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Lesson Plan Format: Ch.

10-13 Lesson Plan

Teacher__________Ian Smith_________ Grade Level______11_______

I. Content and Standards:

 Standard - CC.1.2.11-12.A :Determine and analyze the relationship
between two or more central ideas of a text, including the development
and interaction of the central ideas; provide an objective summary of the
 Standard - CC.1.2.11-12.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to
support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and
conclusions based on and related to an author’s implicit and explicit
assumptions and beliefs.
 Standard - CC.1.2.11-12.C: Analyze the interaction and development of a
complex set of ideas, sequence of events, or specific individuals over the
course of the text.
 Standard - CC.1.3.11-12.K: Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade
level, reading independently and proficiently.
II. Prerequisites:

 Students will have read chapters 10-16

III. Essential Questions (provide a framework)

 What significant developments in the relationship between Queequeg and

Ishmael take place during these chapters?

 What can we learn from these developments and what impact do they have
on the text as we continue reading?

IV. Instructional Objective:

 Students will identify and analyze significant developments in the

relationship between Queequeg and Ishmael as they occur in the provided
chapters in order to create a visual representation of a scene from the text
with the use of supportive evidence.

V. Instructional Procedures: BDA

 Class begins with students taking the chapter 10-16 quiz.

 Brief discussion about the theme of the “other” and the way that Ishmael’s
opinion of Queequeg has developed up to this point.

 Students will be given the task of creating a visual representation in the

form of a story board for the following events that occur throughout these

i. Ishmael teaching Queequeg how to read

ii. Ishmael and Queequeg sharing a pipe in bed

iii. Queequeg presenting Ishmael with gifts to signify their friendship

iv. Queequeg’s decision to leave his home

v. Queequeg’s story about the wedding

vi. Queequeg getting mocked on the way to Nantucket

vii. Queequeg’s rescue of the man who mocked him

 Each event is written on a 3x5 card and given out to the various whale
boat groups that have been created. Students will use 2 8x11 pieces of
paper with a construction paper background to create their story board.

 Students are required to include 2 details that are true to the story for each
frame of their story board. In addition they must include two quotes for
each frame. Finally, they must provide the overarching importance of this
scene as it relates to Ishmael and Queequeg’s relationship.

 Once their storyboards are completed, students will share with the class
and hang up their creations at the back of the room.
 Conclude class by emphasizing the idea of the “other” in order to set up
for future lessons.

VI. Materials and Equipment:

 Construction paper

 8x11 paper

 Colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc.

 Glue and tape

VII. Assessment/Evaluation:

 Reading comprehension quiz

 Storyboard activity

 Class discussion

VIII. Technology: Describe which technology will be incorporated and describe

how technology will assist learning.
 See materials

IX. Self-Assessment

 Reading quiz will provide diagnostic info about reading comprehension

 Story board project will provide additional information about students

understanding of theme and character development

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