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Lorem Dolore BSCCC No.

Q11. What is the significance of this abandonment?

It is the moral and legal equivalent of a parent

British Southern
selling its child into slavery. It was the duty of The Trusteeship Agreement was
designed by the United Nations to
the U.K. as Administering Authority of a Trust
Territory to protect the interests of its charge.
The U.K. went into great pains to protect the
prepare The British Southern
Cameroons (BSC) and other
interests of the people of Hongkong, a Trusteeships for independence and
possession of China, over which it had much less
responsibility. More recently, the U.K. intervened
with much enthusiasm and moral indignation in
freedom from colonialism. Overiding
the wishes of its people for full
independence, the U.N. and the UK
And The United
Kosovo. Like the U.N., the U.K. continues to look decided to "grant independence" by
the other way and to pretend that the B.S.C.
problem is internal to la Republique du
attaching the Southern Cameroons to
its neighbours? Forty years later, the
British Southern Cameroons is a colony,
Q11. What are the consequences of this abandonment? annexed by la Republique du Cameroun
and France and its people are struggling
France and its quisling, Ahmadou Ahidjo, anew for independence. The U.N. is
President of la Republique du Cameroun saw the looking the other way, waiting for
chance to annex B.S.C. and immediately another Rwanda-style genocide before
grabbed it. In doing so, they completely reneged it takes action. The BSC question is the
on all their undertakings (at the U.N.) never to most important blunder of U.N. and
annex B.S.C. Ahidjo later told his party in U.K. decolonization.
Ebolowa that there was no birth of a new
federation. La Republique du Cameroun simply
transformed itself and amended its constitution
to begin the process of annexing the B.S.C.
Q11. Do Southern Cameroonians blame the U.N. and the U.K. Paladin Insurance Proinde cum venabere, licebit,
for their plight? 1234 Street Address auctore me, ut panarium et
City, ST 01234 lagunculam sic etiam.
Both the U.N. and the U.K. showed the same Phone: (555) 555-5555
degree of aloofness and nonchalance towards Fax: (555) 555-5555 Phone: (555) 555-5555
the political development of the B.S.C. Charles Fax: (555) 555-5555
de Gaulle's reference of the B.S.C. at its union
with la Republique du Cameroun as "un petit
cadeau de la Reine" smacks of connivance
between the U.K. and France. The absence of
both the U.N. and the U.K. at the Fumban
Conference amounts to gross negligence. B.S.C. L O L O
now seeks recognition of its independence which
was overwhelmingly approved by the U.N. on G O G O
April 19 1961, by a vote of 50 yes, 2 no and 9 A Publication of the British Southern
abstentions. The U.N. has the responsibility to © Copyright BSCPA
broker the dissolution of the failed union that it Cameroons Communications Commission
imposed on B.S.C. four decades ago.
Duis Ridebis Proxinde Duis ego Ille Quiem Nonde Sequit Quots

Q1The U.N. treats the BSC question like an internal affair of la Q8.Why then was the British Southern Cameroons not granted
Republique du Cameroun. Is this legal? her independence in accordance with U.N. Article 76?
The administering authority, U.K. misled the
U.N. into believing that the Southern Cameroons
would be economically non-viable as an
independent state. This was not true because
the U.K. was aware of commercially significant
oil reserves within the international borders of
the Southern Cameroons. The reasons for
gambling with the freedom of the Southern
Cameroons people was ultimately self-serving
and had nothing to do with the U.N. prescription
British Southern Cameroons was self-governing and to "promote the advancement of the people of
actively preparing for independence since 1954 the inhabitants of the Trust Territories."
According to the values of the U.K. itself,
Q5. Why did the U.N. establish the Trusteeship Council? freedom is paramount for any real advancement
The U.N. established the Trusteeship Council to to occur.
supervise the administration of Trust Territories Q9. How can the U.N. correct its error?
like the Southern Cameroons. Trusteeship
territories were colonized countries over which The U.N. can correct the error it made and avert
Q2. For what purpose was the United Nations Founded? further conflict in the two Cameroons by:
A. The U.N. was founded to maintain the U.N. had ultimate authority. The
international peace and security to help bring administering authority governed the country a) Accepting that the United Nations-imposed
justice and prosperity to all peoples and nations. by proxy for the U.N. Southern Cameroons' union between the two Cameroons has failed
administering authority was the U.K. and by taking the necessary steps to effect the
Q3. What declaration did the U.N. make in 1960 concerning peaceful separation of the two Cameroons.
colonized countries and peoples? Q6. Who are the members of the Trusteeship Council?
A. In December 1960 the U.N. declared in b) Taking appropriate steps to sanction la
Resolution 1514(xv) that the subjection of The members of the Trusteeship Council are the Republique du Cameroun for annexing the
peoples to colonial subjugation, domination and same five who are permanent members of the Southern Cameroons contrary to its own
exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental Security Council i.e. China, France, The Russian resolution 224-111 of November 18, 1948.
human rights...and that "immediate steps shall Federation, United Kingdom and the United Q10. What decision did the U.N. take concerning the results of
be taken in Trust and non-self-governing States of America the plebiscite it conducted in the Southern Cameroons in 1961? transfer all powers ot the peoples
Q7. What was the objective of the Trusteeship System? The U.N. passed Resolution 1608(xv) directing
of those territories without any condition or
in paragraph 5 that the Administering
According to Article 76 of the U.N. Charter, the Authority(U.K.), the government of the Southern
Q4. What was the status of the British Southern Cameroons at the Cameroons, the government of la Republique du
objective of the Trusteeship System was to
time of the above declaration? Cameroun should meet and finalize before
promote the advancement of the inhabitants of
A. From October 1, 1960, the Southern the Trust Territories and their advancement October 1, 1961 the arrangement by which the
Cameroons was a self-governing U.N. Trust towards self-government and independence. Southern Cameroons would enter into
Territory under United Kingdom Administration, federation with la Republique du Cameroun. The
no longer governed with the Federation of Southern Cameroons was never party to such a
Nigeria meeting.

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