First Commercially Successful Photographic Process Shutter Speed - Humaharang Sa Aperture

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PHOTOGRAPHY Photographic Film

- is the science, art, application and practice of creating =negative: inverted

durable images by recording light or other CONTACT PRINTING
electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by Improvised pinhole camera
means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a 35mm camera – battery operated. - No LCD
light-sensitive material such as photographic film Soft green stone - serpentine
SLR – Single Lens Reflex - NO LCD
Earliest known surviving: Comax – ivory
Polaroid Model 1961 - (Polaroid: 1st Company)
Camera Obscura - from Latin, meaning "dark room": camera " Instax Mini 8
(vaulted) chamber or room," and obscura "darkened, dark"), also DSLR – Digital Single Lens Reflex
referred to as pinhole image, is the natural optical phenomenon Minolta (First Company)
that occurs when an image of a scene at the other side of a screen
(or for instance a wall) is projected through a small hole in that Phone Camera
screen as a reversed and inverted image (left to right and upside Focus/Depth of Field - the zone of acceptable sharpness within
down) on a surface opposite to the opening. a photo that will appear in focus.
- Ancestor of photographic camera - also known as FOCUS RANGE or EFFECTIVE FOCUS RANGE
- a. Shallow depth of field – 1 main subject
Dageurrotype - Daguerre treated a silver-plated sheet of b. deep depth of field – sceneries and landscapes
copper with iodine vapor to give it a coating of light-sensitive Aperture - Adjustment of the lens opening measured as F-
silver iodide. After exposure in the camera, the image was number / F-stop, which controls the amount of light passing
developed by mercury vapor and fixed with a strong solution of through the lens.
ordinary salt (sodium chloride). - The higher the F-number, the smaller the opening, and vice
-first commercially successful photographic process versa.
Shutter Speed – Humaharang sa aperture
Late 19th century studio camera – oolithic limestone ISO – Sensitivity of Image sensor
- Photographic film Higher = noisy/grainy
- Tripod Bokeh - The aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-
of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens.
Kodak Brownie Circa 1910 – photographs that are brown
Rule of thirds - The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is Lowkey lighting
to imagine breaking an image down into thirds (both It is much more dramatic.
horizontally and vertically) so that you have 9 parts. It typically involves lots of contrast and creates an entirely
Powerpoints - intersections in gridline different mood than high key lighting.
Its transition from highlight to shadow is much quicker and
Cropping photos more dramatic — and harsh.
- Crop a shot below the knee, mid-thigh, at the waist, across
forearm, or through the top of head. Highkey lighting
- Avoid cropping at any of the joints of the body. This includes It is a method often used in beauty and makeup commercials
fingers, toes, elbows, knees and wrists, and through the and in comedies.
model’s chin. Gives fewer shadows and makes the model look flawless and
CHARACTERISTICS OF LIGHT It produces an even amount of light that spreads across an
entire scene.
1. Direction It’s also useful for producing food or product imagery when you
2. Color need the light to be even across the entire scene.
3. quantity
4. quality

KEY LIGHT – main source of light that is used to light up your

subject. The light pattern will depend on where you place it.
Usually, it is placed slightly above your subject and about 45
degrees from the camera off to one side so as it would create
shadows and depth making your subject appear 3-dimensional.

FILL LIGHT– fills in the shadows of your frame

BACK LIGHT– gives an edge light to the rear portion of your

subject. Often, the backlight shoots down from a higher angle

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