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Experience of performing statistical analysis unleashes the power

to provide expert opinion and make critical decisions!
Determining the right methodology and appropriate design for any particular trial is only possible
with statistical experience, such as the decade long experience we have in clinical trials.

To yield best results from clinical trials, proper

protocol design is very crucial since that lays
down the plan of how to carry out the trial and
get the final output. Consequently, any error
made in the design can jeopardize the entire
trial, causing wastage of millions of dollars,
time and resources. This makes it a top priority
for Pharmaceutical companies to have
experienced Clinicians and Statisticians work
on designing the protocol. Pharma companies, hypothesis and all aspects that could affect the
sometimes look for CROs with good previous outcome of the trial. It was found by
experience, to either design protocols or to MakroCare team that sampling was not done
provide consultation by rendering an expert properly. This was because the appropriate
opinion on the study protocol designed by power was not considered for the sample size
them. calculation. Higher power is absolutely
essential so that crucial information on the
One of the pharma companies, based in USA, efficacy of the drug product in trial is not lost.
was conducting Phase II Diabetes studies in Ultimately, this will prevent failure of the entire
India. They developed protocol for the trial but trial and subsequently avoid loss of money,
since their statistics division was established time and resources.
recently and had handled only a couple of
projects, they wanted to make sure that the Our Biostatisticians determined the appropriate
protocol was accurately designed. MakroCare sample size so that the power of the test
was consulted to review the protocol from a becomes greater than 0.8. Initially, the sample
statistics perspective. MakroCare assigned two size was 210, with an associated power of only
well-experienced Biostatisticians and a 65%. We used the required parameters such as
Clinician to support this service. All Statistical mean and standard deviation from a similar
aspects of protocol - study design, sampling, study to calculate the sample size with 90%
randomization, blinding and statistical analysis power, as the study required high precision. It
plan were reviewed. We performed appropriate was found that a sample size of 265 was
statistical analysis based on experience of required for the study. Consequently, the
similar studies done previously and taking into sample size for the protocol was altered and
consideration the protocol objectives, trial was conducted. At the end of trial, the


sponsors found that they had sufficient About MakroCare
information to prove the efficacy of the drug
product. The trial got approved and progressed MakroCare, a global clinical services firm,
to Phase III trial stage. provides clinical research support to
pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and
Our client was really happy with the results medical device industries. The company
and had the confidence to come back to us to offers site selection, patient recruitment,
consult on another trial. MakroCare’s extensive clinical monitoring, quality assurance,
statistics experience in various therapeutic medical writing, MS/Pharmacovigilance,
segments and drug molecules was used to clinical data management, biostatistics and
make such highly effective decision in trial regulatory assistance.
design and statistical analysis planning. Our
experienced statisticians and SAS programmers MakroCare has offices in USA (New Jersey,
are committed to serve the clients with utmost Illinois, Pennsylvania, California), India
sincerity and believe in doing justice to work (Hyderabad, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru),
they perform, so as to benefit the society. Europe (Germany - Frankfurt) and Japan (Tokyo).

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Copyright , 2009 by MakroCare. All Rights Reserved.


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