Galcom International, USA, Inc.: The People of Galcom

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Galcom International, USA, Inc.

PO Box 270956, Tampa, FL 33688-0956 Ph. #813-933-8111

Email: Web Site

Dear Friends: Christmas 2014/January 2015

The People of Galcom

"…The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and
will call him Immanuel (which means 'God is with us')." (Is. 7:14 NLT)

Christmas is really about our Lord Jesus, who came to earth and to us as a tiny
baby on the first Christmas to launch a rescue mission to redeem for Himself a
people from all the peoples of the Earth. Some of these people groups have never
heard the Good News. Galcom, as you know, is deeply committed to this great
cause (see Matt. 24:14).

Since this season is much concerned with people whom God loves, we want to
focus on those who make Galcom’s strategic ministry to help complete the Great
Commission possible.

We thank God that our founders Harold Kent and Ken Crowell are safe with the
Lord in Heaven now that their earthly race has been run, and that their wives Jo
Ann and Margie are still with us.* We’re also thankful that Canadian founder
Allan McGuirl and his wife Florrie remain in good health. In 1989 God gave them
a common vision to use fix-tuned radios to reach across language and cultural
barriers with the Gospel, and supernaturally brought them together to found
Galcom. As in Hab. 2:2, God greatly used these pioneers to “write the vision and
make it plain” for us.

We want to thank our President Gary Nelson, and his dear wife Mary, for laying
good administrative foundations from 1991 to 2009. Please pray for them as they
continue to serve this ministry as effective ambassadors, keen advisors and wise
overseers. Thanks in large part to their efforts, and those of our founders, Galcom
International USA has played a pivotal role in sending more than 1,000,000 radios
and audio Bible-capable combination radio units to mission fields around the
world and thus reaching at least nine million souls with the Gospel since 1989!

Likewise, we are grateful for our officers, board members, executive committee
and for the staffs of Galcom Canada and MegaVoice Israel. We also celebrate our
Volunteer Area Representatives- a concept we introduced to you in 2010. They
serve without compensation in order to promote awareness of Galcom’s mission
and vision in their localities and areas of influence. This year, in addition to our
veteran area representatives previously acknowledged, we welcome Ken and
Cindy Leffler who shuttle between Canada and Florida. And local student Preston
Nobles continues as our first ever Junior VAR! We can’t thank them all enough
for joining their hearts to his ministry and spending their energies along with ours
this past year. (Anyone interested in joining this growing team of VARs, please
contact us.)

Also, we want to extend our special thanks to Hope Bible Church in Tampa for the
dedicated volunteer team that cheefully contributes its time and energy to help us
generate your newsletters each month.

As 2014 ends, we want to very sincerely extend our deep thanks to each of you,
our committed prayer and financial partners. You are truly our V.I.P.s, for without
your faithful and consistent involvement, this ministry, barring divine intervention,
would grind slowly to a halt. Thanks to your steadfast support each month,
thousands of Galcom solar powered radios and hundreds of MegaVoice audio
Bibles are sent out to reach poor, lost and non-literate people around the world
with the life-changing message of the Gospel.

Stacy and I are honored to serve in this ongoing ministry along with you, our
founders, our predecessors in ministry, the devoted staffs in Canada and Israel and
with our dedicated volunteers. May God bless each of you abundantly in 2014.

Please help send more Galcom radios and MegaVoice audio Bibles
around the world giving the non-literate ears to hear the Word of
God. Your continued partnership with us is greatly appreciated!

Also, please note the date of Galcom's annual donor appreciation

banquet- March 24, 2014. We look forward to seeing many of you in
Tampa for this exciting event.

To make a donation go to

and follow the prompts or you can mail a check to the Galcom
International, PO Box 270956, Tampa, FL 33688.


Tom Blackstone
Exec. Director

*See February 2014 and March 2012 previous newsletters available in our website archive
Galcom is accorded the highest 5-star rating for transparency and efficiency by Ministry Watch
Your gifts are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law
Galcom Christmas 2014/January 2015 Newsletter

Jo Ann Kent’s continuing her vital involvement in Canadian founder Allan McGuirl (R) (here with Tim
the ministry of Galcom that she & Harold started Whithead) & wife Florrie are enjoying good health

President Gary & Mary Nelson continue to serve Patty Walker, Jo Ann Kent, Gary Nelson, Bob and
as ambassadors, wise counsellors & in oversight Susan Nelson serve as exec. committee members

Preston Nobles (shown with his demo ImpaX unit) Our newest VARs- Ken and Cindy Leffler- they’re
is our very first Jr. Volunteer Area Representative representing Galcom in both Canada & in the USA

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