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European Heart Journal (2003) 24, 1244–1253

Sequential assessment of mitral valve area during

diastole using colour M-mode flow convergence
analysis: new insights into mitral stenosis
David Messika-Zeitoun a, Siu Fung Yiu a, Bertrand Cormier c,
Bernard Iung c, Christopher Scott b, Alec Vahanian c, A. Jamil Tajik a,
Maurice Enriquez-Sarano a*
Division of Cardiovascular Diseases and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, MN,
Rochester, USA
Section of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, MN, Rochester, USA
Cardiovascular Division, Hôpital Bichat, Paris, France
Received 16 October 2002; revised 18 February 2003; accepted 27 March 2003

KEYWORDS Aims In mitral stenosis (MS) transvalvular flow and velocity continually change through-
Blood flow; out diastole but for mitral valve area (MVA), flow-dependent variations (valve reserve)
Echocardiography; are unknown. These physiologic changes can be studied by the proximal isovelocity
Haemodynamics; surface area (PISA) method, using the high temporal resolution of colour M-mode,
Mitral valve; essential for simultaneous measurements of flow and velocity. Hence, we aimed to
PISA validate the colour M-mode PISA method for measurement of MVA in MS and to define
using this method the physiologic flow-dependent changes of MVA during diastole.
Methods and results In 50 patients with native MS, MVA was measured by planimetry
(MVA-2D), Doppler pressure half-time (MVA-PHT), and two-dimensional PISA (2D-
PISA). MVA measurement by colour M-mode PISA in early diastole (M-PISA) (1.27±
0.46 cm2) with rigorously timed flow and velocity measurements by continuous wave
Doppler did not differ and correlated well with MVA-2D (1.29±0.44 cm2, p=0.59;
r=0.85, p<0.001) and MVA-PHT (1.30±0.41 cm2, p=0.52; r=0.80, p<0.001). In contrast
a trend towards underestimation of MVA by 2D-PISA was observed (1.23±0.42 cm2;
p=0.10 and p=0.07). Timed analysis of transvalvular haemodynamics at early, mid,
mid-late, and late diastole showed marked changes in flow and velocities (both
p<0.0001) but not in MVA (respectively 1.27±0.46, 1.29±0.47, 1.28±0.51 and
1.27±0.49 cm2; ns).
Conclusions In MS, the high temporal resolution of colour M-mode PISA allows
accurate MVA measurements. It also allows for the first time, sequential MVA
assessment during diastole. Notwithstanding marked flow and velocities changes,
MVA remained unchanged throughout diastole underscoring the lack of flow-related
valvular reserve in MS.
© 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.

* Correspondence: Dr Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, M.D., Division of Cardiovascular Diseases and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
200 First Street S.W., Rochester, MN 55905
E-mail address: (M. Enriquez-Sarano).

0195-668X/03/$ - see front matter © 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.
Colour M-mode PISA for mitral stenosis 1245

Introduction MN, and Hôpital Bichat, Paris, France. Inclusion

criteria were (1) native mitral valve stenosis, (2)
Measurement of mitral valve area (MVA) is the cor-
overall quantitation of MVA by colour M-mode PISA,
nerstone of mitral stenosis (MS) severity assessment.
(3) analysis of sequential transvalvular haemo-
As cardiac catheterization is mostly used to perform
dynamics changes throughout diastole by colour
balloon valvuloplasty,1 for clinical decision-making,
M-mode PISA, and (4) simultaneous MVA quanti-
MVA is most often non-invasively measured by
tation by at least two of the following reference
Doppler echocardiography.2 However, all methods of
methods: two-dimensional planimetry (MVA-2D),
assessment of MVA are not always measurable and
Doppler pressure half-time (MVA-PHT), and two-
each has specific limitations.3–6 Hence, to improve
dimensional PISA (2D-PISA). Exclusion criteria were
consistency and reliability of MVA measurement,
(1) colour M-mode images with fragmented borders
combination of methods is often required and devel-
or inability to image through the centreline of the
opment of new methods supports wide applicability
flow convergence, (2) peak transmitral flow vel-
of Doppler echocardiography in clinical practice.
ocity of less than 119 cm/s at early diastole (defined
The proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA)
as three standard deviations superior boundary of
method7 provides accurate calculation of effective
normal mitral inflow velocity in our laboratory), (3)
orifice area in mitral,8,9 aortic10 and tricuspid re-
mitral transvalvular flow non-sustained throughout
gurgitation.11 For MVA measurement in MS, the PISA
diastole (not allowing visualization of flow conver-
method is attractive because flow convergence im-
gence throughout diastole) and (4) mitral (MR) or
aging is highly feasible, and because it may be the
aortic regurgitation (AR) more than moderate.
only method available in some patients.12–15 How-
ever, PISA measures instantaneous flow and in MS, Doppler echocardiographic examination
as mitral flow and velocity continually vary
throughout diastole, it is essential that these vari- All patients underwent complete two-dimensional
ables be measured simultaneously to allow accu- and Doppler echocardiographic examination. Data
rate calculation of MVA. Such requirement is for MVA-2D,27 MVA-PHT,28 2D-PISA, colour M-mode
difficult to fulfil with two-dimensional (2D) colour flow convergence imaging, and other Doppler
imaging due to relatively low frame rates. In con- echocardiographic measurements were collected
trast, colour M-mode PISA16–18 provides high sam- concurrently during the same examination. The
pling rates and precise timing of measurements. mitral score of valvular and subvalvular alteration
Thus, this method has great potential for MS assess- was calculated for each patient between 4 and
ment but has not been validated yet. 16.29
Furthermore, in valve stenosis, flow-related
valve area change, or valve reserve, particularly The PISA method of determining mitral
documented in aortic stenosis19,20 may play a role orifice area
in adaptation to haemodynamic stress.21 In MS the
concept of flow-related valve reserve remains The conceptual basis of the PISA method has been
controversial4,22–26 mostly due to methodological described elsewhere.9 The method is based on flow
difficulties. Colour M-mode PISA with its high tem- convergence analysis proximal to the stenotic
poral resolution is ideally suited to measure flow orifice by shifting the colour-flow scale baseline
and MVA changes throughout diastole and to fill upward to decrease the colour aliasing-velocity.
these gaps of knowledge regarding MS physiology. With hemispheric shape of the proximal isovelocity
surface, the diastolic flow rate is calculated as
Thus, this study was undertaken in patients with
MS (1) to analyse accuracy of colour M-mode PISA
Flowmitral (ml/s)⫽2πr2#
compared to standard Doppler-echocardiographic
reference methods for MVA measurement, and (2) to (angle /180)#Valias (cm/s)
measure sequential variations of mitral flow and MVA
throughout diastole and determine the presence and in which r (cm) is the maximal radius of the flow
magnitude of flow-related valve reserve in MS. convergence region in early diastole measured in
the centreline of the flow convergence region,
Valias is the aliasing velocity, and /180 is the
Methods correction factor accounting for mitral inflow con-
straint angle .12–14 MVA is then determined by
dividing maximal diastolic flow rate (flowmitral [ml/
Fifty patients with MS were prospectively enrolled s]) by peak continuous wave Doppler velocity of
between 1994 and 1996 at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, mitral inflow (Vmax [cm/s]).
1246 D. Messika-Zeitoun et al.

Fig. 1 Examples of measurement of mitral orifice area by the colour M-mode flow convergence method in mitral stenosis. The colour
M-mode tracing of the proximal flow convergence and continuous wave Doppler echocardiographic measurement at four phases of
diastole (early, mid, mid-late, and late) were matched at the same time intervals. The valve area at each phase was then calculated
by simply dividing the mitral flow rate by the corresponding inflow velocity.

In each colour flow image of the flow conver- Peak radius of flow convergence was measured
gence, flow constraint or interaction was examined during each phase to calculate mitral flow rate and
to determine the angle correction factor required the specific timing of the measurement from the
for the calculation of mitral diastolic flow rate. beginning of diastole was noted. Each radius was
Absence of flow constraint allowing full hemi- measured from the red–blue aliasing level to the
spheric flow convergence was defined by contact of tip of the leaflet at the orifice.
less than one-third between the blue flow conver- Colour M-mode analysis was then paired with
gence and the mitral leaflets, with red-orange continuous wave Doppler and cycles with identical
aliasing colour rim around the blue flow conver- diastolic duration were used for both techniques.
gence. An Angle correction factor of 1 (180/180) Individual measurements of the radius of flow
was used in these situations for calculating flow convergence were then coupled with transmitral
rate. velocity at the same matched time interval from
beginning of diastole. Three to five measurements
Colour M-mode PISA and analysis of phasic of each variable (on matched cycle for colour
haemodynamic variation M-mode and Doppler methods) were averaged,
depending on the patient's rhythm.
Under guidance of magnified two-dimensional MVA was then calculated separately for each
colour imaging, colour M-mode tracings were re- phase of diastole simply by dividing the diastolic
corded by placing the M-mode cursor line through flow rate by the corresponding matched continuous
the centre of the flow convergence. Colour-flow wave Doppler velocity (Fig. 1).
imaging was carefully examined to ascertain that
transvalvular flow was maintained throughout dias- Statistical analysis
tole. Geometric adequacy and flow constraint of
the flow convergence were predetermined by two- All quantitative data were expressed as mean±
dimensional colour flow imaging before the M-mode standard deviation.
technique. Diastole was divided into four phases The comparisons of mitral valve area obtained by
of equal duration: early, mid, mid-late, and late the different echocardiographic methods were
diastole. analysed by paired t-tests and linear regression. To
Colour M-mode PISA for mitral stenosis 1247

Table 1 Clinical and haemodynamic baseline characteris- pared to MVA-2D or MVA-PHT, M-PISA showed no
tics of the patients* significant difference (signed difference: −0.02±
Age, years 56±16
0.25 p=0.59 and −0.026±0.28 p=0.52 respectively)
Female sex 41(82) but 2D-PISA showed a trend toward underesti-
NYHA class III or IV 24 (48) mation of MVA (signed difference: −0.07±0.28
Heart rate, beats/min 74±15 p=0.10 and −0.07±0.28 p=0.07 respectively). The
Atrial fibrillation 22 (44)
Mild to moderate mitral regurgitation 22 (44)
absolute value of the difference with MVA-2D was
Mild to moderate aortic regurgitation 24 (48) the lowest for MVA-PHT (0.15±0.15 cm2) and was
LVED dimension, mm 49±6 similarly low for M-PISA (0.17±0.16 cm2, p=0.41)
EF,% 56±12 while it was higher for 2D-PISA (0.21±0.19 cm2,
SPAP, mmHg 45±9
Mean gradient across mitral valve, mmHg 8±4
p=0.05). Quality control plots using the Altman and
Mitral score 8±2 Bland method with two-dimensional planimetry
Angle of mitral valve leaflet, degree 127±20 (Fig. 3A) and Doppler pressure half-time (Fig. 3B) as
Total diastole duration, ms 445±123 reference techniques showed that there was no
Mitral valve area (cm2)
overall underestimation or overestimation of the
Planimetry 1.29±0.44
Pressure half-time 1.30±0.41 mitral valve area estimates by the M-mode PISA
Two-dimensional PISA 1.23±0.42 technique. The mean signed difference between
M-mode PISA 1.27±0.46 M-PISA and MVA-2D and MVA-PHT was small (re-
spectively 0.02 cm2 and 0.03 cm2), and the slope
*Data presented are number of patients (%) or mean±SD.
NYHA=New York Heart Association functional class; LVED= and intercept for the regression of the difference
left ventricular end-diastolic; EF=ejection fraction; SPAP= onto the mean of the reference and colour M-mode
systolic pulmonary artery pressure. PISA valve areas were not different from zero,
emphasizing the absence of systemic bias in the
M-mode method. The M-PISA MVA showed signifi-
cant correlations with simultaneous peak and mean
assess for error and bias, Altman and Bland analysis gradient (both r=0.57, p<0.0001) but no significant
method30 was used. Stability of phasic measure- correlation to cardiac output.
ments of flow, velocity and MVA by colour M-mode Subgroup analysis was also performed (Table 2).
and Doppler method was analysed by ANOVA for In patients in sinus rhythm, all methods showed
repeated measurement. Statistical significance was similar results (1.35±0.49 cm2 for MVA-2D,
defined with p<0.05. 1.29±0.38 cm2 for MVA-PHT, 1.27±0.48 cm2 for 2D-
PISA and 1.35±0.51 cm2 for M-PISA, all p>0.09). In
the 22 patients in atrial fibrillation, MVA-PHT
Results (1.31±0.46 cm2) was significantly higher than that
obtained by other methods (1.22±0.36 cm2 for MVA-
Baseline characteristics
2D, p=0.07; 1.17±0.34 cm2 for 2D-PISA, p=0.03;
Of the 50 patients (age 56±16 years), 41 (82%) were 1.18±0.38 cm2 for M-PISA, p=0.02) but there was
female, 22 were in atrial fibrillation (AF), 22 had no significant difference between the last three
mild to moderate mitral regurgitation (MR) and methods (all p>0.29). However, correlations of
24 mild to moderate aortic regurgitation (AR). M-PISA with MVA-2D, MVA-PHT and 2D-PISA re-
Mitral valvular score was 8±2 (range 5 to 13) and mained significant and good despite the atrial
mean gradient 8±4 mmHg. Baseline clinical and fibrillation (respectively r=0.86, r=0.84 and r=0.83,
haemodynamic characteristics are presented in all p<0.0001). In patients with severe anatomic
Table 1. damages (defined as a mitral score ≥8), a trend
towards underestimation of the MVA compared to
Mitral valve area by colour M-mode PISA in MVA-2D and MVA-PHT was observed with 2D-PISA
early diastole but not with M-PISA. Similarly compared to these
two reference methods, 2D-PISA, but not M-PISA,
MVA-2D was 1.29±0.44 cm2, MVA-PHT 1.30± underestimated MVA in patients with mild to
0.41 cm2 and 2D-PISA 1.23±0.42 cm2. MVA obtained moderate MR.
by colour M-mode PISA in early diastole (M-PISA), In 10 patients M-mode colour measurements
with the same aliasing velocity than 2D-PISA were repeated by a second blinded observer. Inter-
(25±6 cm/s), was 1.27±0.46 cm2 (Table 1). Corre- observer variability calculated as the standard
lations between all the methods were significant error of the estimate of valve area (0.16 cm2) was
(all r> 0.75 and p< 0.0001) (Fig. 2). However, com- comparable to that of other methods.22
1248 D. Messika-Zeitoun et al.

Fig. 2 Comparison of mitral valve area (MVA) by the colour M-mode proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) method with an aliasing
velocity of 25±6 cm/s with the standard reference echocardiographic techniques of two-dimensional (2D) planimetry (Graph A) and
Doppler pressure half-time (PHT) (Graph B).

Colour M-mode PISA and flow change was similarly observed irrespective of
haemodynamics throughout diastole stratification based on severity of anatomic
damage (mitral score ≥ or <8) or on presence of mild
Colour M-mode PISA measurement of transvalvular to moderate MR (Table 3, Fig. 4).
flow was matched with similarly timed (using mitral
valve opening as the time reference) continuous
wave Doppler trans-valvular velocity measure- Discussion
ments. The timing after mitral opening was ident-
ical for radius of flow convergence and velocity This study shows that in patients with MS, MVA can
measurements and was on average 67±15 ms be simply and accurately calculated by the colour
in early-diastole, 170±45 ms in mid-diastole, M-mode flow convergence method. With precise
276±83 ms in mid-late-diastole, and 368±113 ms in timing of flow and velocity measurements, this
late-diastole. The wider range of timing at end- method shows good agreement with MVA obtained
than early-diastole does not reflect discrepancies from reference echocardiographic techniques with
in timing of flow and velocity measurements but a strong trend toward a better accuracy compared
rather between-patient heart rate differences (95% to the 2D-PISA method. Importantly, this method
confidence interval of distribution=60 bpm) and allows for the first time instantaneous measure-
hence diastolic duration differences. These timed ment of MVA throughout diastole and thus allows
measurements at each phase (Table 3) showed demonstration that despite marked flow and vel-
marked variations in transvalvular flow and velo- ocity changes during diastole, the MVA remains
cities. From minimum to maximum, change in unchanged. The lack of valve reserve, demon-
transvalvular flow was 144±98% while that of vel- strated by MVA stability throughout diastole was
ocity was 104±61%, or more than doubling for each observed irrespective of the severity of mitral
variable. However, no significant change in the MVA anatomical alterations or of the presence of mitral
measured with colour M-mode PISA was noted regurgitation. Therefore, the M-PISA method can
(Table 3) with compared to early diastole a change be used as a simple and accurate adjunct in the
of −0.02±0.15 for mid diastole, −0.002±0.30 for comprehensive echocardiographic assessment of
mid-late-diastole and 0.007±0.35 cm2 for late- MS in clinical practice and provides important
diastole (all p>0.39). This lack of flow-related MVA insight into MS physiology.
Colour M-mode PISA for mitral stenosis 1249

Fig. 3 Quality control plots (using Altman and Bland analysis) for mitral valve area (MVA) estimates by the colour M-mode proximal
isovelocity surface area (PISA) method in early diastole with use of two-dimensional (2D) planimetry (Graph A) and Doppler pressure
half-time (PHT) (Graph B) as reference methods. Each scatter plot indicates on the y-axis the differences between the reference
method and colour M-mode PISA MVA versus the mean of these two methods on the x-axis.

Table 2 Mitral valve area by the four different methods according to the rhythm, the mitral score and the presence of mitral
Overall 1.29±0.44 1.30±0.41 1.23±0.42 1.27±0.46
Atrial fibrillation 1.22±0.36 1.31±0.46 1.17±0.34* 1.18±0.38*
Sinus rhythm 1.35±0.49 1.29±0.38 1.27±0.48 1.35±0.51
Score ≥8 1.15±0.44 1.20±0.46 1.08±0.41 1.12±0.45
Score <8 1.39±0.42 1.37±0.36 1.33±0.41 1.38±0.45
Mild to moderate MR 1.33±0.47 1.37±0.49 1.22±0.44* 1.30±0.53
No or trivial MR 1.26±0.42 1.24±0.33 1.23±0.42 1.25±0.41

*p<0.05 vs MVA-PHT. Values are mean±SD. MR: mitral regurgitation.

Colour M-mode flow convergence unreliable for post-valvotomy examinations.37

measurement of mitral valve area Although the continuity equation provides an
additional independent means for determining the
All echographic methods of MVA measurement in severity of MS, the frequently associated valvular
MS have potential intrinsic limitations. Two- regurgitations and atrial fibrillation are important
dimensional echocardiographic planimetry is not limitations of this method.5,38 Even without these
always feasible3,27,31 and is dependent on locating pitfalls, the standard error of the estimate of the
the true mitral orifice in the short-axis view and on correlations between these methods is relatively
the use of the proper gain settings.32 The accuracy wide, usually around 0.3 cm2 (0.22 cm2 in the
of the PHT may be affected by associated present study), indicating a notable variability
regurgitations,5,33–35 tachycardia, atrial fibrillation of all currently used methods. The intrinsic limi-
as shown in the present study and increased left tations and measurement variability of the
ventricular end-diastolic pressure.36 Similarly, methods of assessment of MVA result in a large
acute chamber compliance changes render PHT error component of the standard deviation of the
1250 D. Messika-Zeitoun et al.

Table 3 Area and haemodynamic changes throughout the four phases of diastole
Phases of diastole
Early Mid Mid-late Late
Diastolic timing, ms 67±15 170±45 276±83 368±113
Radius of flow convergence, cm* 1.42±0.27 1.11±0.22 1.00±0.22 1.07±0.34
Flow, ml/s* 226±70 178±54 147±59 178±103
Velocity, cm/s* 185±36 146±36 124±43 139±58
Mitral valve area, cm2
Overall 1.27±0.46 1.29±0.47 1.28±0.51 1.27±0.49
Mitral score ≥8 1.12±0.45 1.13±0.43 1.10±0.47 1.08±0.41
Mitral zcore <8 1.38±0.45 1.41±0.47 1.40±0.50 1.40±0.51
Mild to moderate MR 1.30±0.53 1.36±0.52 1.32±0.52 1.30±0.54
No or trivial MR 1.25±0.41 1.24±0.43 1.24±0.50 1.24±0.46

*Denotes significant differences between the four phases of diastole by ANOVA for repeated measures (p<0.0001). The timed
calculations at early, mid, mid-late and late diastole illustrated marked changes in flow and velocities without significant changes
in mitral valve area (p>0.39). Values are mean±SD. MR: mitral regurgitation.

Fig. 4 Phasic measurements of mitral valve area (MVA, y-axis) in early, mid, mid-late and late diastole (x-axis) according to the
presence of a Mitral score < or ≥8 (Graph A) and according to the presence or absence of mitral regurgitation (Graph B). No significant
MVA changes throughout the diastole were noted in any subgroup (all p>0.30).

measurement. Assuming that two independent can be easily visualized and as it may be the only
methods measure the same signal with statistically method available in some patients.13,14 However,
independent and equal measurement errors, the the low frame rate and temporal resolution of
error component of the final results, the average of 2D-colour imaging, has the potential to reduce the
those two methods, is reduced by a factor √2. There- accuracy of the 2D-PISA method because mitral
fore, palliating imperfect accuracy of methods of inflow and velocity continuously vary throughout
measurement of MVA requires in routine practice diastole and for the calculation of MVA, it is essen-
the averaging of several methods applicable in tial to measure them simultaneously. The potential
all possible clinical contexts, underscoring the errors in timing of measurements of 2D-PISA may
importance of analysing the value of the recently result in significant differences with 2D-MVA and
developed PISA method. PHT-MVA. Avoiding this potential limitation re-
The PISA method is attractive for MVA determi- quires a tedious, time-consuming approach poorly
nation in MS, as the proximal convergence region compatible with routine clinical practice.
Colour M-mode PISA for mitral stenosis 1251

In contrast colour M-mode PISA is simple and observed with mitral valve prolapse,16,39 while
accurate for MVA determination. It provides proper rheumatic lesions are much less variable.16 Also the
timing for measurements and thus palliates one of lack of variability in MS with high score contrasts
the main limitations of the 2D PISA. Identically markedly with the variability of aortic valve area in
timed measurements of the radius of the proximal similarly calcified aortic stenosis.19,20
convergence region and of the transvalvular vel- Therefore, the degree of calcification or valvular
ocity can easily be obtained in routine practice. In alteration (as observed in the present study) is not a
our study, MVA determined by this technique at the critical factor in the variability of valve area. One
early diastolic peak of flow and velocity did not major difference between mitral and aortic sten-
differ and correlated well with MVA determined by osis is that despite the fact that leaflets may be
independent reference echocardiographic methods similarly thickened and calcified in both lesions the
and a strong trend toward a better accuracy com- commissural lesions are very different. In degen-
pared with 2D-PISA was observed. The overall accu- erative aortic stenosis there is no commissural
racy of the method was not affected by the rhythm, fusion and the stenosis is due to rigid calcified
the severity of anatomic damage and the presence leaflets, while in MS the stenosis is mainly related
of a mild to moderate mitral regurgitation. Thus, to commissural fusion irrespective of the severity of
colour M-mode PISA provides satisfactory results valve calcifications. The fixed fusion of the com-
and allows analysing phasic haemodynamic changes missures is a major limit to MVA changes during
throughout diastole. diastole as illustrated by the valve reserve observed
after commissural splitting but not before val-
votomy.40 However with extreme flow changes dur-
Phasic valve area of mitral stenosis
ing exercise or dobutamine infusion, some MVA
throughout diastole increase might occur22,24,25 but have limited physio-
Studies of valvular heart diseases have shown that logical significance.26 As with fixed orifices the
the effective flow orifice area may vary during the transvalvular gradient increases as a squared func-
cardiac cycle or under the influence of changes in tion of increases in flow, the absent or very limited
cardiac output or loading conditions. For example, variability of the MVA of MS often translates into poor
despite organic valve lesions the effective regur- clinical tolerance of marked transvalvular flow in-
gitant orifice of mitral regurgitation may change crease, such as in pregnancy.41,42 This poor toler-
during systole dynamic.16,39 Even in valve stenosis ance often forces to emergent interventions or
with fixed lesions, it has been observed that the balloon valvuloplasty.41,42 Finally, since patients
effective orifice of aortic stenosis may vary during with low transmitral velocity (gradient) were ex-
systole19 or under the influence of dobutamine cluded from the present study, MS with low transval-
infusion.20 Conversely, for mitral stenosis, the fixed vular flow and gradient may exhibit valve reserve.
or dynamic nature of the mitral orifice has not been Therefore, the methodology used in the present
well defined, particularly because during exercise study provides important information to reconcile
or dobutamine infusion, MVA assessment by discordant clinical data and new insights into MS
Doppler echocardiography is technically arduous physiology. The M-PISA method provides the meth-
and challenging.4,23–25 In contrast, colour M-mode odological basis for future studies aiming at further
PISA offers the opportunity to evaluate with appro- clarifying these issues.
priate timing of measurement the effect of marked
variations of flow on MVA changes. Limitations
For the first time, using colour M-mode PISA,
temporal variations of flow, velocity and orifice Technical issues are of importance. The colour
area during the normal cardiac cycle were exam- M-mode technique requires guidance with 2D-
ined in our study. The timed calculations at early, colour imaging. The flow convergence should not
mid, mid-late, and late diastole showed that be grossly deformed and the aliasing velocity set
despite marked changes in flow and velocities around 25 cm/s as in previous reports,13,14 may
throughout diastole, there were no significant require adaptation to avoid this pitfall. Also, we
changes in MVA showing that in MS there is no ensured that flow convergence shape adequacy was
flow-related valve reserve. These results may ap- maintained throughout diastole by direct examin-
pear at odds with the data previously reported in ation. The colour M-mode cursor should pass
other valve diseases, but require careful examin- through the valve orifice and the centre of the flow
ation of the mechanism of the lesions. Indeed, in convergence to record the maximal radius, a
mitral regurgitation most variability has been condition also achieved by 2D-colour guidance. In
1252 D. Messika-Zeitoun et al.

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Acknowledgements 17. Chen C, Koschyk D, Brockhoff C et al. Noninvasive esti-
mation of regurgitant flow rate and volume in patients with
Dr Messika-Zeitoun was supported by a grant from mitral regurgitation by Doppler color mapping of accelerat-
the Federation Française de Cardiologie. ing flow field. J Am Coll Cardiol 1993;21:374–83.
18. Zhang J, Jones M, Shandas R et al. Accuracy of flow conver-
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