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Sedimentology (2017) doi: 10.1111/sed.


Hybrid event bed character and distribution linked to turbidite

system sub-environments: The North Apennine Gottero
Sandstone (north-west Italy)
*UCD School of Earth Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland (E-mail:
†Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit
a degli Studi di Milano, Via Mangiagalli 34, Milano
20034, Italy
‡Turbidites Research Group, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

This study documents the character and occurrence of hybrid event beds
(HEBs) deposited across a range of deep-water sub-environments in the
Cretaceous–Palaeocene Gottero system, north-west Italy. Detailed fieldwork
(>5200 m of sedimentary logs) has shown that hybrid event beds are most
abundant in the distal confined basin-plain domain (>31% of total thick-
ness). In more proximal sectors, hybrid event beds occur within outer-fan
and mid-fan lobes (up to 15% of total thickness), whereas they are not
observed in the inner-fan channelized area. Six hybrid event bed types
(HEB-1 to HEB-6) were differentiated mainly on basis of the texture of their
muddier and chaotic central division (H3). The confined basin-plain sector
is dominated by thick (maximum 957 m; average 215 m) and tabular
hybrid event beds (HEB-1 to HEB-4). Their H3 division can include very
large substrate slabs, evidence of extensive auto-injection and clast break-
up, and abundant mudstone clasts set in a sandy matrix (dispersed clay ca
20%). These beds are thought to have been generated by highly energetic
flows capable of delaminating the sea floor locally, and carrying large rip-
up clasts for relatively short distances before arresting. The unconfined
lobes of the mid-fan sector are dominated by thinner (average 038 m)
hybrid event beds (HEB-5 and HEB-6). Their H3 divisions are characterized
by floating mudstone clasts and clay-enriched matrices (dispersed clay
>25%) with hydraulically fractionated components (mica, organic matter
and clay flocs). These hybrid event beds are thought to have been depos-
ited by less energetic flows that underwent early turbulence damping fol-
lowing incorporation of mud at proximal locations and by segregation
during transport. Although there is a tendency to look to external factors to
account for hybrid event bed development, systems like the Gottero imply
that intrabasinal factors can also be important; specifically, the type of sub-
strate available (muddy or sandy) and where and how erosion is achieved
across the system producing specific hybrid event bed expressions and
facies tracts.
Keywords Apennines, confined basin, deep-water fan, facies tract, hybrid
event beds, lobes, sediment gravity flows, turbidites.

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists 1

2 M. Fonnesu et al.
INTRODUCTION clast-poor but clay-rich sandstones (Talling
et al., 2004, 2012) or beds with mud-rich ‘starry-
Bed character and bed stack architecture are two night’ texture (sandy mudstones; Lowe & Guy,
key elements controlling the heterogeneity of 2000; Barker et al., 2008; Haughton et al., 2009).
deep-water turbidite systems. The former repre- Thick and extensively banded beds (sensu Lowe
sents the depositional record of sediment gravity & Guy, 2000) are also sometimes found associ-
flows at a given location with the vertical ated (Barker et al., 2008; Davis et al., 2009), or
sequence of grain size, textures and sedimentary banded divisions can occur directly beneath
structures recording flow evolution in time and argillaceous sandstones in composite hybrid
space (Bouma, 1962; Lowe, 1982; Mutti, 1992; event bed types (Haughton et al., 2009; Kane &
Kneller, 1995; Kneller & McCaffrey, 2003). The Ponten, 2012; Tinterri et al., 2016). Despite their
latter is set by the longer term response of the sys- very variable character, the occurrence of each
tem to variations in flow volume and concentra- HEB type has rarely been linked to its strati-
tion over many events modulated by the graphic or palaeogeographical position within
inherited sea-floor topography (Pr elat et al., 2010; deep-water depositional systems.
Brunt et al., 2013; Marini et al., 2015a). Both Hybrid event beds are commonly found as a
define the character and distribution of sedimen- major bed motif in unconfined distal and lateral
tary sub-environments in deep-water systems. fringes of distributive lobe systems (Haughton
A wide range of sediment gravity flow depos- et al., 2003; Hodgson, 2009; Kane & Pont en,
its have been recognized in turbidite systems; 2012; Kane et al., 2017; Spychala et al., 2017)
they include the well-known Bouma-type graded where they replace beds composed dominantly
sandstones and muddier and mostly ungraded of clean sandstone either up-dip or axially
debris-flow deposits (including all transitional (Fig. 1A). These beds are usually concentrated
members; see Mutti, 1992; Mulder & Alexander, at the base of prograding lobe packages in verti-
2001). However, many sandstone beds include cal one-dimensional successions as fringes to
co-genetic argillaceous and often mudstone- lobe bodies deposited further upslope (Hodgson,
clast-rich divisions in their upper portion. These 2009; Kane & Ponten, 2012; Kane et al., 2017;
strata are referred as hybrid event beds (HEBs; Spychala et al., 2017). Their occurrence is inter-
Haughton et al., 2009) and are recognized as a preted to reflect the progressive deceleration of
key element of deep-water systems across a wide clay-enriched flows in which the turbulence was
range of scales and tectonic settings (Van Vliet, suppressed as flow energy dissipated on flatter
1978; Mutti et al., 1978; Haughton et al., 2003, and more distal fan sectors. A type of matrix-
2009; Talling et al., 2004, 2012; Amy & Talling, rich sandstone, resembling hybrid event beds, is
2006; Hodgson, 2009; Muzzi Magalhaes & Tin- also recognized in more proximal locations in
terri, 2010; Kane & Pont en, 2012; Southern the fringes of channel splays (Terlaky & Arnott,
et al., 2015; Fonnesu et al., 2015, 2016; Kane 2014). In this case, the turbulence suppression
et al., 2017). If present in subsurface hydrocar- is attributed to a combination of fines-entrain-
bon reservoirs, HEBs can severely compromise ment and rapid deceleration of plane-wall jets
their performance (Amy et al., 2009; Porten produced by upslope channel avulsions, as the
et al., 2016). Many mechanisms have been jets expand into externally unconfined areas. In
invoked for their formation involving a range of both cases, hybrid event beds are found system-
flow behaviours, but they are generally inter- atically interbedded with other sandy turbidites
preted as deposits formed by down-dip flow in a pattern interpreted to reflect the prograda-
transformation from a turbidity current to an tion or lateral switching of depositional sub-
increasingly cohesive flow (Haughton et al., environments.
2009). Nevertheless, their bed make-up can be Hybrid event beds are also an important ele-
very variable particularly in terms of the texture ment in the aggradation of extensive basin-plains
and character of the argillaceous sandstone divi- (Ricci Lucchi & Valmori, 1980; Amy & Talling,
sion. The latter can include large mudstone rafts 2006; Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri, 2010; Tinterri
(metre-scale) embedded in a relatively clay-poor & Muzzi Magalhaes, 2011; Marini et al., 2015a).
sandy matrix (Haughton et al., 2010; Fonnesu In these cases, they form thick and sheet-like
et al., 2015, 2016; Southern et al., 2015), mud- extensive beds (almost basin-wide) in stacks
stone-clast-rich debrites (Haughton et al., 2003; with poor vertical organization and an overall
Talling et al., 2004; Hodgson, 2009; Patacci aggradational trend (Fig. 1B). Long-distance
et al., 2014; Fonnesu et al., 2015, 2016), facies tracts extending from tens to hundreds of
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
Hybrid event beds character and distribution 3

Fig. 1. Different styles of hybrid event bed distribution in turbidite systems, based on published examples. (A)
Hybrid event beds in distributive lobe systems (modified from Hodgson, 2009) and their vertical arrangement in
1D logs at the base of prograding lobes (Kane & Pont en, 2012). (B) Hybrid event beds in confined basin-plains
(based on stratigraphic cross-section of Unit 3 of Miocene Marnoso-arenacea Formation, sensu Tinterri & Muzzi
Magalhaes, 2011; from Talling et al., 2012 in the interval below the Contessa key bed); the synthetic vertical log
shows the lack of vertical organization of hybrid event beds and conventional turbidites at ca 20 m scale. c = clay;
s = silt; vfs = very fine sand; fs = fine sand; ms = medium sand.

kilometres for individual event beds have been 1984; Marini, 1991). The spectacular exposures
documented in the laterally confined basin-plain and the wide range of deep-water sub-environ-
of the Miocene Marnoso-arenacea (north-west ments recognized, ranging from proximal chan-
Italy). Here, bed correlations show an overall nels, unconfined proximal and distal lobes and
increase of the matrix-rich sandstone at the confined basin-plain deposits, as well as the
expense of underlying matrix-poor sandstone abundance and variability in the types of hybrid
moving distally until beds gradually or abruptly event beds, make this an instructive case study
pinch out (Ricci Lucchi & Valmori, 1980; Amy & to investigate variable HEB character and distri-
Talling, 2006; Talling et al., 2012). Hybrid event bution through the system. The examples pro-
beds in this setting are interpreted to have been vided highlight how different hybrid event bed
deposited by a spectrum of depositional pro- types occur preferentially in certain deep-water
cesses ranging from: (i) debris flows released sub-environments and the possible controls on
from upslope and partly transforming to a fore- their deposition. Furthermore, the sedimentolog-
running turbidity current (Haughton et al., 2003) ical analysis of hybrid event beds and their doc-
or late stage basal sand settling from a plug flow umented lateral transitions gives insight into the
(Baas et al., 2009; Sumner et al., 2009; Talling, mechanisms and the range of flow transforma-
2013); (ii) erosion of mud-rich sea floor resulting tions (and related facies tracts) that occurred in
in bulking and generation of a subsidiary debris both proximal and distal sectors of the Gottero
flow (Mutti et al., 1978; Mutti & Nilsen, 1981; turbidite system.
Talling et al., 2004; Amy & Talling, 2006; Haugh-
ton et al., 2009, 2010; Fonnesu et al., 2016); and
(iii) generation of a debris flow by rapid decelera- GEOLOGICAL AND STRATIGRAPHIC
tion and collapse of a turbidity current (Talling SETTING
et al., 2004; Haughton et al., 2010).
This study is drawn from the Cretaceous– The Gottero system is a relatively small deep-
Palaeocene Gottero turbidite system located in water turbidite system of Maastrichtian – Early
the Ligurian Apennines in the north-west of Palaeocene age (Passerini & Pirini, 1964; Elter
Italy (Abbate & Sagri, 1970; Nilsen & Abbate, et al., 1997; Marroni & Perilli, 1990; Marroni
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
4 M. Fonnesu et al.

et al., 2004) developed on oceanic crust in a 1982). Sediment dispersed from the two source
trench basin (Abbate & Sagri, 1970; Nilsen & areas (clastic and carbonate) only rarely mixed
Abbate, 1984). It was subsequently deformed as they filled two basins separated by an
and thrust north-eastward as an allochthonous inferred topographic ridge (the Bracco high;
sheet in the Eocene and Oligocene during the Elter & Raggi, 1965).
Alpine–Apennine Orogeny, becoming part of the The Gottero system belongs to the internal
Liguridi structural domain (Marroni et al., basin sector (Internal Liguridi; Fig. 2) which
2004). Today the Gottero outcrops extend dis- includes oceanic lithosphere and sedimentary
continuously for about 70 km along the eastern deposits formed within the Ligure–Piemontese
Ligurian coast between Genova and Carrara and Sea between the Jurassic and the Palaeocene
for about 45 km inland towards the Ligurian (Fig. 3) first during extension and then conver-
Apennines in the north-west of Italy (Fig. 2). gence. The basement is composed of oceanic
The Gottero system developed in a complex crust including Jurassic lherzolites, gabbros and
Late Cretaceous palaeogeographic setting on the pillow lavas (Bortolotti & Passerini, 1970). The
floor of the Ligure Piemontese Sea during the overlying sedimentary cover is made up of
east–west convergence between the Europe and Callovian–Santonian basinal deposits compris-
Adria plates (see Marroni & Pandolfi, 2007; Mar- ing the Diaspri radiolarian cherts, Calpionella
roni et al., 2010). Calcareous turbidites were fed limestone and Palombini shales (Elter et al.,
from the Alps to form the Helminthoid flysch 1997; Marroni, 1991); a thick (ca 1100 m thick)
sequences (Scholle, 1971; Sagri, 1974), and a Santonian–Maastrichtian succession comprising
series of siliciclastic flysch units referred to as siliciclastic basin-plain turbidites forming the
the Gottero, Elba, Novella, Mt. Venere and Bor- Lavagna Group; and the Maastrichtian – Early
dighera were sourced from the south-west off Palaeocene (Monechi et al., 1984; Elter et al.,
the Corsica–Sardinian block (Abbate & Sagri, 1997) Gottero sandy deep-water turbidite

Fig. 2. Location map of the Gottero system (modified from Nilsen & Abbate, 1984) and sketch map showing the
tectonic units of the Northern Apennines (modified from Marroni & Pandolfi, 2007). The arrows in the location
map indicate the main palaeocurrent pattern deduced by Nilsen & Abbate (1984).

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 5

Fig. 3. (A) Simplified geological map of the Western Gottero study area (modified from Marroni, 1994) showing the
location of measured sections (1 to 6) and palaeocurrent roses obtained during this study; the numbers in brackets
indicate the number of palaeocurrent measurements. The palaeoflow pattern broadly corresponds to that estab-
lished by Nilsen & Abbate (1984) (see Fig. 2). (B) Internal Liguridi stratigraphy of the Gottero tectonic unit (modified
from Marroni et al., 2001). The colours on the map correspond to those displayed in the stratigraphic log.

system. The succession is unconformably over- The Gottero sandstones are feldspathic grey-
lain by the Early Palaeocene Giaiette Shales wackes containing fragments of metamorphic,
(Passerini & Pirini, 1964) a >300 m thick chaotic volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Malesani,
unit (interpreted as a mass transport complex; 1966; Pandolfi, 1997) derived from the Sardo–
MTC) containing blocks of Gottero Sandstone Corso massif where large igneous crystalline
and exotic material in the form of siliceous lime- masses were exposed (Parea, 1965; Valloni &
stones, cherts and ophiolite blocks (Marroni & Zuffa, 1981; Van de Kamp & Leake, 1995).
Pandolfi, 2001). The whole sequence records the Although upper slope or shallow-water equiva-
trenchward motion of a portion of the Ligure lents are not preserved, the southern prove-
Piemontese oceanic lithosphere until its involve- nance for the Gottero sandstones is consistent
ment in the Eo–Alpine accretionary prism (Mar- with the regional palaeoflow indicators which
roni et al., 2004). The Gottero system is are mainly directed towards the north and
therefore attributed to an evolving trench basin north-east (Fig. 2; Parea, 1965; Nilsen & Abbate,
developed above an eastward-directed subduc- 1984). Limited changes in petrographic compo-
tion zone. sition are recognized laterally across the Gottero

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

6 M. Fonnesu et al.

outcrop belt and with stratigraphic position eastern Gottero beginning during the Coniacian–
(Pandolfi, 1996, 1997) suggesting a relatively Santonian (Vescovi et al., 2002), whereas in the
stable source area and confirming that the dif- western part of the system deposition
ferent components of the Gottero probably commenced in the Campanian–Maastrichtian
belong to a single system. An exception is the (Marroni, 1991).
presence of several beds with an ophiolitic
provenance (Pandolfi, 1997) in the uppermost
Stratigraphy of the Western Gottero system
part of the Gottero succession at the Mt. Rama-
ceto locality (Fig. 3), interpreted to have been This study focuses on the portion of the Gottero
sourced from an uplifted accretionary prism Sandstone cropping out on the western side of
which provided sediment to the trench during the Bracco massif. Data were collected from six
the last phase of basin filling. The Gottero sys- locations (Monterosso, Deiva Marina, Moneglia,
tem crops out in two branches (the eastern Mt. Terrarossa, Mt. Ramaceto and Mt. Zatta; Fig. 3),
Ramaceto – Mt. Zatta and the western Mt. Got- five of which are aligned along a south-east/
tero – Mt. Molinatico) separated by the Bracco north-west transect roughly parallel to the gen-
ophiolite massif (Elter & Raggi, 1965). Sedimen- eral palaeoflow direction (Fig. 4). The lack of
tation in the two areas was probably diachro- continuous exposure precludes direct correla-
nous with siliciclastic sedimentation in the tion of individual stratigraphic elements but the

Fig. 4. General north-west/south-east cross-section of the Gottero system aligned in a direction approximately
parallel to the sediment transport. Colour shading according to the major grain size and lithofacies (red colours:
conglomerate and coarse-grained sandstones, green: hybrid event beds, grey: mostly siltstone and mudstones or
fine-grained sandstones, pink: mass transport complexes). The area interpreted as confined basin-plain is coloured
in light grey on the correlation panel. Note that the distances between sections have not been palinspastically
restored and could potentially be longer than indicated.

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 7

enclosing stratigraphic units and the main inter- phase in which the system developed as an
nal lithostratigraphic boundaries and trends can unconfined and radial-shaped basin floor fan
be consistently recognized across the area. The with the basin boundaries outside of the actual
earliest of the sandstone bodies comprise four outcrop area. With narrowing of the trench due
sand-rich units interfingering with fine-grained to syn-sedimentary uplift of the Alpine accre-
deposits of the Lavagna Group in the north-wes- tionary prism, local subsidence and progressive
tern sector of the basin which are defined as the confinement of the distal sectors of the basin
‘Lower Gottero’ (Casnedi, 1982; Marini, 1991). occurred, but the proximal fan area would still
They are interpreted as channelized bodies and have remained relatively unconfined (Nilsen &
lobes of an early prograding and unconfined fan Abbate, 1984; Fonnesu, 2016). The presence at
system. The overlying ‘Upper Gottero’ was Gottero 3 time of separate distal basin depocen-
deposited above a widespread 20 to 40 m thick tres that cannot be easily correlated (Marini,
mud-rich chaotic deposit (Vallai MTD). The 1991, 1994) might reflect active segmentation of
Upper Gottero succession begins with a fine- the trench basin during development of the
grained slope and basin-plain wedge (Gottero 1; accretionary prism (Fonnesu, 2016) until it
GOT1) followed by coarse-grained sand-rich finally collapsed into the trench causing the
basin floor succession (Gottero 2; GOT2) extend- regional erosive unconformity at the base of the
ing from the proximal Monterosso section to the chaotic deposits of Giaiette MTC unit (Fig. 4).
more distal sections on Mt. Ramaceto and Mt.
Zatta without important facies or thickness
changes (Fonnesu, 2016). The boundary DATASET AND METHODOLOGY
between the underlying fine-grained units and
the Gottero 2 sandstones is sharp and erosive in About 5200 m of sedimentary logs has been col-
the Monterosso locality, but it appears transi- lected from the six outcrop localities (Figs 3 and
tional at Moneglia, Mt. Ramaceto and Mt. Zatta 4), 4307 m of which were measured bed by bed
where the same contact is recorded by an obvi- at 1 cm resolution mainly using a Jacob’s staff
ous thickening-upward trend. The overlying (for example, a 15 metre high rod equipped
unit (Gottero 3; GOT3) shows an overall back- with a clinometer and a flat sighting disc). The
stepping trend expressed in both proximal and remaining ca 800 m of logs was drawn by using
distal locations. An unconfined turbidite fan photomosaics of inaccessible cliff sections.
developed in more proximal areas (Monterosso Because most of the coastal sections crop out on
and Moneglia) but in the distal areas (Mt. Rama- vertical cliffs and the bedding is often vertical
ceto and Mt. Zatta) tectonic activity created or steeply dipping, the lateral exposure is no
basin segmentation. The Gottero system thus more than 50 m in most cases. An exception is
developed two separate distal depocentres in the area around Monterosso, where beds can be
the Mt. Ramaceto and Mt. Zatta areas where traced on vertical cliffs laterally for about
825 m and 640 m of Gottero 3 succession accu- 400 m. The Gottero Sandstone Formation can be
mulated, respectively, separated by a tectonic mapped from Moneglia to Mt. Ramaceto as a
high (Marini, 1991, 1994). The two areas continuous body on the limbs of a regional syn-
evolved separately, with the Mt. Zatta succes- cline with the Giaiette Shales at its core (Marini,
sion dominated by stacked outer-fan lobe pack- 1991; Marroni et al., 2004) (Fig. 3). Neverthe-
ages together with an interbedded local MTD, less, the exposure is very poor between these
whereas the Mt. Ramaceto depocentre devel- two localities, with the exception of an aban-
oped into a confined basin-plain (sensu Mutti & doned quarry located in Terrarossa where about
Johns, 1978; Remacha et al., 2005; Mutti et al., 140 m of Gottero Sandstones crop out. The most
2009; Pickering & Hiscott, 2015; Fonnesu et al., spectacular exposures of the Gottero system are
2015) in which very thick, tabular and laterally located on Mt. Ramaceto (Casnedi, 1982; Marini,
extensive event beds with thick mudstone caps 1994; Fonnesu et al., 2015, 2016) where the
are interbedded with thin-bedded packages entire succession can be logged over a total
(Fonnesu et al., 2016). The down-dip basin mar- thickness of 1075 m (Fig. 5). The uppermost
gin responsible for late basin confinement is not 735 m of the Gottero can be traced for about
preserved in the outcrop but it could be repre- 4 km in a north–south direction, and bed by bed
sented by the Bracco palaeo-high (Fig. 2). correlations were established between eight
The overall stratigraphic trend recorded by the measured stratigraphic logs. The succession at
Gottero can be interpreted as comprising a first Mt. Ramaceto is overturned (apart from the
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
8 M. Fonnesu et al.

Fig. 5. Exposure of the upper stratigraphic part of the Gottero Sandstone in the Mt. Ramaceto area. Note that the
succession is tectonically inverted (arrow indicates succession way-up). Numbers refer to ‘photohorizons’ high-
lighted in the correlation panel of Fig. 13. Orange colour represents the outcrop of the stratigraphically overlying
Giaiette mass transport complex unit (MTC). The picture captures about 22 km lateral exposure and 740 m of
stratigraphic thickness.

southernmost section) being mostly on the limestone beds (L); and hybrid event beds
inverted limb of a regional syncline (Casnedi, (HEBs) (Table 1). This article focuses on the
1982; Marroni, 1991; Marroni et al., 2004). The character of the hybrid event beds (HEBs),
Mt. Zatta Gottero succession is 810 m thick and which are therefore described in more detail.
located slightly off-axis with respect to the Because the entrainment of mud clasts is con-
cross-section shown in Fig. 4. Samples were col- sidered an important process in their formation,
lected from specific hybrid event beds and their an additional bed-type class termed ‘mudstone-
internal texture has been analysed with optical clast-rich beds’ (MRBs) is also defined to
microscopy (13 thin sections). Clay content and include high-density turbidites carrying abun-
framework mineralogy has been quantified pet- dant mudstone clasts usually clustered in the
rographically by point counting (500 points per uppermost structureless bed portion (see Mutti
section). & Nilsen, 1981; Postma et al., 1988; Fonnesu
et al., 2015). Unlike some types of hybrid event
beds, mudstone clasts in MRBs are generally
BED TYPES AND HYBRID EVENT BED less densely packed and are dispersed in a clean
CHARACTER sandstone instead of a clay-enriched sandstone.
In the distal confined part of the system, mud-
The Gottero system includes a wide range of stone-clast-rich beds show tabular geometries
gravity flow deposits ranging from large mass and are found in close spatial association with
transport deposits, debrites, high and low-den- mudstone-clast-rich hybrid event beds (Fonnesu
sity turbidites, limestone beds through to a large et al., 2015). Therefore, they are likely to repre-
variety of hybrid event beds. The wide range in sent deposits of flows during the early stages of
grain size available in the system (Nilsen & hybrid flow development.
Abbate, 1984), ranging from boulders to very
fine sand and silt, means that there is a wide
Hybrid event beds
variety of facies types in deposits belonging to
different sub-environments. Five bed-type Hybrid event beds (HEBs) are characterized by a
groups are distinguished: debrites (DEBs); vertical association of a basal clean (interstitial
gravelly high-density turbidites (GHDTs); high- clay poor) and mostly structureless sandstone
density turbidites (HDTs); mudstone-clast-rich (termed ‘H1’ by Haughton et al., 2009) and
beds (MRBs); low-density turbidites (LDTs); argillaceous sandstone (commonly with a

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 9
Table 1. Description and interpretation of bed-type classes distinguished in the present study.

Bed-type class Description Interpretation

Debrites (DEBs) Matrix-supported poorly sorted conglomer- Deposited by cohesive debris flows whose
ates and muddy sandstones larger clasts are supported by a cohesive
clay-rich matrix (Pierson, 1981; Mulder &
Alexander, 2001; Mohrig & Marr, 2003)
Gravelly high-density Clast-supported conglomerates and pebbly Deposited by hyperconcentrated flow – i.e.
turbidites (GHDTs) sandstones found as either isolated deposits non-Newtonian but non-plastic flows with
or at the base of thick graded beds. They high shear strength and intermediate rheol-
can be distinguished as: (i) mudstone-clast ogy between cohesive and fluidal flows;
conglomerates; (ii) conglomeratic-lag lenses; sediment was supported by a combination
and (iii) pebbles and granules in planar to of turbulence, dispersive pressure and
cross-laminated sandstones. buoyancy (Costa, 1984; Smith, 1986; Mutti,
1992; Mulder & Alexander, 2001). When
hyperconcentrated flows undergo flow
transformation to a high-density turbidity
current, they deposit lenticular conglomer-
atic lags because of the progressive loss of
flow strength (Mutti, 1992) and can be
reworked by the overlying flow forming
High-density Beds including coarse (occasionally granule Beds related to the rapid or progressive (e.g.
turbidites (HDTs) grade) to medium sand grade bases, eventu- layer by layer) deposition of high-concentra-
ally grading into or being overlain by finer tion turbidity currents and by the reworking
facies. Bed bases can be characterized by or suspension fallout of the low-concentra-
structureless normally graded or ungraded tion turbulent flow tail (Lowe, 1982; Mutti,
sandstone, inverse graded intervals charac- 1992; Kneller & Branney, 1995; Mulder &
terized by granules or coarse sand Alexander, 2001)
alignments. More rarely coarse-grained med-
ium-scale cross-laminations both as single
sets and as a component facies are present
Mudstone-clast-rich Beds composed by a basal structureless Beds deposited by high-concentration tur-
beds (MRBs) sandstone and an uppermost structured and bidity currents and eventually capped by
finer-grained division, sandwiching an their associated low-concentration turbulent
interval enriched in mudstone clasts. Mud- flow tails. The presence of abundant
stone clasts are preferentially accumulated intraformational mudstone clasts suggests
at the interface between the basal structure- that the flows were highly erosive at some
less and coarser-grained sandstone and the stage during their run-out and were able to
overlying finer-grained structured division. detach and incorporate substrate pieces of
Occasionally larger mudstone clasts can be variable size. The lateral transitions
armoured by granules and pebbles in dis- between MRBs and HEBs suggest that the
tinctive coarse-grained poorly sorted and former can be interpreted as deposits of
massive beds. In the distal confined part of flows during the early stages of hybrid flow
the system they are often found in close development (Fonnesu et al., 2015; South-
spatial relationship in the same event with ern et al., 2015)
mudstone-clast-rich hybrid event beds
Hybrid event beds Bipartite or tripartite beds constituted by a Deposition from high-density turbidity cur-
(HEBs) basal massive to crude laminated sandstone rents enriched in mud by erosion of sub-
overlain by an argillaceous generally poorly strate or being already mud enriched, and
sorted but texturally very variable sand- underwent different degree of flow parti-
stone, often rich in mudstone clasts and tioning (Haughton et al., 2009; Kane &
sheared sand patches. A fine/very fine- Ponten, 2012; Talling, 2013; Fonnesu et al.,
grained parallel to ripple-laminated division 2015, 2016) (see text)
graded into a silty to mudstone cap is even-
tually present at the top of the sequence

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

10 M. Fonnesu et al.
Table 1. (continued)

Bed-type class Description Interpretation

Low-density Generally thin, rippled, wavy to horizon- Product of low-concentration turbidity cur-
turbidites (LDTs) tally parallel laminated, fine-grained graded rents. They can be the deposit of smaller
beds volume flows or the distal expression of
high-density (or hybrid; see Amy & Talling,
2006; Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri, 2010;
Fonnesu et al., 2015) sediment flows that
have already deposited the majority of their
sediment load in more proximal or adjacent
Limestone beds (L) Calcarenitic to micritic, structureless to pla- Limestone beds record deposition from rare
nar or wavy laminated beds grading into calcareous turbidity currents (Marini, 1994).
marls found as continuous layers or in Some nodule layers could be of early diage-
nodular layers netic origin

swirled fabric or chaotic appearance) in which classification refers to the aspect of a bed in one
there are variable concentrations of mudstone location but individual beds can change from
clasts and sheared sand patches (H3). Other one type to another over a relatively short dis-
divisions can also be found but are not always tance (Hodgson, 2009; Fonnesu et al., 2015)
present (Haughton et al., 2010; Talling, 2013), along lateral or longitudinal facies tracts (see
such as an interval with scattered mudstone Mutti, 1992; Mutti et al., 2003).
clasts at the transition between the clean and
argillaceous sandstone (H1b); an interval com- Hybrid event beds type 1 (HEB-1)
prising alternating paler and darker sandstone The HEB-1 beds are very thick tripartite event
bands (H2); a fine/very fine-grained parallel to beds (060 to 680 m thick; average 332 m) char-
ripple-laminated division deposited on top of acterized by the presence of large and relatively
the argillaceous sandstone (H4); and a silty undeformed substrate rafts (bedding-parallel,
mudstone cap (H5). These facies are never elongated slabs with long axes much greater
observed in an inverse or different order. than the bed thickness; 05 to 20 m thick and
Because the H1 division tends to be thin and up to 20 m long). The rafts are supported by a
pinches out in distal and lateral locations poorly sorted, coarse to fine-grained sandstone
(Haughton et al., 2003; Amy & Talling, 2006), it matrix including mudstone chips, mud-poor
is possible that some hybrid event beds are sand patches and sand injections. Substrate rafts
expressed just as argillaceous sandstone facies can be dark mudstone (RI) or bed-parallel or
(H3) (Davis et al., 2009) capped by a fine- gently dipping thin-bedded sandstone–mud-
grained structured sandstone (H4). Hybrid event stone units in some cases with thin limestone
beds are classified here mainly on the basis of beds (SP) (Fig. 6). Lateral bed correlations high-
the texture of the H3 division and of the size light that the base of these beds is often erosive,
and shape of the clasts within it. The H3 divi- producing 1 to 2 m deep and hundreds of
sions show a range in terms of the intensity of metres wide scour features. The type of raft con-
soft-sediment deformation, ranging from intact tained in the H3 division can often be matched
substrate blocks to a well-mixed argillaceous to the substrate encountered directly beneath
sand, passing through deformed slump-like and the event bed when it is traced laterally to less
mudstone-clast-rich textures from which specific deeply eroded sectors. Thus, the presence of
sub-facies are distinguished (Fig. 6). Other char- rafts comprising mudstones with thin-bedded
acters such as bed thickness, presence of H2 or sandstone is typical of event beds that overlie
H4 divisions and type of sole structures are used similar in situ thin-bedded sections, whereas
as complementary criteria (Table 2). The H3 mudstone rafts are usually found in HEBs that
facies types form a continuum from which six overlie thick mudstone caps of earlier event
representative bed types have been identified beds (Fonnesu et al., 2016). Substrate rafts usu-
varying from HEB-1 to HEB-6 (Fig. 6). Bed-type ally accumulate at the base of the H3 division

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 11

Fig. 6. Hybrid event bed classification scheme. Typical bed profiles (with average bed thicknesses) and photo-
graphic examples. Arrows indicate the way-up when bedding is inverted (‘b’ base of the bed; ‘t’ top of the bed).
Typical H3 sub-facies are indicated in the boxes. HEB-1 and HEB-2 can contain H3 divisions of two types: RI and
MCI sub-facies can be made of undeformed or deformed mudstone rafts; SP and SC sub-facies can include unde-
formed pieces of thin-bedded stratigraphy or their deformed equivalents, respectively. MCB: densely packed mud-
stone clasts (average over 5 cm) surrounded by dirty sandstone; MCD: small (2 to 5 cm) mudstone clasts in a dirty
sandstone matrix; MDC: argillaceous sandstone with scatter mudstone clasts; MD: argillaceous sandstone without
mud chips. Field scales are provided by Jacob’s staff (15 m long), geological hummer (30 cm long), camera lens
cap (5 cm diameter) and mechanical pencil (15 cm long).

with their longer axes aligned mostly parallel to foundered into what was soft wet sand (Fonnesu
bedding. Their upper and lower margins gener- et al., 2015). Next to the larger rafts, sand injec-
ally have sharp contacts with the surrounding tions extruding from the H1 sandstone division
sand-rich matrix or the underlying sandstone, can form large columnar pillars (about 10 to
but their lateral edges can sometimes be 15 m in diameter) terminating in mushroom-
deformed, frayed or preserved breaking into dis- like sill features preferentially developed at the
crete smaller mudstone clasts. The underlying boundary between the H3 and H4 divisions (see
H1 basal division is a very coarse to medium Knaust et al., 2014). Slightly deformed, thinner,
grained apparently structureless (or very crudely vertical or inclined sand injections (10 to 20 cm
laminated) but generally graded sandstone. The in diameter) can cross-cut the rafts and the
contact between the lower H1 sandstone and H3 sandy matrix of the H3 division but do not cross
is mostly irregular but sharp with the larger rafts the boundary between the H3 and H4 divisions.
often showing evidence of having ploughed into The effects of dewatering processes are also evi-
and thinned the basal sandstone or even occur- dent in the texture of the H1 sandstone with
ring fully encased within it suggesting that they sub-vertical but curved dewatering sheets
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
12 M. Fonnesu et al.
Table 2. Hybrid event bed character statistical summary.


No of beds 32 (107%) 33 (11%) 129 (43%) 55 (183%) 46 (153%) 5 (17%)

Total thickness (m) 866 (186%) 783 (169%) 228 (491%) 503 (108%) 204 (44%) 102 (02%)
Maximum sandstone 680 957 530 320 240 075
thickness (m)
Minimum sandstone 040 040 030 020 005 012
thickness (m)
Average sandstone 332 237 177 092 044 020
thickness (m)
Average thickness 096 077 081 038 017 –
of H1 + H1b (m)
Average thickness 137 127 072 039 023 010
of H3 (m)
Presence of H4 30 (94%) 26 (79%) 112 (87%) 45 (82%) 22 (48%) –
Average thickness 032 035 024 015 009 010
of H4 (m)

preferentially observed when the top of H1 is interpreted as an advanced deformation stage of

dome-shaped or is locally depressed. The H4 heterolithic or mudstone slabs, respectively
division and the H5 mudstone cap are usually (Fonnesu et al., 2016). Despite their chaotic
well-developed; H4 is present in 94% of HEB-1 appearance, these beds can be distinguished
beds and is characterized by a fine-grained lami- from gravitational slump deposits because they
nated and/or rippled sandstone division (typi- are consistently associated with a thick sandy
cally about 35 cm thick) with a very irregular base (H1) and a laminated graded sandy top
base and flat top. Loading structures with a (H4), and because they pass laterally into other
metre-scale wavelength and fine-grained sand- hybrid bed types. The H3 divisions in these
stone ‘ball and pillow’ structures derived from beds are characterized by abundant well-devel-
the H4 unit are commonly observed foundering oped soft-sediment deformation features such
into the H3 muddier division, especially where as: (i) intense folding of thin-bedded packages
the mud content in H3 is higher (Patacci et al., deformed into complex isoclinal and/or recum-
2014; Fonnesu et al., 2015; Tinterri et al., 2016). bent folds; (ii) dismembering of sand levels with
The beds cropping out in the upper part of the development of pinch and swell structures,
Mt. Ramaceto succession can also contain attached or detached pseudonodules, ductile
unusually thick H4 divisions including repeti- shear zones and intense thinning of fold limbs;
tions of structureless and laminated intervals, and (iii) deformed sand injections made of
H5 intervals composed of a silty homogenous coarse-grained and poorly sorted sandstone
facies and a very thick mudstone cap (some- extruded from the underlying sandy base and
times above 3 m thick). The same character is bordering or cross-cutting the deformed hetero-
shared by other HEB types (HEB-1 to HEB-4) lithic clasts. The deformed strata and the sand
present in the same stratigraphic interval. injections are encased in a mud-rich matrix, in
part produced by squeezed mud-rich blocks.
Hybrid event beds type 2 (HEB-2) Some of the mudstone appears to be composed
The HEB-2 beds are very thick, tripartite event of relatively undeformed blocks. However, in
beds (040 to 957 m thick; average 237 m) char- other instances, the mudstone appears to have
acterized by a heterogeneous and chaotic H3 behaved in a more plastic way and it seems to
division. This is made up of folded pieces of be associated with folding having being injected
thin-bedded stratigraphy (SC) or by a complex by sand along folded axial planes or sheared out
sand injection network (MCI) set in a mud-rich along fold limbs. In other cases, the mudstone
matrix (Fig. 6). These two facies can be can be well mixed with the sand, resulting in a
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
Hybrid event beds character and distribution 13

Fig. 7. Petrographic and textural characteristics of the H3 division in the Gottero hybrid event beds. Samples are
from HEB-3 and HEB-5 event beds located in the Mt. Ramaceto and Moneglia sections, respectively. The dis-
persed clay content (counted 500 points per section) reaches 20% in the first sample and 27% in the latter. In the
HEB-3 sample mud chips are captured in the act of being partially disaggregated and contributing mud to the
matrix. c = clay; s = silt; Vfs = very fine sand; fs = fine sand; ms = medium sand; cs = coarse sand; Vcs = very
coarse sand; Cg = gravel.

dirty-looking sandstone rich in millimetre and in which the H3 division is composed of den-
centimetre-sized mudstone clasts. As for HEB-1, sely packed mudstone clasts (MCB; clasts aver-
the basal H1 sandstone is a structureless, weakly age above 5 cm across) surrounded by a dirty
graded sandstone containing abundant dewater- sandstone rich in millimetre-sized and centime-
ing features and is characterized by an abrupt tre-sized mudstone clasts (Figs 6 and 7), clean
transition to a muddier H3 division. Also, like sandy patches and sand injections. Individual
HEB-1, HEB-2 beds usually (79% of beds) have mudstone clasts are rounded to sub-rounded,
a well-developed (typically about 35 cm thick) and have a generally oblate shape aligned paral-
laminated and graded H4 division, loading and lel to bedding. Mudstone clasts can be randomly
sometimes foundering into the underlying mud- distributed, but more often they display a weak
rich H3 division. normal grading. Clasts are often in contact or
separated only by thin veneers of poorly sorted
Hybrid event beds type 3 (HEB-3) dirty sandstone. The inter-clast sandstone has a
The HEB-3 beds are generally thick (030 to ratio of interstitial clay versus clast framework
530 m thick; 177 m average) hybrid event beds varying from 15 to 21%, generally showing a

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

14 M. Fonnesu et al.

progressively higher quantity of detrital pore-fill- Hybrid event beds type 5 (HEB-5)
ing clay and mica flakes towards the upper part The HEB-5 beds are event beds ranging from
of the division (Talling et al., 2004; Hodgson, 005 to 240 m in thickness (average 044 m)
2009). The value seems to increase in parallel with the H3 division constituted by well-mixed
with the concentration and disruption of the argillaceous sandstone with scattered mudstone
mudstone clasts. The H3 division can be later- clasts (MDC) (Fig. 6). The matrix is enriched in
ally continuous or form lenses in which the clay (25 to 27%) as well as hydraulically ‘light’
clasts are more densely packed, separated by components such as mica flakes, clay flocs and
portions in which clasts are less common and organic matter, which generally tend to concen-
surrounded by cleaner sandstone (Patacci et al., trate towards the top of the H3 division (Fig. 7).
2014; Fonnesu et al., 2015). The latter facies can The contact between the H1 and H3 divisions is
also form a transitional unit between the basal sharp in the majority of cases but, in a few beds,
H1 sandstone and the H3 division (H1b). The an intervening banded H2 division is developed
relative proportion of H1 and H3 divisions can in the form of dark clay-prone sandy layers
be highly variable, with event beds ranging from alternating with lighter fine-grained cleaner
being H1-dominated to H3-dominated without sandy intervals (Lowe & Guy, 2000; Haughton
important changes in the H3 texture over short et al., 2009; Davis et al., 2009). Division H1 is a
length scales (tens to hundreds of metres). Bed poorly to well-sorted and weakly graded, coarse
bases are often extensively grooved and can be to medium-grained sandstone. The bed base is
characterized by widespread but cryptic com- generally sharp, decorated with both grooves
posite and multiphase erosional features com- and flutes, the latter generally absent in the
prising elongated shallow scours (a few metres other hybrid event bed types. In a few cases
long and a few tens of centimetres deep) associ- HEB-5 beds do not have a basal H1 sandstone
ated with lateral sand injections and rip-up and the H3 division dominates the event bed.
clasts from the underlying substrate (Fonnesu The H4 division is not systematically developed
et al., 2016). An uppermost H4 division is (occurring in only 48% of beds). Nevertheless,
developed in most cases (87%) and typically is whenever H4 is present, it forms a thin planar
about 25 cm thick; it commonly has tabular or ripple-laminated unit capping the bed that
boundaries, but local metre-scale wavelength commonly loads and founders into the H3
load casts can also occur. HEB-3 represents the argillaceous sand below, with an associated
most common type of hybrid event bed in the development of pseudonodules.
logged Gottero system (Table 2).
Hybrid event beds type 6 (HEB-6)
Hybrid event beds type 4 (HEB-4) The HEB-6 beds are a relatively uncommon type
The HEB-4 beds are thick to mid-size beds (020 of hybrid event bed. They have an average thick-
to 320 m thick; 092 m average) comprising an ness of only 02 m (012 to 075 m) and are dis-
H3 division with abundant centimetre-sized tinguished from all the other hybrid bed types
mudstone clasts (typically about 2 to 5 cm in that the basal division is a fine-grained paral-
across) set in a dirty (21 to 23% dispersed clay), lel or ripple-laminated sandstone overlain by a
medium to fine-grained sandstone matrix (MCD) weakly graded fine-sandstone to clay-enriched
(Fig. 6). Mudstone clasts, despite being of smal- fine-grained sandstone (MD) (Fig. 6). The bed
ler size than in HEB-3 beds, are still abundant has an upward transition directly to a dark cap-
and display many clast to clast contacts. As in ping mudstone.
HEB-3, mudstone clasts are usually disc-shaped,
can be randomly orientated or be sub-parallel to
bedding and can show a weak normal grading. Hybrid event bed morphometrics
Similarly, the matrix of the H3 division can dis- Although the Gottero hybrid event beds can be
play a subtle upward increase in the mud con- assigned to one of six types guided mainly by
tent. The contact between the H3 division and the character of their H3 divisions, data show a
the basal H1 sandstone is usually sharp but clear correlation between HEB type and their
undulose with metre-scale wavelength and 10 to average and maximum thickness (Table 2;
30 cm amplitude irregularities (Fonnesu et al., Fig. 8A). It can be observed that beds from HEB-
2015). An H4 division is commonly present 1 to HEB-6 follow a thinning trend, with HEB-5
(82%) but is usually thin (typically about and HEB-6 being much thinner than the other
15 cm), normally graded and planar laminated. types. On the other hand, a clear relationship

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 15

above are interpreted as the deposits left by the

passage of individual flows, the rheology of
which evolved from being poorly cohesive and
essentially turbulent to being more cohesive
and turbulence-suppressed (Haughton et al.,
2009). As discussed below, the range of bed
types is thought to reflect the variable manner
of mud entrainment, the way in which the flow
was partitioned rheologically, and the mecha-
nism of turbulence damping (Baas et al., 2009,
2011; Patacci et al., 2014; Fonnesu et al., 2015,
The basal structureless or weakly stratified
H1 sandstone is interpreted as deposited by a
sandy high-concentration turbidity current
(Haughton et al., 2003, 2009). Deposition was
probably characterized by a high rate of sedi-
ment fallout, causing the intense dewatering
observed in most H1 divisions and the sand
injections into the overlying H3 division; the
sandy basal divisions were prone to liquefac-
tion when dynamically loaded by the H3 divi-
sions. The normal or coarse-tail grading and
the occasional presence of traction structures
suggest that there were also phases during
which layer by layer deposition under traction
and hindered settling from a non-cohesive flow
dominated (Kneller & Branney, 1995). The
argillaceous sandstone divisions (H3) with their
variety of chaotic or weakly organized mud-
stone and heterolithic clasts show evidence of
en masse deposition. Deposition of the H3
clay-enriched sandstones is interpreted to be
related to three main processes: (i) rapid
Fig. 8. Thickness characteristics of hybrid event beds. entrainment of large quantities of mud-rich sub-
(A) Box-plot showing the direct correlation between strate material which became partially disaggre-
average, maximum and minimum thickness of the gated in a shearing near-bed layer (Haughton
sandy portion (H1 to H4) of the bed, and the type of
et al., 2009; Fonnesu et al., 2015, 2016); (ii)
hybrid event bed. (B) Box-plot displaying the lack of
correlation between the hybrid event bed type and the vertical top-down transformation from turbidity
H1/H3 ratio; HEB-3s have the higher variability. current to debris flow due to rapid flow decel-
eration (Baas et al., 2009; Sumner et al., 2009;
Kane & Ponten, 2012); and (iii) longitudinal
between the ratio of H1 to H3 thicknesses and transformation due to lateral hydrodynamic
HEB type is not observed (Fig. 8B). HEB-3 seems fractionation of clay and flaky particles (Haugh-
to have a higher variability of H1/H3 ratio, with ton et al., 2009; Pyles et al., 2013). The first
a larger number of beds with relative thin H1 process is thought to be responsible for forma-
divisions. HEB-5 beds more commonly lack an tion of HEB-1 to HEB-4 beds. The second and
H1 division. third processes are interpreted to have operated
in the case of HEB-5 and HEB-6 beds.
Interpretation A rheology change between the turbulent flow
The variability in the hybrid event character responsible for the deposition of the basal sand-
observed in the Gottero system and captured by stone (H1), and the mostly cohesive laminar
the six-fold classification scheme is comparable flow depositing the H3 division, can be inferred
with the bed model described by Haughton from the presence of progressively more abun-
et al. (2009). The hybrid event beds described dant mudstone clasts vertically in the bed
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
16 M. Fonnesu et al.

(including the development of H1b). The clasts oscillated between a frictional and a laminar
might have been kept in suspension in the condition, leading to the formation of a banded
upper and rearward part of the dense flow due interval (H2 – Lowe & Guy, 2000; Haughton
to their low density and resulting buoyancy et al., 2009; Baas et al., 2011). The common
(Mutti & Nilsen, 1981; Postma et al., 1988). presence of an overlying graded and laminated
Alternatively, and less commonly, the flows H4 division grading into a mudstone cap (H5)

Fig. 9. Sandy facies associations and related interpreted depositional sub-environments identified in the Gottero
Sandstone and event bed percentages. Sedimentological logs represent examples of stacking patterns for each
facies association. Pie charts show the relative abundance of bed types (for number of events and in thickness)
and hybrid event bed types for each facies association (in thickness). St%: sandstone percentage of the facies asso-
ciation. Debrites (DEBs) and gravelly high-density turbidites (GHDTs), and low-density turbidites (LDTs) and lime-
stones (L) categories are merged together in the statistics.

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 17

suggests the re-establishment of turbulent flow particular the abundance and types of hybrid
conditions from a trailing wake followed by sed- event bed present in each of the facies associa-
iment fallout from the suspension cloud. The tions. However, the dimensions of large-scale
geometry of the H4 division may reflect the rhe- and medium-scale depositional features, such as
ology of the just-deposited underlying H3 divi- channels and lobes, and the establishment of
sion (Fonnesu et al., 2015; Tinterri et al., 2016). their internal hierarchy can only be achieved in
Loaded or foundered H4 divisions might be pro- a limited number of cases due to the rarity of
duced by the wakes to flows decelerating on a laterally continuous exposures.
very heterogeneous, plastic and mud-rich H3
deposit; a planar boundary suggests a more
Facies Association A (FA-A) Inner fan
homogenous and semi-rigid behaviour.
The most proximal preserved section of the Got-
tero system is dominated by conglomeratic and
FACIES ASSOCIATIONS AND SUB- coarse-grained sandy deposits in which the
ENVIRONMENTS sandstone percentage is extremely high, reach-
ing 99% (Fig. 9A). The only outcrop example of
Hybrid event beds and other sediment gravity this facies association is located in the Mon-
flow deposits are diversely stacked throughout terosso area (Nilsen & Abbate, 1984; Pandolfi,
the Gottero system but can be grouped into 1996). The succession includes an erosive
specific facies associations. Following the coarse-grained lenticular unit (25 m thick at the
approach of Mutti & Ricci Lucchi (1972) (see axis), interpreted as a channel-body; and a
also Mutti & Normark, 1987, 1991), each facies thicker and generally more tabular sandbody, of
association can be considered the stratigraphic minimum 250 m thickness (the top cannot be
expression of a specific sub-environment within constrained because it has been removed by
a turbidite system, interpretation of which is modern marine erosion). Dominant facies
tied to its characteristic bed stack, general archi- includes mudstone-clast conglomerates, clast-
tecture and stratigraphic/palaeogeographic posi- supported lags and amalgamated coarse-grained
tion. Five sandy facies associations (FA) have turbidites including traction carpets, mudstone
been identified in the Upper Gottero system clasts and large-scale cross-bedding. Shallow
(Fig. 9): (FA-A) inner-fan channels; (FA-B) mid- erosive ‘cut and fill’ features (Mutti & Normark,
fan lobes; (FA-C) outer-fan lobes; (FA-D) weakly 1987), uneven bed bases (local erosional relief
amalgamated sheets; and (FA-E) isolated basin- up to 15 m), grain-size breaks and rapid lateral
plain sheets. An additional facies association bed thickness changes determine important
(FA-F) includes the remaining dominantly fine- bypass occurring in the area. The facies associa-
grained facies comprising slope deposits and tion is interpreted to represent a proximal fan
fine-grained basin plain facies. Facies associa- environment spanning base of slope channels to
tion terminology has been partially retained channel-month (channel-lobe transition) set-
from a previous and prescient sub-environment tings. Despite the common presence of substrate
fan zonation for the Gottero system proposed by erosion and rip-up clasts, hybrid event beds are
Nilsen & Abbate (1984). The proximal Gottero not present in this facies association in either
area is dominated by FA-A to FA-C (Monterosso, the channelized or the more tabular units
Deiva Marina, Moneglia and Terrarossa), repre- (Fig. 9A).
senting deposits of a relatively unconfined fan
system. The external part of the system (Mt.
Facies Association B (FA-B) Mid-fan lobes
Ramaceto) is characterized by FA-D and FA-E
and is interpreted as a confined basin-plain The intermediate part of the Gottero system and
environment. The Mt. Zatta succession includes most of the Gottero 2 unit (Deiva Marina, Mone-
interleaved facies associations of both types in a glia, Terrarossa, Mt. Ramaceto and Mt. Zatta sec-
separate overfilled trough (Marini, 1995). Quan- tions; Fig. 4) are composed of mainly parallel-
titative log data allow a reliable estimation of bedded, amalgamated strata forming 10 to 20 m
characteristic sedimentological parameters such thick sandstone packages organized in thinning-
as overall sandstone percentage (St%; includes upward and fining-upward sequences (Fig. 10A
locally conglomeratic basal divisions of event and B). These sequences are separated by thin-
beds, and clayey sandstone forming H3 divi- ner (metres thick) mud-prone intervals some-
sions in HEBs), component bed types and in times containing thin-bedded sandstones. This
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
18 M. Fonnesu et al.

Fig. 10. Mid-fan amalgamated lobe facies and stacking patterns. (A) Representative log and typical bed types of
Gottero mid-fan amalgamated lobe deposits (from the Moneglia locality, see location in Fig. 3). (B) Gottero 2 mid-
fan lobes in the Mt. Ramaceto section: despite being grouped in the same facies association, the beds are slightly
less amalgamated and finer grained than in the Moneglia or Deiva Marina examples (about 80 m of thickness
exposed and 850 m of lateral view). (C) Amalgamated coarse-grained sandstone beds in Moneglia showing slightly
erosive bases on the underlying deposits. Person for scale is ca 18 m tall. (D) Poorly sorted coarse-grained bed in
Moneglia. (E) Granule-armoured mudstone clast. Lens cap for scale has a 5 cm diameter. (F) Conglomeratic lentic-
ular bed draped by a fine-grained and rippled bed (Moneglia). Hammer for scale is 30 cm long. (G) Thin and fine-
grained HEB-5 bed in mud-prone inter-lobe deposits. Way-up is indicated by arrows and by ‘b’ (base) and ‘t’ (top)
labels. c = clay; s = silt; Vfs = very fine sand; Fs = fine sand; Ms = medium sand; Cs = coarse sand; Vcs = very
coarse sand; Cg = gravel.

forms a facies association with an overall St% of poorly sorted very coarse (occasionally granule
88% (Fig. 9B). grade) to coarse-grained sandstone beds
The base of individual sandstone packages is (Fig. 10D), rich in dispersed and often angular
alternatively sharp or scoured into the thin- mudstone clasts some of which are armoured
bedded unit underneath (Fig. 10C). Sandstone (Fig. 10E). Tractive granule layers and clast-sup-
packages are made up mostly of ungraded and ported conglomeratic lenses directly overlain by

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 19

Fig. 11. Outer-fan lobe architecture in Moneglia (Punta Baffe locality). (A) Cliff exposure of Gottero 3 sandstone;
numbers represent surfaces across which changes in stacking pattern occur. (B) Close-up of the logged section dis-
playing a 20 m thick thickening and thinning cycle. (C) Three smaller scale thickening-upward cycles in the inter-
mediate part of the section in which thin HEBs are concentrated at the bases. Way-up to the right in (B) and (C).
Bed thickness trends are indicated by triangles.

horizontally laminated and rippled fine-grained from the base of the bed. Besides these occa-
sandstones facies are common (Fig. 10F), show- sional HEBs, a distinctive hybrid-rich interval
ing evidence of flow bypass. These bodies are is found at the base of Gottero 2 unit marking
interpreted as relatively proximal mid-fan lobes the stratigraphic initiation of the fan. Hybrid
(see Mutti & Ricci Lucchi, 1972; Mutti & Nor- event beds in total represent only 8% by thick-
mark, 1987). The top of each of the lobes is ness of the facies association (Fig. 9B).
marked by an abrupt change to a relatively thin
(about 1 to 2 m thick) mud-prone unit consti-
Facies Association C (FA-C) Outer-fan lobes
tuted by thin-bedded events. These finer-grained
intercalations are laterally continuous and are The intermediate part of the system in the Got-
consequently interpreted as inter-lobe deposits tero 3 unit (in Moneglia and Terrarossa locali-
and related to phases of reduction in sediment ties; Fig. 4) is dominated by 5 to 20 m thick,
supply to the basin. thickening-upward or symmetrical bed
Hybrid event beds are present as rare thin sequences (Fig. 11) constituted by coarse-
clast-poor hybrid event beds (generally HEB-5; grained and poorly sorted high-density tur-
Fig. 10G) interbedded with thin-bedded tur- bidites, mudstone-clast-rich beds and hybrid
bidites, siltstone and mudstone in the inter-lobe event beds (Fig. 12). These are interbedded with
deposits. In a few cases, thick and clast-rich or heterolithic sandstone–mudstone packages con-
raft-bearing types (HEB-3; more rarely HEB-2 taining thin-bedded LDTs and HEBs. The overall
and HEB-1) occur as the first bed at the base of St% is estimated at 79% (Fig. 9C). The basal
the lobe packages. These beds systematically boundary of the sandy packages with
overlie a mud-rich inter-lobe package and in a interbedded fine-grained units is characterized
few cases show evidence of partial detachment by a progressive upward coarsening and thick-
of the underlying substrate by lateral injection ening of the beds. The upper boundary can be
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
20 M. Fonnesu et al.

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Hybrid event beds character and distribution 21

Fig. 12. Outer-fan lobe facies and related stacking pattern. (A) Representative log and bed types of the Gottero
outer-fan lobes (from Moneglia locality, see location in Fig. 3). (B) Example of HEB-5 interbedded with thin-
bedded lobe fringe deposit at the base of a lobe cycle (15 m Jacob’s staff for scale). (C) HEB-5 including a well-
developed H2 banded division. (D) Poorly sorted mudstone-clast-rich bed (MRB) in Moneglia lobe deposits. Ham-
mer is 30 cm long. (E) Poorly sorted coarse-sandstone texture with small scattered angular mudstone clasts (Ter-
rarossa section; location in Fig. 3). Lens cap is 5 cm in diameter. (F) Thin HEB-5 bed interbedded in lobe fringe
deposits including a thin H2 banded interval and a rippled H4 division (15 cm long mechanical pencil for scale).
All bed examples are right way-up (‘b’ base; ‘t’ top). c = clay; s = silt; Vfs = very fine sand; Fs = fine sand; Ms =
medium sand; Cs = coarse sand; Vcs = very coarse sand; Cg = gravel.

sharp and marked by a bypass surface or beds directly overlying a mudstone-rich pack-
expressed by a more progressive bed thinning. age. The HEB-5 and HEB-6 beds are mostly
Beds constituting the sandy packages exhibit lat- found at the base of thickening-upward lobe
eral continuity (but rapid thickness changes) at cycles together with mudstone-clast-rich beds of
hundreds of metres outcrop-scale, but are poorly similar size or as part of thin-bedded inter-lobe
correlated at kilometre scale. The high-density packages. They can be vertically organized with
turbidites generally have very thin mudstone caps beds having relatively thinner H1 divisions
(average sandstone to mud cap ratio about 3 : 1) located at the base of the thickening-upward
and in most cases they comprise only a basal cycles and progressively substituted by beds
sandstone, with no laminated upper division. with a thicker H1 division towards the top.
Many beds have angular to sub-rounded mud- Occasionally some thin hybrid beds lack an H1
stone clasts (sometimes armoured) mostly concen- division, testifying to their very distal position
trated at the very top of the bed (MRBs: 36%). with respect to the axis of the lobe (distal lobe
Conglomeratic lenses or beds including granule fringe). The HEBs interbedded inside the lobe
traction carpets are also occasionally present. packages are interpreted as genetically related to
These characteristics define a sub-environment the lobe axis cleaner beds and representing the
where turbidity flows bypassed their finer grain deposits of lateral or frontal lobe fringes (Haugh-
sizes which are mostly missing and were presum- ton et al., 2003; Hodgson, 2009; Kane & Pont en,
ably transported further down-dip. The sandy 2012; Kane et al., 2017).
units are interpreted as relatively distal outer-fan
sandstone lobes. The complex changes in the ver-
Facies Association D (FA-D) Basin-plain
tical bed thickness stacking are interpreted as an
weakly amalgamated sheets
effect of local lobe progradation (Mutti & Ghi-
baudo, 1972; Mutti & Ricci Lucchi, 1972), com- This facies association is constituted by distinc-
pensational stacking (Mutti & Sonnino, 1981) or tive weakly amalgamated sandy packages (7 to
autocyclic lateral lobe axis switching (Macdonald 20 m thick) made of generally thick event beds
et al., 2011; Pr
elat & Hodgson, 2013). Lateral lobe (mostly hybrid event beds) interbedded with the
switching is also suggested by the repeated devia- otherwise poorly amalgamated succession of the
tions in the palaeoflow indicators (from WNW to Gottero 3 unit in the Mt. Ramaceto succession
ENE) in the Moneglia locality where this facies (Figs 13 and 14) and in part of the Mt. Zatta suc-
association is prevalent (see Fig. 3). Thin-bedded cession. The facies association has an overall St
mud-prone packages are interpreted as distal or % of about 71% (Fig. 9D). The sandy packages
lateral lobe fringes rather than allocyclic phases do not display significant lateral thickness varia-
of reduced sediment supply, because of their poor tions, at least at scales of up to 3 km, but indi-
correlatability between lateral sections. vidual beds are poorly correlated due to a high-
Hybrid event beds represent 15% by thickness aspect ratio lenticular shape or display impor-
of this facies association (Figs 9C and 12). The tant thickness changes at hundreds of metre-
most common HEB types include HEB-5 (49% scale interpreted as compensational patterns
of all HEBs) and HEB-6 (13% of all HEBs). (Mutti & Sonnino, 1981) in contrast to the sur-
Hybrid event beds with larger mudstone clasts rounding tabular succession (see FA-E). Beds are
(HEB-3 and HEB-4), substrate slabs (no larger coarse to fine-grained, well-graded and generally
than 2 m) and chaotic textures (HEB-1 and HEB- thick, usually preserving a laminated upper
2) are rare and usually found as outsized event division and a thin mudstone cap.

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

22 M. Fonnesu et al.

The described units are interpreted as basin- Lucchi, 1972; Mutti & Normark, 1987). The
plain composite sand bodies developed in the relationships with the more proximal mid-fan
distal part of the Gottero system (Mutti & Ricci and outer-fan lobes are unclear, but they

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 23

Fig. 13. Architecture and stacking pattern of the Gottero 3 succession in the Mt. Ramaceto area including FA-D and
FA-E facies associations (modified from Fonnesu et al., 2013). (A) Correlation panel of the Upper Gottero succession
from eight logs spaced over 4 km laterally. The turbiditic succession is overlain by a >300 m thick chaotic level
(Giaiette Shales) emplaced by mass transport processes. The base of the mass transport complex records the erosion
of more than 250 m of turbiditic succession over <25 km laterally. The numbers refer to the ‘photohorizons’ shown
in Fig. 5 and to other labelled beds. The datum is taken at a distinctive mud-prone level rich in diagenetic carbonate
nodules (‘Septarie lavel’ of Andri & Zavatteri, 1990). Three units bounded by mud-prone intervals (Gottero 3a, 3b
and 3c; GOT 3a, GOT 3b and GOT 3c) are distinguished on the basis of a progressive upward increase of sedimento-
logical characteristics indicating an increase in the degree of flow ponding (see text for details). Red boxes represent
areas covered by the detailed correlation panels of Fig. 16. (B) Simplified outcrop map showing the position of the
measured sections, the bed strikes and dips and the boundaries of the stratigraphic units.

Fig. 14. Vertical and lateral stacking pattern displayed by weakly amalgamated sheets in an increasingly confined
basin-plain setting. (A) Representative log and bed types of weakly amalgamated sheets (from Mt. Ramaceto F sec-
tion; see Fig. 13). (B) Correlation panels (about 15 km wide) of weakly amalgamated sheets in the Mt. Ramaceto area
showing consistency in bed package thickness but poor correlatability of individual beds. The upward reduction in
the lenticularity of individual beds is interpreted to reflect the increased confinement of the system. c = clay; s = silt;
Vfs = very fine sand; Fs = fine sand; Ms = medium sand; Cs = coarse sand; Vcs = very coarse sand; Cg = gravel.

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24 M. Fonnesu et al.

Fig. 15. ‘Confined basin-plain isolated sheet’ facies and bed stacking pattern. (A) Representative log and bed
types of Gottero confined basin-plain deposits (from Mt. Ramaceto C section; see Fig. 13). (B) Landscape view of
event beds in the Gottero 3 Mt. Ramaceto succession (note the inversion of beds) including a mudstone-clast-rich
(HEB-3) and chaotic HEBs (HEB-2) with thick mudstone caps and interbedded with hybrid-devoid, thin-bedded
packages about of 40 m of thickness and 100 m of lateral view. (C) HEB-1 bed including heterolytic thin-bedded
substrate rafts enclosed in the H3 division (15 m Jacob’s staff for scale). (D) HEB-3 bed including relatively thin
H1 sandy base with irregular top, a relatively abrupt transition into a mudstone-clast-rich H3 division, and a thin
draping laminated H4. Way-up is indicated by arrows and by ‘b’ (base) and ‘t’ (top) labels. c = clay; s = silt; Vfs =
very fine sand; Fs = fine sand; Ms = medium sand; Cs = coarse sand; Vcs = very coarse sand; Cg = gravel.

presumably represent separate sand bodies These units are stratigraphically interbedded
developed in a down-dip depocentre and are and probably genetically associated with the
not the distal expression of outer-fan lobes. distal Gottero basin-plain sheets (FA-F) which
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
Hybrid event beds character and distribution 25

could represent an architectural pattern devel- types and between HEBs and MRBs or HDTs
oped when the basin was not fully ponded are very common along correlative beds. The
and individual flows could not spread across lateral changes typically involve variations in
the entire basin floor developing an internal the proportion of the cleaner basal sandstone
compensational geometry. Hybrid event beds and the overlying H3 mudstone-clast-rich sand-
are the most common bed type in FA-D units stone divisions and the texture of the H3 divi-
(54% in thickness; Fig. 9D) and include a sion. These changes normally occur without
wide variety of types (HEB-3, 30%; HEB-4 substantial variations in the overall bed thick-
28%; HEB-2, 22%; HEB-1 17%; HEB-5 3%) ness (Fonnesu et al., 2015).
with the majority on the mudstone-clast and Hybrid event beds (or more rarely mudstone-
raft-bearing types. clast-rich beds) commonly have a scoured base,
demonstrating that the flows were able to erode
the underlying substrate for tens of centimetres
Facies Association E (FA-E) Confined basin-
to a maximum depth of about 2 m. Shallow and
plain isolated sheets
elongated scours are preferentially found under-
The distal sector of the Gottero 3 unit (Mt. Rama- neath HEB-3 or MRBs. Deeper scour features can
ceto and part of Mt. Zatta) is dominated by later- be detected from detailed bed by bed correla-
ally extensive, thick event beds (i.e. sheets; tions mostly underneath HEB-1 or HEB-2 beds
Fig. 13) associated with thick mudstone caps, eroding into earlier mud caps or thin-bedded
thin-bedded sandy packages and rare limestone heterolithic packages.
and marly intervals (Figs 9E, 15 and 16). The suc-
cession has a St% of about 54% on average,
Facies Association F (FA-F) Thin-bedded
decreasing from the bottom to the top. Grain size
basin-plain and slope deposits
of the sandstones varies from very coarse to very
fine-grained and beds are generally well-graded, Fine-grained thin-bedded intervals are common-
without displaying abrupt internal grain-size place throughout the Gottero system but only
changes or evidence of amalgamation. Many tur- rarely constitute thick (tens to hundreds of
bidites and hybrid event beds have complex and metres) distinctive packages. These fine-grained
thick topmost fine-grained divisions including and mud-rich units have an average St% of
repetitions of structured and unstructured sand- 51%. A widespread and wedge-like fine-grained
stones, wavy sinusoidal laminations and homo- unit is located at the base of Gottero succession
geneous silty graded caps with pseudonodules. (Fig. 4), making up the Gottero 1 unit (see Mar-
Those characteristics, in association with thick ini, 1991). This includes slope deposits with
mudstone caps (average sandstone to mud cap common multi-bed slumps in the proximal
ratio for single bed about 1 : 3), are interpreted to Monterosso location to a monotonous succession
represent the effect of deflection or ponding of of thin-bedded, graded and ripple-structured
the dilute part of turbidity currents (Pickering & low-density turbidites (LDTs) and occasionally
Hiscott, 1985; Remacha et al., 2005; Haughton, limestone beds (L) in intermediate (Riva
2001; Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri, 2010; Tinterri, Trigoso) and distal locations (Mt. Zatta –
2011; Patacci et al., 2015). Therefore, the present Mt. Ramaceto) interpreted as basin-plain deposits.
facies association is interpreted as the distal
depositional fill of a confined and relatively
sand-rich basin-plain (Mutti & Johns, 1978; HYBRID EVENT BED GROUPS AND
Remacha et al., 2005; Mutti et al., 2009; Picker- FACIES TRACTS
ing & Hiscott, 2015).
Hybrid event beds in this setting represent The sedimentological character of the hybrid
the vast majority of the thicker event beds and event beds, the vertical and lateral bed-type
comprise 31% by thickness of the succession changes and transitions, and the facies associa-
(Fig. 9E). The majority of hybrid event beds are tions in which they occur, confirm that these
represented by HEB-3 (49%), with the remain- beds can have a variable make-up and hence
ing part roughly equally split between HEB-4 different lateral and longitudinal facies tract
(19%), HEB-1 (15%) and HEB-2 (13%). The expression. The hybrid event bed types
mixed fine-grained HEBs are very rare with described here can be split into two main groups
only 5% represented by HEB-5 and no HEB-6. which are thought to have a different origin: (i)
Transitions between different hybrid event bed beds in which the major component of the H3
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
26 M. Fonnesu et al.

division is made up of substrate clasts (ranging Mudstone-clast and raft-bearing hybrid event
from few centimetres to several metres; and (ii) beds (HEBs 1 to 4)
beds which include a H3 division with a clay-
Hybrid event beds attributed to the first class are
rich and relative clast-poor texture.
represented by HEB-1 to HEB-4 types. Beds of

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 27

Fig. 16. Detailed cross-sections of selected intervals of the Gottero Sandstone succession in the Mt. Ramaceto area
confirming the generally tabular geometry and correlativity of individual beds at kilometre scale, albeit with local
erosion of hybrid event beds into the substrate. The distances between the different logs are indicative only,
because of the variable angle between them. (A) Representing the succession between 120 m and 177 m from the
stratigraphic top of the Gottero Formation in Mt. Ramaceto area (see Fig. 13). (B) Shows the succession between
260 m and 354 m from the stratigraphic top. The two panels capture a large-scale stratigraphic trend in which sin-
gle event beds are increasingly separated by mudstone intervals towards the uppermost part of the succession
interpreted as the effect of progressive increase in the degree of confinement of the distal Gottero depocentre.
TBTs: thin-bedded turbidites. See facies of Fig. 6. c = clay; s = silt; Vfs = very fine sand; Fs = fine sand; Ms =
medium sand; Cs = coarse sand; Vcs = very coarse sand; Cg = gravel.

these types are mostly found in the confined and were presumably suspended by their buoy-
basin-plain areas (FA-D and FA-E) but also (with ancy and dispersive pressure in the high-con-
lower relative abundances) at the base of lobe centration lower part of the flow (Postma et al.,
sequences in more proximal fan areas (FA-B and 1988). High-density turbidites (HDTs) thus tran-
FA-C), in particular when the lobe units lie sition down dip into beds with increasing vol-
directly on top of inter-lobe fine-grained intervals. umes of mudstone clasts (MRBs) which tend to
As demonstrated by the physical correlations accumulate progressively in higher parts of the
of the stratigraphically upper part of the Mt. bed vertical profile. In both HEBs and MRBs,
Ramaceto section (Figs 13 and 16) hybrid event mudstone clasts and argillaceous sandstones are
bed types HEB-1 to HEB-4 can be laterally corre- always contained in the basal relatively coarse-
lated with one another and therefore represent grained and mostly structureless part of the bed
the expression of the same facies tract. A facies beneath the Tb division, whereas the finer-
tract represents the lateral or longitudinal bed grained laminated part is always made of clean
expression of the same depositional event sandstone (Tb-e; H4 division). This observation
(Mutti, 1992). However, the limited down-dip suggests that turbulence suppression and/or an
window in which individual beds can be fol- increase in flow cohesion happened in the near-
lowed (4 km) cannot capture the complete set of bed, high-concentration part of the flow along
flow transformations in a single correlated bed, the interface with the upper highly turbulent
and multiple beds have to be taken into account region (see Mutti & Nilsen, 1981 and Postma
in order to reveal the wider set of lateral transi- et al., 1988). The clasts can be rapidly buried by
tions. Individual beds show a general down-dip fallout of sand from suspension at the level they
change from thick clean sandstone beds (HDTs) were able to reach as they were carried by the
to mudstone-clast enriched hybrid event beds dense flow (Mutti & Nilsen, 1981), or accumu-
(HEB-1 to HEB-4) (Fig. 17). Field observations lated at the top of the aggrading bed, where they
suggest that this transition can happen along started to move as a shearing boundary layer.
two distinct facies tract types characterized by Evidence of active shear includes the crude
different proximal bed types, but with a similar stratification of oblate mudstone clasts, occa-
distal expression. sional imbrication and deformed sand patches
in a very heterogeneous sandy matrix. Clast to
Hybrid flow evolution via entrainment of clast friction and sand injections extending from
abundant mud clasts – FTH-1 the overpressured sandy base of the flow were
In the first facies tract type (FTH-1; Fig. 18A), able to systematically fragment the clasts and
clean HDTs undergo a down-dip change to release both mud chips and dispersed clay
hybrid event beds by the acquisition, segregation which mixed with the surrounding sandy
and breakup of centimetre to decimetre-size matrix. Dewatering of the basal sand may have
mudstone clasts. Clasts are thought to have been also sustained the transport of what were
collected by delamination of relatively local sub- pseudo-cohesive flows producing a thin over-
strate, as demonstrated by the common forma- pressure water layer on which the flow decou-
tion of composite shallow scours (some tens of pled and hydroplaned (Haughton et al., 2009).
centimetres deep) on the lower surface of the Clast over-concentration and clay release would
bed (see Bed 14 – Fonnesu et al., 2016). Mud have progressively increased the cohesiveness of
clasts were entrained at the base of the flow, the flow forcing it to arrest en masse, depositing

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

28 M. Fonnesu et al.

Fig. 17. Examples of observed facies tracts of mudstone-clast and raft-bearing HEBs from the Mt. Ramaceto suc-
cession. The letters ‘A’ to ‘G’ refer to the section measured (see their location and context on Fig. 13). (A) Example
of type 1 facies tract (FTH-1) showing a longitudinal/lateral transition from a clean massive turbidite sandstone
(section C) by enrichment and concentration of mudstone clasts (MRB – section E) and development of an HEB-3
(section G). The lateral transition is recorded also in the vertical bed profile of section G by the presence of a
mudstone-clast-rich H1b interval beneath the H3 division of the bed. Shallow scours (about 30 cm deep) are
detected in section C, providing a possible source of mudstone clasts from the underlying substrate. (B) Example
of type 2 facies tract (FTH-2) showing that in section A, where the degree of substrate removal is at a maximum,
the event bed includes large substrate rafts within the H3 division, characterized by preserved thin-bedded stratig-
raphy (HEB-1). Proceeding through the more distal sections the substrate rafts are progressively destroyed and the
texture of the H3 division became a mudstone-clast-rich debrite (MCB – HEB-3) but with some pieces of chaotic
material still preserved (HEB-2). In both cases the thickness of the H4 division is similar throughout the entire
facies tract. c = clay; s = silt; vfs = very fine sand; fs = fine sand; ms = medium sand; cs = coarse sand; vcs = very
coarse sand.

beds with H3 divisions characterized by poorly 2015, 2016; Southern et al., 2015). An example
sorted mudstone clasts surrounded by a clay- of this facies tract is provided by Bed 12, which
enriched sandy matrix (HEB-3). Clast attrition preserves a 16 km downflow transition from a
would have produced progressively finer clasts mudstone-clast-poor massive turbidite bed
that were deposited in more distal locations (HDT) to a mudstone-clast-rich hybrid event bed
resulting in HEB-4. The longitudinal and lateral (HEB-3) via an intermediate MRB bed
transition from MRB to HEB-3 and HEB-4 can be (Fig. 17A).
irregular and highly variable at short length
scales due to the complex interfingering between Hybrid flow evolution via substrate raft
the up-dip sandstone-dominated part of the bed disaggregation – FTH-2
and the down-dip muddier section due to the A second type of hybrid event bed facies tract
concentration pattern of clasts and clay in the (FTH-2; Fig. 18B) involves both lateral and
flow (Fonnesu et al., 2015), or by the uneven down-dip transitions between raft-bearing and
pattern of substrate entrainment (Fonnesu et al., chaotic hybrid event beds (HEB-1 and HEB-2)

© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology

Hybrid event beds character and distribution 29

Fig. 18. Hybrid event bed facies tracts detected in the Gottero system. All of them show a downcurrent and lat-
eral transition from relatively clean high-density turbidite (HDT) to a hybrid event bed (HEB) due to abundant
mud clast incorporation. (A) FTH-1 is characterized by a very strong lateral relationship between mudstone-clast-
rich but relatively clean sandstone beds (MRBs) and hybrid event beds with mud clast-rich H3 divisions (HEB-3).
This lateral facies association is linked to elongated shallow scours. (B) FTH-2 shows a downcurrent and lateral
passage between a large raft-bearing HEB (HEB-1) and a different kind of strongly injected/chaotic (HEB-2) or
mudstone-clast-rich HEB (HEB-3). In this case, the beds are associated with large deep scours where substrate
blocks were locally detached from the sea floor and incorporated into the flow. (C) FTH-3 predicts a downflow/lat-
eral transformation from clean high-density turbidites to thin hybrid event beds that may include a banded divi-
sion (H2). The down-dip transition occurs from beds with thin H3 divisions to beds with an expanded H3. The
mud entrainment can be provided in the form of loose clay and small mud chips, by turbulent erosion in up-dip

with mudstone-clast-bearing HEBs (HEB-3 and high-concentration and high-volume flows (Fon-
HEB-4). The up-dip equivalent bed type referred nesu et al., 2016). The evidence for erosion cut-
to this facies tract is uncertain, but a limited ting down several metres beneath parts of some
number of beds show a transition from proximal HEB-1 and HEB-2 beds (Fig. 18B), and matches
coarse-grained high-density turbidites (HDTs) between the texture and character of the rafts
lacking mudstone clasts. This type of facies tract and the underlying substrate, suggest that the
is interpreted to have been generated by flows blocks were mostly sourced locally. Intact sub-
that were able to deeply erode the underlying strate rafts were presumably transported for
substrate and which were capable of detaching short distances remaining relatively undeformed
and transporting large pieces of remobilized (HEB-1), partially ploughing into the unconsoli-
stratigraphy. The mechanism of raft entrainment dated basal sand (Fonnesu et al., 2015). Alterna-
was probably related to a combination of lateral tively they may have been entrained in the flow
sand injection and contemporaneous slab and deformed by shear forming a chaotic tex-
detachment, triggered by flow pressure varia- ture, or partly invaded and broken up by sand
tions or enhanced turbulence at the front of injections sourced from the basal sand (HEB-2).
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
30 M. Fonnesu et al.

The basal H1 sand was probably overpressured interbedded and systematically arranged into
to be able to support gliding mudstone rafts on Facies Associations B and C, located in the
top of the just-deposited basal sand with associ- proximal and intermediate Gottero system sec-
ated hydro-plastic deformation of the blocks (SC tors. Because these HEBs mostly developed in
facies; Fig. 6) and their lateral disaggregation as lobe settings controlled by compensational
part of a shearing near-bed layer. Both downcur- stacking, progradation or lateral switching, it is
rent and lateral to the entrained rafts, a mud possible to infer that the systematic vertical dis-
clast-rich flow, partially derived by spalling of tribution of bed thickness and bed types could
fragments from the rafts as they disaggregated, represent the expression of a longitudinal and
forming HEB-3 and HEB-4 beds. A partial exam- lateral bed facies tract, according to Walther’s
ple of this downflow facies transition is pro- law. A similar approach has been adopted by
vided by Bed 154 in which a heterolithic raft- Middleton (1973) and Kane & Ponten (2012).
bearing bed erosively cuts though the underly-
ing thin-bedded substrate in the most proximal Hybrid flow evolution via clay enrichment and
section, transforming down-dip into HEB types fractionation – FTH-3
containing smaller mudstone clasts (HEB-3) with The inferred longitudinal facies tract (FTH-3;
occasional pieces of deformed stratigraphy still Fig. 18C), results in a progressive decrease of
preserved (Fig. 17B). the H1 thickness and a simultaneous expansion
of the H3 division in HEB-5 beds. It distally cul-
Distal expression of FTH-1 and FTH-2 minates in the reduction and pinch-out the basal
The normally-graded and laminated capping sandstone (and eventually of the overlying H2
sandstones (H4 divisions) that are developed in banded division), followed by distal pinch out
both facies tracts are thought to have been depos- of the H3 division. The dilute turbulent wake
ited just prior to or after the underlying H3 responsible for deposition of the graded and
deposit arrested by a slower moving dilute turbu- laminated H4 division can outrun the deposit of
lent wake of the flow. The dilute turbulent cloud the hybrid flow, and settle in more distal and
can potentially have run-out further than the par- lateral lobe fringes. In mud-rich lobe fringe
ent high-concentration flow and deposited down- sequences, HEB-6 beds containing an argilla-
current as a fine-grained normally graded bed (see ceous unsorted interval developed above a
examples of Amy et al., 2005; Amy & Talling, graded and well-structured thin bed, are com-
2006; Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri, 2010; Talling monly found and interpreted as the most distal
et al., 2012; Fonnesu et al., 2015). and lateral expression of the facies tract.
It is reasonable to think that HEB-3 or HEB-4 The facies tract is interpreted as the expres-
could transform distally into HEB-5 or HEB-6, if sion of the progressive deceleration and turbu-
the flow had enough space to evolve, and the lence damping of a mud-enriched flow. The
process of particle disintegration, hydraulic presence of a higher amount of organic matter in
segregation and clay release remained efficient. the H3 division may suggest that most of the
Examples of similar lateral transitions from very cohesive material could be bulked in the flow in
extensive basin-plains are provided by Amy & a more proximal location than in the other flow
Talling (2006) and Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri types (Hodgson, 2009). A significant amount of
(2010). However, in the Gottero case study, this fines can be entrained in up-dip fan sectors at
evolution is statistically insignificant. The possi- channel mouths, proximal lobes or flow expan-
ble reasons could be: (i) the process of clast disag- sion points (Haughton et al., 2003, 2009; Talling
gregation was not efficient enough; (ii) the Mt. et al., 2004), maybe on account of hydraulic
Ramaceto section is still relatively proximal; and jump-related erosion (Mutti & Normark, 1987;
(iii) the basin was too small and the flows did not Mutti, 1992). Alternatively, the facies tract could
have the space to undergo a complete evolution. represent the deceleration and/or fractionation
of already clay-laden flows (Haughton et al.,
2003). The presence of hydraulically fraction-
Clast-poor and clay-rich hybrid event beds
ated flaky materials in HEB-5 beds suggests the
(HEB 5 and HEB-6)
onset of efficient longitudinal and transverse
HEB-5 and HEB-6 have a H3 division which is segregation of components with lower settling
more depleted in mudstone clasts but enriched velocities (see Pyles et al., 2013) leading to tran-
in pore-filling clay in comparison to the other sitional to laminar flow conditions (Haughton
HEB types. HEB-5 and HEB-6 appear mostly et al., 2009; Kane & Ponten, 2012; Kane et al.,
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
Hybrid event beds character and distribution 31

2017). Alternatively the same bed types could poor HEBs) are found in different facies associa-
derive from the vertical segregation of the mud tions and hence different Gottero sub-environ-
components via top-down turbulence damping ments. This pattern indicates that HEB character
in a transitional flow (Baas et al., 2009; Sumner and relative abundance is strictly dependent on
et al., 2009). This model predicts initial onset of palaeogeographic location within the Gottero
near-bed turbulence enhancement before the tur- system. As general rule, the proximal area of the
bulence is eventually damped. This is consistent Gottero system is interpreted as a relatively
with the presence of flute casts at the base of unconfined fan system, and mainly includes
HEB-5 beds, suggesting that the basal flow was clast-poor and clay-rich hybrid event beds; the
more turbulent than in the other HEB types down-dip confined basin-plain sectors are in
which are dominated by tabular scours and contrast dominated by extensive mudstone-clast-
grooves. rich and raft-bearing HEBs.
The occasional presence of a banded H2 divi- The most proximal sectors of the Gottero sys-
sion in HEB-5 beds, a feature not observed in tem, including the slope channel fills, sand-
other bed types, reflects a more gradational prone channel-lobe transition zone (FA-A) and
change in flow rheology from a turbulent flow to slope deposits (FA-F), are completely devoid of
a transitional and then a cohesive and turbulent hybrid event beds. Hybrid event beds have been
suppressed flow (Haughton et al., 2009; Davis reported in channelized or proximal fan sectors
et al., 2009). The facies tract predicts that the in a few cases (for example, East Carpathian
very distal expression of this kind of flow is rep- Flysch, Romania – Sylvester & Lowe, 2004; Ross
resented by thin LDTs representing the distal Sandstone Formation, Western Ireland; Schiehal-
run-out of the trailing turbulent wake which in lion Field, West Atlantic margin – Haughton
the more proximal location forms the H4 et al., 2009; Champsaur channel complex, south-
division. Alternatively the flow can express east France – Vinnels et al., 2010; channelized
further transformation recorded by the deposi- Permian Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas
tion of HEB-6 beds. In HEB-6, fine-grained USA – Haughton et al., 2009), but are generally
mud-enriched sand is deposited on top of a uncommon. This is despite the fact that substrate
laminated and/or rippled sandstone. The devel- erosion and clast rip-up are common in these
opment of a further ungraded sandy, but clay- settings; however, erosion products tend to end
rich interval, distinctive from a normal mud up deposited in poorly organized mudstone-clast
cap, is interpreted to be related to vertical clay conglomerates rather than hybrid event beds.
segregation leading to top-down turbulence The clast rip-up is probably mostly linked to
damping and formation of a mud plug (see Baas local erosion and bypass-lag formation. A possi-
et al., 2009; Sumner et al., 2009) in a decelerat- ble explanation behind the absence of HEBs in
ing flow (Pierce, 2015). The common presence this setting may be that the flow constriction by
of ripples instead of parallel lamination below the channel margins or the onset of hydraulic
the muddy unit in this kind of bed can be jumps at the channel-lobe transition, could tem-
related to a slight turbulence enhancement due porarily increase the flow turbulence (Talling
to the onset of the plug flow (Baas et al., 2009, et al., 2007; Kane et al., 2017) preventing the tur-
2011). Therefore, the deposition of the mud-rich bulence suppression and hybrid bed deposition
interval observed in HEB-6 beds can be inter- until the flows were eventually able to distally
preted as a mud-enriched flow produced by a expand and decelerate. The loose mud eroded
secondary turbulence damping episode follow- from the substrate could be easily elutriated and
ing the deposition of the trailing turbulent wake, transferred to an upper turbulent cloud well
due to the hydraulic separation of clay at the away from the bed increasing the run-out of the
end of current run-out (Pierce, 2015). high-density flows (Mohrig & Marr, 2003; Tin-
terri et al., 2003; Breien et al., 2010), with even-
tual deposition downslope as mud caps.
DISCUSSION Hybrid event beds are present in the Gottero
system in mid-fan and outer-fan areas (compris-
ing about 15% of the event bed inventory by
Hybrid event bed-type distribution in Gottero
thickness) where they can be found within
system sub-environments
three stratigraphic contexts. Thin HEBs (HEB-5
The two previously highlighted hybrid event and HEB-6, very rarely HEB-4) are interbedded
bed groups (mudstone-clast-rich HEBs and clast- in widespread fine-grained inter-lobe facies that
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
32 M. Fonnesu et al.

alternate with thick amalgamated lobe and tabular, laterally extensive hybrid event
sequences (FA-B). The mud necessary to sup- beds (HEB-1 to HEB-4). These are found as iso-
press the flow turbulence could be sourced lated beds (FA-D), or more rarely in weakly
from original slope failures or by progressive amalgamated packages (FA-C), and usually
entrainment from poorly compacted substrate, include thick mudstone caps. Similar stacking
providing clay and small mud chips. A second patterns have been observed in examples located
occurrence comprises clay-enriched HEBs in the Castagnola ponded basin (Southern et al.,
(HEB-5 and HEB-6) that are found interbedded 2015; Marini et al., 2016) or in the extensive
in lobe sequences (FA-C) as a precursor of foredeep basin-plain of the Marnoso-arenacea
thickening-upward cycles or in thin-bedded (Ricci Lucchi & Valmori, 1980; Amy & Talling,
bundles interpreted as lobe fringe deposits. 2006; Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri, 2010; Tinterri
These HEBs are thought to have formed from & Muzzi Magalhaes, 2011; Talling et al., 2012;
flows that entrained clay up-dip (from channel- Tinterri & Tagliaferri, 2015).
lobe transition zones, slope or proximal lobe
settings) and underwent progressive turbulence
Controls on hybrid event bed development in
damping and deceleration in distal and lateral
the Gottero system
lobe fringes; they are thought to be genetically
linked with MRB and HDT beds observed in The importance of external factors on the devel-
the overlying axial lobe deposits. Similar mod- opment of hybrid event beds has been stressed
els have been invoked in the Jurassic of North by a number of authors (Haughton et al., 2003,
Sea (Haughton et al., 2003), in the Permian 2009; Talling et al., 2004; Hodgson, 2009). Non-
Karoo Basin (Hodgson, 2009; Kane et al., 2017) equilibrium feeder systems or slopes (e.g. Ross
and in the Palaeogene Wilcox Formation (Kane et al., 1994), occurring for both stratigraphic
& Pont en, 2012), in which hybrid event beds and tectonic reasons, could cause proximal ero-
are common in the lower prograding base of sion and clay acquisition leading to the devel-
lobe sequences, being the expression of distal opment of hybrid flows down-dip (Haughton
lobe fringes. The presence of armoured mud- et al., 2009; Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri, 2010;
stone clasts with sand or granule grains in the Tinterri & Muzzi Magalhaes, 2011). In tectoni-
MRBs vertically associated with the HEBs sug- cally quiescent basins such as the Karoo Basin
gests that at least part of the mud entrained (Skoorsteenberg Formation) or the Ross Sand-
was derived from more proximal fan areas, stone Formation, western Ireland, it has been
rather than from the local seabed erosion. A suggested that hybrid event bed generation
third context in mid-fan and outer-fan sectors could be related to phases of fan initiation and
in which hybrid event beds can be found is at growth (Hodgson, 2009; Haughton et al., 2009)
the base of lobe sequences (FA-B and FA-C) and controlled by relative sea-level falls during
directly overlying mud-rich inter-lobe deposits. early low-stand periods, with consequent
In this case, they are expressed as thick mud- increase of sediment supply, flow efficiency
stone clasts or raft-bearing HEBs (HEB-1; HEB- and hence capacity for erosion (Hodgson,
2; HEB-3) which are otherwise rare in the vari- 2009). A similar process can probably explain
ous unconfined fan facies associations. By anal- the onset of a HEB-prone package at the base of
ogy with the hybrid event beds found in the the Gottero 2 unit (Fig. 4), which marks the ini-
distal confined basin-plain and by the repetitive tiation of the sand-prone Gottero fan. Neverthe-
association with a muddy substrate, these beds less, the Gottero system remains hybrid-prone
are thought to have formed by local delamina- throughout most of its history, and the variable
tion and clast entrainment, controlled by the character and abundance of hybrid event beds
availability of a widespread muddy substrate, appears to be linked to their arrangement in
combined with the first high-magnitude flows different sub-environments, rather than to exter-
to arrive after a lobe avulsion. nal factors. The Gottero hybrid events thus
In the distal areas of the Gottero system where seem to reflect autogenic and intrabasinal fac-
basin topography was flat (for example, a confin- tors such as lateral shifting of lobe axes and
ing basin-plain setting), an aggradational stack- fringes, flow magnitude and type of substrate.
ing pattern dominated. Here, a marked change A subsidiary control could be the physiography
in the character of the hybrid event beds occurs: of the basin, in particular the onset of confined
HEB-5 and HEB-6 are very uncommon in this and ponded conditions towards the end of the
setting and are replaced by generally very thick Gottero basin fill.
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
Hybrid event beds character and distribution 33

Fig. 19. Sketch summarizing the stratigraphic distribution, character and typical stacking pattern of hybrid event
beds in fan and basin-plain settings, based on the Gottero example. (1) Unconfined fan systems are generally
devoid of hybrid event beds in their proximal area, developing HEBs preferentially in the fan fringe and at the
base of thickening-upward lobe sequences. Hybrid event beds are characteristically thin and belong to types 5 and
6. Hybrid event beds 1 to 4 can be occasionally found directly above mud-prone inter-lobe deposits. (2) In con-
fined basin-plain successions developed in tectonically active basins characterized by flat basin floor topography,
the sedimentation is dominated by high-volume flows able to delaminate the substrate and develop thick mud-
stone-clast or raft-bearing HEBs (HEB-1 to HEB-4).

Lobe compensational stacking stratigraphic level. In the outer-fan Gottero 3

Hybrid event beds have been recognized sections (Moneglia; FA-C), HEB-5 and HEB-6
interbedded with prograding or laterally shifting beds are found within the thinner bedded por-
outer-fan lobes, as part of packages interpreted tions of thickening-upward or thinning-upward
as lobe fringes. Hodgson (2009) documented that cycles, independent of their stratigraphic level,
hybrid event beds can be concentrated in the suggesting that their occurrence is linked to the
basal basinward-stepping phases of turbidite establishment of lobe off-axis or fringe facies
lobes, and be virtually absent during retreat preceding or following amalgamated lobe axis
stages. The same pattern has been recognized at facies. Their occurrence in vertical sections is
multiple scales (from lobe to fan); including therefore only related to the lateral shifting or
HEBs concentrated in the lower part of overall progradation of lobes that are constantly hybrid-
prograding fan successions (Haughton et al., prone in their fringes. The dynamic of lobe shift-
2009). Nevertheless, a similar pattern has not ing could be controlled by rapid distributary
been observed in the Gottero system, where channel avulsions (when there is a rapid vertical
hybrid beds are present during most of its evolu- transition between coarse-grained amalgamated
tion, and are not more common at any particular and thin-bedded intervals), or by lobe
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
34 M. Fonnesu et al.

progradation or swinging across strike (see Smaller volume flows formed sandstone lobes
elat & Hodgson, 2013). in the proximal system area, and deposited
HEB-5 and HEB-6 in the related lobe fringes or
Flow magnitude and entrainment processes interlobe intervals. Because of their relatively
Flow volume and concentration control flow small volume, individual flows did not expand
run-out distance (Mutti, 1992; Dorrell et al., to fill the entire basin area, but they deposited
2014) and flow interaction with the sea floor their sediment load on the area in front of the
(Stevenson et al., 2013), shifting the area of flow feeder channel mouths, forming composite sand-
bypass and deposition basinward or landward bodies showing lenticular and compensational
(Mutti et al., 1994), and influencing the mecha- geometries. These smaller volume flows proba-
nism of mud entrainment. The Gottero system bly only occasionally reached the distal basin-
contains a wide spectrum of flow types, which plain area where they deposited laterally exten-
deposited their sediment load in different loca- sive fine-grained low-density turbidites, forming
tions (Fig. 19). (i) High-magnitude flows are distinctive heterolithic thin-bedded packages,
thought to have generally bypassed the fan area but not hybrid event beds. These events were
(see Mutti & Johns, 1978; Remacha et al., 2005; probably triggered by episodic slope failures
Fonnesu et al., 2016) and deposited in the con- caused by sedimentary oversteepening (Kastens,
fined distal basin-plain (high-efficiency), devel- 1984; Mutti et al., 1984; Mutti, 1992), as
oping thick clast-rich HEBs (type 1 to 4). (ii) opposed to large seismic shocks. These flows
Smaller volume flows that deposited the bulk of were likely to be of low concentration in a distal
their sedimentary load in the more proximal setting and hence generally did not exert enough
fan system (low-efficiency), developing compen- pressure on the substrate to trigger sea floor
sating lobes and clast-poor HEBs (type 5 and 6) delamination (for example, except when the
in the lobe fringes close to the run-out limit. substrate was particularly mud-prone). Instead,
The presence of very different flow types is typi- the mud entrainment could have been driven by
cal of tectonically active basins in convergent turbulent erosion at the front of the current in
settings (Mutti et al., 1984, 2009). up-dip areas, providing disaggregated mud parti-
High-magnitude flows are thought to be respon- cles into the flow, which then suppressed the
sible for the deposition of turbidite beds of excep- flow turbulence, resulting in deposition of
tionally large volume and extent (in comparison hybrid event beds in the up-dip lobe region.
with basin size) which presumably filled the
entire Gottero basin-plain. Most of them depos- Substrate mechanical proprieties
ited thick hybrid event beds attributed to types 1 Evidence of substrate delamination features
to 4. Uncertainties on the location of basin beneath hybrid event beds deposited on the Got-
boundaries do not allow a precise reconstruction tero basin floor supports the hypothesis that
of the volumes involved. However, considering local substrate mechanical properties may have
the sandy part of the thickest event bed recorded had a significant impact on the development of
in the Mt. Ramaceto section (95 m) and its mini- some types of hybrid event bed (Fonnesu et al.,
mum areal extension (150 km2, but possibly 2016). This appears to be the case for mudstone-
much larger), the total sand volume transported clast-rich, chaotic and raft-bearing HEBs (HEB-1
could be greater than 13 km3. Such high-volume to HEB-4) in both confined basin-plain and
event beds may have been generated by cata- locally in fan settings. The preservation of large
strophic failures of the Sardo–Corsican margin and undeformed mudstone or heterolithic rafts
which were probably triggered by earthquakes in HEB-1 beds confirms that the sea floor from
during plate convergence (‘seismoturbidites’ of which they were derived was relatively firm and
Mutti et al., 1984). Those events were able to pro- cohesive. A relatively compacted sea floor is
duce flows that mostly bypassed the more proxi- also inferred in other confined and ponded
mal fan area and deposited their sediment load in basins (Castagnola, Southern et al., 2015;
flexural basin-plain depocentres producing beds Ventimiglia Flysch, Marini et al., 2015b). An
several metres thick. The facies interpretation of explanation could be that the distal setting with
their H1 division suggests that they were depos- respect to their feeder system meant that only a
ited by high-concentration flows. The local mud limited number of events reached the basin-
entrainment documented by the scours and the plain, resulting in a lower gravity flow frequency
H3 character is attributed to substrate delamina- and a greater time available for the sea floor
tion rather than turbulent erosion. mud to dewater and consolidate (Mutti & Johns,
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
Hybrid event beds character and distribution 35

1978; Mutti, 1992; Remacha et al., 2005; Fon- of their depositional character with respect to
nesu et al., 2016). As shown by Remacha et al. distance from a counter slope. Such a trend is
(2005), and confirmed by the Gottero case study, thought to be due to complex three-dimen-
such a hypothesis is supported by the fact that sional flow dynamics across the enclosed basin
the number of individual event beds present in and interaction with multiple basin margins,
the basin-plain areas is lower than in the up-dip which inhibited the development of coherent
lobe settings, despite individual beds being depositional trends (Southern et al., 2015).
thicker in the former case. However, based on their work on the Marnoso-
The presence of a firm sea floor does not hin- areanacea, Peı̈ra Cava and Ranzano case stud-
der its delamination; conversely, it allows flows ies, Tinterri et al. (2016, 2017), note that
to detach large pieces of substrate which can be where flows are strongly confined (but not
carried intact, instead of being disaggregated ponded) and the flow efficiency is low, the
immediately. The delamination process could be deposition of clay-rich HEBs is hindered,
favoured by the presence of planar mechanical favouring the deposition of structureless beds
weakness in the substrate formed by thin- with basal impact structures (sensu Mutti,
bedded intervals, early diagenesis or by subtle 1992) or with traction reworked tops due to
fabric changes in mudstone caps (Fonnesu et al., enhanced flow bypass.
2016). The same kind of effect could also The distal and upper part of the Gottero sys-
happen in more proximal settings when flows tem (Mt. Ramaceto section) was deposited in a
interact with a mud-prone substrate and pro- confined and presumably ponded basin as
duce local delamination and formation of mud- demonstrated by the sedimentary facies and
stone-clast-rich, chaotic or raft-bearing HEBs at thick mudstone caps described in Facies Asso-
the base of lobe sequences. ciation E. High-density turbidites and the basal
divisions of HEBs do not record any effect of
Effect of basin confinement and ponding flow-slope interaction (i.e. rotation of palaeo-
Basin physiography and in particular the pres- flow indicators or systematic trends in H3
ence of topographic highs, basin margins, or development) indicating that the inbound
confining slopes is a major control on the underflows were relatively unaffected by the
development and deposition from hybrid flows confinement conditions (Patacci et al., 2015).
(Barker et al., 2008; Davis et al., 2009; Muzzi This suggests that the confining slopes were rel-
Magalhaes & Tinterri, 2010; Patacci et al., atively distant (>10 km); the counter slope was
2014; Southern et al., 2015; Tinterri & Taglia- probably located near the Bracco massif of Elter
ferri, 2015; Tinterri et al., 2017). The presence & Raggi (1965) (Figs 2 and 3) and did not affect
of basin floor highs and counter slopes can the process of substrate entrainment. The pres-
favour rapid flow deceleration and hence an ence of HEBs including the variable expression
increase in fallout rate, flow stratification and of mudstone-clast-rich H3 divisions thus cannot
associated turbulence damping (Talling et al., be linked to the effect of confining slopes on
2004; Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri, 2010; Pat- flow behaviour (cf. Southern et al., 2015). Fur-
acci et al., 2014). In addition, flow impact thermore, the persistence of hybrid event beds
against counter slopes could increase flow through the entire Gottero 3 history indicates
hydraulic pressure and promote substrate that they are independent of the changing
delamination processes by hydraulic jacking degree of basin confinement.
(Puigdefabregas et al., 2004). Examples pro- Evidence for extensive scour features in the
vided by Patacci et al. (2014) from the Braux basin-plain region suggests that hybrid event
Unit of the Annot sandstone of south-east bed occurrence in this sector (especially the
France illustrate that flow confinement in a mudstone-clast and raft-bearing type HEBs)
relatively proximal position results in the was controlled by the magnitude of the flows
occurrence of HEBs next to the confining and the type of substrate with which they
slopes, with transitions from clean turbidites interacted, rather than any up-dip erosion
to HEBs occurring over short distances (i.e. a related to phases of tectonic uplift or slope
few hundreds of metres). In ponded mini-basin rotation. A tectonic control would have formed
settings (for example, the Castagnola system of a stacking pattern in which HEBs were strati-
north-west Italy), flows deposited relatively graphically partitioned, as has been inferred by
sandy HEBs (MRBs and HEB-3, rarely HEB-1 Muzzi Magalhaes & Tinterri (2010) and Tinterri
and HEB-2) without any systematic variation & Muzzi Magalhaes (2011) for the Marnoso-
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
36 M. Fonnesu et al.

arenacea. A subtle gradient break between the points and that longitudinally hydraulically
up-dip fan system and the oversupplied and fractionated clay and other low-density compo-
hence flat basin-plain may have played a role nents. They are thought to produce a facies tract
in localising erosion and substrate entrainment (FTH-3) in which H3 divisions expand down-
on account of turbulence enhancement fol- dip at expenses of their basal sandstone and
lowed by rapid suspension collapse. Local ero- may include components deposited under tran-
sion may have formed initial defects which sitional flow conditions.
were then expanded by injection-related 4 The Gottero confined basin-plain is domi-
delamination (Fonnesu et al., 2016). Flow con- nated by thick and laterally extensive event beds
tainment seems to have affected only the with a high proportion of HEBs (31 to 51% in
dilute upper part of the flows, responsible for thickness) (Fig. 19). Hybrid event beds in this
the deposition of expanded laminated and case are rich in mudstone clasts and large sub-
fine-grained bed tops and the preservation and strate rafts (HEB-1 to HEB-4) and show evidence
accumulation of thick mudstone caps. The of extensive auto-injection and clast break-up
basin-plain area was probably the first location within a sand-rich matrix. These beds are thought
along the flow path where large-volume flows to have been produced by high-magnitude flows
encountered a cohesive and well-layered capable of delaminating the sea floor locally and
muddy substrate (including thick ponded mud detaching pieces of substrate. On the basis of this
caps to earlier flows) forming the ideal condi- study, the process can produce two types of facies
tions to promote delamination and mudstone- tracts: FTH-1 involving substrate erosion from
clast and raft-bearing HEB formation. shallow scours and entrainment of abundant
mudstone clast or FTH-2 driven by delamination
of large substrate slabs and their progressive dis-
CONCLUSIONS aggregation in shearing near-bed layers.
5 The occurrence of fine-grained hybrid event
Hybrid event bed presence and character have beds (HEB-5 and HEB-6) was controlled by the
been documented across a range of Gottero sys- vertical and lateral juxtaposition of lobes and
tem sub-environments in both submarine fan lobe fringes which was ultimately related to the
and confined basin-plain sectors (Fig. 19). pattern of autogenic lobe stacking.
1 Hybrid event beds (HEBs) can be differenti- 6 Clast-rich and raft-bearing HEBs relate to less
ated on the basis of the texture of their H3 divi- frequent, large-magnitude and high-concentra-
sions and of the size and shape of the clasts tion flows that interacted with a cohesive sub-
entrained within them. Six hybrid event bed strate either immediately following deposition of
types can be distinguished on the following muddy interlobes or beyond the fan on an over-
basis: beds with H3 divisions including metre to supplied basin-plain. Extensive delamination of
tens of metres long substrate rafts (HEB-1); the Gottero basin-plain may have been promoted
highly deformed chaotic texture or sand injec- by a subtle gradient break between the fan and
tion rich (HEB-2); mudstone clast to smaller the confined basin-plain, and the presence of
mud chips rich in a sand-rich matrix (HEB-3 ponded mud caps on preceding event beds.
and HEB-4); and H3 divisions with small mud 7 The Gottero turbidite system was prone to
chips scattered in a matrix with high dispersed hybrid flow generation throughout most of its
and significant mud content (HEB-5 or HEB-6). history. In this case, local HEB occurrence and
2 The proximal fan area of the Gottero system distribution across different sub-environments
is virtually devoid of hybrid event beds in chan- was strongly controlled by intrabasinal factors
nel-fill and amalgamated proximal lobe ele- such as the availability of muddy substrate,
ments. mechanical properties of which dictated the
3 Thin and fine-grained hybrid event beds mode of substrate entrainment.
(HEB-5 and HEB-6) are abundant in the lateral
and frontal fringes of outer-fan sandstone lobes
and less commonly interbedded in mud-prone ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
laterally extensive inter-lobe intervals (Fig. 19).
This HEB association is thought to have been This work was funded by the Turbidites Research
produced by flows that underwent turbulence Group sponsors: Anadarko, BG-Group, BP, Cono-
damping following incorporation of mud from coPhillips, Dana Petroleum, Hess, Eni, Nexen,
proximal lobe locations or at flow expansion OMV, Petronas, Shell, Statoil and Woodside. Luca
© 2017 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2017 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology
Hybrid event beds character and distribution 37

Baruffini is warmly acknowledged for introducing (Eds J.E. Costa and P.J. Fleisher), pp. 268–317. Springer,
us to the Gottero outcrops and Marco Carnevale is Berlin, Heidelberg.
Davis, C.E., Haughton, P.D.W., McCaffrey, W.D., Scott, E.,
thanked for field assistance. Also we would like to Hogg, N. and Kitching, D. (2009) Character and
thank the editor in chief Nigel Mountney and the distribution of hybrid sediment gravity flow deposits from
reviewers Ian Kane and Roberto Tinterri, whose the outer Forties Fan, Palaeocene Central North Sea,
perceptive comments helped to improve the final UKCS. Mar. Petrol. Geol., 26, 1919–1939.
version of the manuscript. Dorrell, R.M., Darby, S.E., Peakall, J., Sumner, E.J., Parsons,
D.R. and Wynn, R.B. (2014) The critical role of
stratification in submarine channels: implications for
channelization and long runout of flows. J. Geophys. Res.
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