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5th Offshore South East Asia 21-24 February 1984 Singapore



S H Shryock
Halliburton Limited, Singapore


The success or failure af drilling and completing Geothermal Wells depends

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the knowledge of temperature stable competent materials but also a complete
understanding of hole preparation, casing running procedures, mud displace-
ment, lost circulation and the mixing-placing of the cement slurry.

Many steam fields are located where the farmation contains poorly consoli-
dated sedimentary deposits, rubblized shales and fractured volcanic rock.
These formations are fragile in that some upheaval may have occurred dis-
rupting the structural stability, and with law reservoir pressures, make
them prime candidates for lost circulation problems. ,hny af the geothermal
wells have to be drilled through andlor into these fractured formations.
Loss of drilling mud or any other fluid put into the hole usually accurs
creating prablems which are expensive.ta eliminate. This paper offers
methads which have proven successful in cambating lost circulation during
the drilling and casing cementing operations on geothermal wells located in
fields all over the world.


When drilling a geothermal well, lost circulation is to be expected. It

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the hole is being drilled with mud and the mud loss becomes too great, the
normal procedure is to add lost circulation materials to the mud, and hope
that full returns can be regained. Too often this is not the case and
another method must be tried.

Plugback cementing usually becomes the next method because it has been used
to eiiminate the probiem. if cementing equipment is not aiready on iocat-
ion, a call has to be mode requesting equipment and the proper materials for
high temperatures and last circulation conditions from a cementing service
company. From the time they were first called until they arrive on locat-
ion, several hours will have elapsed. The drill string will have to be
round tripped to remove the bit and the cementing equipment made ready ta
mix and place the cement slurry in the hole.

The cementing composition selected for this type of job is usually API Class
“G” Cement containing 40% Silica Flour and Retarder designed to be drilled
out in 12 - 16 hours. The cement slurry is mixed and displaced. Because it
has not been possible to fill the hale, the displacement may be cut short to
allow the cement slurry to “drift” into the zone of loss. The drillpipe is
then raised to be sure it is above the cement to wait a few hours before
trying to fill the hole. This should allow the cement slurry time to
thicken and become resistant to flow when subjected to an increased hydro-
static head.

After waiting 4 - 6 hours, an attempt may be mode to fill the hole by
pumping mud down the drillpipe at 4 - 6 BPM and at a low pump pressure.
After pumping 15 - 20% in excess of the hole volume without obtaining re-
turns, the decisian has to be made whether to wait another few hours or
qrepare to do a second job. It should be recognized that there is a very
small chance that waiting will be of any benefit and the narmol practice is
to do the second job immediately when unable to fill the hole fallwing the
first job.

Sinouldthe second job be done the same as the first? Lagistics mcy strongly
influence this decision as it depends greatly on what is available. The
decision usually is to repeat the procedure only wait longer for the cement
to set. Eight hours following the second jab, the hole is filled and the
drillpipe lwered to tag hard cement. The drillpipe is tripped out of the
hole to pick up the bit and run back to bottom. Once drilling has resumed,
it is learned just how treacherous geothermal well drilling can be. All toa
often, circulation will be lost within 5 meters of where it had occurred

More and more, it is being learned that lost circulation is caused by

drilling into fractured or broken rock. We cannot see these fractures and
cannot predict their sizes. It is generally accepted that if they are to be
adequately sealed with cement, it requires lots of cement and aften multiple
jobs, each requiring 18 - 24 hours.


When cement has proven unsuccessful as a cure for lost circulation during
drilling or it takes too many jobs, it is time to consider a different
approach. This would involve pumping an inorganic chemical solution into
the hole ahead of the cement. This chemical solution will be referred to as
FC in this paper. The procedure would then be to pump 20 - 40 bbls of water
through the open-ended drillpipe as near the lost circulation zone os possi-
ble following it with 20 - 40 bbls of FC. A 5 - 10 bbls Spacer of fresh
water should follow the FC then 20 - 25 bbls of cement slurry. Displace
with water until the FC has been displaced from the drillpipe then raise the
drillpipe one stand. If the hole is on a vacuum, the cement slurry will
continue to fall. If it requires pumping to displace, reduce the pump rate
watching the pressure to see when any increase occurs. If a small pressure
increase occurs, PUOIP just enough water to finish displacing then pull the
drillpipe 1 - 2 stands above the cement and circulate at a low pressure to
try ond fill the hole. If returns are obtained, shut down and give the
cement 8 - 10 hours to harden.

Probably the biggest advantage ta using FC has been the reduction in the
number of jabs. Using K sand Cement has proven very successful as a method
to combat lost circulation during drilling although it still requires time
and tripping the drillpipe.


A third method, which has been used several times with good success, takes a
more radical approach. The most appealing feature of this method is that it
is to be done through the drilling assembly soon after encountering lost
circulation. The products used in this apparently penetr=te fu~th=i

into the zone of loss than does cement and there has been longer lasting
effects indicating the presence of a more positive seal further away from
the well bore.

This method involves the use of large volumes of fresh water, 10% Calcium
Chloride brine and FC. This procedure would be to pump 100 - 200 bbls of
fresh water dawn the drillpipe with the bit near the lost circulation zone.
Pump 10 - 20 bbls of 10% CaCl, brine followed by 5 bbls of fresh water, then
20 - 40 bbls of FC followad by 10 bbls of fresh water and repeat this
sequence for a tatal of three times. Following the third sequence, continue
pumping until a Volume large enough tQ fi~~ the hale has been pumped. If no
returns have been obtained, pump an additional 15% volume. If there are
returns, resume drilling. If not, do a second job just like the first.
Some jobs have required four ar more sequences where 10 bbls of 10% COC12
brine, 5 bbls of fresh water, 20 bbls of FC and 10 bbls of fresh water are
repeated 4 to 6 times one behind the other.

The major feature of this method is to bring the 10% CaC12 brine and FC
together in the lost circulation zone effecting a permanent seal without
having to trip the drillpipe or wait-on-cement. Of prime importance to the
success of the jab is the flushing of the lost circulation zone with fresh
water than the imnediate placement of the COC12 brine and FC. To be sure
that each fluid is given the opportunity to perrarm, it is necessary to have
three storage tanks manifolded to the suction of the pump being used.
Valves must be properly installed so that it is possible to switch from one
fluid to another without shutting down. Where this pracedure is used, the
three tanks, water, 10% COC12 brine and FC liquid, are connected to the rig
mud pump. Since the development of FC, there have been many variations in
the methods of curing lost circulation. Some choose to run 2 - 3 stages of
cement and FC. Others run 3 - 4 stages of COC12 brine and FC. Some use
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tremendous cost savings if tripping the drillpipe and waiting-on-cement time
could be eliminated.


In cementing casing, the abjective is to provide a complete fill-up af

cement in the casing hole annulus to resist specific environmental cofidi-
tions and anchor the casings firmly to the ground and to each ather. The
hardened material shauld be a halogenous, dense, impermeable body and moin-
tain that condition for the life of the well. In geothermal wells, the
cement sheath must protect the casing against possible corrosion by thermal
brines and prevent the uncontrolled flaw of thermal water and steam outside
the casing.
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the casing to resist longitudinal, tensile, and compressive forces and the
collapse and bursting forces to which they may be subjected. It was noted
in early wells that collapse or tension failures often occurred when the
casing was nat properly cemented in the hale and to the surface.

It appeared that collapse failure was caused by heat expansian of undis-

placed drilling fluid or free water that had separated from the cement
slurry and become confined in pockets in the annular space between casings.
In more recent wells, fewer failures have been reported in a completely
cemented well bore where special care has been taken to eliminate free


After repeatedly having (1) A lass of returns and (2) Subsequent casing or
liner failures, twa geothermal operators examined records of previous jobs

in an attempt to identify what might be causing these problems. The most
significant and outstanding item found in these studies was the indication
of a large increase in pump pressure during the displacement of the cement.
After finding this on a number of pressure charts recorded during the cemen-
ting jobs, it was decided to observe some actual jabs to try and determine
what might be the reason for these pressure increases and subsequent lass of

On the liner jobs, the increase usually occurred about the time the cement
slurry reached the liner lap or shoe O+ the last cemented casing. Whenever
the displacing pump pressure exceeded 1.5 - 2 times, the mud circulating
pressure, lost circulation occurred. On casing jobs, the increase might
occur anytime after the cement slurry reached the shae.

Observing the returns where cement returns to the surface accurred, it was
noticed that same marble size cuttings were coming with a fairly large
valume of thickened mud or mud cantominated cement.

The results of these studies convinced the well owners that the following
items be given extra special attention:

1. Hale Conditions

Has the hole been properly prepared? Were there problems during drill-
ing or running casing? Was there sloughing, lost circulation, high
temperature anomalies, caverns, high pressure gas or water, stuck pipe,
wash outs etc? What depth did these occur? What corrective measures
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2. Casing Running Procedures

When lowering the casing into the hole, be sure it takes 25 - 30 seconds
per joint from crown to slips. Rates faster than this can cause surge
pressures eoual to increasing the mud weight by as much as 5 pounds per
gallon which might fracture the expased formation. Stop every 2 haurs,
attach a head to the casing already in the hale and circulate for 15
minutes. This is to clean the mud and wall cake away from the collars
and centralizers. After the casing has reached bottom, circulate and
reciprocate at least two hole volumes prior to cementing. If the mud
viscosity and temperature has not stabilized, circulate same more.

3. Final Prognosis

Prior to mixing and punping the cement slurry, determine the maxi~m
punp pressure and do not exceed sam. Although the density of the
cement is always greater than that of the mud, the pump pressure neces-
sary to circulate the hole with mud can help establish and determine
whet the maximum pressure should be during the job. If the hole will
circulate with mud at 6 - 10 6PM at 800 psi, then it should circulate
with cement at a maximum pressure of 1200 - 1600 psi with a 1000. meter


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ration involves at least two parties and most often throe. The service
company provides the pumping equipment and bulk cementing materials. The
well owner provides the hale in the earth known as the well, he wants casing

properly cemented in. A drilling contractor customarily has instructions
proviaed by the well owner on what is to be done. Prior to performing the
cementing job, it is strongly recommended that the three parties meet and
discuss the cementing job and what should be done by whom.


The basic composition currently available for cementing casing where tempe-
ratures in excess of 100 C exist is API Class “G”, ASTM Type 11 or an
equivalent por%iana cement with 30 - 80% Siiica Fiour. Fo~uiati@~~ ar=
prepared from this basic stock to meet requirements dictated by well condi-
tions. There are some 15 different types of additives such as accelerators,
retarders, dispersant, fluid loss and bridging agents comnanly used in
geothermal well cementing. To determine which of these additives to add to
the basic composition, it must be decided what is necessary to perform the
job successfully after reviewing and considering the conditions of the hole.

The first basic need is sufficient fluid life, which is described as thic-
kening time, to place the cement slurry in the hole or casing-hole annulus.
Remember, this cementing composition is mixed at atmospheric conditions and
then quickly subjected to higher temperatures and pressures in the hole. To
obtain the desired thickening time at these high bottom hole circulating
temperatures, it will probably require a retarder be dry blended with the

It is aften necessary to use a low density cement slurry containing bridging

agents to control lost circulation. Slurry density reduction normally is
accomplished by adding more water. To keep this water from separating out
of the slurry, bentonite (gel) is included in the composition.

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lites or high strength micra spheres. The perlite product is normally used
at a concentration of 1 cubic foot per sack of cement. The basic perlite
cement mix for geothermal wells includes:

94 lb 1 sack Cement

8- 10 lb 1 cubic foot Perlite

38 lb 40% Silica Flour

2.8 lb 3% Bentonite
0.5 - 1.0% ----- Dispersant

o- 1.0% ----- Retarder

This slurry is mixed to have a downhole density of 1.7 kg/1. The perlite
particles are sized to easily pass through the mixing pumping equipment, yet
will bridge most formation rock fractures. It is imperative this slurry be
mixed with the correct quantity of mixing water because perlites absorb
water under pressure and if insufficient amounts of water are used, the
slurry may become too thick to pump prior to finishing the job. Using too
much water can be just as hazardous, not during the job but once the well
has been completed and on production. Water which separates from the cement
slurry is called “Free Water”. This free water may become trapped and as it
heats up develops pressure as a result of expansion at the rate of 90 psi
per degree C. Casing and liner collapse failures thought to have been

14-77 SP E12454
caused from the presence of free water were found in several geothermal
wells in Mexico and the U S.

l%e newest and possibly the best cementing compositionbe developed for
geothermal well casing and liner cementing uses described as hi~h
what is
strengzh micro-spheres (HSMS). It has been very successfully used in
Mexico’s Cerro Prieto Fields and in fields in Japan. Lost circulation and
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have indicated improved bonding over mast of these intervals which once
caused so much difficulty. These field results support the laboratory
observation that these type slurries possess an inherent ability to combat
lost circulation problems by farming an efficient, immobile filter cake that
is resistant to flow when placed across a permeable matrix. ~is ability
caupled with gaad compressive strength development forms a low density
slurry having excellent thermal insulation properties (K=O.172 BTU/hr-ft-

me HSMS Geothermal Slurry includes:

94 lb 1 sack Cement

38 lb 40% Silica Flaur

3.8 lb 4% Bentanite (Gel)

50 lb HSMS Bridging Agent

5 lb ----- Lime

1.0 lb ----- Dispersant

(3.5 ib ----- Fiuid Lass Additive

o- 1.0 lb ----- Retarder

Tinissiurry is mixed ta have a dawnhaie density of 1.38 kgli.

Settling af the slurry fram the surface or having free water break out near
the surface may allow the tieback string, which ultimately becomes the
production string, to move around as it may be loose and unsupported for 10
- 50 meters.

The tie back casing cement most papularly used includes:

94 lb 1 sack Cement

38 lb 40% Silica Flour

2.8 lb 3% Bentanite (Gel)

. . o. 75% ----- Dispersant

o- 1.0’% ----- Retarder

This slurry is mixed ta a density af 1.94 kg/1.


The success of using other methods rather than cement plug back jobs tQ


combat lost circulation during drilling cannot be overlooked. The savings

by rmt hwing to rauncitrip the drillpipe and waiting-on-cement time can be
several thousand dollars.

Most areas which have t~ied the FC Ssrvice fcr ]ne+

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improving primary casing cementing have followed the method given in this
paper. Quite aften, innovations of their own design has proven beneficial
to the conditions encountered in the different types of jobs.

A re’viewof the primary c~sing or liner cementing steps includes:

1. The hole has ta be in the best possible condition prior to running


2. The casing must be run slow enough to prevent fracturing the exposed

3. It is recommended to stage circulate and reciprocate while running

casing for 15 minutes every 2 hours to clean the debris and mud cake
away from the centralizers, collars and scratchers.

4. Once the casing is in position to cement, circulate at least two (2)

hole valumes while reciprocating the casing to clean the hale to further
condition the mud and obtain a stabilized bottom hole circulating tem-
perature (BHCT).

5. Check to be sure the carrect amount of materials, equipment, and man-

power to perform the jab are available.

=e sure &h-.
h,.=,ais Cdequate velltnu - . _g~~g~~~
“---- af s cement mixing woter acces-
sible to the cement mixing-pumping units.

7. Establish a maximum pump pressure not to be exceeded.

8. Mix and pump the flush, spacer, FC, cement slurry, plugs and displace-
ment fluids in their correct sequence at the maximum rate passible
without exceeding the predetermined maximum pump pressure.

9. Once the plug has bumped, check the floats. If they are not holding,
close in the head but monitor the inside casing pressure and bleed it
off whenever it builds up to more than 200 psi aver the equalization
. . . .. -
10. Wait at least 20 hours for the cement to harden prior to disturbing it.


The author wishes to express his appreciation to the management of Hallibur-

ton Limited foF fX9RT&SSit3fi tO ~GbliSh t!?iS ~=~~r =~~ ~Q thase who are
drilling and completing geothernul wells far sharing their experience.


1. Goodman, tilcolm A: “Lost Circulation Experience in Geothermal Wells”,

Enertech Engineering and Research co. From Proceedings of International
Geothermal Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1980.

2. Shryock, Stanley H and Smith,. Dwight K: “Geothermal Cementing - The

SP E12454
State Of me Art”, From Proceedings of International Geothermal Con-
ference held in Albuquerque, New .Mexico, 1?80.

3. Sutton, D L; Roll , D L; De Leon, Rene: “New Cement Handles Both Hign

Temperature, Lost Circulation”, World Oil, April 1983, Pages 101 - 104.

4. Gallus, J P; Pyle, D E; Watters, L T: “Performance of Oil Well Cement-

ing Compositions in Geothermal Wells”, SPE Paper 7591 presented at the
53rd Annual Fall Technical Meeting held in Houston, Texas, Octaber 1 -
3, 1978.


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