aspect - God’s call to serve
I have had great experience of the His people - remains the same; only the second aspect changes. We must also
many initiatives youth take, in different remember that God calls individuals for His mission, and not committees/teams. Such groups are formed at
a later stage for specific assignments. So, let our response as leaders always be: “Here I am, Lord, ready for
aspects of life situations, but more so in
my next mission. Continue to use me.”
personal and spiritual renewal. This is
possible because Jesus has become a Often I have seen that even when God’s call is heard clearly, and it is obvious that people have chosen them,
personal God for many young people. many potential leaders hesitate to say ‘yes’ because of the misgivings they harbour as they look at their life
He is not merely someone whose situations and see the many difficulties that present themselves. The truth is that when we say ‘Yes’, a special
teachings have relevance in today’s life, grace is showered on us to help us accomplish His mission in accordance with His will; a grace that surpasses
to be admired; more than that He is a all our weaknesses and limitations; a grace that enables us to overcome all difficulties and problems.
God to be loved, imitated and lived Many a time I have come across leaders who find their call a burden. Undoubtedly, a closer look reveals
with. This is the greatness and unaffordable investments they have made in houses, and other things, and even though they desire it,
specificity of Jesus Youth. they are unable to find time for the ministry, as they are forced to work over time trying to secure such
perishable investments and savings. As leaders we should always seek God’s will with regard to any
I pray for the outpouring of the Holy investment we make. Then as we live out our call, we will experience that His yoke is easy and His burden
Spirit on all Jesus Youth animators, so light ( Matt 11:30).
that they are guided by the Spirit to
move on with the youth for the Leadership is all about serving people. Leaders are people who set the vision; who influence others with
their character; who point the way. Certainly, personality can open doors, but to keep them open, we need
evangelization of the world.
character. Looking around, I see many leaders who are good managers and administrators, quite satisfied
With warm and prayerful regards, doing maintenance work, but doing little for the growth of the ministry with a vision.
More than anything, Leadership is all about Him… About giving everything to Him...
+ Most Rev. Abraham Viruthakulangara What better way could we live out our lives in this world?
Archbishop of Nagpur

Built on the rock contd... Manoj Sunny, Jesus Youth Int’l Co-ordinator

or the complete lack of it, is something that Pope Benedict XVI strongly orientation towards success in life measured in terms of wealth and
warns us about when he speaks of the “dictatorship of relativism” in his power. And often, people find that taking a firm, public stance is likely
homily in St. Peter’s Square before the conclave in April 2005, “Having a to displease someone and lessen the chances of success. In fact, the
clear faith based on the creed of the Church is often labelled today as only people who take strong positions are often fanatics or terrorists. As
fundamentalism. Relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept the poet W.B Yeats says: “The best lack all convictions, while the worst /
along by every wind of teaching, looks like the only attitude acceptable to Are full of passionate intensity.” Ultimately, this constant dilution of
today’s standards... We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism one’s faith leads to the formation of a lukewarm personality that sways to
which does not recognize anything as definitive and has as its highest even the weakest ideologies and opinions. Thus in trying to make
value one’s own ego and one’s own desires.” everyone comfortable, we run the risk of losing our identity as Christians.
“Where God is excluded from the public forum”, says Pope Benedict XVI,
Symptoms of the relativism epidemic “the sense of offense against God - the true sense of sin - dissipates,
The disappearance of simple truths just as when the absolute value of moral norms is relativized the
There used to be an age when a bribe or a lie was wrong, and that was categories of good or evil vanish, along with individual responsibility.”
that. Today, everything has become so complex that responses often
A growing focus on the external aspects
depend on the situation. The beauty and power of a pure ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is
Whether it be our social life or faith, there is also a growing focus on the
lost as everything is analyzed to nonsensical limits. As Cardinal Ratzinger
externals and a loss of the eternal perspective. In a worldly sense, the
says in his address to the Dean of the College of Cardinals: “How many
externals are our wealth, power and status. And it is generally considered
winds of doctrine have we known in recent decades, how many ideological all right to compromise any intangible value to helps us attain these
currents, how many ways of thinking. The small boat of the thought of external elements. In our faith too, when core values like selfless love,
many Christians has often been tossed about by these waves - flung from forgiveness and sacrifice are ignored, people take refuge in its externals,
one extreme to another: from Marxism to liberalism, even to libertinism; revealing a shallow faith based only on certain observations and rituals. Even
from collectivism to radical individualism; from atheism to a vague in the renewal, when we drift away from living the faith everyday, we take
religious mysticism; from agnosticism to syncretism and so forth.” refuge in dwelling on the number of retreats we have attended, the faults of
Lack of a clear viewpoint other groups, and other petty arguments so we don’t have to confront the
A few decades ago, most people were clear about their vision in life. Even discomfort of not having been faithful to our true call.
communists, revolutionaries or atheists held passionate beliefs in life. Today Wrongs masquerading as a common good
the most popular stance seems to be a studied avoidance of any stance. This Today, abortion, divorce, war, arms trafficking, pornography and even
secularization has even led us Christians to dilute and gloss over our beliefs different forms of deviant sexuality that do not fit into God’s plan of love
so that no one is offended. A consciousness about one’s duty, justice and are often portrayed as elements that further the common good. Even lies
commitments in society are completely out of place. “I don’t care” seems to and deception among children and adults in everyday life are applauded
be the slogan of the age. Perhaps this stems from our deep seated as a sign of being smart and clever. So the ‘unsmart’ honest person is
Built on the rock
Society 3. The rock of Christ- The Church
In the social sphere, Christians today are faced A systematic journey into the sources of the
with accusations of intolerance and bigotry. A faith of the early Church, the lives of saints,
firm ‘no’ to aspects that are not in line with a the teachings of the Church Fathers, and
scriptural viewpoint is seen as a fanatic response. the documents of the Church, should help
This is something that puts immense pressure on us get a clear understanding of our core
the youth to conform and be part of the beliefs. The times also call for a completely
mainstream society. Today, more and more issues renewed sacramental life to anchor our faith
like abortion, same sex marriages, pornography amidst the angry seas.
and euthanasia that conflict with core Catholic
beliefs are being legalized. Thus taking a simple 4. Christ centered communities for an
stance based on our beliefs might amount to civil alternative culture
disobedience in a few years. “Since a consumer culture exists that wants
to prevent us from living in accordance with
left branded as the foolish non-performer. In In the days to come, this could also snowball the Creator’s plan, we must have the courage
the recent attack on Lebanon by Israel, or in into one of the main excuses to persecute to create islands, oases, and then great
the clashes that happen everyday in Iraq, the Christians who live their faith. On the 1st of stretches of land of Catholic culture where
deaths of hundreds of civilians were just September, nine Catholic firefighters in the Creator’s design is lived out.”
‘collateral damage’ in the cause for a greater Scotland had their salaries cut and were - Excerpt from an encounter of Pope Benedict XVI with the
good. So too when many die in terrorist attacks, demoted because they refused to be involved youth of Rome.
the terrorists consider the deaths as part of a in distributing leaflets with the other firemen
at a ‘gay pride carnival’. Robert J. Smith - a The Church has always survived and grown
good cause. We also have rock stars or in small communities - and Jesus Youth too,
celebrities who dedicate the proceeds from the member of the Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Authority - lost his job after arguing on from its early days has been comfortable with
sales of songs and albums with almost
a local cable show that homosexuality small groups like cells, prayer groups etc.
pornographic content to humanitarian causes.
amounted to “sexual deviancy”. Strong stances, Covenant communities of families with
This mixing up of wrongs and seemingly good
as you can see, come with a price tag attached. specific commitments and a clear vision
causes appears to be a clear symptom of this
rooted in the teachings of the Church are the
relativist generation. Spirituality need of the day. To take a stand that goes
This relativist lifestyle driven by selfish against the grain of the mainstream culture,
Relativism- Attacking our foundations motives is even creeping into our spirituality.
Relationships the support and prayers of a loving,
The ‘prosperity gospels’ of the glitzy TV understanding community is essential.
How do these symptoms affect our everyday lives? evangelists are almost like advertisements that
To begin with, this lack of clarity strikes at the Besides, the next generation of children
say ‘Pray now and get free healing’. This need friendships that go beyond the shallow
root of every human relationship. Institutions like attitude to religion, in the long run results in a
the sacrament of marriage are being distorted and friendships of the world, and positive role
shallow understanding of Jesus - relegating models whom they can emulate.
challenged daily. The very purpose of the loving him to the ranks of another slickly packaged
union of a man and woman as a sign of God’s brand. The aspects of suffering, sacrifice, and 5. Being signs of ‘joyful contradictions’
presence in this world is forgotten, and it becomes Christ’s option for the poor are ignored while This phrase of Pope John Paul II, best sums
a temporary arrangement for pragmatic or selfish Christianity is presented as just another option up the attitude that we can make our own.
reasons. And when the self-giving love of Christ among many others, forgetting that Jesus very Not a morose, strict, defender of the faith,
is set aside, then all kinds of deviations in search clearly spoke of his kingdom as “not of this but a smiling, loving, sharer of the good
of pleasure and self-gratification become normal. world”. Even evangelization, when it does not news; joyful and inviting, yet firm and clear;
The deeper, pure and enduring bonds between spring from a genuine love for the person with in this world, but not of this world; free to
parents and children, brothers and sisters are all whom the good news is shared, becomes a move where the Holy Spirit leads, while
threatened by these selfish perceptions. conquest, or an achievement and a numbers staying rooted firmly in the love of Christ.
Parenting game. It becomes a competition among
evangelizers, and the true reason for Ultimately, our faith, tested and refined in
For parents trying to bring up children in the light the fire of relativism will appear more
of God, today’s world poses numerous challenges. evangelization is lost somewhere in the
dynamics and the noise. radiant and stronger as we grow each day
The very sense of right and wrong in a Christian
into the image and likeness of Jesus. “ Then
perspective was never so much at variance with
the viewpoint of the world. This leaves the parents
Building firm foundations we will no longer be infants, tossed back
In this age of shifting sands, it is important and forth by the waves, and blown here and
more confused about how to help children spot the
that we build on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. there by every wind of teaching and by the
decieving lies of the world; and the children are
He calls us to revisit the sources of our faith cunning and craftiness of men in their
equally puzzled about their direction in life. This
handed down across generations. deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the
obviously leads to the neglect of clear teachings
truth in love, we will in all things grow up
on morals and practice, which in turn results in 1. The six pillars into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.
the formation of a confused generation to whom As Jesus Youth, this calls for us to strongly cling From him the whole body, joined and held
indifference seems like a virtue. on to the six pillars of faith - personal prayer, the together by every supporting ligament,
Profession word of God, sacramental life, fellowship, grows and builds itself up in love, as each
In our careers, the pressure to succeed at any cost evangelization, and service / option for the poor. part does its work.” - Ephesians 4:14
takes priority over other concerns. This leads to A Spirit filled renewal of these pillars becomes
highly manipulative, power-driven and mechanical imperative in these times.
relationships in the professional world. Thus bribes, 2. The living and active word SHELTON PINHEIRO
lies, and manipulation become part of the game - Like the wise man in the bible, we need to build A Jesus Youth for over a decade,
and the more manipulative a person gets, the more our lives on a sound understanding of scripture. and the lead singer, song writer
he is seen as a better performer. And with such a Or else the ideological strains and clever and the present Co-ordinator,
morality entering into businesses, transactions of the Rexband, he currently
sounding arguments that that rage around the
become exercises in deceiving the customers. works as the creative head
world will blow our faith away in an instant. of an advertising agency in India.



A CLOSE LOOK AT THE LIVES OF THE LEADERS in the life of a person who really wants to grow in overshadowed her and she gave her human consent.
AND GROUPS OF THE CHARISMATIC RENEWAL holiness. Personally I would say, at least make a She said ‘“Yes; be it done unto me” and Jesus was
REVEAL A STEADY AND STRONG GROWTH IN good confession of our sins, weaknesses, failings, able to take on flesh within her womb. Then the
FAITH AND GIFTS. COULD YOU TELL US ABOUT and omissions once a month. This really is basic, mission of Mary was to bring Him forth and to give
THE ELEMENTS THAT WERE CRUCIAL IN basic growth. Him away, to give Him to us, to surrender Him. And
HELPING YOU AND YOUR GROUP GROW FIRM IN so this Marian format is the model for every single
THE CHARISMATIC EXPERIENCE? I think another essential aspect in spiritual Christian life - for men as well as for women. When
growth is the aspect of community, of being in the Holy Spirit overshadows me I have to give my
A: I think right from the start, it was clear that relationship with other brothers and sisters who personal assent. I have to make a conscious ongoing
in order to maintain this grace of Baptism in the know Jesus, who are trying to follow Jesus and effort to surrender to Him, to be transformed by Him.
Spirit it was absolutely essential to have a walk in the Holy Spirit. I have found that at times When you or I do that, Jesus himself can actually
personal prayer life - a time alone with Jesus in my life, like say after childbirth, I had to miss take on flesh in our lives. Whether we are husbands,
everyday. The Scripture says, ‘When you pray, go many weeks and months of prayer meetings and wives, mothers, dads, singles, religious, priests,
in your room, close the door and pray to your it really made a difference in my Spirit filled walk. professional people, or labourers, whatever the
Father in secret’. Surely that means a time of There’s something about coming together - to circumstances in our life, Jesus wants to manifest
prayer that is carved out of every day. After 40 pray together, to fellowship, to put our lives Himself through us. In this way, any inspiration, any
years - I have been married, have had 4 children, before one another, that really strengthens the consolation, or any talent I have, be it the gift of
and have been involved in travelling, ministry, work of the Holy Sprit. Because one of the things prophecy, gift of music or the gift of service may be
writing and organising activities - I can bear that is characteristic of a person or a group that transformed and given for others.
witness that it is absolutely essential everyday has had the Baptism of the Spirit is expectant
to make time for personal prayer - personal prayer faith. That’s the conviction that we’re not just St. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians ( I Cor.
that includes speaking to Jesus and listening to praying with half-heartedness. We expect the 12:13-14), speaks of the charismatic gifts, the
Jesus - personal prayer that involves reading Lord to answer our prayers, to intervene, to many ways that the Holy Spirit works to build up
and studying the Word of God. provide, to heal and to guide. When we are not in others; to make the love of Jesus real in the lives of
that atmosphere of expectant faith, our own faith others. And if we are like Mary – channels of His
Also, it is absolutely essential for us as level can decrease. grace - then the Lord can keep pouring out
Catholics to have a deep sacramental life, which charismatic gifts upon us. St. John Vianney, one of
means Mass and Communion. Certainly Another thing that is so important is that of the great Charismatic figures and the patron saint of
attending Mass every Sunday would be just witness or service. I often say, “If a grace comes all priests, used to say, “God puts great gifts in my
basic, but also during the week as possible. The to me, that grace must pass through me”. That is empty hands”. And one of his biographers said that
Sacrament of Reconciliation is an essential part the message of Our Lady - Mary. The Holy Spirit John Vianney never tired of receiving, and of giving.
Because he was never tired of giving he was between the Ascension and Pentecost. Later, Pope
always open to receiving. In St. John Vianney we John XXIII, convened the II Vatican Council by
again see the Marian model. The Lord wants to praying, “O Divine Spirit, renew your wonders in
give to us not so we hoard up treasures but so this our day as by a New Pentecost”. Pope Paul VI
that we become channels or vessels of His grace. in many instances said that the Church’s greatest
need was for the Holy Spirit - and that the Church
For his message on the new millennium, the Holy needed a perennial Pentecost, an ongoing
Father Pope John Paul II exhorted us to “Put out into Pentecost, that the Church needed fire in her eyes,
the deep”. He said in a special way to us in the prophecy on her lips.
Charismatic Renewal: Put out into the deep of prayer
and holiness so that you may put out into the deep What we are experiencing over these last 40 years
of evangelisation. Here too you see this inner of Charismatic Renewal is really the fulfillment of
dimension of personal growth in holiness, prayer, the prayer of the Popes, the prayer of the whole
love for the Word, love for the Sacraments and love Church every Pentecost. When we pray the
for the Church. And such a deepening is always Sequence Hymn of Pentecost in the liturgy,
followed by an outward overflowing so that we might invoking the Holy Spirit, every time we sing ‘Come
use our talents to spread the Kingdom of God. Holy Ghost, Creator blest’, we are joining the
Church in an ongoing process of saying “We need
THE CHARISMATIC RENEWAL IS OFTEN CITED AS you Holy Spirit. Come; come again”. In fact in
THE SOURCE OF SOME OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL every Mass when the priest extends his hands
COMMUNITIES, GROUPS AND MOVEMENTS OF THE over the gifts to consecrate the bread and wine
CENTURY. COULD YOU TELL US ABOUT SOME OF Charismatic Renewal, is this grace of being
into the Body and Blood of Jesus, he is invoking
THESE COMMUNITIES? baptized in the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures are
the Holy Spirit. So in a certain sense the grace of
filled with references to being baptized in the
A: I travel to Brazil yearly and I am very impressed the Charismatic Renewal is very new and in
Holy Spirit and I have cited all of them in my
with the Charismatic Communities in this great another sense it’s been with us all along.
book ‘As By a New Pentecost’. Baptism in the
country. For instance, there is the Shalom Spirit is not another sacrament. It can be I think the difference is that over the history of our
Catholic Community in Fortaleza or the Obra de explained as a release of the graces of Baptism Church, there has always been an outpouring of
Maria Community in Recife or Cancao Nova in and Confirmation that we received as children. the Spirit where there have been great saints who
Cachouera Paulista—all of these communities But it is also acceptable to say that in Baptism have led new movements like Francis and Dominic,
were begun with young people who do a fantastic in the Spirit, there is a new coming of the Holy Teresa and so on. But in this day, in this time
work of evangelization. Within Cancao Nova, the Spirit. It is not only a release, there is also a new since the II Vatican Council, God is determined to
Holy Spirit led them to an outreach called “PHN” coming of the Spirit that helps us to use the pour out His Holy Spirit on all flesh. He doesn’t
which in Portuguese refers to the first letters in gifts of the Pentecost namely the charismatic want just a few chosen souls raised to the heights
the phrase “Por Hodie Nao” which means “For gifts such as praying in tongues, healing, of sanctity but as in the prophecy of Joel, “Even on
Today No”. One of their leaders had the discernment of spirits, words of wisdom, words of my menservants and maidservants in those days I
inspiration to say to young people, if you can’t knowledge, the gift of interpreting tongues and will pour out a portion of my spirit. My sons and
break with drugs or sexual sin for the rest of your many others listed in the Scriptures. Living a life daughters will prophesy; old men shall dream
lives, then at least “For Today No” and this in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit is dreams and young men shall see visions.”
concept of taking one day at a time to choose the treasure that has been entrusted to the
holiness instead of sin has created a movement Charismatic Renewal. However it is a grace that This prophecy is truly being fulfilled. I don’t
within a movement. Today Cancao Nova holds is intended for everyone, not just for people who travel so extensively as some people do, but I
retreats that draw over 40,000 young people for a call themselves charismatics, who attend a travel extensively enough to have seen that in
weekend. Their initial training session created a charismatic renewal prayer meeting or every culture, across all boundaries, God is
powerful wave among young people. It was a community. The Lord desires us to bear witness pouring out His Holy Spirit. From people in the
decision to fix their goal to live for God and part to the baptism in the Spirit to the entire Church. highest places of the Church to the most simple,
with sin forever. These are just a few examples of Take the beautiful passage in Luke 11 where uneducated folks, God is giving this portion of
movements and ministries that have sprung up Jesus says, - “I tell you, ask and you will receive, His Spirit. So it’s a very exciting time in which to
around the world. There are marvelous seek and you will find, knock and it will be live. I was in Brazil a few months ago, and they
communities in Europe like the Beatitudes opened to you; for everyone who asks receives, have a goal that they want to see realized in this
Community and the Emmanuel Community in and he who seeks finds, and to the one who jubilee year – the 40th anniversary. They want to
France as well as many others. Most of these knocks it will be opened…” He goes on to say, see another 20 million Catholics baptized in the
ministries have a particular focus for their work. “If you who are evil know how to give good gifts Holy Spirit. What a vision! If only we in the United
Some work in groups among the youth, some in to your children, how much more will the Father States and you in India and all countries around
institutions of higher learning, some focus on in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask the world could have that kind of a vision. We are
healing and prayer, while some are focused on Him”. And this Scripture, which has been there often aware of our limitations and our faith is so
rehabilitation of drug addicts and alcoholics. This for centuries, is one of the many promises we small, but God is not limited. He is just waiting
beautiful variety springs forth from the have in the Bible which shows that the Lord is for us to pray with expectant faith for a New
tremendous grace of Baptism in the Spirit, the longing to pour out His Holy Spirit in an ongoing Pentecost for all mankind. Come Holy Spirit and
characteristic that marks growth in the way. Another promise from the Old Testament is renew the face of the earth!
Charismatic Renewal. in the Book of Isaiah where the Lord says, (To be continued.)

THE CHARISMATIC RENEWAL HAS BEEN VERY “Behold I am going to do a new thing; don’t you
DIFFERENT IN ITS EXPRESSIONS AND see it, even now it springs forth”.
MANIFESTATIONS. WHAT MAKES IT DIFFERENT? At the turn of the last century, Pope Leo XIII
HOW WOULD YOU SUM IT UP? called the Church to be a permanent cenacle, and
A: I would emphasize that the principal grace, he asked that we invoke the Holy Spirit with a
the treasure that has been entrusted to the beautiful Pentecost Novena in the 9 days of prayer

Correction: The sentence in ‘Reliving the Duquesne Experience’ (July 2006 Issue), “We all prayed PATTI GALLAGHER MANSFIELD
in tongues but we did not know it was the gift of tongues.” should have been “On the Duquesne From the early days of the Renewal she has served as a
Weekend, one or two individuals prayed in tongues privately but there was no widespread yielding leader through teaching, writing and pastoral ministry.
Patti is married to Al Mansfield, Co-ordinator of the
to this gift by the group in the chapel. If we were instructed as to how to yield, I think that
Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans, Louisiana,
most everyone in the chapel would have done so.” The error is regretted. and has four children.


To be a disciple
and make disciples
Jesus Youth International Full time Volunteers’ Training

The Jesus Youth Full time Volunteers’ project, which has been going on for the past 15 years
in India, has seen more than 1000 young graduates undergo an intensive 40 days’ training THIS PIONEERING
and take up a yearlong commitment to evangelize youth in the mission areas that they are
assigned. This year too, three trainings were held in India - two in English and one in Hindi
- catering to almost 50 young men and women. In a pioneering attempt to recreate the TIME VOLUNTEERS’
success of this project on an international level, the first ever Jesus Youth International Full
time Volunteers’ Training was held from 28th June - 20th August 2006. There were 24 TRAINING MARKED
participants from 9 different countries. The comprehensive two-phase training programme
included a 40 days’ foundation course in Colombo, Sri Lanka and a 12 days’ intensive
training in Kerala, India. The programme which focused on prayer, Scriptural studies, A LONG CHERISHED
theology, interpersonal skills, people management, communication, talent development and
team building, catered to the spiritual, intellectual, physical and psychological development DREAM AND THE
of the participants. A retreat during the beginning stages of the training helped the
participants build a solid spiritual foundation for the rest of the days. A competent training
team along with renowned trainers and resource persons monitored the project. The resource ERA IN THE HISTORY
team included Fr. Thomas Tharayil, Fr. Dheeraj Sabu, Fr. James Anamparambil, Mr. Fritz
Mascarenhas, Dr. Edward Edezhath, Prof. Joby Cyriac, Mr. Leo Thaddeus, Mr. Raiju Varghese OF THE JESUS YOUTH
and Mr. Manoj Sunny. The commitment ceremony for the 24 young missionaries was held in MOVEMENT.
Colombo on 5th August 2006. One of the key ingredients for the success of the
training was the full hearted and dedicated support of the local team from Sri Lanka.
Five of the participants are taking full time commitment for one year, while most of
>> Nurturing young hearts...
the others will be taking part time commitment, i.e. working / studying 4 days a
week and keeping aside the remaining 3 or 4 days for activities towards building “The days in Colombo were days of
the Kingdom of God. This pioneering International Full time Volunteers’ Training blessing, enlightenment and learning –
marked the realization of a long cherished dream and the beginning of a new era in both for the participants and for the
the history of the Jesus Youth movement. formators. I took up the invitation to be
part of the training team with mixed
feelings. After meeting the 24
participants, it became clear to me that
this was a genuine group in search of
the Kingdom and its values. Each participant was unique,
with a number of talents and gifts. And they came out well
as a cohesive group; their different colours and textures
added beauty to the group. After widening their horizon
they have gone back to their nations with a great desire to
proclaim His kingdom. May God bless them and keep them
close to His heart.”
Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal SJ, Pastor, Training Team
“I took the decision to be part of the
training team after much prayer, since
going to Colombo meant being away
from my family and other commitments
for almost two months. I think what
kept me going for the 53 days, was the
fact that these 24 youngsters from
different parts of the world came for the
training for just one reason - the love of Jesus. The team
that was with me during the training was the best - each
one of them was very resourceful, with expertise in their
respective fields, and from different generations of the
Jesus Youth leadership. One of my biggest fears was how we
would manage these youngsters from such diverse cultures.
However, I realized that even though often a word or action
“They flew in from Australia, could mean different things and be interpreted differently
Germany, UK, Thailand, South by people from different cultures, the fact that all of them
Korea, UAE, USA and India to had Jesus as their sole purpose and reason, enabled
attend the international Jesus everyone to look beyond cultural differences and focus on
Youth training in Sri Lanka. They being disciples and learning to make disciples.”
were an amazing bunch of eager, C. C. Joseph, Co-ordinator, Training Team
vibrant, on-fire young adults,
impatient to build the Kingdom
“It was a real joy to be with this group of
of God. I was astonished at their
youngsters, growing with them as one
sincere and enthusiastic
family in a prayerful and Spirit-filled
response to the call of Jesus in
atmosphere. ‘Listening to understand’
their lives, to yield their talents
rather than ‘listening to respond’ was
and gifts to Him for His service.
The dedicated Jesus Youth team important, as we related to each other in
contributed significantly to the this multi-cultural and multi-linguistic
success of the programme.” group. Though I had to leave my job to
Fritz Mascarenhas, Director, be part of the training team, I feel I have only gained richly
ICPE India - Resource Person in experience and knowledge – especially in identifying
God’s mission for me. Being with such a diverse group has
“‘Experiencing Jesus sparked in me the desire to pray and work for the
without borders’… that evangelisation of the whole world.”
was how the first
International Full time
Navin Bruce Thomas, Member, Training Team
Volunteers’ Training
struck me. It was the love “Despite feeling so unworthy to be part
of Jesus joining hearts to of the team, I realized that this was a
forge powerful links privilege for me, and it was the time to
crisscrossing countries, accept what the Lord has given me -
customs, lifestyles and family backgrounds for the time to take it, use it and share
greater glory of God. I could witness the deepening it. Being amongst international
of each full timer in the values of the Kingdom of participants was an amazing experience
God and as a result, taking responsibility as a that once again encouraged me to reach
Christian who celebrates his/her relationship with out to all nations. Their zeal, especially for evangelization,
Jesus. Let this global team be the herald of many has truly inspired me to go forth. During these times of
more to come… teaming up for the Lord with learning and unlearning, where I had to swim through the
deeper ends, my Lord showed me time and time again, that
convictions articulated in deeds!”
He is and will always be with me.”
Joby Cyriac, Lecturer, Marian College, Kerala
Mayrose Pius, Member, Training Team
- Resource Person


>> Cherished moments... “The Full time Volunteers’ Training was a beautiful experience
for me. This training changed my relationship with the Lord
totally. It all started with the silent retreat. Throughout this
retreat I was not only praying to Him, I could really feel His
“I treasured our daily presence everywhere - inside me, outside me and in other
personal times with people. It was and it still is so wonderful to listen to Him.”
God and our constant Vimal Vattappillil, Germany
visitations with the
Lord Jesus through the
Eucharistic Adoration
and Mass. I also felt the
presence of God very much
with us at each outreach - in the faces of
the elderly, the orphaned, in those who
had never heard of God’s unconditional
love for them. I have come to realize the
importance and benefit of spending time
daily with Jesus even after our training.”
Annie Chandy, USA

“During the ‘Discipleship’ module, I realized that there was a possibility that
my “good plans and intentions” were not what God had in mind for my life.
I spent long hours in the chapel surrendering my family, possessions and
my future plans to the Lord. This difficult process was the beginning of my
walk in the path set by Him; jumping into the unknown knowing that there
is a ray of hope guiding me. And that for me is the thrill of being a true
disciple walking in accordance with God’s will.”
Rijo John, UAE

“The daily Mass helped me build my relationship with God. I learnt a lot
about Jesus, the Bible, the Church, etc., from the sessions, realized the
immense responsibilities I had towards the kingdom of God, and found the
beauty of fellowship. I had a lot of problems adjusting because of my
language, culture, the tight schedule, etc., but my friends from across the
world helped me overcome them just like my own family. Now I think we are
all for one and one for all. And more importantly we are one in Jesus! “
Jang Se Ock, South Korea

“I felt the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. And the more
I experienced the ‘reality’ of the Eucharistic Lord, the more enriched and
powerful my personal prayer and daily reflections became. The group
activities have impressed on me the need to pray and work together.
I now feel the importance of being in a group like Jesus Youth. It gives
much meaning to my life.” Bro. S. Wilbert IVD, Sri Lanka

“It was the time spent in

Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament that kept me
going throughout the
training. For the first time l
knew I had to do everything
I could to please my God and
that His will is always more important
than anything else. The outreach was a
humbling experience; the time we spent
with the disabled, the old and the
orphans finally made me see Christ in
Tenny Anthony, UK “The session on ‘Paradigm “I could feel the presence
Shift’ helped me to really of the Holy Spirit as a
“These 53 days gave me a dig down and find my person during the 53
lot of beautiful insights deep-rooted paradigms days – speaking to me,
into my life. I got a lot of which I realized, were correcting me,
support and leading me to sin. strengthening me. Another
encouragement from the Confession was one of my powerful experience was the
whole team, to discover my nightmares. I offered this to the Lord and He Word of God coming alive, bringing about a
talents and to grow in the blessed me with the grace to make a genuine deep passion to study and meditate upon the
areas where I was weak. I truly confession after many years. I came to the Bible. There is now a desire in my heart to
experienced love, joy and freedom, and training with the hope of a transformation. It pray, and a deep desire for evangelization. It
realised that the one and only task of was painful, but with Jesus by my side, I was has also helped me to redefine my life with
the Church is evangelization.” transformed as I surrendered myself to Him.” only Jesus in the centre.”
Rajan Joseph, India Milan Chacko, Australia Dony Peter, Thailand
A portal, according to one definition, is a super site that serves as a starting point
to other sites and activities. Thus, to begin with, the new Jesus Youth portal is a
gateway to 18 different Jesus Youth sub sites of each country. The new portal is

also a starting point for many other journeys. For Jesus Youth, the portal opens up
the world of Joynet, (one of the world’s largest online Catholic communities), offers
a musical trip to the Rexband site, an informative peek into the Youth Vibes

podcast page, and a stroll across the two new pages (Jesus Youth Newsroom and
Eventscan) to check out the latest in Jesus Youth circles.
For the newcomer, the portal has

PATH a place to meet the person of

Jesus and discover the basic
Gospel message. For those

BREAKING seeking a personal experience,

the Encounters link offers just
that. For the ones trying to figure

PORTAL out the Catholic Church, there’s

the new Catholic domain. For
young persons still discerning
their vocation, Lifechoice offers
Ten years ago, when the official website of the critical guidance while Prayerzone
Jesus Youth movement was launched, it was gives visitors access to live prayer
one of the first Catholic youth sites to offer support. The JY emart, when
online networking options for likeminded activated, will offer visitors the
Catholic youth. Today, the site draws over opportunity to shop for
8000 visitors every month and offers diverse inspirational Catholic resources.
avenues for youth to network.
Finally, the perfect compliment
Through the years, as the movement spread to that you can offer the talented
over 18 countries, the scope and functions of the Jesus Youth team (Bijoy Thomas
website too began to expand. The need for a more interactive from USA, Jacob Jose, Shobin
and dynamic presence that binds the global Jesus Youth Mathew and Manoj Jons from India, and
network became more pressing. At this point, when the team Jimesh Thomas from Germany) that worked
came together, it became clear that the time was ripe for the 24x7 and created this portal is to log on
transition of the Jesus Youth website into a portal. And so to, check it out
on 8th September 2006, the Jesus Youth portal with a more for yourself, and send in your
clean, contemporary and fresh look was born. comments and suggestions.

makes use of repetitive songs and bhajans,

readings from the Scripture, short prayers of

intercession and a time of silence. Rev. Fr.
Sangeet from Cochin, who was deeply
impressed by the prayer services in Kolkata
said, “The prayer was taking place without any

effort. It was good to see so many youth take
part in the prayer, even though no one was
forcing them to. Praying just seemed the most
natural thing to do.”

Pilgrimage of Trust
Brother Alois, Prior, Taizé Community

The colourful city of Kolkata played host to 6000 The ‘Pilgrimage of Trust’ begun by
young adults from different states of India and 37 Brother Roger, is intended to support
countries of Asia, Europe and America, as they young people in their search for God
gathered together at the Don Bosco School, Park and their desire to commit themselves
Circus for the Taizé Pilgrimage of Trust from 5th to 9th in the Church and in society. These
October 2006. A Jesus Youth delegation from meetings are held regularly in different
different parts of India was also blessed to be part countries across the globe. Two similar
of this Pilgrimage of Trust. The meeting based on events, with Brother Roger present,
the theme – ‘On the road of trust, towards a future were held in Chennai in 1985 and
of peace’, was led by the Taizé Community, a 1988. Ms. Nimmy Varkey from
monastic community of brothers of different Bangalore aptly put into words what
Christian denominations founded by the late each participant experienced
Brother Roger in 1940 in France. The new prior of throughout the ‘Pilgrimage of Trust’ -
Taizé, Brother Alois, along with several brothers of “What touched me most was the
the community was present throughout the days in simplicity of the Taizé brothers in their
Kolkata. Sister Nirmala, Mother General of the approach and the depth of the
Missionaries of Charity too graced the ocassion. The thoughts they shared with us. The
programme included prayer services held thrice each style of prayer was so simple that the
day, common sessions, sharing in small groups, and hundreds of youth from many diverse
workshops. The Taizé prayer which is always held in cultures and countries could easily
a soothing ambience with dim lights and candles, come together as one family in prayer.”


Leaders’ Training Programmes
Middle East - St. Joseph’s Church, Abu Dhabi

USA - Rockford, Illinois

Europe - Ark of Covenant Diocesan Centre

for Prayer and Evangelisation, Coventry, UK

India - Logos Retreat Centre, Bangalore

Setting hearts

“The Jesus Youth Leadership Training

programme was a dream come true for me.
Forming and training leaders being close to
my heart, the Lord opened the door for me
through Jesus Youth. The Jesus Youth
movement is on the right track, doing the
right thing in training present and future
leaders. It is a movement that is committed,
A series of training programmes for Jesus Youth leaders was held across four
organised and with a very clear vision. It was a joy for me to
different regions in the month of July 2006. Around 200 key leaders
work with them.” COLIN CALMIANO, INDIA
attended the training held in the Middle East, USA, Europe, and India. The
training, which focused on discipleship, aimed at equipping Jesus Youth
leaders of each continent with indispensable resources and zeal for ” This one month spent with Jesus Youth was
evangelisation that would be new in fervour, expression and method. Jude truly a blessed time for me. It is obvious that
Antoine from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Colin Calmiano from Bangalore, the hand of God is on this ministry. This
India - two Catholic lay missionaries and effective trainers in leadership having been my first time running a
and ministry - were the resource persons for the programme. The programme for Jesus Youth, I sense the Lord
commitment, sacrifice, zeal and personal testimonies of these two dynamic is going before you and opening the doors for
missionaries captured the hearts of everyone who attended. The input you! It is not humanly possible to orchestrate
sessions conducted by Colin and Jude covered a wide range of subjects all that you as a ministry have achieved thus
essential for growth in the life and ministry of a disciple. Small group far… Praise God. Yet, I also sense that, as a
discussions, time for personal prayer, Adoration and Eucharistic mission, JY has not yet scratched the surface of all the Lord has
Celebrations, all of which enriched the programme, helped the participants in store for you. What has happened thus far is exciting but
discover their path and role as Christian leaders. Some time was also spent the Lord wants to do much more than this in and through
in consolidating the future plans and initiatives for each region. A prayer you… ‘what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard’
service invoking the anointing of the Holy Spirit took place towards the (1 Cor 2:9). So friends, keep your eyes fixed on Him and press on!”
conclusion of the training. The participants left filled with the zeal of the JUDE ANTOINE, MALAYSIA
Holy Spirit to become true disciples, and leaders for Christ.
Middle East : 6th - 7th July 2006
“The training gave me the realisation that only a true disciple of Jesus can become
an effective Christian leader and that like St. Paul, I need to be a model for others
to imitate.” BAIJU JOSEPH, UAE
“The need for renewal in our lives was emphasized, along with personal growth in
spirituality. Only then can leaders help others to grow. It was really a boost for
the leaders in the Middle East and gave us a new insight on evangelization.”
“This programme brought a new determination in our lives. We were blessed to have
Colin and Jude as the resource persons; we received spiritual refreshment during
their sessions. The training has increased our faith.” MANO MATHEW, KUWAIT

on fire
USA : 12th - 16th July 2006
“I experienced spiritual and physical healing. Through the Eucharist and Adoration,
Participants at St. Joseph’s Church, Abu Dhabi, UAE

I felt a deep spiritual cleansing in my heart. It was during the Adoration that I was
blessed with physical healing. For a couple of years, I had been having pain in both
my knees, and was suffering from Osgood-Schlatter Disease. During this retreat, I
was healed of this pain forever! Now I feel God’s awesome love and joy in my heart.”

“It was during this training, that I realized how important it is to have Christ as the
centre of one’s life. For then every aspect of our life will be influenced in a positive Participants at Rockford, Illinois, USA
way, such as the jokes we say, the books we read, the movies we watch, the
activities we partake in, friendships, and our overall thoughts.”

Europe : 20th - 23rd July 2006

“The programme challenged me to a higher level of commitment and faithfulness
to the Master’s call. The interaction with the leaders from different countries has
given us a common vision, and a new direction to our activities in Europe.”
“The powerful speeches, moments of silence and Adoration afforded in us an
experience of close communion with Jesus. This programme has surely paved the
way for the renewal of Europe.” FR. SONY PALATHRA CMI, PASTOR,JY IRELAND

“The idea that struck me most was the importance of being a disciple before being
a leader. It gave a whole new dimension to leadership for me.” DORIN SYMON, UK
“The Leaders’ Training Programme has had a great impact on my life. If we just
follow Jesus, surrender everything to Him and respond to His call to win souls, I Participants at Logos Retreat Centre, Bangalore, India
believe we will be able to work wonders, and life will become meaningful and

India : 28th - 30th July 2006

“I was not on talking terms with one of my close friends and when I came for the
programme, I felt guilty about this and prayed for forgiveness. During Adoration,
Bro. Jude said that God was taking away feelings of guilt from three people and I
believed I was one of them. On returning home, I received a call from my friend and
we were reconciled. Praise God!” HENRY JARALD, HYDERABAD

“This training shook me. Each training I attend prunes me, teaches me to take the
next step, tells me ‘saying Yes to the Lord is not a joke’. I still need to deepen my
commitment and be open at all times to Him. I pray that I grow more in purity and
work for his Kingdom.” VINOD NAIR, MAHARASTRA
“The training helped me reinforce my priorities. Most importantly I realized that it Participants at Ark of Covenant Diocesan Centre
is not what I do or how much I do that matters but my relationship with Jesus.”
for Prayer and Evangelisation, Coventry, UK


August 11 - 15 , 2006, St. Joseph’s HSS, Pavaratty, Thrissur

‘Jesus Youth 2006’ - the all Kerala Family JY Int’l Team), Mr. V. V. Augustine (Former KST
Gathering witnessed the convergence of
over 2500 participants representing the 2500 participants from Vice-Chairman), Mr. Chackochan Najavally,
Mr. Manoj Sunny (JY Int’l Co-ordinator),
different zones and ministries of Kerala at
St. Joseph’s HSS, Pavaratty, Thrissur,
21 zones & 15 ministries of Adv. Raiju Varghese (JY India Co-ordinator),
Mr. Shaji Scaria, Mr. Elvis Kottooran and others.
Kerala from 11th -15th August 2006. The Kerala The key input sessions during the conference
preparation for the programme included a focused on topics like JY spirituality and
wide range of preparatory events, 220 volunteers, group & commitment in the new millennium, simplicity in
perpetual intercession and adoration for life, role of laity, fresh perspectives to build
three months, a four-month preparatory team leaders parish centred life-style by staying rooted in cell
material for each participant to study,
seminars, planting of saplings, and
80 Priests & Religious groups, evangelization of the neighbourhood, JY
social concern and our option for the poor, love for
outreaches. Most Rev. Dr. Francis
Kallarackal (KCBC Vice Chairman & Bishop
50 Jesus Youth families nature and discernment for the future. Apart from
these sessions and group discussions, other
of Kottapuram) inaugurated the events included Parish outreach, audio-visual
conference, and in his inaugural address, presentations, Rosary procession along
he exhorted the youth to become the salt with parishoners, etc. During the days of the
of the earth and the light of the world. The conference, the participants visited the homes of
gathering was also blessed to have Most the parishoners and conducted 40 family unit
Rev. Mar Jacob Thoomkuzhi, Archbishop of gatherings at different places of the parish
Thrissur celebrate the Holy Eucharist on simultaneously. ‘Jesus Youth 2006’ concluded
the second day. On the concluding day, on 15th August in the evening with a planning
Most Rev. Mar Andrews Thazhath, session based on personal as well as ministry
Auxilliary Bishop of Thrissur, graced the level plans to build the Church and society. The
occasion and addressed the participants. participants left this family gathering motivated
The resource team for the conference and empowered in the Spirit to change the face
included Dr. Edward Edezhath (Animator, of the youth in Kerala.

Inaugural ceremony : Lighting of the lamp by Most Rev.

Dr. Francis Kallarackal (KCBC Vice Chairman & Bishop of

Eucharistic celebration : Most Rev. Mar Jacob

Thoomkuzhi, Archbishop of Thrissur, along with
Fr. Thomas Kallukalam CMI (Animator, JY Kerala) & In tune with nature: An audio visual presentation depicting Focused on the Lord: The participants come together
Fr. Paul Payyapilly (Vicar, St. Joseph’s Church). one of the themes of the conference. for a Eucharistic celebration.

Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath with the participants, Peekskill, USA ‘Expedition to Mount Tabor’, Philadelphia, USA

Mundakatt (Kerala, India) and Jose n ‘Burning Bush’
n ‘Expedition to Mount Tabor’
Fernandez (Sri Lanka) led the sessions for During the celebration of the 15th Anniversary
A weeklong celebration of faith ‘Expedition
the adults, while Asha Chandy (Florida) led of the Malayalee community in the Ruwi
to Mount Tabor’ was held at St. Thomas Syro-
the sessions for the Jesus Youth prayer parish, a musical programme ‘Burning Bush’
Malabar Church of Philadelphia from 31st July
group members. was conducted by Jesus Youth. This
to 5th August 2006. The sessions during the
n Encounter Retreat, Peekskill programme included music, dance and skits.
retreat focused on the love of God, the
A retreat for youth was held at Mount St. One of the highlights was a presentation on
Eucharist, sin, repentance, confession, etc.
Francis Convent in Peekskill, NY from 2nd - abortion and a testimony by Mrs. Raji
The resource team included Rev. Fr. Tom
6th August 2006. Apart from talks on topics explaining how Jesus saved her from
Betz, Rev. Fr. Bill Ayres (Director, Pastoral
like God’s love, sin, and confession, there committing this sin.
Care for Migrants & Refugees, Archdiocese
was also daily intercession before the n New Pastor for JY Oman
of Philadelphia) and Dr. James Kurichi
Blessed Sacrament and Holy Mass. The Rev. Fr. Chacko Mannisserril has been
among others. The last day of the
participants were blessed by a visit from appointed as the new Pastor for JY Oman.
programme was celebrated as ‘Marian Day’,
Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath of the St. - Bobby Jacob
with a visit to the National Shrine of Our
Thomas Syro-Malabar Diocese of Chicago. UK
Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown.
n Family Conference 2006, Rockford n Growth Retreat, London
nSoutheast Regional Team Gathering
‘Family Conference ’06’ was held from 24th – A growth retreat for JY South Zone was
The Southeast regional team gathered to
27th August 2006 at the Bishop Lane conducted from 25th - 27th August 2006 at
pray and discern the future of the South at
Retreat Centre in Rockford, Illinois. Forty Emmaus, London. Rev. Fr. George
Orlando, Florida on 4th September 2006. Past
families participated in this conference, Kumblumootil O.P. from Rome led the retreat
initiatives and programmes were evaluated,
which was based on the theme “Arise Shine and helped the 30 participants from different
and activities, programmes, and retreats
Out”. The main resource people were parts of London to renew their relationship
were planned for the up coming months.
Professor C. C. Alicekutty and Fr. Thomas with the Lord.
n One-day Programme, Florida
Kadukapallil. n One- day Programme, Birmingham
A one-day programme for youth was
-Jyothini Malaickal Thirty-five Jesus Youth came together on 3rd
organised on 19th August 2006 at the
Knanaya Community Centre in Brandon, OMAN September 2006 for a one-day programme at
Florida. Seventy-eight youngsters attended n Taizé Prayer Walsall, Birmingham. Rev. Fr. George
the programme. Jesus Youth conducted a Taizé prayer on 24th Kumblumootil O.P. led the main sessions for
n Annual Retreat, McAllen June 2006 at the Ruwi Church and on 8th July the day.
The Valley Indian Catholic Association 2006 at the Ghala Church. 300 children, who n Teens’ Ministry, Midlands
organized an annual retreat from 1st – 3rd attended the summer camp, participated in Ten teenagers from Midlands gathered on 3rd
September 2006 at the Holy Spirit Catholic this prayer service. Rev. Fr. Joffy, who led the September 2006 to form the Teens’ Ministry in
Church in McAllen, TX. Fr. Augustine summer camp, was also present. Midlands. This group is planning to meet

‘Burning Bush’, Oman Taize’ Prayer, Oman Growth Retreat, London, UK



Retreat at Liverpool, UK Teens’ Ministry, UK Abp. John Bathersay with JY group, Australia

regularly and to attend a weekend retreat importance of making Jesus the centre of on the environments that influence an
before the end of the year. our lives and of the relevance of the six individual right from the time spent in the
n Jesus Youth Retreat, Liverpool pillars. The main aim of this programme was womb. The day concluded with a time of
Around 70 Jesus Youth attended a retreat to help the participants follow Jesus in their praying in tongues and laying of hands.
conducted by Rev. Fr. George Kumblumootil daily lives through the six pillars and to n Feast of Pentecost, Brisbane
O.P. in Liverpool from 8th - 10th September discover their talents and put them to use Jesus Youth in Brisbane joined several other
2006. Biju Malayatoor from USA led the for the glory of God. The theme of the day Catholic youth movements to celebrate the
music ministry for the retreat. was conveyed through input sessions, music, Feast of Pentecost on 5th June 2006. The
- Joby M. Mundackal audio-visual presentations, workshops, and Barbon prayer group organized this
KUWAIT group discussions. The Mass and the afternoon programme. The programme also
Adoration led by Rev. Fr. Joseph Edapulavan provided an opportunity for Jesus Youth to
n Life in the Spirit Seminar
OCD was a special time of anointing and personally meet and talk with Brisbane’s
The Life in the Spirit Seminar begun in the
everyone received the blessing, graces and Archbishop John Bathersay.
Cathedral Church is going on successfully,
healing of the Eucharistic Lord. - Mayrose Pius
with a good number of participants including
30 new comers. - Biju Antony UAE
n New Core Team & Spiritual Director AUSTRALIA n ‘Thanal’ – Youth Convention
New core teams were formed in Our Lady of n Taizé Night, Melbourne Around 1100 youth from the different zones
Arabia Church, Ahmady and the Holy Family A Taizé prayer service was organised in the of Dubai gathered at St. Mary’s Church,
Cathedral. Mahesh Peter and Pius Stanly will evening on 15th July 2006 at St. Gerald’s, Dubai, for a one-day JY convention ‘Thanal’
be leading the respective teams. Rev. Fr. Dandenong, Melbourne. There were around on 25th August 2006. As the name ‘Thanal’
Joseph Edapulavan OCD has been appointed 30 participants. This kind of meditative (which means ‘shade’ in Malayalam)
as the new Spiritual Director for JY Kuwait. prayer was a new experience for many of the suggests, the main objective of the
n Jesus Youth Stall in the Summer Fest participants. The time of absolute silence programme was to help the participants
Jesus Youth arranged a stall offering a helped the group experience the presence of encounter Jesus as a personal refuge and
variety of traditional Kerala food items God and reflect upon their lives and shelter in life. One of the highlights of the
during the Summer Fest held at the relationship with the Almighty Father. day was the release of the 3rd Anniversary
Cathedral Church on 1st September 2006. n Inner Healing Retreat, Melbourne special issue of Thoolika, the weekly
n Leaders’ Training Programme An inner healing retreat was held at St. newsletter of JY Dubai by Rev. Fr. Joy
A Leaders’ Training Programme was Francis de Sales Church, Oak Park, (Spiritual Director, JY Dubai) during the
conducted on 26th August 2006 at the Holy Melbourne on 9th September 2006 with Eucharistic Celebration.
Family Cathedral with 110 participants. H. L. around 25 participants. Lenyce Willason n ‘Kingdom 2006’, Al Ain
Bishop Camillo Ballin MCCI, Vicar Apostolic (Healing Co-ordinator, CCR Melbourne An evening retreat was conducted from 30th
of Kuwait inaugurated the programme and in Archdiocese) along with the CCR Team of July to 3rd August at Al Ain for 140 lower,
his inaugural address, he expressed the Melbourne led the sessions, which focused middle and high school students.

Bp. Camillo Ballin MCCI, Leaders’ Training , Kuwait Inner healing Retreat, Australia Leaders’ Training, Jammu, India

Youth Retreat, Bangalore, India Abp. Abraham Viruthakulungara with the Full Time Volunteers, New Delhi, India

n Christeen Programme, Dubai Programme at SCJM Convent, Trichy from Christ. Six of these missionaries have been
Around 180 participants from the different 26th to 27th August 2006. A new Tamil Nadu placed in different parts of northern and
emirates attended a one-day Christeen Regional Team was also formed with Paulson central India for a year, where they will
programme for children and parents on 1st Jose as the Co-ordinator. interact with the local people and form
September 2006 at St. Mary’s Church, Dubai. n Full time Volunteers’ (Hindi batch) discipleship and prayer groups. One full time
Ms. Marykutty and Mr. Santhosh led the The Full time Volunteers’ training in Hindi volunteer has also been placed in the
sessions for the day. was conducted at Don Bosco, Delhi, from 7th Andamans.
n UAE Commitment Team Gathering July to 15th August 2006 with 15 participants n National Intercession Day
The UAE Commitment Team gathered on 1st from 8 states of North India. The 15th August - the Independence Day of India
September 2006 at the Jebel Ali Church. participants, belonging mostly to the tribal and the feast of the Assumption was also
Around 110 Jesus Youth from 6 different belt, comprised of 7 women and 8 men celebrated by JY India as the National
emirates attended this meeting. The including 3 priests. The Jesus Youth Full time Intercession Day. In many places, including
importance of cell groups was the theme of Volunteers’ Training team, animated by Fr. Delhi and Bangalore where there are
the day. Cherian Nereveetil and Sr. Vigi Rose, helped perpetual intercession centres, the youth
n ‘The Blessed’, Fujairah by JY Delhi and the Santavana Community, spent the day in adoration and prayer. The
JY Fujairah conducted a one-day retreat ‘The conducted the 40-days’ intensive training. Nurses’ Ministry organised a prayer with
Blessed’ on 15th September at OLPH Church, The finacial help provided by the Salesian lighted candles (Jeevajyothi) in many nursing
Fujairah for 350 participants. The day’s Fathers was a big support for this training. schools, hospitals and hostels in different
programme based on the theme ‘You Are The different stages of the training states. In the northern and southern states of
Mine’, included praise & worship, a talk by comprised of various sessions and teachings India, the Teens’ Ministry introduced a
Rev. Fr. George Rozario, music and Mass. on discipleship, evangelization, Church, etc. creative element to the day by planting
n Pro-life Presentation The resource persons included Bishop Anil saplings.
The newly formed Pro-Life Ministry in Dubai Couto (Auxilliary Bishop of Delhi), Mr. n Rexband Retreat & Concert, Bangalore
conducted a 30 minutes’ presentation on Wilson, Mr. Santhosh Chittilapally, members Rexband conducted a retreat for about 1300
Pro-life at the Malayalee Charismatic Annual of the JY Delhi Service Team and others. The Christian students of Christ College on 9th
Fellowship, Dubai Parish. The presentation young participants were commissioned in a and 10th September. The retreat concluded
inspired hundreds of people present to stand grace-filled Commitment Ceremony presided with a Rexband concert.
up for life. by Most Rev. Abraham Viruthakulungara n One-day programme, Manipal
- Doly Mathew [Archbishop of Nagpur] accompanied by 7 A one-day programme was conducted at St.
INDIA other priests on 15th August 2006. During the Joseph’s Church, Manipal on 27th August
n Leaders’ Training Programme, Trichy commissioning ceremony, the Archbishop 2006. Nearly 250 students from the different
35 leaders from different parts of Tamil blessed each of the full-timers and colleges of Manipal and Udupi attended this
Nadu came together for a Training encouraged them to be true disciples of programme.

‘Thanal’ Youth Convention, Dubai, UAE JY Volunteers, Singapore



Jesus Net, Singapore ‘Hope 2006’, Ireland Jesus Encounter Programme, Switzerland

n Leadership Training, Jammu talks on different topics, skits and sharing from 15th to 17th September 2006. The first
A Leadership Training Programme was sessions. There were around 35 participants. ever JY programme to be held in Switzerland,
conducted at the Bishop’s House in Jammu on n JY Volunteers this programme encouraged the young
9th and 10th September 2006 for over 60 JY 40 JY volunteers helped out during the people to invite Jesus into their lives and
leaders. The resource team included Raiju annual Our Lady’s Procession 2006 at the enter into a personal relationship with Him.
Varghese (Co-ordinator, JY India), Baby Novena Church. A novena in honour of The retreat was led by Fr. George
Chacko, and Rajan Joseph. A Regional Mother Mary is conducted at the Novena Kumblumootil O.P. from Rome and helped by
Service Team for Jesus Youth in Jammu & Church each Saturday and is attended by Biju Malayatoor from Florida, USA and Jose
Kashmir was formed at the end of this almost 100,000 people. The JY volunteers Mathew - Co-ordinator, JY Europe. The
training, with Babu Bunty and Sunny Kokhar were given the responsibility to distribute presence of parents and elders from the
as the Co-ordinator and the Asst. coordinator mass booklets and prayer cards to the Catholic Charismatic Community in
respectively. Rev. Fr. Robin Francis Cerejo is participants of the procession. Switzerland who spent the weekend helping
the Pastor, while Rev. Sr. Falicita has been - Biju Joseph in the kitchen and interceding through out
selected as the Animator of the team. NEW ZEALAND the programme was also very encouraging.
n Youth Retreat, Bangalore n Bible Study - Jose Mathew
A retreat led by Fritz Mascarehnas (ICPE) was ‘Angels’ Army’ – a group of 20 children from
held at the Renewal Retreat Centre from 24th the age of 4 to 12 gather every first Sunday
to 27th August 2006 with over 175 participants. of the month for faith building Bible study in
This was the second in a series of three annual Auckland. The group is divided into two
youth retreats planned by JY Bangalore. classes.
n One-day Programme, Trichy - Liza Johnson
A one-day programme was conducted at St. IRELAND
Joseph’s School, Trichy on 12th August 2006 for n ‘Hope 2006’
250 students. Fr. Baiju Parackal O.S.S.T from An initiation retreat ‘Hope 2006’ was
Bangalore was the main resource person. organised by JY Ireland from 22nd to 24th
- Soji K. Joseph September 2006 for 45 participants. The
SINGAPORE programme based on the theme ‘You are the
n Jesus Net light of the world’, included a two-day
Jesus Net - JY Singapore’s central prayer retreat and a one-day pilgrimage to Knock -
gathering takes place on every first Saturday a popular pilgrim centre in Ireland. In his
of the month at the Ave Maria Room, Novena inaugural address, Sean Ascough (leader,
Church. This gathering, which is attended by Youth 2000, Ireland) spoke on the role of
about 80 regular members, usually begins Jesus Youth towards the re-evangelisation of
with Rosary, followed by action songs, skits, Europe. Rev. Fr. Jestus Paul O.P. was the
speech, praise and worship, etc. On 5th main resource person for the retreat. Mr.
August 2006 Mr. A.V Pius was the key Jose Mathew (Co-ordinator, JY Europe) was
also present. ‘Hope 2006’ motivated the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
resource person, while on 2nd September
inspire our hearts with a sincere
Mr. Tomy conducted the main session. The participants in assuming greater
love for this devotion, so that by
basic focus of this gathering is faith responsibility towards the evangelisation of
meditating on the Mysteries of our
formation and evangelisation. Europe.
Redemption that are recalled in it,
n Formation Programme - Nissy Bhaven
we may gather its fruits and obtain
The Professionals’ ministry conducted SWITZERLAND blessings for soul and body, peace
formation programmes for its ministry n Jesus Encounter Programme for the world, freedom for the
members on 5th August and 10th September 25 youth from various parts of Switzerland Church, the conversion of sinners,
2006 at the CANA Catholic Centre, Singapore. came together at the Franziskus house in and the salvation of our souls.
The sessions included praise and worship, input Dulliken for a Jesus Encounter Programme Amen.

Printed and Published by Mr. Manoj Sunny on behalf of Jesus Youth International Office, 6F Thadikaran Centre, Palarivattom P.O., Cochin-682 025, Kerala, INDIA, Ph: +91 484- 3295859 / 4054870, Fax: +91-484-2346084, Email :
Website : n Editor-in-charge: Shelton Pinheiro n Editorial Team: Beena Manoj, Anu Pinheiro & Deepa Sabu n Layout: Sanil C.A.n Printed by SR Graphics, Kottayam, Ph :+91 481-2301142

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