Toddler Strategy Sheet

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WF 3pm Toddler Lab

1. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to identify colors, letters and numbers with a teacher twice a day in lab.
· Teachers will use numbers in everyday sentences to get her thinking about numbers. ( IELG D4 G 39 SI:1 Use quantity concepts in everyday routines (e.g., Would you
like one more or two more pieces? ).
· Teachers will identify and label letters in the classroom to help her recognize and mimic. (IELG D5 G 57 SI7: Engage child in pointing out letters in environmental print
(street names or on billboards, signs, or printed material in home or center).
· Teachers will introduce different techniques in the art area to get her interested in learning about different colors. (IELG D4 G 46 SI4: Introduce child to a variety of art
materials and allow open-ended exploration).
2. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to label letters of the alphabet with a teacher in lab twice a day.
· Teachers will label a picture, book, or letter in an activity to get her to mimic and label. (IELG D5 G 57 SI7: Engage child in pointing out letters in environmental print
(street names or on billboards, signs, or printed material in home or center).
· Teachers will model how to play with certain letters in the activity to get her interested (IELG D5 G57 SI2:Encourage child to play with large magnetic letters and blocks
with letters on them).
· Teachers will create letters and label them with meaning to keep her attention. (IELG D5 G57 SI5: When child is interested, make letters and shapes with a variety of
materials (play dough, sand, shaving cream, blocks).
3. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to identify letters of the alphabet 2-3 times per day in lab.
· Teachers will point out letters in the environment around XXXXXX such as in his name, books, and other words in the classroom. (IELG D5 G57 S5: Point out letters and
symbols in the environment (fast-food restaurants, familiar cereal names/logos, local stores)
· Teachers will help XXXXXX to recognize letters through games (IELG D5 G57 S6: Play letter games with child. Start with the beginning letter in the child’s name, their
siblings, mom, dad, etc. Point to objects in the environment that begin with the same letter.)
· Teachers will encourage XXXXXX to notice letters in the environment through modeling (IELG D5 G57 S1: Encourage child to notice letters in their environment.)
4. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to identify the primary colors (red, blue and yellow) correctly three times during play activities and routines of the class.
· The teachers will model correct color naming, and introduce/identify colors of objects frequently to XXXXXX (IELG D5 G51 S9- Provide opportunities for child to listen for
new words in the environment and identify them when heard).
· The teachers will use close-ended questions that have one specific answer when asking about colors (Expressive Language Strategies Handout).
· The teachers will converse naturally about what XXXXXX is seeing and doing in each activity (e.g., “You are painting with the green paint”) (IELG D5 G51 S12-
Converse naturally about what child is doing, listening to, and seeing).
5. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to use words clearly to form 3-4 word sentences three times during a lab day when communicating with teachers and peers.
· Teachers will encourage XXXXXX to speak clearly by modeling the correct way of using words in a sentence by using self-talk to describe what they are doing
(Expressive Language Strategies Handout).
· Teachers will use open-ended questions to encourage XXXXXX to clarify his words as he speaks in sentences (IELG D5 G49 S1- Ask open-ended questions to elicit
response (e.g., “What is the kitty doing?”).
· Teachers will give XXXXXX adequate amount of time to respond to questions or give input on what he is doing while in toddler lab (IELG D5 G49 S2- Listen to child and
give him/her time to respond).
6. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to use pronouns (he, she, her, and him) correctly four times during lab.
· The teachers will speak in full sentences, with normal rate of speech, intonations, and appropriate affect such as “She is going down the slide”, or “He wants to play with
that toy” (Expressive Language Strategies Handout).
· The teachers will use self talk and parallel talk with XXXXXX to promote language development and encourage him to use pronouns as well (Adapting Fine Motor
· The teachers will encourage use of pronouns from XXXXXX’s point of view (e.g., “I want water,” rather than, “XXXXXX wants water.”) (IELG D5 G52 S5- Encourage use
of pronouns from child’s point of view).
7. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to use words to label objects 3 times a day.
· The teachers will expect XXXXXX to be able to locate familiar objects, people, and body parts. (IELG D5 G48 S4).
· The teachers will say “show me” instead of “what” when XXXXXX points to something or they can’t understand what she is saying (Language Strategies handout).
· Teachers will model the names of objects by labeling them, so she can learn what to call them (Language Strategies handout).
8. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to correctly identify colors (red, yellow, blue, green, purple, and orange) 3 times during lab.
· Teachers will use close-ended questions to give XXXXXX the opportunity to identify a color in class (Expressive Language Handout).
· Teachers will expand on what XXXXXX says when identifying colors which includes matching items that have the same color or making further connections (IELG D5
G51 S3: Add information to what the child says).
· Teachers will use self talk to identify colors that are around them in order to help XXXXXX become familiar with colors (Expressive Language Handout).
9. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to use two-word sentences to express what he wants 3 times a day (including using the words “yes” and “no” clearly).
· The teachers will expand on what XXXXXX says with simple sentences; If XXXXXX says “ball” teachers reply “That is a red ball” (IELG D5 G52 S3).
· Teachers will model simple sentences through parallel talk (Language Strategies handout).
· The teachers will encourage XXXXXX to talk by asking open-ended questions about his activities (Language Strategies handout).
10. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to say simple words to communicate and label wants and needs once a day in lab.
· The teachers will use parallel and self-talk to model to XXXXXX how to say simple words (Expressive Language Strategies Handout).
· The teachers will use open ended questions when playing with XXXXXX to encourage him to say simple words. (IELG D5 G49 S1: Ask open ended questions to elicit
response.(e.g., “What is the kitty doing?”).
· The teachers will use descriptive language as they describe to XXXXXX what he is doing during play (for example, ‘yes, you are driving the blue car”) (Expressive
Language Strategies Handout).
11. Name: XXXXXX
Goal: XXXXXX will be able to say 2-3 word sentences to communicate and label what he wants and needs once a day in lab.
· The teachers will use open ended questions when playing with XXXXXX to encourage him to say 2-3 word sentences (Expressive Language Strategies Handout).
· The teachers will use parallel talk and self-talk to model to XXXXXX how to say words (Expressive Language Strategies Handout).
· The teachers will use expansion and extension as they take what XXXXXX does during play and add on to it. (IELG D5 G49 S9: Expand and respond with the correct
pronunciation when child mispronounces a word (e.g., child says, “tar” and adult responds by saying, “yes, a red car.”).

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