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The Blue Ridge Echo . . Echo. Echo ..

Official Transmitter of the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club -

W4YK -

Volume 23, Number 11 – November 2010

The Prez Sez — I hope everyone is having a great fall and enjoying the leaves as they change colors.
Speaking of change, it is time for our elections. We are looking for people to step up and take on the leadership
positions of our club. Please let me know if you or someone you know would be interested. We are also
looking for someone to replace the Echo editor. I want our club to remain strong and be a service to our
community so please get involved.
Thanks Gene, KG4SXE, Brandy, N1HO, and Steve, KG4CRQ, for your outstanding service in helping out with
the Tour De Leaves. You were great representatives.
We have several contesting opportunities coming up in the near future and at least two parades so be watching
your Echo.

Danny Rector, AJ4HZ

Our Next Meeting: November 2, 2010

7:00 pm – George, N5NNS: Japanese Hentenna Revisited

MEETING MINUTES OF October 5th, 2010 —The meeting of October 5, 2010 came to order
promptly at 7:00 p.m., with Danny Rector, AJ4HZ, presiding. We had 12 members present for the meeting,
which began with the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag, and then the meeting was brought to order.

The treasurer's report was approved with a total of $1,383 being in the treasury at the time of the club meeting.

The September minutes were approved as recorded in THE ECHO.

Announcements from the floor:
We elect new officers in November if you are interested or would like to nominate someone for offices please
contact the steering committee.

A thank you was given for all those that participated in the Hunger Walk on Saturday, September 25.

Volunteers are needed for the coming Tour De Leaves bike ride on October 16, 2010. Contact Gene KG4SXE
for further information.

The BRARC Holiday Party will be on December 7, 2010 at the Twin Dragon, 1261 Asheville Hwy, Brevard.

The evening's program was presented by Danny Rector, AJ4HZ, presenting a K6MM's webinar, building and
results of using a 160 helical antenna.

At 8:04PM meeting was adjourned

Respectfully submitted,
Sid Hendricks, W4IOE Special thanks to John Quinn, N9JZX, for taking the minutes in my absence!

Hunger Walk Communicators – On Saturday, September

25th, six of our members provided radio communications for the
Henderson County Hunger Coalition Hunger Walk. We have worked this
annual event for several years, and in each of them Gene, KG4SXE, has
managed our efforts. We covered both the 5-mile and 10-mile walks.
Participants were Brandy, N1HO; John, N9JZX; Frank, WN4NC; Bob,
KD4OKT (not in photo); Dick, W4RSS; and Gene KG4SXE.

Tour de Leaves – Brandy, N1HO, Steve, KJ4CRQ, and Steve’s

wife, Kathy, volunteered to help with the Tour De Leaves sponsored by
the Arts and Crafts of Tryon.

October 16th turned out to be a beautiful day for the bike ride. There were a total of 289 riders that signed up.
We were assigned to the rest stop at mile marker 52 of the 66 mile
ride. It was a tough climb up the Saluda grade so all the riders were
happy to see us after that climb. It was mostly downhill after they left
us. But we made sure they had water, some snacks and bananas in
order to keep their strength at a high level.

We were on station from about 10:30 to 3:30 as about 150 riders

stopped at the rest stop. Most of the riders stopped to refuel, rest a
few minutes and talk. They were very nice and thanked us for helping
at the rest stop. We enjoyed the day and were glad we could help. –
Steve, KJ4CRQ (photo by N1HO)

Mark Your Calendar —

20-21 November – November Sweepstakes Contest

7 December – Holiday Party
Please notify the editor if dates change, or as new events arise.
Great Fun at Ten-Tec and SEDCO – Many members of our club were at the Ten-Tec Hamfest
and afterward at the SEDCO conference.

The hamfest grows each year. There were so many rows of tailgaters that we could not sort through all of them.
One of our BRARC hams sold out of everything by 11am. Ten-Tec hosted seminars and factory tours. A new
transceiver made its debut, the Ten-Tec Eagle introduced with fanfare and an actual eagle.

The SEDCO meeting was also a great success. The seminars were
terrific. Outside the meeting room were vendor displays staffed by
knowledgeable representatives. The “Blue Lightning” rotary-gap
spark transmitter was set up with a hand key for us to try. Indeed, it
was loud, glowed in the dark, and hurled Blue Lightning. The photo
shows Ed, W2HTI, sending CQ while Eileen, KO4DI, is in the aura of
ozone from the spark at the lower right.


From Eric, W4ENC --

ICOM IC-706M2G with MARS/CAP mod and separation kit. Asking $550 very good condition.

From Tom, W1ODC, Saluda, NC, (828-749-2433)

Butternut HF2V Vertical
Dual-band optimized for 80 & 40 Meters. 32 feet tall. No guying required.
Price: $75.00 (New: $280.00)
Local pickup only - does not want to ship.

If you have items for sale, or need something, notify the editor.

November Sweepstakes –This year’s November Sweepstakes Contest is 20 - 21 November. We will

be contesting from the shack as W4YK. Sign up at next meeting.

PTT ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ Pile-ups galore! On 10/10/10 the two DXCC entities in

the Netherlands Antilles reorganized to become as many as 4 entities. It seemed like most of
the amateur radio world was trying to reach these new entities on the first day, but activity
became more reasonable after a few days. Dave, K4SV, was part of the DXpedition to
Sint Martin, PJ7E.

The rover team of BRARC members AJ4FV and AI4GR scored a first place in the Roanoke
Division during ARRL’s June VHF QSO Party.

Agenda 21 Conspiracy by Nancy Williams is a modern-day thriller set in western North Carolina and Tennessee.
Amateur radio plays a big part. Hint: none of the bad guys are hams.

—— AI4GR is clear.
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club
Points of Contact $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Danny Rector, AJ4HZ - 828-698-3231 Financial Report: October 2010 - Lil Clark
Vice President: Balance as of 9/30/10 $ 1386.83
Craig Miller, KE4DFV - 828-884-5773 Plus: Deposits 0.00
Less: Expenses 0.00
Sid Hendricks, W4IOE - 828-684-8130 Balance as of 10/17/10 $ 1386.83
Lil Clark, KG4GFP - 828-877-5223 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Ron Parham, K2SST - 828-890-4802
Rusty Jones, KG4JGQ - 828-674-9350 Purpose: The purpose of the club is to further the
Antennas: Walt Wernsing, KO4JN - 828-891-9956
exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and
Echo Editor: Michael Parente, AI4GR - 828-891-8970 individual operating efficiency, and to promote and conduct programs and activities as to advance the
Webmaster: Dick Smith, K4KQJ - 828-687-9531 general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the
ARRL Emergency Coordinator: Will Hicks, WI1L
828-553-8116 Elmers: We have many “Elmers.” An Elmer is a
VE Testing: Sid Hendricks, See above knowledgeable amateur radio operator who is willing to
Membership: - Lil Clark, See above
Public Relations: Dick Smith, See above help new hams and “students” with questions or
Trustee: Steve Smith, KC5F - 828-697-6388 procedures and help them to understand more about the hobby.
Volunteer Examinations: Every 3 months, our
volunteer examiners provide an opportunity to get your
Club Information
amateur license or to upgrade your status.
Address: Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club NEXT SESSION: November 13, 2010
PO Box 831, Horse Shoe NC 28742
Contact Sid, W4IOE, for details.
Classes: We occasionally have classes so you can learn
Dues: Our dues cover the period from January through how to get your own amateur radio Technician class
December. Dues for additional related members in the license.
same household as a Full or Associate member are one-
half the applicable rate. Dues for full-time students of
an accredited school are one-half the regular rate as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
long as student status is maintained. New members
joining between July and December pay one-half the A message from the editor....... Articles and
applicable rate for membership through the end of the submissions for the Echo should be sent by the
year. This year’s dues are $20.00 per person; $10.00 15th of each month.
per additional family member. If you have something to add to our newsletter,
send it to: Michael, AI4GR.
Please send your renewals to: Lil Clark, 15 Autumn
Call me at: 828-891-8970 or E-mail me at:
Glen Ct., Brevard, NC 28712
Meetings: We meet at the Stoney Mountain
Activity Center at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
each month.
Nets and On-The-Air Activities

Net Freq / PL Day Time

BRARC Net 146.640 MHz/ 91.5 Sunday 8:00 PM

Henderson County ARES Net 146.640 MHz / 91.5 Wednesday 8:30 PM
High Country Swap & Rag Chew 442.225 MHz/107.2 Monday 9:00 PM
Red Cross Communicators 146.640 MHz/91.5 Sunday 9:00 PM
Mount Mitchell 6m Net 53.630 MHz/100 Friday 9:00 PM
QCWA Chapter 76 3.625 MHz (SSB) Saturday 8:45 AM
Buncombe ARES Net 146.910 MHz/ 91.5 Wednesday 9:00 PM
Good Morning Net 146.760 MHz M-W-F 9:00 AM
WCARS Info. Net 146.910 MHz/ 91.5 Monday 9:00 PM
6600 Net 145.190 MHz Saturday 9:00 PM
Blue Ridge Traffic (SC) 146.610 MHz Daily 9:00 PM
Mount Pisgah 220 Net 224.260 MHz Sunday 9:00 PM
Mount Mitchell 220 Net 224.540 MHz Monday 8:00 PM
Rutherford County ARES Net 147.240 MHz/ 94.8 Wednesday 8:00 PM
Tarheel Emergency Net 3.923 MHz (SSB) Daily 7:30 PM
NC Morning Net 3.926 MHz (SSB) Daily 7:45 AM
SATERN Net 14.265 MHz Daily 10:00 AM
NC Evening Net 3.923 MHz (SSB) Daily 6:30 PM
Carolinas Slow Net 3.571 MHz (CW 5-8 wpm) Daily 8:00 PM
Carolinas Net (Late) 3.573 MHz (CW 15-18 wpm) Daily 10:00 PM
Carolinas Net (Early) 3.573 MHz (CW 20-22 wpm) Daily 7:00 PM

If this information has changed, please contact Michael at

Club Meeting Tuesday

November 2, 7:00 pm
Stoney Mountain Activity Center

Subsequent club meeting

December 7, 6:00 pm
Twin Dragons Restaurant

Henderson County ARES

Training Session
Fourth Monday of month
Etowah Lions Club, 7pm

— Find us on the web at < > —

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