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Cathlene A.

Medes BSED-2A July 10, 2018

Different Learning Styles Symbols

This book symbolizes learners that have an intelligence of

verbal/linguistic; they are the learners that enjoy reading books
because they mostly remember what they read.

This symbol represents learners that have an intelligence of

logical/Mathematical, they are the learners that consider to as
numbers smart and they are interested in careers such as
accounting, engineering and law.

This picture of a track field represents the

Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence; persons that have this kind
of intelligence are mostly athlete because they have the
ability in coordination and the sense of timing.

This represents the learners that have an intelligence of

Visual/Spatial. Persons who enjoy doodling, drawing,
painting and sculpting consider having this intelligence.
Also called as Art smart.

This symbolizes learners that have Musical intelligence.

They are interested to a variety sounds including human voice,
environmental sounds, and music. They develop the ability to
sing, and play instruments. They consider as music smart.
This represents the interpersonal intelligence. Persons that
have this can easily perceive the feelings, thoughts,
motivation, behaviors and lifestyles of others. They consider
as people smart because they are good advisers.

This represents the intrapersonal intelligence.

There are people that prefer to be alone instead of being with
other people. This person is also called as self-smart because
he is aware of his range of emotions and knows his self well.

This symbolizes the Naturalist kind of Intelligence. They are

also called as Nature smart or nature lover because they
recognize and can name many different types of trees,
flowers, and plants.

This symbolizes the Existentialist Intelligence. A person

that has this kind of intelligence has a strong faith in
his/her beliefs most especially in religious aspects. Consider
to be as Bible smart. Best example is the priests.

This symbolizes the Verbal-Auditory Learner. This learner

can able to adapt in noisy environment. These learners
interpret the essential meaning of speech by listening to
tone of voice, pitch and speed.

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