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The world’s leading software for

Enterprise Feedback Management

Customer Case Study


Playing the Egg Game

Increased Value in the Customer Experience
Egg, the UK’s largest online bank, seeks to Customer Experience in Borrowing
differentiate itself as a financial services Executive Summary Management
provider and make a difference to its Egg launched in April 2005 an initiative
customers’ lives by providing them the tools • Egg is the world’s largest pure online targeting a segment of its customers who
necessary to make informed choices about bank, with over 3.6 million customers. were at risk of losing control of their debt.
their finances. Egg defines “informed choice” • Egg has been continually measuring and New management of the collections area
as “sufficient and reliable information to monitoring customer attitude since 2002. within Egg formulated a change in strategy
choose between alternatives according to • Egg launched an initiative targeting a from being a “Collections Team” to becoming
one’s values.” It perceives itself as its segment of its customers who were at a “Borrowing Management” Unit. The goal of
customers’ partner in enabling and making risk of losing control of their debt. the new department was to help customers
such choices. • The key to success of this program has that were either in or approaching financial
been the use of online surveys as a proac- difficulty, gain control of their money through
To reinforce the differentiation of Egg from tive relationship management tool. conversations that led to improved
other banks, the company focused on both • Egg has seen both an increase in savings understanding and informed decisions.
technology and a strong customer focus. of provisions for bad and doubtful debts,
as well as a significant increase in the
Egg has been continually measuring and total value of accounts kept.
monitoring customer attitude since 2002. It
has deployed commercially available software
as part of an event-driven system that interviews customers at key Following a call to the contact center, customers are asked to quantify their
moments of truth during the lifetime of their relationship with Egg. experience of the call and their attitudes to both Egg and their financial
situation. The surveys and the e-mail invitations arrive in context, pre-filled with
With respect to Egg’s call center operations, the company integrates information relevant to the call – the agent, date and time of the call and the
insight gathered from these surveys as part of a “test and learn” subject discussed – so that customers feel cared for.
program. Here, customer comments prompt analysis within insight
workshops, in which management and team members work to generate
actions within the call center. These are monitored by the quality team
and through the next set of customer insight feedback.

For these studies and in its general measurement of customer

experience, Egg has deployed the Enterprise Feedback Management
(EFM) software platform Confirmit.

The features of the product that have driven these benefits include:
• The Confirmit Reportal® online reporting platform that delivers
high-level results to business users, with the ability to drill down
interactively into data to identify and manage anomalies in the
• Rules-based escalation that delivers e-mail alerts to business
owners when specified criteria have been met.
• An open architecture that allows for two-way integration with
Egg’s back office systems. Egg pre-populates surveys with data
contained in its CRM systems.

Email: Web: Oslo: +47 21502500 London: +44 (0) 207 648 8560 New York: +1 888 801 2347 San Francisco: +1 510 653 8527
© Copyright 2008 Confirmit. All rights reserved.
The world’s leading software for
Enterprise Feedback Management

Any response indicating dissatisfaction automatically generates an alert to the with overall satisfaction.
call centre, resulting in a follow-up call to the customer to further resolve the Of the four statements that correlated most closely to customer satisfaction,
issue. three are directly under the control of the call centre agents.

The online surveys include open-text responses, providing the customer the Given that these statements can be controlled with proper agent training, the
opportunity to tell their side of the story. These are incorporated into the alerts next step was to understand the effect that increasing the level of agreement
and reports to management. with these statements would have on overall customer satisfaction.

Response rates to the survey approach 10% with nearly 1000 customers per The result was that increasing 50% of people’s agreement with the statement
month sharing their views. by one box then the overall satisfaction score can be expected to increase from
56.6% to 63.4%. Similarly, increasing 50% of people’s agreement with the
And affected customers now feel that Egg has made available to them the statements “the agent was helpful,” “knew what they were talking about,” and
freedom and flexibility of its products. This is demonstrated in the surveys “understood what was important to me,” should increase overall satisfaction to
showing that they feel more in control of their finances since Egg began the 62.8% - 63.9% from 56.6%, an increase of over 11%.
ROI - Value Delivered to Egg’s Business
The key to success of this program has been the use of online surveys as a The impact to Egg’s business has been staggering. The focus on acting as its
proactive relationship management tool as opposed to merely a random customers’ partners rather than as a collection agency has demonstrated
sampling of customers to hit a performance objective. improvement in all areas.

Further proof of the program’s success is that Egg has seen both an increase in The resulting savings for the borrowing department have doubled or more by
savings of provisions for bad and doubtful debts, as well as a significant most value measures.
increase in the total value of accounts kept.
One further effect of Egg employees playing the game has been a significant
Customer Experience at Dudley Call Centre increase in morale among members of the Borrowing Management team,
Egg built on the work performed within the Borrowing Management team by demonstrated though a decrease of 40% of absenteeism over the period.
performing a more detailed statistical analysis of the data in order to
understand how to proactively drive customer satisfaction. Conclusion
Egg takes its relationship with its customers very seriously.
At a newly opened centre in Dudley, the work focused on overall satisfaction
with each call to the call center, with a deeper look at the underlying drivers. This is evident by the integral use of customer insight to help Egg’s teams
The results were surprising and equally illuminating. deliver the right message to their customers, and a focus on measuring and
monitoring satisfaction, testing new conversations based on the insight
As with other customer touch points, Egg routinely surveys its customers upon received, and deploying the successful conversations across the call centre and
completion of calls to its call center in Dudley. A significant portion of these digitally via
surveys is focused on agreement with statements on a 5-point scale, in addition
to a question on overall satisfaction. These statements are intended to provide The result has been a significant improvement in savings of debt provisions, and
an understanding of the drivers of the overall satisfaction score. value in accounts kept with Egg, a clear benefit both to the business and to its
The company has noticed in the course of reporting the results to management
that simply looking at the monthly trend provided a look that could be About Confirmit
somewhat ambiguous. The overall average response to a question, perhaps Confirmit is the world’s leading provider of software for Market Research (MR)
about how knowledgeable an agent was, might shift very slightly from month to and Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM). The company has more than 200
month, while the percentage of people who agree strongly with the statement employees and offices in Oslo (headquarters), Guildford, London, Moscow, New
might vary to a higher degree. How does one interpret such data? York, San Francisco, and Yaroslavl. Confirmit’s software is also distributed
through partner resellers in Milan, Santiago, Sydney, Tokyo, and Valencia.
The Customer Insight team made the assumption that the key driver in the Confirmit became a public company in December 2005, and is listed on Oslo
decrease of satisfaction was the length of time of call queues before speaking to Stock Exchange under the ticker “CONF”.
an agent.
Confirmit targets Global 5000 companies and Market Research agencies
A regression analysis of the data showed that the statement, “I quickly got worldwide with a wide range of software products for feedback / data collection,
through to a person,” actually correlated least closely with overall call panel management, data processing, analysis, and reporting. Customers
satisfaction. include British Airways, Countrywide Financial, Dow Chemical, Experian,
GlaxoSmithKline, Halifax Bank of Scotland, Hewlett Packard, Intrawest, Ipsos,
What was clear was that customers clearly valued their time, and response to Nielsen, The NPD Group, Safeco Insurance, StatoilHydro, Symantec,
the statement, “Made me feel my time was well spent,” correlated most highly and Virgin Media.

Email: Web: Oslo: +47 21502500 London: +44 (0) 207 648 8560 New York: +1 888 801 2347 San Francisco: +1 510 653 8527
© Copyright 2008 Confirmit. All rights reserved.

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