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SHEA Position Paper

Medical Waste
William A. Rutala, PhD, MPH; C. Glen Mayhall, MD;
The Society for Hospital Epidemiology of America

INTRODUCTION syringe-related (65%) and came from home healthcare

In the past few years, public concern over the and illegal intravenous drug use.2,5 Chemical analysis
disposal of medical waste has markedly increased. of a few syringes collected during the EPA Harbor
The rising concerns over medical waste disposal were Studies Program have identified insulin and/or cocaine
stimulated by reports of such waste washing up on the in 60% (3/5).6 In spite of the failure of investigative
beaches along the east coast from Maine to Florida, efforts to uncover illegal dumping of medical waste
the west coast, the Great Lakes, and the Gulf coast. and the absence of any evidence that medical waste
This resulted in a number of beach closings and a loss has ever caused an infection in any person outside of
in revenues to the tourist industries in these areas. a healthcare facility, the Medical Waste Tracking Act
While there also have been rare and isolated instances (MWTA) was signed into law on November 1, 1988.5
of public exposure, such as the report in 1987 of Fueling the fears of the public about medical
children in Indianapolis, Indiana, who were found waste are such concerns as the hypothetical risk of
playing with needles and vials discarded by a doctor’s medical waste for transmitting the human immunode-
office, the literature shows no instances of public ficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and
illness caused by such exposures. other agents associated with bloodborne diseases.
While the problem of medical waste washing up The public also is concerned about the emissions from
on beaches is a serious one, the problem is less incinerators that burn medical waste and whether
sensational than the media, general public, and legis- these emissions may contain microorganisms or toxic
lative reaction would imply. For example, the quantity substances.
and volume of medical waste washing up on beaches Thus, a lack of understanding of the modes of
is relatively small. This is one of the conclusions of transmission of agents associated with bloodborne
four largely unnoticed reports of the beach washups diseases, the fear of a fatal disease such as the
that found that the vast majority of waste on beaches acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and a
was debris (about 99%) such as plastic, glass, and distrust of healthcare facilities accentuated by intense
paper, not medical waste. l4 Despite extensive investi- and often misleading media coverage has led to
gations, the washed-up medical waste found could not intense public pressure on federal, state, and local
be traced to illegal dumping or a specific source such politicians to regulate medical waste.
as hospitals, but was more directly related to improper Responses by state governments have ranged
control of New York City’s solid waste stream (e.g., from no regulation of medical waste to imposition of
malfunctioning sewage treatment systems) and extensive regulations7 including refrigeration of medi-
changes in prevailing winds and currents.’ Addition- cal waste while stored and awaiting transport to a
ally, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) docu- waste disposal facility, inclusion of any article stained
ments acknowledge that much of the medical waste with blood or body fluids in the definitions of regu-
that washed ashore in the summer of 1988 was lated medical waste, and elaborate procedures and

From the Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina and Department of Hospital
Epidemiology, University of North Carolina Hospitals, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (Dr Rutala) and the Division of Infectious Diseases,
University of Tennessee Medical Center, Memphis, Tennessee (Dr. Mayhall).
Address reprint requests to SHEA, 875 Kings Highway, West Deftford, NJ 08096.
Rutala WA, Mayhall CC, The Society for Hospital Epidemiology of America. Position paper: medical waste. Infect Control Hosp
Epidemiol. 1992;13:38-48.

precautions for cleaning up spills of medical waste are not surprising. However, because the definition
similar to protocols for cleaning up spills of toxic adopted by a regulatory agency dictates what waste
chemicals. Most states have moved quickly to pass will require special handling and treatment, it has
legislation or to formulate regulations governing the serious ramifications.10
transport and disposal of medical waste, while a few “Hospital waste” (or solid waste) refers to all
states have chosen to study the problem and develop waste, biological or nonbiological, that is discarded
data on which to base rational laws and regulations. and not intended for further use. “Medical waste”
The EPA has declined to issue regulations governing refers to materials generated as a result of patient
the transport and disposal of medical waste, citing a diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human
lack of evidence that the current practices pose any beings or animals. “Infectious waste” refers to that
risk to the public health.8 Many of the rules developed portion of medical waste that could transmit an
by states for regulation of medical waste have no infectious disease. Congress and the EPA have used
scientific basis, and in the absence of a scientific basis the term “regulated medical waste” rather than “infec-
for the development of such, the rules promulgated tious waste” in the MWTA in deference to the remote
vary widely in content. There are major conflicts possibility of disease transmission.5J1 Thus, “medical
between regulations published by various states.7 In waste” is a subset of “hospital waste,” and “regulated
many states, unscientific regulation of the handling of medical waste,” which is synonymous with “infectious
medical waste has added or will add substantially to waste” from a regulatory perspective, is a subset of
the cost of healthcare, at a time when heavy pressure “medical waste.”
is being applied to healthcare institutions to reduce As stated, infectious waste is waste that is capable
the cost of healthcare. of producing an infectious disease. This definition
In addition to promulgation of rules that are requires a consideration of the factors necessary for
unscientific and costly, those responsible for writing induction of disease, which include dose, host suscep-
such regulations have confused protection of the tibility, presence of a pathogen, virulence of a pathogen,
public health with providing an aesthetically pleasing and the most commonly absent factor, a portal of entry
environment and have confused biological agents with Therefore, for waste to be infectious, it must contain
toxic chemicals. The latter issues should not be pathogens with sufficient virulence and quantity so that
equated, and failure to understand the differences will exposure to the waste by a susceptible host could result
lead to an extraordinary waste of the already limited in an infectious disease. Because there are no tests that
dollars for delivery of healthcare to the citizens of this allow infectious waste to be objectively identified, respon-
country while not adding to the protection of the sible agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control
public health or the environment. Some of these (CDC), the EPA, or states define waste as infectious
concerns have been addressed recently.g The purpose when it is suspected to contain pathogens in sufficient
of this position paper will be to summarize the numbers to cause disease. Not only has this subjective
available scientific data with respect to the public definition resulted in conflicting opinions from the EPA,
health and environmental hazards associated with the CDC, and state agencies on what constitutes
disposal of medical waste and to present conclusions infectious waste and how it should be treated, but it also
as to its public health importance. gives undue emphasis to the mere presence of patho-
gens.11-13 When examining the designation of waste as
DEFINING AND CHARACTERIZING infectious by the CDC and the EPA guidelines, one
WASTE recognizes agreement on five types of waste (i.e.,
Definition microbiological, pathological, animal, blood, and
Despite the attention given to medical waste by sharps) but disagreement on communicable disease
the public and all levels of government, the terms isolation waste (Table l).sJ416 In the MWTA the EPA
“hospital waste,” “medical waste,” “regulated medical modified its position on “communicable disease isola-
waste,” and “infectious waste” remain poorly defined. tion waste” by including only certain “highly” commu-
No standard universally accepted definition for these nicable disease waste such as Class 4 etiologic agents
terms exists, and there appear to be as many defini- (e.g., Mar-burg, Lassa, Ebola) as regulated medical
tions in use as there are government agencies (local, waste.5
state, and federal) and other groups involved in this
issue. Given the diversity of interest and scientific Amounts and Composition
credentials of persons, groups, and agencies (e.g., The amount of hospital waste generated in US
physicians, health departments, hospitals, environ- hospitals is approximately 6,670 tons per day, or about
mentalists, trade unions, state, and federal legislators) 1% of the 158 million tons of municipal solid waste
involved in the medical waste issue, these differences produced annually. The per-patient-perday genera-
Disposal/ Disposal/
Source/Type of Treatment Treatment Infectious
Medical Waste Infectious Waste Methods? Infectious Waste Method& Waste**
Microbiological (e.g., stocks and Yestt SJ Yes S,I,TI,C Yes
cultures of infectious agents)
Blood and blood products Yes S,I,Sew Yes S,I,Sew,C Yes
Pathological (e.g., tissue, organs) Yes I Yes I,SW,CB Yes
Sharps (e.g., needles) Yes SI Yes 51 Yes++
Communicable disease isolation No - Yes W Yes**
Contaminated animal carcasses, Yes S,I (carcasses) Yes 1,SW (not bedding) Yes
body parts, and bedding
Contaminated laboratory wastes No - Optional*** If considered rW, No
use S or I
Surgery and autopsy wastes No - Optional If considered rW, No
use S or I
Dialysis unit No - Optional If considered Iw, No
use S or I
Contaminated No - Optional If considered Iw, No
equipment use S or I
The Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizationsl” requires that there be a hazardous waste system designed and operated in accordance with
applicable law and regulations.
See references 5, 8. 14. 15, and 21.
I = incineration; S = steam sterilization: Tl= thermal inactivation; C = chemical disinfection for liquids only; Sew= sanitary sewer (EPA requires secondary treatment):
SW = steam sterilization with incintvation or grinding; CB = cremation or burial by mortician; IW= infectious waste.
The Acl went into effect on June ‘X2.1989, and expired June Z&1991. It affected only four states (New Jersey, NW York. Connecticut, and Rhode Island). The Act required
both treatment (any method. technique. or process designed to change the biological character or composition of medical waste so as to eliminate or reduce its potential
for causing disease) and destruction (wasre is ruined. tom apart, or mutilated so that il is no longer generally recognizable as medical waste).
The CDC guidelines specify “microbiology laboratory waste” as an infectious waste. This term includes stocks and cultures of etiological agents and microbiology
laboratory waste conlaminated with etiologic agents (e.g.. centrifuge tubes, pipettes, tissue culture bottles).
MWTA specified used and unused sharps. The Act regulated wastrs from persons with highly communicable diseases such aa Class 4 etiologic agents (e.g., Marburg,
Ebola, Lassa).
l ** OptIonal inkctious waste: EPA stab that the decision to handle these wastes as infectious should be made by a responsible, authorized person or committee at the
individual facility.

tion rate of 15 pounds reported in a US hospital survey offices, 98,400 private dentists’ offices, 38,000 veteri-
conducted in 1987-198811 is about 15% higher than the narians’ offices, 15,500 medical clinics, 12,700 long-
amount reported in a North Carolina hospital survey term care facilities, 4,300 laboratories, and 900 free-
(13 pounds per patient per day) conducted in October standing blood banks.18 No reliable data are available
1980.17 This probably reflects the continued increased on the quantity of waste produced from these nonhos-
use of disposable medical items within the past pita1 healthcare sites. Additionally, there are about 2
decade. million diabetics who generate insulin-type syringes
Currently, US hospitals designate about 15% of and about 1.2 million intravenous drug users nation-
their total hospital waste as infectious waste. Thus, wide who generate over 1 billion insulin-type sy-
they generate about 1,000 tons of infectious waste per ringes,lg but they are not regulated.
day.11 Not surprisingly, the percent of medical waste Few data are available on the composition of
treated as infectious increases with the number of hospital waste, although it is a heterogeneous mixture
types of medical waste the hospital classified as of many materials such as plastics (14% by weight),
infectious. dry cellulosic solids (45% by weight), wet cellulosic
While hospitals are considered to be the primary solids (18% by weight), noncombustibles (20% by
generators of medical waste by volume, the aforemen- weight), and other.20
tioned figures capture only a fraction of the healthcare
facilities that generate medical waste. For example, Plausible Bansmission Routes
there are approximately 180,000 private physicians’ Based on the principles of disease transmission,

--~- -.... --- ..___.

it is extremely unlikely that infectious agents from

medical waste will be introduced into a host by the
respiratory tract, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract,
or mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, or nose so
long as standard health measures and proper personal NEEDLEPRESENT
hygiene practices are adhered to (e.g., no ingestion, ON BEACH
no injection). Similarly, the potential for infection
resulting from contact with nonsharp medical waste is 4
virtually nonexistent. For example, for infection to Needle contaminated
occur from contact with nonsharp medical waste, each with HIV at time 0
of these events must take place in sequence. The
waste must contain a viable human pathogen; an 1.3 x 1o-2 to
individual must come in direct contact with the 4 4.7 x 10-l
medical waste; an injury must occur following this
contact, thereby creating a portal of entry, or a portal
Viable HIV remains
of entry must already exist (e.g., open cut or after 24 hours of
scratches); a sufficient number of a viable infectious environmental exposure
agent must enter a susceptible host via this portal of 2.2 x 1o-3 to
entry; then the agent causes infection that may or may B
4 2.3 x lo-’
not result in clinical disease.lg Obviously, there are
many effective means of interrupting this chain of Person suffers
transmission, and these include confming medical percutaneous injury
waste to bags or boxes or both and employing from needle
Universal Precautions.2l
The only medical waste that has been associated C 4 4.7 x lo-’
with infectious disease transmission is contaminated
sharps. This is not surprising, given the intrinsic Person acquires infection
capability of sharps to disrupt the skin’s integrity and after exposure to
introduce infectious agents into the wound.l9 infectious dose
WASTE 4 2.9 x 1o-3
Real Versus Perceived Health Risks HIV INFECTION RESULTS
Medical waste poses virtually no infectious
hazard to the public. Washups of floatable medical Maximum risk = 1.5 x 10-l’
and other waste on the beaches of New Jersey and the Minimum risk = 3.9 x lOwi4
New York area during the summers of 1987 and 1988
brought with them intensified public concern for
public health and safety. While washups of floatable
waste are not new, what caught the public’s attention
was the seeming novelty of finding medical waste on FIGURE. Theoretical estimate of HIV being transmitted via a
the beaches. Because of the public’s concern with needle on a New York beach. A: based on prevalence of HIV in
AIDS, medical waste on beaches brought a perceived sentinel hospital patients (1.3%)24 or in New York drug abusers
(47%).25 6: based on HIV degradation rates following seawater
threat to health and safety.z2,23 exposure (HIV viability after 24 hours [23%])26 or ambient air
Although the issue of medical waste on beaches exposure (HIV viability after 24 hours [0.22%]).27 C: based on
is a serious aesthetic and economic problem requiring number of visits to New York beaches and reported rates of
needlestick injuries (5/10,597,000).1g D: based on risk of HIV
immediate attention, the public’s health risks are infection following HlV contaminated percutaneous needlestick injury
virtually nonexistent. For example, the theoretical in healthcare workers (0.29%).28
estimate that the events necessary for infection will
occur in sequence and a person will develop HIV syringes, collected on the beaches of our 23 coastal
infection from a needle on the beach is one in 15 states constituted less than 0.1% of the total debris
billion to one in 390 trillion (Figure).g~1g~2428 Equally found.3,4 In another study, New York and New Jersey
important, there is far less medical waste on beaches were found to have more medical waste reported on
than the media led the public to believe.1-5 The their beaches (1% to 10% of the total debris) than the
amount of medical waste, in the form of plastic national average.’ Even though there is agreement

Group of Private Operating Outpatient Intensive SUrgiCal Internal
Authors Bacteria Household Unit Sul%ery Care Unit Ward Medicine OB/GYN Laboratory

AIthaus et al, Aerobic 7.2 x106 I* 1.1 x 106 13.1x104 15.7x105 I 3.3 x 107 II 2.6 x 10” I 4.3 x 104 I 1.7 x 10”
1983 bacteria II 8.8 x 103 II 2.2 x 104 II 2.8 x 105 III 2.0 x 106 II LOX 10” II 5.3 x 106

Coliform 8.4~10~ I 5.3 x 105 15.7x10* 13.7x105 I 4.2 x lo5 II 9.4 x 104 I 6.6 x l@ I 8.2 x 10”
bacteria II 1.1 x 102 II 3.1 x 104 II 1.9 x 104 III 1.2 x 10” II 1.8 x lo6 II 1.2 x 10”

E coli 1.3 x 105 I 3.3 x l@i 11.6X18 13.5x104 I 8.0 x 104 II 5.6 x 10” 13.7x 103 15.6x 10”
II 1.2 x 10’ II 1.8 x 105 II 2.4 x lo4 III 6.9 x lo4 II 3.1 x 105 II 1.5 x 106
Kalnowski Aerobic 6.1 x log 2.3 x l@ NW 2.2 x 106 3.4 x 108 ND ND ND
et al, 1983 bacteria
Gram-nega- 6.0 x 107 5.8x 103 ND 7.2 x lo4 2.8 x lo7 ND ND ND
tive bacteria
Streptococci 1.0x 107 0 ND 2.9 x 105 1.2 x 10” ND ND ND
Group D
Facultative 9.6 x 106 1.7 x 10” ND 2.1 x 106 2.6 x 107 ND ND ND

Jager et al, Total bacteria 2.5 x 10R IVt2.0 x lo6 N D N3.5xW(S)** IV1.1~107 IV2.8x lo6 ND ND
1989 v 5.0 x 105 IV7.1x105oM) Vl.lX107 v 7.9 x 106
v 1.4 x 10”(S)

Streptococci 1.0x 107 rv4.0x103 ND IV 2.0 x 103(S) IV 6.3 x lo5 Iv 2.0 x 105 ND ND
group D v 4.0 x 10’ I v 4.0 x W(M) v 1.0 x 106 v 7.9 x 104
V 1.6 x 104(S)

Gram-nega- 7.9 x 107 IV 6.3 x103 ND IV 2.0 x 105(S) IV 2.0x lo6 Iv 1.3 x 10” ND ND
tive rods V2.5x103 IV 5.0x W(M) V 1.3 x lo6 v 1.3 x 10”
V 2.5 x l@(S)

Obligate 2.0x 103 Iv 4.0x 10’ ND V 6.3 x l@(S) IV 1.6 x 102 IV 2.5 x 10” ND ND
facultative v 1.0x 10’ IV5.0x102(M) V4.0~102 v 4.0x 102
anerobes V 1.6x103(S)

* I, II, III = different hospitals.

t No data.
+ IV= large hospital (1,300 beds); V= small hospital (250 beds).
l * S = surgical: M = medical.

among public health experts that the actual risks or because the potential outcome is death (e.g., from
“hazards” posed by medical waste at the beaches or in AIDS), and the pathway to infection is intuitively
landfills are exceedingly low, the present climate in plausible. They also point out that several factors
our society is that complete safety (i.e., zero risk) is a amplify the public’s risk perception or “outrage” to
feasible goal regardless of cost. In such a climate, include: dreaded consequence (e.g., AIDS) ; lack of
legislators or public health officials may respond with personal control; familiarity with risk (e.g., people
extreme measures. Because increased costs for the downplay the risk of commonplace hazards such as
affected services are not obviously linked to the peanut butter or motor vehicles while exaggerating
actions or laws, the system becomes tilted to overreac- the risks of unfamiliar ones); the perception of equita-
tion.2g ble sharing of the benefits and risks (i.e., people living
Renn and Covello hypothesize that the public near a waste-disposal site rarely appreciate the benefit
perceives the risk of medical waste as a serious threat because they assume a larger burden of the costs);
Vol. 13 No. 1 SHEA P OSITION P APER 43

No. of Syringes in State(s)/lotal Syringes in 23 Coastal States
States Before MWlA, 19883 During MWTA, 19904 Pt
Connecticut O/1,718 (0%) 142/3,738 (3.80%) <.OOl
New Jersey U/1,718 (0.64%) 152/3,738 (4.07%) <.OOl
New York 33/1,718 (1.92%) 291/3,738 (7.78%) c.001
Rhode Island 11/1,718 (0.64%) 59/3,738 (1.58%) .004
Total in MICA states 55/1,718 (3.2%) 644/3,738 (17.23%) C.001

Total syringes on beaches 1,718/1,973,995 (0.09%) 3,738/4,227,791 (0.09%) .601

in 23 coastal states/total
items on beaches in 23
coastal states
* The Medical Waste Tracking Act went into effect on June X2,1989. and affected only four states (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island). It expired on June
22. 1991. Sharps (syringes or needles) constituted about fi5% of medical waste that washed ashore in the summer of 1988.’
t p values by Fisher’s Exact test.

and the potential for blame (i.e., the possibility of microbially contaminated than hospital waste.33-38
assigning blame to a person, institution, or industry Household waste that may contribute to large num-
for creating a risky situation).3o Efforts to explain a bers of microorganisms include facial tissues, dog and
“hazard” are unlikely to succeed so long as the cat feces, soiled disposable diapers, and putrescible
“outrage” is high. Risk perception researchers believe foods.3”
that to lessen public concern about exceedingly low Kalnowski et al examined the microbial contami-
“hazards,” experts and public health officials must nation and species pattern of hospital waste from a
diminish the “outrage.“31,3z surgical department (operating unit, intensive care unit,
Ironically, the combined forces of public opinion nursing station) and household waste. Using a gentle
and federal legislation of medical waste will do little to homogenization technique, these investigators found
correct the problem of beach washups or the broader household waste to be 10 to 100,000 times more
issue of environmental degradation. The real source microbially contaminated than hospital waste. In addi-
of the problem is not correctable by tracking medical tion, common nosocomial pathogens (i.e., Pseudomonas
waste, by broadening the definition of medical waste, aeruginosa, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Pro-
nor by regulating medical waste from hospitals and teus species, and group D streptococci) were detected
clinics. The source of the washups is much more more frequently from household waste than from
difftcult to regulate: weather patterns (i.e., prevailing hospital waste.34 Kalnowski et al also summarized the
winds) and currents; mechanical failures in sewage results of a study by Schrammeck and Sauerwald and
systems of coastal cities; and a failure to deal ade- an EPA study by Burchinal, who also found the
quately with garbage disposal in general and medical bacterial concentration of hospital waste (nursing unit,
waste from nonhospital healthcare sites and the gen- intensive care unit, operating room) similar to that
eral public in particular.22 reported by Kalnowski (Table 2).34
Althaus et al analyzed 264 hospital waste samples
Microbiologic Quality of Hospital Waste Versus and 21 household samples for microbial contamina-
Household Waste tion. The results again showed that the microbial
Household waste contains more microorgan- contamination of hospital waste was less than or
isms with pathogenic potential for humans on similar to household waste (Table 2), and that it was
average than medical waste. Several studies have even free of microbial contamination in some cases,
quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated the microbi- especially single samples of hospital waste (e.g.,
ological content of hospital waste and household syringes, dressings, swabs). Qualitative methods
waste (Table 2). In fact, several investigators have allowed 21 pathogenic bacteria and fungi to be identi-
demonstrated that household waste contains, on the fied, and 12 of these were found in both household
average, 100 times more microorganisms with patho- waste and hospital waste.33 Mose and Reinthaler also
genic potential for humans than hospital waste.33-35 found that household waste was more commonly
Each of the eight studies conducted worldwide has contaminated, especially with fecal bacteria, and
found that household waste was on average more almost one-third of all hospital waste showed no

bacterial contamination. Thirteen percent (19/149) of an increased risk of acquiring bloodborne infec-
the eluates from blood-saturated refuse samples were tions.1g,42,43 For example, Cimino reported on the
hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive, as were disease and injury data over a two-year period (1968-
15% (155/1,041) of the serum samples.36While HBsAg 1969) for the 14,000 persons employed by the New
is a marker for HBV, its presence does not demon- York Department of Sanitation. He found a higher
strate infectiousness, because HBsAg is present in overall injury rate than other industrial occupations,
greater numbers (1,000 x) and is more environmen- but no case of hepatitis developed in the group
tally stable than HBV suffering needle punctures.42
Jager et al also demonstrated that the bacterial
concentration of hospital waste was less than or Infection Risks Associated with Treatment
similar to that of household waste (Table 2). The Technologies
concentration of gram-negative rods in household There are no infectious risks associated with
waste was on average 10,000 times higher than waste any type of medical waste treatment method.
from the operating room.35 Trost and Filip evaluated Treatment of regulated medical waste by US hospitals
the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in is most commonly accomplished by incineration
refuse from consulting rooms of general practitioners, (range = 64%-93% by type of waste). About one-third of
ear-nose-throat specialists, dermatologists, dentists, US hospitals steam sterilize their microbiological
and veterinarians, compared with municipal waste. waste, and about one-fourth pour liquid blood down a
They found that waste from medical consulting rooms drain connected to a sanitary sewer (Rutala WA.
generally had lower microbial counts as compared Unpublished data). Nonregulated medical waste is
with the municipal waste.38 discarded via a sanitary landfill,17
Lastly, another study compared the microbiol- None of these treatment or disposal procedures
ogic contamination of trash originating from the represent an infectious health hazard. For example,
rooms of patients on isolation precautions versus properly operated incinerators produce a sterile
standard care. The mean log total colony forming ash.44,45 There is no difference between bacteria in
units (CFU) per bag was 1.60 2 1.55 CFU for isolation stack emissions and ambient air,46 and when Bacillus
trash and 1.97 2 1.83 CFU ($ = .44) for nonisolation subtilis is mixed with waste, the bacteria are inac-
trash. Contamination by Staphylococcus aureus, Esch- tivated.47
erichia coli, and P aeruginosa was comparable in both While most states have prevented sanitary
groups, but contamination with enteroviruses was landfill disposal of regulated medical waste, data
significantly higher in nonisolation bags. These results suggest that untreated medical waste can safely be
suggest that the types and numbers of organisms in disposed of in sanitary landfills, provided procedures
trash generated from isolation and nonisolation are to prevent worker contact with this waste during
comparable.40 disposal are employed.lg Presumably the reason for
We can deduce from our daily exposure to excluding medical waste from landfills has been
household waste and the decades of sanitary landfill concern that pathogenic microorganisms might per-
burial that the public health risks for the less microbi- sist in and move through landfilled solid waste,
ally contaminated hospital waste are nominal. become part of the leachate produced, enter the
surrounding environment (i.e., ground and nearby
Public Health and Occupational Risks surface waters), and result in human exposure and
There is no evidence that a member of the disease through ingestion of leachate-contaminated
public or a waste industry worker has ever waters. Several laboratory and field studies on the
acquired infection from medical waste. The only survival and transport of pathogenic microorganisms
medical waste that has been associated with infectious in solid waste and its leachate found that enteric
disease transmission is contaminated sharps.lg All viruses and bacteria are largely adsorbed and inac-
reports of transmission of infectious agents by con- tivated in landfilled solid waste, are present in
taminated sharps describe occurrences in the leachates at relatively low concentrations, and are
healthcare setting during patient care, laboratory unlikely to migrate through soils into groundwater
procedures, or sharp disposal, and are not associated (Sobsey MD. Written communication.).3g,485” These
with environmental injuries that occurred after extra- studies were confirmed by the failure to detect enteric
mural disposal.lg There is no epidemiological evi- viruses in leachates from 21 landfills in the United
dence that hospital waste disposal practices have States and Canada, which represented a wide range of
caused disease in the community.11~1g~41 Further, occu- conditions regarding solid waste landfill practice,
pational exposure of waste industry workers to medi- geography, soil, and climate.52 There also is no
cal and municipal waste has not been found to lead to evidence that waterborne outbreaks of disease caused

by enteric microbes are because of municipal solid chemicals in the emissions or ash require further
waste landfills or their leachates.3g investigation that should lead to the development of
As previously noted, municipal solid waste con- scientifically based standards.
tains on average more microorganisms with patho- Currently, statewide moratoriums or stringent rules
genic potential for humans than medical waste, and (particularly air emission) and permit requirements
yet there are no restrictions on placing municipal make it virtually impossible for hospitals to install
waste into landfills. However, use of sanitary landfills incinerators and difficult for hospitals to use installed
for medical waste is not a viable long-term alternative incinerators. Health facilities in New York are preparing
because one-third of the remaining landfills will reach for strict new incineration standards that took effect
their capacity within the next five years.53 There also January 1,1992, and may close about 75% (220/300) of
is some concern about blood being discarded via the the health facility incinerators. New Jersey’s incinera-
drain connected to a sanitary sewer. This concern is tion standards have forced most health facilities to close
unwarranted for several reasons. First, conventional their incinerators or pay fines of $5,000 per month.57
treatment processes of sewage, such as primary This results in increased disposal costs for the ship-
sedimentation, secondary (biological) treatment, and ment of regulated medical waste, sometimes long
effluent disinfection are designed to reduce the micro- distances to regional incinerators.
bial content of raw sewage by 90% to 99%, depending Documented health risks from steam sterilization
on the type of microorganisms and specific treatment do not exist. Potentially, workers could be exposed to
processes.54 Second, the microbial load added to the aerosolized organic solvents or other hazardous chem-
sewer via the usually sterile body fluid-blood-is icals if these materials were autoclaved and the
negligible compared with major sources of pathogenic workers were exposed to the vented steam. This
microbes in sewage, which include the bacteria and potential emission problem can be prevented by not
viruses in human feces that exceed 1010/g.3g Third, autoclaving hazardous chemicals.20
blood discharged into the sanitary sewer system by The health risk associated with new alternative
hospitals is diluted to a very low concentration by the technologies (e.g., microwave, gamma radiation, infra-
enormous amounts of effluent from hospitals and red) requires further examination. When an alterna-
residences. Fourth, no bloodborne disease risks from tive waste treatment technology is considered, any
occupational exposure to sewage have been new (e.g., gamma radiation exposure) or additional
described.3g,55 employee exposures that could result from the new
methods should be identified and evaluated.20
Noninfectious Risks Associated with Treatment
Technologies Infection Risks Associated with Recycling
There are no demonstrated noninfectious Hospital Waste
health risks associated with waste treatment tech- There are no infectious risks associated with
nologies that are currently employed; however, recycling hospital waste. Effective management of
public health concerns regarding treatment tech- hospital waste incorporates a waste reduction and
nologies require further investigation and subse- recycling component where appropriate. Presently,
quent development of scientifically based recycling efforts by hospitals have generally focused
standards. The health risks associated with the incin- on nonpatient contact sources of waste such as glass,
eration of medical waste continue to be debated scrap metal, aluminum cans, cardboard, and packag-
because of the paucity of data. The pollutants of ing material.58 Although there are no infection risks
primary concern from both hospital and municipal posed by recycling these components of the hospital
waste incinerators include dioxins and furans (some waste stream, reports of hospitals being unable to
of which are suspected carcinogens), acid gases (e.g., market certain items for recycling (e.g., glass intrave-
hydrogen chloride), metals (e.g., lead, mercury, cad- nous bottles) because they are perceived to be “infec-
mium), and particulate emissions (which may absorb tious/medical waste” have occurred. This highlights
heavy metals and organics and serve as irritants). the need for better understanding of the actual public
Some of these substances (e.g., heavy metals, dioxins, health risks posed by the medical waste stream. From
and furans) also can be a constituent of incinerator an infectious disease perspective, only a few items
ash.20 Preliminary studies using the Ames Salmonella (e.g., sharps, plastic associated with microbiological
typhimwium assay indicate that stack fly ash and cultures) generated in the healthcare setting are not
particulate emissions from medical waste incinerators likely candidates for recycling.20
are less mutagenic than emission estimates published
for wood stoves, automobile gas engines, and residen- MWTA Costs and Benefits
tial furnaces.56 However, the public health concerns of The cost of complying with the MWTA is

much higher than EPA estimates, and there is no American Hospital Association, it would cost US
demonstrable environmental benefit. A key com- hospitals about $1.3 billion a year to comply with the
ponent in evaluating the impact on cost of a medical MWTA. This is approximately seven times the amount
waste management program is the quantity of infec- allotted ($182 million) by the federal government in
tious waste produced per patient. As stated, the 1991 for all childhood immunizations. Ultimately, this
percent of medical waste treated as infectious additional cost likely will be passed on to the public in
increases with the number of types of medical waste the form of higher medical fees, insurance rates,
classified as infectious. For example, using the CDC and/or taxes.
guidelines, about 6% of hospital waste will be treated It should be noted that while the principal pur-
as infectious.l’ In contrast, a New York university pose of the MWTA was to reduce medical waste on
hospital and university reported it designated 45% of beaches, it has not demonstrated its intended benefit.
its waste as regulated medical waste (or infectious The number of syringes on the beaches in the MWTA
waste) to be in compliance with the MWTA.5g This states was significantly greater during implementation
occurs because some of the waste listed in the MWTA of the Act (644/3,738, 17.23%) than before the Act
is included because it is aesthetically displeasing to went into effect (55/1,718, 3.2%) (Table 3). There was
the public. no relative increase in the total number of syringes on
Additionally, the terminology associated with the beaches in the 23 coastal states before and during
some waste categories is nebulous, such as “items implementation of the MWTA (Table 3).2-4 This may
saturated and/or dripping with human blood.” This substantiate some concerns that strict and expensive
wording can lead state and federal inspectors to requirements for medical waste may promote mis-
inappropriately consider any items tinged with blood management by unscrupulous generators, proces-
as regulated medical waste. Because it might be sors, and haulers. Although the MWTA expired on
difficult to maintain separate waste containers for June 22, 1991, and affected only four states (New
regulated and nonregulated medical waste in a man- York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island), it
ner that ensures no confusion in certain patient care is possible that it or similar legislation will be passed
areas (e.g., operating room, emergency room), facili- by Congress this year and extend to all states.
ties would be forced to designate all waste generated
in these areas as regulated medical waste. CONCLUSIONS
Additionally, hospitals overdesignate waste as The hasty promulgation of unscientific regula-
regulated medical waste because the penalties for tions for transport and disposal of medical waste
violating the MWTA rules are so severe. With the should be replaced with the development of uniform
exception of pathological waste, the use of aesthetics regulations based on scientific data for proper decon-
as a criterion to regulate medical waste establishes a tamination and disposal of the very small amount of
controversial precedent and reinforces the public’s medical waste that may pose an infectious hazard.
perception that more of this waste has an infectious Additionally, an intensive public education program
potential than is true.20 It also increases hospitals’ regarding the actual risks posed by medical waste and
waste disposal costs significantly more than the EPA methods for their proper management may reduce
estimate of $3,757 per hospital per year.5 the public’s outrage. This approach may prevent the
To illustrate, a New York university hospital and wasteful expenditure of precious healthcare resources
university reported that, in order to comply with the and would safeguard the environment and the public’s
MWTA, the amount of regulated medical waste gener- health.
ated increased 315% from 1984 (443,000 pounds) to Based on the scientific literature reviewed in this
1989 (1837,000 pounds), their total cost increased position paper, we conclude the following.
from $106,000 to $835,000 per year, or nearly 700%, n The vast majority of waste on beaches is
and the cost per patient per day for regulated medical general debris (>99%), not medical waste, and the
waste went from $1.04 to $5.19.5g This is largely risk of acquiring infection from medical waste on a
because of the need to consider a greater portion of beach is virtually nonexistent.
medical waste as regulated medical waste, and because n There is no scientific evidence that medical
of the cost differential between disposing of nonregu- waste has ever been the source of infection for any
lated medical waste (i.e., $0.02$0.05 per pound) person outside the healthcare setting, and there is no
compared with regulated medical waste (i.e., $0.20- evidence that a waste industry worker has ever
$0.60 per pound). Other hospitals such as Yale-New contracted an infection from medical waste.
Haven Hospital in Connecticut also have documented n Medical waste may be safely landfilled, pro-
soaring costs under the MWTA.60 Based on the New vided procedures to prevent worker contact with this
York hospital data and patient census data from the waste during disposal are employed. Bulk blood and

body fluids may be safely discarded by pouring them Printing Office; 1990:0TA-0-459.
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