B 17 - Game Aids

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Name B-17
Record Crew
Roll for Target City Roll for B-17
Roll for Squadron
Consult Flight Log Proceed to
Queen of the Skies
TARGET Gameplay Aid by Al Wilson
Mission Chart Mission Chart Mission Chart Mission Chart Mission Chart
March, 2015
G-1, G-2, G-3 G-4 G-4 G-11
Missions 6-25 Only


Move B-17 Counter Roll for Fighter Roll for # of Resolve Proceed to Roll for Weather Roll for Landing Resolve Crew &
One Zone Closer to Cover Attacking Waves AIR ENTERING TARGET Over England B-17 Disposition
Target / Home COMBAT ZONE
Mission Chart Mission Chart Mission Chart
- Never more than 2 turns G-5 B-1 O-1 G-9, G-10 BL-4, BL-5, Notes
in one zone
- Must abort if 2 eng. out Ignore for Zone 1 Proceed to See Rules if Landing in
LANDING & Europe or Landing in Sea


Roll for Weather Roll for Fighter Cover Resolve Roll for Flak Over Resolve Flak Roll for Bomb Run & Turn B-17 Roll for Fighter Cover Resolve Proceed to
Over Target & # of Attacking Waves AIR Damage & Injuries Accuracy Counter & # of Attacking Waves AIR FLYING
Target, Hits, & Around for
Mission Chart Mission Chart Mission Chart Mission Chart Mission Chart
O-1 G-5 (Zones 2,3,4) O-2 through O-5 P-1 through P-6 O-6, O-7 G-5 (Zones 2,3,4)
B-2 BL-1 through BL-4 B-2

AIR COMBAT (Repeat process below for each wave - air combat is complete when all waves resolved)
Roll for Attacking Place Fighters on Roll for Fighter Place Markers for Roll for Defensive Roll for Surviving Roll for Shell Hits Roll for Area
Fighters in Each Map Board Cover Defense / Def. Fire Fire & Damage Fighter Attack(s) Damage
Wave Remove Fighters
Mission Chart Mission Chart
B-3 M-4 - Record ammo use on M-1, M-2 M-3 B-4 B-5
Mission Chart
Zones 2, 3 and 4 only - Record Kills Remove fighter from play Observe FW-190 & ME-110
- Cheek guns cannot fire if no hits scored modifiers
- Gunner is Ace after 5 kills
OUT OF FORMATION - Ace adds 1 to die rolls

· Add 1 Me-109 at 12 Level per wave of attacking fighters; if Remove (#) Fighters Place Fighters on Roll for Successive Tail Gunner Resolve Damage &
no waves appear, neither does this fighter From Initial Fighter Map Board Attack Position Opportunity Injuries
· Any Table B-1 or B-2 mods are changed to 0; ignore the Cover Roll (Hit on “6”)
Mission Chart
additional fighter that normally appears when the B-17 is
the lead or tail bomber B-6 - Fighters attacking from P-1 through P-6
10:30, 12 or 1:30
· Any fighter automatically makes 3 attacks, even if it fails to Only 2 successive attacks - Intercom must be BL-1 through BL-4
hit, unless it is first destroyed or takes a “FBOA” result - Mark off ammo
- If 2+ engines out, B-17
must abort
· If out of formation and at low altitude due to oxygen or - See Rules Folder for: Heat
heat, or because of engine trouble, then over ever zone that Out, Oxygen Out, Engines
Out, Out of Formation,
is at least partially land, roll 2D twice on the light flak Injured Crew
column of table O-3
· Bombs may be jettisoned to avoid possibility of them
exploding if the bomb bay is hit.
Players may choose to abort mission after resolving combat in · When a gun position runs out of ammo, it may borrow from One Engine Out
any zone for the following reasons: another position in increments of 2 bursts · Can only stay in formation if bombs immediately jettisoned;
· Bomb Bay doors, intercom, or Norden sight inoperable · Twin gun mounts (Ball, Top, and Tail) may only obtain can perform bombing run if already in target zone and
· Heat or suit heater inoperable for one or more crew ammo from another twin mount. remain in formation
· Bombardier seriously wounded or KIA · Ammo can only be exchanged during a turn when no fighter · Otherwise, it is out of formation and must spend 2 turns in
· If Navigator is seriously wounded or KIA and B-17 is out of waves are rolled on Tables B-1 or B-2, or after all attacking each zone while it still has its bombs; normal rate of
formation, B-17 must abort fighters have been driven off by friendly cover or other B- movement after jettisoning bombs but remains out of
· Out of formation 17's formation
· Oxygen out for one of the crew · No landing modifiers for having 1 or 2 engines out
· One or more engines out; if two or more engines are out, B- WOUNDED CREWMEN Two or Three Engines Out
17 must abort · Seriously wounded crewman can no longer fire guns or · Must jettison bombs, drop from formation, and spend 2
perform any actions; another crew member may take his turns in each zone
OXYGEN OUT/FIRES place · Must drop to 10,000 feet and is subject to light flak if over
· Wounded men must be placed where they have a source of land
· Two shell hits to an oxygen system will knock it out and the · Attacking fighters add 1 to their attacking die roll on table
B-17 must drop to 10,000 feet (out of formation); however, heat and oxygen; one additional man may be placed in the
pilots' compartment and in the radio room M-3 and the B-17 may not take evasive action
if a vacancy exists due to the death of another crew One Engine Operating
member, the crew member with no oxygen can move and · Crew movements can be made with no penalty during
“safe” turns; these are the only turns that movement is · The B-17 may go one zone further then a) crash land or b)
the B-17 can stay in formation the crew must bail out on Table G-6
· Use marker to indicate oxygen fire allowed if the intercom is out
· If crew movements are made in a zone that is attacked, the · The crew may throw overboard all bombs, guns, ammo, and
· When a fire breaks out, one crew member in that fire extinguishers, and fly 2 zones past the zone in which the
compartment or adjacent compartment must be moving members may not fire guns from their old or new
positions until the attacks of one wave of fighters has been third engine was lost
immediately designated to fight the fire; may not operate · When landing with only one engine, subtract 3 from the
gun that turn; makes 3 attempts to fight fire on table Bl-3 resolved
· Crew movements can be made within the same landing roll on Tables G-9 and G-10
· If the fire is not put out after 3 attempts, the crew must bail No Engines Operating
out on Table G-6. compartment with no penalty
· Gunners that move to a new position can only hit fighters · The B-17 must a) crash land in current zone on table G-9 or
by rolling a 6; exceptions are that the Ball and Top gunners G-10 or b) bail out on table G-6 or G-8.
EVASIVE ACTION may replace each other, and the Waist gunners may replace · If crash landing with all engines out, landing roll is -7 on
· Only allowed for B-17's flying out of formation each other, with no loss of effectiveness Table G-9 and -4 on table G-10
· All attacking fighters subtract 1 from their die roll on Table · Any crew member may fly the B-17 if the Pilot and Copilot
M-3 (a roll of 6 is still a hit regardless of modification) are both seriously wounded or KIA, but the first one to take HEAT OUT/FROSTBITE
· Defensive fire must roll a 6 to score a hit on a fighter; Ace over must be the Engineer; if the Engineer is subsequently · When any crew suit heat or compartment heat is out, the B-
bonus is still in effect seriously wounded or KIA, than anyone else may take over, 17 may travel one more zone at the current altitude and in
No evasive action is allowed if: with the appropriate modifiers to the landing formation; thereafter it must a) descend to 10,000 feet for
· The B-17 is still in formation · Up to two KIA crew may be placed in the waist, one in the warmth (out of formation) or b) stay in formation and roll
· Two or more engines are out radio room, one in the pilots' compartment and two in the for frostbite once per zone for each affected crewman; Roll
· Control Cables are out bomb bay (but only if the bombs are gone) 1D: 1-3 = Frostbite; 4-6 = No Frostbite
· The B-17 has accumulated 3+ negative landing modifiers · If Navigator is seriously wounded or KIA, B-17 spends 2 · Once a crewman is frostbitten, he can hit attacking fighters
· Anyone other than the Pilot or Copilot is flying the plane turns in each future odd numbered zone only by rolling a 6
· Any damage previously received specifically disallows it · After landing, roll for effects of frostbite; Roll 1D: 1-3 =
Serious Injury/Amputation, may not fly again; 4-6 =
FLAK BURSTS INSIDE PLANE (BIP) LANDINGS Recovers, may fly next mission
· All crewman in compartment are KIA In England; assumed to be landing at an air base · Any frostbitten crew member who is also seriously
· Wing, Tail or Pilot Compartment; Bailout on Table G-7 · Roll on Table G-9 wounded adds 1 to his serious wound survival die roll
· Bomb Bay with bombs; plane and crew destroyed In Europe; assumed to be a crash landing and B-17 lost
· Nose, empty Bomb Bay, Radio Room or Waist; B-17 out of · Roll on Table G-9, subtracting 3 from roll
formation, 2 turns in each following zone, assumed to have Landing in Sea
received every damage result possible on the damage table · Roll on Table G-10
for that compartment, landing roll on either Tables G-9 or · Crewmen rescued from zones 2-5 are returned to England;
G-10 is -4, no evasive action possible, unable to fly again. 6-7 are captured Rev 1.0

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