Introduction of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management

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Introduction of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management

Chinmay Kulkarni, Koushik Gangipelly, Naga Subramanyam

INSE 6300: Quality Assurance in Supply Chain Management

Abstract- Supply Chain Management is a major part for the company to the blockchain, it cannot be altered, turning a blockchain into an
to be running upon. The flow of materials, goods and services depends immutable record of past activity.”
on how they have been processed from one stage to another, provide
end to end satisfaction, within the company and to their customers.
Although the process involved considers all the issues that are come
across from the suppliers, distributors and the buyers, there are
possibilities of material being tampered or being delayed before
reaching the designated areas. In effect, an end-to-end supply chain,
from raw materials to final product in a customer’s procession is
opaque. Most of this complexity can be resolved by supply chain’s
transparency and traceability. This can be possible with the help of
blockchain. Blockchain technology is a very interesting concept for
linking and creating the transparency and easy traceability for the
transactions that occur online and can be possibly integrated in the
system of Supply Chain.
Figure a: An overview of Blockchain process
Index terms: Blockchain, Supply Chain, Smart Contracts, Enterprise
Resource Planning, Smart sensors, Transparency, Traceability, This technology that has been observed and experimented with various
Efficiency benefits, is now being explored to the roots, to see how it helps and
benefits the process involved in the transparency and the traceability,
which can be improved for the Supply Chain Management(SCM). [2]
Through this literature review, we tried to introduce blockchain B. Applications of Blockchain
technology which is changing the face of supply chain and its
With the ease of transparency and the traceability of the block chain that
applications in different industries. We focused on various issues that
is being observed, this technology has various applications and is
may arise during an end-to-end supply chain and how blockchain
widely used in various industries
technology can help increasing transparency and traceability in supply
chain management using an example of china’s agri-food supply chain
In the Banking Industry
industry. Finally, we tried exploring the advantages in integrating
Helps in reduced transaction costs and settlement time
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system of supply chain with
blockchain technology.
Insurance Industry
It helps to eliminate the cost and time of processing the insurance
claims, keeping the transparency for the records and reduces frauds.
A. Blockchain Healthcare Industry
Reduces time and increases efficiency in providing the patients with the
Blockchain was introduced to the world in 2008 in a whitepaper quotes. In-turn resulting in complete tamper-resistant medical history.
describing a new kind of electronic currency know as Bitcoin. In the
past years after this concept was introduced, several other use cases for
Real Estate
blockchain has emerged and have been used as a concept for various Involved no intermediate leads in reducing the cost, improving record
other applications. A blockchain efficiently records transactions transparency and fraud prevention.
between parties on a distributed ledger. The data recorded on a
blockchain is immutable and instantly verifiable. A blockchain can also
be programmed to automatically trigger transactions using smart Helps in eliminating the education un-claimed credits, improving the
contract technology. [1] verification process and have better organized records.

The blockchain is an immutable and transparent distributed database, Supply Chain Management
also known a ledger which has global consensus by all participants Provides transparency in logistics, storing of goods and real time
involved in the network of the transactions. This means that the things tracking- stage. Which will help in improving the trust due to the
written in the ledger can’t be edited and cheated, thus trusted if the information evidence.
writer is trusted. This information can also be seen and is shared among
all the people involved in this complete process which is called as the
C. Supply Chain Management
digital data.
Supply chain management is a set of approaches, utilized to efficiently
As defined by Seebacher and Schuritz, integrate the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that
merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the
“A blockchain is a distributed database, which is shared among and right locations, and at the right time, to minimize system wide costs
agreed upon a peer-to-peer network. It consists of a linked sequence of while satisfying service level requirements and to enhance the process
blocks (a storage unit of transaction), holding timestamped right from the stage of raw material procurement to the delivery of the
transactions that are secured by public-key cryptography (i.e., “hash”) products to the customers.
and verified by the network community. Once an element is appended
may return defective products at any time, if not satisfied with it. The
company will also address customer questions in this stage to get a
feedback on the same. Since, this causes a problem to many companies,
a responsive and flexible network for receiving defective and excess
products back from their customers and supporting customers who have
problems with delivered products must be created by the planning
department of Supply Chain.

E. Working of the Supply Chain

Figure b: Supply Chain Management (Source: Internet)

Supply Chain Management encompasses the planning and management

of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and
all logistics management activities. Importantly, it also includes
coordination and collaboration with distributors, who can be suppliers,
intermediaries, third party service providers, and customers. Supply
chain management integrates supply and demand management within Figure c: Process in Supply Chain (Source: internet)
and across companies to make the process faster than expected. [12]
In a supply chain, every component is connected to have the same
D. Components of Supply Chain Management [5] information flowing in the cycle. Right from the raw material to the
products that reach the customers, every step is updated with the
Plan requirements that are to be satisfied. Seen in the figure above, where the
The very first stage in supply chain management is to plan. A plan or first step is Market research. Here, the need of the product in the market
strategy must be developed to address how a given good or service will is identified and passed on to the designing company. When the
meet the needs of the customers within the estimated duration. It is very designer get the raw material information after the analysis of the data
important on planning a profitable supply chain for any given from the market research, the process for the development is started.
company. This is the strategic portion of SCM. Companies need a The design is then passed on to the company that manufactures the
strategy for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer product. Here, the company is supported financially by the funds and
demand for their product or service with the desired quality that they various investors like business customers, are involved in the shares that
would expect. would be obtained when the product is in the market. After the
manufacturing is done, the products are stored in the inventory and then
Develop: supplied to the distributors, who move the products to various retails
This stage involves, building a strong relationship with suppliers of the through the suppliers. [4]
raw materials needed in making the product the company delivers. It Here, logistics place a very crucial role. Since, the products must reach
not only considers identifying reliable suppliers, but also planning various parts of the world, the time and distance are calculated and
methods for shipping, delivery, and payment. planned accordingly by the transportation companies which make sure
Companies must choose suppliers to deliver the goods and services they that everything is on the estimated time duration. Finally, the products
need to create their product. Therefore, it is important that, supply chain reach the market and are then owned by the customers.
managers must develop a set of pricing, delivery and payment processes During this whole process, there is continuous monitoring of the market
with suppliers and create metrics for monitoring and improving the research team to know the exact requirement of the customers, as the
relationships. needs change with time. Every component in the chain is interlinked so
that the information is the same to have a clear traceability and
Make transparency in the data.
This step mainly involves with the manufacturing from the companies.
Here, the products are made using the various processes and the designs
F. Enterprise Resource Planning in Supply Chain Management
that are approved from the customer’s end. This process involves
checking on production, testing, packaging and delivery. The stage Now that we are aware of the whole process of the Supply Chain and
where it helps the companies to measure their quality of the products its working principle, it is important to know about how the data and
that are being made. information is being stored at every single step. As discussed, it is very
important that the data is uniform and the same when it is being stored
Deliver so that every organization or the company involved can rely upon. To
After the products are being manufactured and passed on to the logistics do so, concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is used to
phase, customer orders are received and delivery of the goods is planned maintain the uniformity in the supply chain. ERP is set up to individual
as per the customer needs based on quantity and time. This is the part is companies, based on their requirements for the software type of data
referred to as logistics, where companies coordinate the receipt of and information storage. [13]
orders from customers, develop a network of warehouses, pick carriers Enterprise resource planning (ERP) takes care of standardizing and
to get products to customers and set up an invoicing system to receive integrates business processes across finance, human resources,
payments. procurement, distribution, and various other departments where the
information is needed to be shared. Typically, the software operates on
Return an integrated software platform using common data definitions
The final stage of supply chain management is also referred to as operating on a single database. ERP systems are designed with a
reverse logistics. As the name suggests, during this stage, customers common, defined data structure, which usually has the same database.
ERP systems provide access to enterprise data from multiple activities counterfeit these issues. They determine optimum levels of quantity to
using common constructs and definitions and common user experiences maximize profits and reduce costs.
making it easy to access for the authorized employees of the
organizations. B. Coordination Stage
This principle is the central collection of data for wide distribution
across the company. Instead of several databases with an endless Information sharing and Product Traceability [21]
inventory of unorganized spreadsheets, With a secure and centralized Without the availability of real-time information to track the
data, everyone in the organization can be confident that data is reliable, progress through the production cycle, it would be very difficult to
updated, and complete. It is made sure that the data’s integrity is update forecasts and respond to negative events. Unfortunately, if the
maintained and is made available at any given time. [14] product is delayed due to some reasons, then it will have an impact on
ERP software is adapted in all the organizations and the data is shared future customer relationships and on organization’s brand. Lack of
accordingly to the other companies when needed, since this software is information sharing is also a barrier to trust and collaboration between
for individual company. This enables organizations to share complete supply chain stakeholders. (Anders V. Hua, Jorgen S. Notland, 2016).
or just the needed data when needed at a given stage in the supply chain. A strong and trusted network where individuals can share about
information should be built to increase interpersonal information
exchange in supply chain. (Razavi & Iverson, 2006).
G. Limitations of ERP
Two main factors affect the process of ERP being reliable. Managing risks and disruptions
 Manipulation of the data Given the wide geographical and organizational spread of supply
 No In-depth Information of a specific product chain, it is important to plan and react to contingencies as there is a need
 Centralized Business Process to minimize the impact of disruptions and ensure every operation in
supply chain continue smoothly even in the event of an emergency.
The aspects where the traceability and transparency gets compromised, Supply chain managers should have adequate backup plans to ensure
when in the hands of the centralized business process. [11] the chain is flexible enough to handle sudden changes without too much
delay. A better way to manage risks and disruptions is through increased
I. CHALLENGES IN SCM visibility along the supply chain. With help of information sharing a
product traceability, companies can remain nimble and stand ready to
Since Supply chain is a very big link that is associated with the various respond quicker in the event of disruption. With better information, they
levels, starting from the industries that provide raw material, to the can also use a more targeted approach to address issues.
designers, production and manufacturing, distributors and suppliers,
and finally to the companies of different industries, there is lot of
Push for Transparency
information that is being exchanged and passed on during the whole To ensure better product safety and quality, there is a push toward
process of obtaining the results of a specific product or the goods that greater transparency in provenance of goods especially in the food
are in requirement. supply chain industry. For example, McDonald’s, the world’s largest
This linkage is not only seen in a city, but it can be all over the world. fast food provider had drawn a lot of flak previously for using products
It becomes very had for the systems to get the accurate information on that are not fresh and untrustworthy. To decrease the criticism,
every stage and it so happens that the information is lost in this linkage McDonald's reviewed its supply chain practices and made them more
of data sharing. Given the complexity and the business processes transparent.
involved, there are many challenges associated with SCM. For example,
the supply chain of apple has employed over 1.6 million people in 20
countries (Apple 2016). So, this will make it very difficult to track Building trust through Transparency
events happening in a supply chain and trace issues. Level of trust among supply chain partners can be achieved by
sharing of information and increased transparency. This trust can also
Angwei Law discusses that these challenges can be broadly classified overcome all the challenges that are discussed so far. Also, trust helps
into two types: [6]. to increase commitment and decreases behavioral uncertainty in supply
chain as stakeholders are more aligned with common goals and values.
Planning Stage: Involves determining the supply and demand. When all the stakeholders are on the same page, supply chain will be
Coordinating Stage: Involves the physical movement of goods. more flexible and can adapt to any situations and make decisions faster.
On the other hand, absence of trust can cause issues in supply chain as
lot of time and money is wasted on verification (Kannan & Tan 2006)
A. Planning Stage (Anders V. Hua, Jorgen S. Notland, 2016).
Demand Forecasting Major advances have been achieved in the past few decades in
Every product has certain demand and it is not that easy to figure Supply Chain Management systems. Increased maturity and adaptive
out the demand of a product. If we classify products into two categories levels of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions, have allowed
as consumer staples (e.g.: Home Appliances), the demand can be companies to effectively manage their internal logistics processes in
relatively predictable but for consumer discretionary (fashion warehousing, order management, financing, billing, as well as
technology etc.) products, the demand is highly unpredictable and there servicing. Increasing demand for national and international trade led to
are lot of factors that can affect consumer’s decision. Supply chain the emergence of Business to Business (B2B) platforms, that are
managers have developed certain models to forecast demand using powered by supply chain operating networks (SCONs). These networks
historical data. are often supplier-centric and serve a specific industry sector. Examples
of commercially available Supply Chain Operating Networks solutions
Inventory Management include Systems Applications and Products (SAP). SCONs can be
It involves ensuring the balance between supply and demand. If integrated with the organization’s ERP and enable information
supply is low, profits are affected due to lost sales and if supply is high, exchange among trading partners using standard EDI messaging.
there is too much inventory and holding costs, which in turn reduces
profits. There are several existing models such as EOQ, Newsvendor to
As seen in the images above, the first one is the option contact between
the parties where a code is written in the blockchain. This way the
people involved are anonymous and the information is available as a
public ledger.
Once this is set up, a contract executes itself based on the terms and
conditions. Later, the regulators can use the information in the
blockchain, to understand the activity in the market while maintaining
the privacy of the individual actor’s positions.
For example, renting an apartment can be done through smart
contracts where payment from tenant to owner will be done using
cryptocurrency. Receipts are held as virtual contracts between two
parties. Owner will issue digital key to tenant which arrives by certain
date they have agreed and specified it over the contract. If the key
doesn’t come on time, blockchain will release auto refund. If the key
arrives on time, the function will release both key and fee to tenant and
Figure d: Network of SCM Operations with ERP owner thus making it a faultless delivery. This document will be then
automatically cancelled after the time and the code cannot be modified
Indeed, in the past decade, large manufacturers started outsourcing their by both the parties as other would be alerted if one tries to change the
physical distribution to third party logistics operators. This allowed code.
manufacturers to focus on their core business. However, along the
expansion in both national and international trade, this trend created B. Benefits of Smart Contracts in Supply Chain [6].
complex logistics networks in various industries. To overcome these
complexities, Transportation Management Systems (TMS) started to The smart contracts show three major benefits in terms of having a
evolve from the traditional fleet management systems for vehicle better version of the supply chain design.
tracking to include additional services such as shipment-level tracking.  Transparency
But there are various factors, that come across while in the process of  Traceability
overcoming the complexities.  Efficiency
 Information tracking is not validated
 Continuity along the multiple carriers is not guaranteed Transparency [2] [6]
 The information that is tracked by the carriers is still managed and Smart contracts can increase transparency by recording the Origin
then passed on to the stake holders. of goods. They help in storing information such as date, location, and
production team involved etc. on the blockchain. With this information
These are the major issues that are faced by various industries. But, one can easily verify the origin of the product. It helps in providing an
these factors are possible to the overcome in case of the tier 1 assurance to manufactures that their raw materials are coming from
companies. In-case of the small and medium companies, the number of reliable sources and consumers can have more confidence in buying a
partners are high and the productivity is quiet low. This in turn affects legitimate product. When it comes to real world examples, companies
the information from being traceable and trustable, which further such as Everledger has already entered this field. They are using Smart
becomes difficult for the information to be reliable. To overcome all contracts to improve transparency in diamond supply chain to prevent
these issues which is a big concern, when it comes to the growth of the issues such as forced labor and blood diamonds (where sale of diamonds
industry to have transparency and traceability of the information, the is used to spread violence).
technology of Blockchain is implemented. Another benefit is through blockchain ledgers a single version of
truth flows across all the networks of the supply chain transactions,
II. SMART CONTRACTS [6]. processes and partners. All the information related to the product, for
example serial number of the batch, its origin, transportation details
Smart contract is a piece of code that executes on a blockchain. It is a such as date, location, number of containers, accounting details such as
digitally signed agreement between two or parties. On a smart contract, purchase orders, receipts, shipment notifications can be stored on
the terms of the contract are defined by computer code as a set of blockchain and are accessible to stakeholders on the network.
instructions (Blockchain Technologies 2016). It is characterized by
being autonomous, self-sufficient and decentralized (Swan, 2015). Traceability
They help you exchange money, property, shares or anything of a value With smart contracts in SCM, we can track the inventory at every
in a transparent, conflict freeway while avoiding the services of a step along the long way. This can be achieved by using serial numbers
middleman. ( or IoT devices such as RFID tags, smart sensors. With the rapid growth
of IoT and connected devices, smart sensors are promising as they can
A. Working of a Smart Contract potentially provide lot of data such as location, environmental
conditions (useful for pharma products) and even the product quality
It mainly works on three major steps for the information sharing in the (Especially for perishable goods). With this real-time information,
supply chain. supply chain managers will be able to make better, faster and reliable
decisions. For example, if they found (with the help of smart sensors)
that a batch of goods are deteriorated in midway through the supply
chain process, they can activate a reserve batch instead of waiting until
the bad batch arrives and then decide. This helps to reduce delays and
keep the process agile.
Another example, in the Chipotle viral outbreak, company would
have resolved the issue faster if it had could trace its food sources to
Figure e: Process of Smart Contract right suppliers. Once the contaminated food has been identified, they
could have figured out the stores that had received goods from the same
supplier and removed those items immediately. This could have helped Warehouse Management link
them in mitigating the damage done. Information such as storage environment, agri-food’s receiving and
delivery time of products received from process stores to warehouse
Efficiency center can be automatically obtained by setting up RFID equipment in
Smart contracts can help increase the efficiency of Supply chain Warehouse center. This information should be saved on blockchain
management in two ways: system and opened to all members in the network. This process not only
 Process Efficiency improves the efficiency of warehouse’s management but also satisfies
 Cost Reduction enterprise requirement for dynamic storage management which could
enhance the quality and safety of stored products as well.
Process efficiency Also, to minimize loss, depending on the product quantity and storage,
As smart contracts are executed on distributed ledgers, they can help warehouse managers can decide on the products that has to be moved
simplify the complex multi-party systems present in typical supply first. Finally, information from these RFID systems can be used to
chains. Smart contracts can be programmed in such a way to be check real-time environmental information such as cold storage
executed only if certain milestones are met, so that stakeholders can be including temperature and humidity to ensure food safety and prevent
more trustful and have not be worried about unfulfilled obligations that food safety accident issues.
may arise. For example, a smart contract can only be executed to pay a
supplier only if the product is received in good quality within specified Cold chain distribution link
timeframe. Imagine a GPS tracker in a ship that triggers a payment that This is the best part of implementing blockchain technology with
is instantly settled on a blockchain once the GPS location of the ship IoT in supply chain management. In this stage, the main idea is ensuring
proves that the ship has reached the destination. This can ensure that 3T (time, temperature, and tolerance) in safety and quality of agro-food.
manufacturer is free from rogue suppliers and eliminates the supplier’s So, temperature and humidity sensors are placed in the vehicle along
risk of not getting paid for the work performed. with wireless network and a computer. This system allows delivery staff
to transfer temperature and humidity real-time data of agri-food to
Cost Reduction blockchain system. So, every node in the network will be updated with
As we have seen, smart contracts are customizable and executed after real-time data of the products. If the temperature and humidity exceeds
meeting certain criteria, companies can trust on a computer code to certain level, an alarm will be raised immediately notifying changes
execute contractual agreements rather than numerous physical occurring to the products. Finally, a GPS technology mounted in the
documents that need to be maintained by both parties. This helps in vehicle, will help find the optimum route shorten distribution time
reduction of costs of maintaining cumbersome documents and the which in turn guarantee the freshness of the agro-food.
amount of manual effort undertaken. As identity and reputation is being
saved on a database which everyone can see, costs associated with Sales link
conducting certification checks and building new trusted business Customers can obtain product’s information by using RFID reader
relationships will be reduced. and scanning RFID tags of the product purchased. Moreover, with the
help of blockchain technology, customers can obtain detailed
information by inspecting blockchain system. This transparency in
C. Agricultural-food Traceability System based on RFID &
obtaining product’s information could significantly improve the
Blockchain Technology for China [7]
customer’s trust for products and helps in raising profits for the
For past few years, food safety has become a major concern in China as
a series of food safety incidents has occurred one after the other, such
as ‘Sudan red’, ‘clenbuterol’ etc. and even in Europe there was a ‘horse
meat scandal’ in 2013(Boyacia et aI., 2014). With these issues food III. LIMITATIONS OF BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY
safety, has become a major problem in china, and building an
agricultural-food supply chain traceability system is becoming more High cost [10]
and more urgent. Implementing Blockchain with IoT devices will require high cost.
Also, implementing these systems involves more investments from the
company to build up new systems and to upgrade them with the new.
D. Building Process of the System
So, we suggest is to use RFID tags or sensors to a pallet or container
Production link instead of each single item. It’s always better to increase prevention
Here, for plants RFID tags are used on their packaging where costs rather than facing failure costs.
information such as variety, name, producing area, planting time,
fertilization condition etc. are stored and for animals, RFID ear tags are Immaturity of blockchain
normally used to save data such as information of parents, fodder, Though we have seen some successful implementations of
epidemic prevention checking and medical situation, from birth to blockchain currently by some industries, due to its immature nature
slaughter. Also, information such as production managers and blockchain technology perhaps is not completely ready to be used in
operational staff is stored, if once any issue occurs, relevant managers real-world scenarios. Also, capacity of blockchain in processing a
associated with the accident can be easily traced.
transaction is7/second, whereas other technologies are far higher.
Processing link
In this stage, items from production stage will come for processing IV. INTEGRATING BLOCKCHAIN WITH ERP [9]
units for processing. Processing industry can access the basic
As we are familiar with the ERP and Blockchain systems which
information present on the tags and update their processing information
deals with the automating the operations of different business streams.
such as product type, weight, expiration date, storage conditions,
In various ways Enterprise Resource planning is much like Blockchain.
inspection etc. on to RFID tags. This information will be updated to
respective blocks in blockchain system and all the other nodes of the
A. Implementing Blockchain with ERP
network will check and approve it.
These are few key aspects of ERP:
 An ERP system centralizes your business data.
 It gives a single point of contact. [7] An Agri-food Supply Chain Traceability System for China Based
 It shows Real-time data from different business areas. on RFID & Blockchain Technology.
 It prevents from altering the data which has been stored.
If the above aspects are used with the Blockchain then ERP systems
will give the following advantages: [11].
 Creating a tamper-proof, unalterable record of stored data. [8] Block chain’s roles in meeting key supply chain management
 Centralizing business process and workflows across multiple objectives
 Data interoperability for banks and financial institutions. 8
 Top-notch protection against online threats.
[9] Integrating Blockchain with ERP for a Transparent Supply
From the above points, we can say that ERP is giving us managing Chain
business process and workflow. It uses (DBMS) Database Management
system which gives access to handle all the bank-end functions of office blockchain-erp.pdf
in real time with a series of integrated application. As same as this the
block chain also uses a real-time data base which stores the data in a
series of blocks in chronological order, which makes us easy to [10] Blockchain in Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions
implement/integrate with ERP to gain all the above advantages.
Here is a small example, as we know that there are different
departments in a company. For a while marketing team is using one of [11] Barriers of ERP while implementing ERP: a Literature Review
the software to makeup the invoices and this same invoice is needed to
the accounting department to manage the sales, however this data needs
to get shared between these two teams, which leads to negative results mplementing_ER...
for a company/business. The negativity in the company arises due to
lack of trust and compatibility between those two teams. Every [12] Journal of Supply Chain Management
organization has their own standards, procedures &own formats, it is
very simple to hold the blockchain technology. In additional blockchain
does not work based on ROI, but it works in strategic like preventing [13] Enterprise Resource Planning
from the malicious attacks, and malware attacks ERP makes a vital role
in the organization, it deals with Purchase order, invoice, financial &
payments. By implementing ERP with block chain the true data [14] Objectives of ERP
interoperability between the different teams and banking sector, online
payments and contract management facilities can be obtained.
[1] Adoption of Blockchain Technology in Supply chain and chain-breakthrough-or-bust/
logistics of [17]
Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain and papers/Documents/integrating-blockchain-erp.pdf
[2] Technology Adoption of Blockchain for Supply Chain supply-chain-management-in-the-future/#
Transparency [19] Aiming for Supply Chain Transparency: Exploring the
Potential of Blockchains
[3] Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Traceability Systems 27100&fileOId=8927102
[4] The Supply Chain Has No Clothes: Technology Adoption of
Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency. [21] Blockchain enabled Trust & Transparency in supply chains
[5] Components Supply Chain Management

[6] Smart Contracts and their Application in Supply Chain


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